Yeah, Lyne is good. I've mostly played it on mobile though--it's simple enough that it's really good in that format.
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Way more common than I would like. The very reason I am mostly doing restricted giveaways.
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haha what?
well jerks like that appear from time to time but i can feel your anger
thanks for your contribution...cause sharing is caring ;)
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There are some people who wait until the very last minute to give the winner the key and just ignore them until that time. You could also give them a duplicate key and then pretend to not know what is happening, and at the last possible moment give them the real key. If you wanted to be evil, that is.
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For some reason I am blacklisted as well. I guess vonRaven is one of those guys with "You said something I don't agree with so you're blacklisted! I don't like your name so you're blacklisted! I'm in a bad mood so you're blacklisted!" mentality.
I already have all 3 of those games so I don't really care though.
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Then why am I on your blacklist? I don't recall breaking any rules nor do I think I was ever offensive towards anyone on the forum. The only case that I can remember that could be counted as being rude was when I called one person an idiot for his homophobic comments.
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That's interesting. I've never broken any rule. I've also never been offensive, since I'm barely active on the forums. Usually I only post in my own topics and even when I do so, I write on the subject, without sharing any feelings (except this time maybe). Sorry to bother you, I just thought that I had given no reason to blacklist me and couldn't refrain of asking for a reason?
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I have a lot of people in my blacklist for breaking the rules (begging, ref links, etc) and being hostile for no reason. There are also people I have no memory of who seem quite nice. For now don't worry about it and just assume it was a mistake.
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Aight then. I was just curious, as I felt like blacklisting me would be extremely unfair, as I'm pretty sure I've never broken any single rule, been hostile or write something that could hurt anyone else. But, well, it's your blacklist and you're the boss here.
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You are right about that but I am currently rethinking my blacklist. I should really get an addon to use tags because believe it or not it doesn't make me happy to blacklist people and even less to not remember why. So for now I just wish you a nice day.
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Yeah, that's an issue. Some people for example make a joke about begging but it sounds like actual begging. Support has a no tolerance rule about it because it's often impossible to tell if it was a joke. I am thinking about adding an expiration date to my blacklist.
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Actually, my ''attempt to be funny" was one of those threads in which you say you're giving away a GTAV or other AAA game, but clicky leads you to cheap crap. I'm not even mad that I am on some blacklists, especially cause I don't enter many GA's, only if it's on my wishlist and level +2 or on wishlist and private ;)
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Just out of curiosity; by better ways could that be placing the giveaway CV level to 1 or 2?
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Thanks for your insights, I thought about the same except that 3+ is indeed better against leechers than 1 or 2.
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Level 2 should be enough to keep the real leechers away. Personally, if someone has given away 40 games but won 70 I don't really consider that person a leecher. I do level 3 giveaways because with level 2 there are still a lot of people who don't completely understand the rules, etc.
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Bump for gratefulness!
Thanks for Lyne, entered for it!
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Are you calling vonRaven out on calling someone else out? Because calling out isn't just making a thread about it. It's talking about someone breaking the rules in public. So funnily enough while he didn't break the rules(being ungrateful isn't breaking the rules), you just did :p
(But it's fine, because in a way I just did it too)
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Thank you for the giveaways!
I think I will never understand ungrateful winners. They get something completely free and yet they are ungrateful? I don't get it.
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clickbait title
Okay, I couldn't resist :|
thx for the giveaways too :P
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Entered Super Hexagon, thank you! :)
LYNE is super awesome, everyone should play it. Thanks for offering it!
I'll never understand the people who feel the need to point out that they are blacklisted, I see it like their calling themselves out xD
And it's like they are trying to guilt the person for blacklisting them.
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In the end, that's what this site is for :P I don't feel like wanting to win many games and I rarely participate in giveaways. As I've seen guys with 200 won and 0 given, I can't call anything else leeching :D (unlees someone has 2K games two thousand, not those 2K like Borderlands xD) and bad ratio.
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I can't speak for others, but personally, if I notice I've been blacklisted, I want to know why. It has nothing to do with trying to get the person to remove me from their blacklist or guilt-tripping, it's about not having to spend time coming up with possible reasons myself. Also, if I've been a dick or broken the rules, there's no way it could have been intentional, so I want to be able to clear up the misunderstanding.
I'd actually ask why I've been blacklisted, though, instead of saying "YOU HAVE BLACKLISTED ME."
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So I'm on your African American list. May I know why? I try my best to not post anything offensive or rude and the only time I begged was when I signed up (and got a suspension for that) so I can't think of anything, so if there's something I missed, sorry for that. Not asking you to remove me, just looking for a reason :P And thank you for the gibs.
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I understand your desire to know the reason but sadly I can not remember it. I wiped my blacklist when SG v2 started and you are here for two years so your begging can't be the reason. The thing is that there can be missunderstandings, that's why I am thinking about putting an expiration date to blacklist entries.
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When I see something like buzzfeed articles with their clickbait titles I want to bang my head against the desk. You all shall suffer too!
Naah, kidding. The title just was the first thing that came to my mind because sadly sooner or later most people will experience something like this. Considering the amount of giveaways you have done you are lucky to be spared from it. I hope it stays that way, you deserve gratitude. :)
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This is a clickbait title, right? Good, because there are giveaways!
I had my first ungrateful winner and I don't want it to end like this.
Super Hexagon
One Way Heroics
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