A new super secret group for people that have not created too many "lickable" giveaways.

Why another group? Because of this comment.

What is a "lickable" giveaway?

  • Idk yet.

Requirements to join:

  • clean profile on SG, SR, Steam; not too many "lickable" giveaways whatever that means for now; just request to join on Steam
  • no history of breaking the rules of other Steamgifts groups (Addition Dec 28th '22) If you have been denied to join the group but have a clean SG, SR, Steam sheet, you probably misbehaved in another group connected to SG. The other admin(s) and I will not answer every comment in this thread.

Rules, once in the gorup:

  • group giveaways should contain cat pics or similar
  • group giveaways should last 24h or longer, so every timezone has a fair chance to enter
  • if you win, show the giveaway's creator your appreciation - like by saying thanks in the giveaway
    If there is no appreciation in the giveaway, you might be kicked! Of course, if you won more than one giveaway by the same person at once, appreciation in one of those giveaways is sufficient, we don't want to litter someones inbox.

Is there a ratio or monthly giveaway rule?

  • no

Will there be 100s of AAA giveaways?

  • Probably not. I do not know if there will be many giveaways at all.

Remember to sync your Steamgifts, once you joined the group.

If anyone wants to see the group's SG page: https://www.steamgifts.com/group/TEcMB/uli7

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1 year ago*

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Can I join? I need to see if there are any LIQuored up cats.

1 year ago

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Just request to join on Steam.

1 year ago

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Hi, I would like to join.

1 year ago

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Hi, request sent on steam :P

1 year ago

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This needs more tongue in cheek puns :P

1 year ago

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I'd like to join, I sent a request.

1 year ago

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Hey jorin,

I suspect that you have been on Steamgifts before, deleted an re-registered your account. If so, what were the reasons for that?

1 year ago

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Hey, that's curious, what makes you think so?
I don't think I've registered here earlier, I've definitely have no recollection of being here before January of this year when I signed up.
I'm genuinely wondering why you think I've been here before, is there a way to check that?
I've checked my emails and I don't have anything from earlier than this year so I doubt I've deleted my account here.
Also, feel free to add me on Steam if you want to talk, that would probably be faster than chatting here.

1 year ago*

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You check on my list of indicators for re-registered accounts on a weak indicator.


1 year ago

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Hello friends. I want to be the part of this Unlicky group :D! Can I?

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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I'd like to join, I just sent a request on Steam.
Thanks in advance

1 year ago

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Hello, Can I join the group ?
I don't quite understand the requirement of not having too many lickable giveaways
I hope I am eligible

1 year ago

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Hey Sagnik,
in the end you should have done a couple of nice giveaways. 3 out of your 4 giveaways are categorised as trash in my book, only Greed seems to be somewhat decent.

1 year ago

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Sure, I am new here so I was just testing out how to create giveaways
I will be doing some more in future and apply again
Is there a number of how many decent GA should I do ?

1 year ago

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There is no fixed number, it is based more on a general impression.
The fact, that you answered is a positive point for you.

1 year ago

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Hello, am I eligible now ?

1 year ago

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Yes, request to join on Steam.
Edit: Invited.

1 year ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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Hey Taurtirith,
your giveaways so far are too few to lick properly so far. Ask again in a while.

Edit: Deleting comments is always such a nice way to build trust. 76561198323184991

1 year ago*

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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Hey Taurtirith,
you are not welcome anymore among the lickies, as you have abused Unlucky7 for more than your fair share.

1 year ago

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Do you have to leave at 7th lick or can you stay as licker?

1 year ago

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Cats have 9 lives, so ...
You have to decide to with 7s or 9s. Every 7s/9s giveaway you win from the group, you have to spam 7/9 cat pics either here in the thread or in a giveaway you create.
I love making up rules on the fly.

1 year ago

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Then we are done there, I hate cats.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Rules arent lickable enougth yet. If someone wins they have to... say... thanks? Maybe its only me, but i have 6 cats that- while they cant talk- im sure they would agree with me that doesnt sound very lickable. Maybe a broad 'lickable quality' creative comment or pic/gif 🤔? I will try to lick further on the subject

A sugestion could also be for the GAs to be likeable. THAT ISNT A TRANSLATION at all of lickable, never- but, to everyone who ever indulged in lickable activities its very much associated with likeable and enjoyment (being licked more specifically; licking is more of a mixed bag suprise). 'If you could lick it, would it be good?' could be a good tip.

You could also collective develop on what lickable is- even if it may be a unending ever puzzling ineffable goal- by agreeing that every GA for the group should ask 'Is this lickable?'
-anyone can give 1 of 3 answers: lickable, unlickable (but approved/pass), unlickable (disaproved) - answers can be elaborated further as per users whims and their depth of curiosity towards lickability philosophical debate.
-anyone who enters MUST answer; winners that havent answered can be rerolled as per creator decision.
-if theres more 'unlickable disaproved' then other answers (or less then 5 entries) the creator can delete the GA, even at last second, and no one can give a lick about it

Maybe also include a 'highly lickable' as answer and or every now and again pools for most lickable ga creator (of the month, quarter, whatever)- and then every now and again someone could do a 'top lickable ga only' (only for the current top 5 or 10 most lickable menbers)

Lick my ideas?

Oh, and id also lick a invite.

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1 year ago*

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I only do not like to see winners that show no gratitude at all. What form that gratitude takes ...., as long as it can be seen on/from SG.

Just request to join on Steam.

1 year ago

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sent request

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1 year ago

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Too late ...
You are already in the group.

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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Hi, I would like to join.

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1 year ago

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I would like to join, if I may :)

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1 year ago

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Hi, asked to join :)

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1 year ago

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Sent request

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1 year ago

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Hi, as a cat lover, not an owner though I would like to join. Sent a request.

1 year ago

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I would like to join the group

1 year ago

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Hey ElMalo,
it would be nice so see some activity on SG first. Please cancle your request to join the group on Steam for now.

1 year ago

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Hi, this looks like interesting group. Could I join? I'm mostly trash collector/dispenser so I'm not sure about the lickability

1 year ago

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Request to join on Steam.

1 year ago

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what means lickable? im not good at english :c

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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My intention was to say "it should be a nice giveaway a cat would lick".
You have done some nice giveaways, so feel free to request to join the group on Steam.

1 year ago

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My gifts are not as good as the ones i received but i will do my best. Request send :D

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1 year ago

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would like to join the group

1 year ago

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I'm in Unlucky 7 already, I wonder if I can join this one or not :D

1 year ago

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1 year ago

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This comment was deleted 1 year ago.

1 year ago

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I like the name. But, i don't want to join, atm (and probably can't either).

1 year ago

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Shameless self bump.

1 year ago

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