Clean looks, simple mechanics, no deception. I have actually seen much worse on Greenlight! :)
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Well, me neither (price doesn't really matter). But I also believe thousands of other games shouldn't be there (see almost all games included in Indiegala or Groupees bundles in the last year or two). Frankly, most of the times a giveaway has a Greenlight link, I click and within 10 seconds I'm thinking: "Seriously?".
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I'm well aware that most things on Greenlight are trash, and that both Indiegala and Groupees often feature some of said trash. Also, Groupees and their damn "Build a Greenlight Bundle," which has helped get some pretty awful games Greenlit.
Don't defend something just because you've "seen much worse". Really, saying that there's worse on Greenlight, is like comparing cat shit to dog shit. In the end, it doesn't really matter, because they're both shit.
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I have no reason to defend this game; at the same time I see no reason to single it out from the mass of shovelware that infests Steam.
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Also, for example, cat piss is worse than dog piss.
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Okay...the 'supposedly' part was my bad. It shares the same name as this other pile of crap, so ITAD pulled the info from THAT game instead. I haven't been able to find this exact game on ITAD.
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easy to find if you use enhanced steam in the browser :)
the link will then appear on the store page if you hover over the price
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It's nice to see you completely missed the point of my post, because whatever you linked, displays info for the OTHER pile of crap that I mentioned. Which, like I said, was contingent to my initial wrong assumption in thinking that the game was previously bundled.
Oh, and by the way. I've been around here and Steam for a while now. What makes you think I don't use Enhanced Steam? :)
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It's the best game ever ! and ONLY 9.99€ now that Jyazen is a great deall if I ever saw ONE !
Call now 0118 999 881 999 119 725 3 because you're now in shock of having made this great deal !
Yes call now and get a free kitty stock limited, see applicable conditions at your Chantilly retailers.
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You guys made me burst into tears.
Oh, nostalgia :')
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Have a good day.
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You jest, but a simple white and red square emote would be quite sought-after. There are single-colour square block emotes on Steam and they fetch a pretty penny, because people use them to build ASCII-art like pictures on their profile page.
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It looks simpler than my first homework in programming (which was after the second class). And that was a "turn all the lights on" game where you have a 5x5 grid of squares and when you click 5 squares in a + where the center of the plus/cross is the square you clicked change their color (white to yellow) if it was yellow it goes back to white, to win you have to make all squares yellow, you get the point.
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Wasn't referring to this weird thing called game in particular, it was more meant as an possible outlook what the recent bundling of GameMaker will bring to Greenlight... The Tower is just one of the symptoms it unfortunately suffers from. I'm curious however if they will ever sell a copy...
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Hmm.. most puzzles I know don't rely on a series of random guesses
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i think burning my money woul be better than this.
i thought i had seen the worst but it seems greenlight "games" surprised me there
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system requirements: you need just 30 mb to install it, but 1 gb ram???? why?
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OS system requirements. The same deal when people on the FFVI forums were flabbergasted on why does an iOS port of a SNES game need 2 GB of RAM and a dual-core processor.
That 1 GB would indicate WinXP compatibility or Linux version though. Win7 and up won't really work on anything under 2 GB…
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Legends say that in the next updates, every time you finish the game it will add another line of squares bringing it to 11. 12, 13 and so on.
Infinite replayability= worth the price
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no puzzle to solve there, just pure memorization. no thanks.
EDIT: i can easily program simple shit like that. i should quit and start a greenlight career... ^^
EDIT2: even without quitting my job, i probably could develop one game like this every week, even with my little spare time. greenlight, i come! nah, you would all hate me and compare me to digital homicide for spamming the store with shitty and lazy games. then i get angry at you and sue at least a hundred of you. i don't wanna end up like that... xD
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Oh, I made something similar for android, then deemed it too stupid to actually publish... Mine was about patting the cat a certain number of times but being careful it doesn't randomly freak out on you. Hahaha.
Anyway, I think the only way to have less "unworthy" games on Steam is to actually hang out at Greenlight all the time and sownvote stuff, otherwise if you don't have time nor will to do it, don't protest when someone else votes things up. My opinion is that everything finished and playable should be given a chance to sell... and let the buyers beware, read reviews, ask for refund and so on. Yes, this particular game looks like something too small to be paid (I remember these tile clicker games from eons ago and they used to be postcard-ware, lol), but some casual user will buy it... and there are some SG users that are gonna buy it for sure.
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Common sense O.o How unusual. I agree with you. Everyone who does not vote on Greenlight shouldn't complain too much since they have a chance to influence what appears on Steam and what not. If they do not use this chance it is their fault. So we should not blame Greenlight but the community (ourselves included).
And for that price it is unlikely that there are many people buying it so it will more then likely rot there. In worst case you have to click one time "Not interested" and it will not bother you much anymore. Let the system regulate itself.
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Oh sh*t, 10 euros??? I didn't even look at the price. But I agree, it's just going to help the "system" bury it faster. Except if the guy didn't set that price only to be able to keep it at regular -75% discount and hope for the people to buy without even looking at what it is.
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10€ base price, poop out 90% vouchers, and get free moneyz.
It's the new Steam meta for devs i think.
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'I think the only way to have less "unworthy" games on Steam is to actually hang out at Greenlight all the time and sownvote stuff'
Well, unless the rules and algorithms behind Greenlight have changed while I wasn't looking, that does exactly nothing as as "NO" votes aren't counted at all.
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Yes, you are right that downvoting does nothing. Still there is some truth in the sentence. Greenlight is by definition a popularity poll. While it is not important how many don't like something, it is rather important how many like something in comparison to something different. Buying votes, trolling votes, etc... all that would be less of a problem if more people would use Greenlight the way it is intended: By answering the actual questions ("Would you buy .....") honestly and purely subjective.
Or phrased differently. Just ask yourself: Which system is easier to trick/game/play/abuse? The one with 5000 user or the one with 50000 users? (In general of course, with enough dumbness and a questionable system even a system with 1000000 people can easily be deceived. Hm this reminds me somehow: When is the presidential election in America?)
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Add 31 more floors, and you'll have more different and unique towers than there are planets in No Man's Sky! Mind blown.
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Basic Memory Puzzles are the easiest crap to program, i'm surprised steam isn't overflowing with Simon clones
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Far too early to say that. There may be a chance that there will be no achievements at all. Other than that the developer could just mock completionist: "Climb the tower on your first try!" Chances for that are 1:3^10 or in short: impossible.
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Challenging and innovative puzzle. yes, puzzle, singular, no s
No sound needed.
What the fark is this shit?
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