Consume it?
I got everyday socks, so.... I can't imagine that consuming those will be pleasant.
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find them in your steam inventory
for 1 use- u get 1st lvl badge
for every other use badge level up, thats it ;)
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Every consumed item adds 25xp
From looking at badge images change at 1+/10+/25+/100+ ... up to 1M+
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yea i got screwed i bought over 300. valve should have had the values in the knick knack description and on sale faq
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Bought a bunch of these out of curiosity.
First 4 were 25 XP each (reached 100 XP)
Next 4 were 20 XP each (reached 180 XP total)
Then it dropped to 15 XP for the next 2 (total of 210 XP)
Then 10 XP for the next 4 (total of 250 XP)
After that each consumable only gets 1 XP, so it's not really worth levelling that badge up beyond that point
Not that it's actually worth levelling any badge up, but in case anyone else was wondering …
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I ate it and got a lvl 1 badge. Although my knick-knack was different than this. I find this to be the weirdest steam sale badge to date.
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Go here, and click on the outlined 'door' (new door available each day, you can open missed ones from previous days at any time). You'll get three items for doing so (seems to be one background, one consumable, and one emoji).
There's a link to the cottage from the main store page too.
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Thanks, but my door from yesterday had only 2 items - a Team Fortress 2 background and a Warframe emoticon. There was no consumable.
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Huh! I will have to check my Inventory again. I know I looked earlier today, and even though it said I received a total of 6 items (from yesterday and today), I could not find any consumables.
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Gasp! You looked at my Inventory?!? Couldn't you at least buy me dinner first? I seem to have a candy cane and some gold coins, after all!;) LOL!
In all seriousness, thank you for pointing them out for me.:)
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For anyone reading this, Valve fixed the problem. Anyone who was missing an item can now go back to the cozy cottage page and re-open the door in question, and any missing items from the first time will now be given to you.
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When my GF opened a door she had "2 items"... the inbox showed 4 items... the 'missing' item was a ETS2 (I think that's the abbrevation) cakehouse thingie ingame... was 3 items after all.
Myself I got 2 backgrounds rather than bg+emoticon yesterday.
Lazy shack can be odd sometimes eh?
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When my GF opened a door
Briefly, I thought she opened a real door . . . >_>" Yes, the servers arent the best after all these years. I usually start the Explore Queue at least 1hr after the reset as I keep getting blank pages and I hate to miss out on an item on the Queue. 15,252 viewed dividable by 12 which are the number of items in a queue ^^
*Side note - I read your comment on Subnautica on Epic, yep I got it there or at least I claimed it. Thank you. Also the forum can be weird at times when there are alot of threads comments. I also experience hitting the 1st page instead of the last. Cheers and Merry Christmas ^_^
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I am wondering, am I missing anyinformation about the items that drop? Are they good for anything? All of them have a "cozy" in their name (speaking of emotes and backgrounds). And why do they grant a 100 gems each? Why is anybody selling them if they can make nice sacks of gems? I can't get rid of the feeling that I'm missing something obvious...
Can anybody please shed some light for me?
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1) Some people might like to use certain bg and emoticons. Since you get 2 from a random group you need to buy/trade/alt the missing ones.
2) Not everyone knows gems well and just go the market route.
3) They grant 100 gems since Valve and Valve likes giving their own items the biggest value to give the biggest buck over everyone else.
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It just doesnt make sense selling them, you sell 1 for like 4 cents get 2 cents times 10 you get 20 cents. A bag of gems right now goes for 24 cents giving you 21 cents per bag and this is now and as record shows bags of gems once sold for 3.94 a bag getting you 3.43 per bag
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they give new badges exp per lvl
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today is the last day and will be disappeared or we can still use it tomorrow ?
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Thanks a lot, it's really useful.
Didn't notice about it yesterday >.<
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Just a reminder to everyone that the Steam Awards consumables/knick-nacks and Award cards expire later today. Use them, craft the budges, sell them or turn them into gems before they expire.
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How do I consume them????
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