Name: Nordhbane
Time: 1:05:46
Bonus price: Lichdom: Battlemage Lvl2
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Name: AceMcCloud
Time: 36:19
Prize: Else Heart.Break()
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I wasn't sure about using that photo, because of the sort of low quality and tiny detail, but I figured, why not?
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(Not sure if this falls within your guidelines...I need a trick to be able to beat you, so I hope you are colorblind :P)
Name: m3rc
Time: 36:15
Prize: Cities in Motion 2 Collection level 2+
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It would not fit the rules of a clear motive, and you're using the wrong link. ;) (This is the correct one )
That being said, I'm not colourblind: 27:18
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Name: Ninefingers
Time: 24:23
No bonus prize, I have an own puzzle discussion with GA's here
(that is the correct format, right?)
I cheated because I have been there twice :)
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Time: 17:18, I was able to beat you.
Sorry, mate, no advantage for you. I've been there as well ;) Didn't go up into the top though, the queue was too long. Part of our Italy holiday, went to Rome, Florence (where I successfully proposed to my wife) and Venice. All 3 cities are so lovely and I can really recommend going there, unlike Paris, which was one of the biggest disappointments travel-wise for me. I understand why there's a Paris Syndrome. :P
Really liked the design of the puzzle. :)
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Name: mrt39
Time: 17:17
Prize: Preatorians Lvl 0, Ends on March 3.
I have been there way too many times because it's one of my favourite cities, but as I suck at Jigsaws, I don't think I stand a chance against such a Jigsaw beast like you, Nordhbane.
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Needed more bluehearts to increase entries for Pixeljunk Monsters, and since you don't have it and I liked your puzzle, you're on the list. :)
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Name: Ritona
Time: 17:51
Bonus prize: Our Nation's Miner level 0+ (Ends 10th March)
Finally made my challenge! I have a feeling you'll beat my score regardless :< you're just too good!
Sorry, not a very good prize but I wanted to contribute something at least.
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I'm using mouse. Never could get the hang of a trackpad, or a WACOM-board. Might be because I'm a leftie, but I'm using my right hand for the mouse, so when I'm using those I tend to go for my left hand, which isn't as used to controlling the mouse pointer.
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Name: Phoxy
Time: 22:54
Bonus price: Super 3-D Noah's Ark
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It's ok if you call it blurry x)
Name: Mehamatica
Time: 21:45
Bonus prize: Never Alone
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It is very single coloured and blurry, but I'll give it a try anyhow. At the moment by browser seem to be acting up though on the puzzle site, might have to reboot the computer, but can't do that right now. Getting a weird white line across the right side of the screen on the puzzle page.
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I beat you, like Leo finally beat Oscar ! 17:29 But it took me a few tries :(
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Thanks for the blue heart <3 And I had less tries then Leo :P
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He only got nominated 5 times before, so it's not that many times (he should have gotten nominated for Titanic, but for some odd reason he didn't). It was 12 whole years between first and second nomination.
Personally I find him a bit overrated, he doesn't quite have the range as actors like Matt Damon.
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Funny that I think the exact opposite concerning Matt and Leo. Leo has even proved numerous times of how he can adapt to different roles. I can't say the same for Matt. He has only done a few of unique roles, most of them are too similar if you ask me, so similar that there is not even a range to speak of. And this comes from someone that actually hated Leo back in the day of the Titanic era. I appreciated him much more as the years passed by though. Matt compared to him, is simply... average in my eyes.. Just proves how different opinions can be..
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Name: SilentGuy
Time: 19:22
Bonus price: Spellbind
Not proud of that time, might try to push it a bit further... But doing the same puzzle multiple times is meh...
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Time: 16:37
Afraid I was able to beat you. Really nice with a vertical puzzle, made it a bit different. :) I was afraid the blues would be hard, but there was enough difference in the brightness and hue that it was quite easy to fit them in.
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A new challenger has appeared! I'm not actually participating, just more puzzles for the addicts :P
Shouldn't be hard to beat, I'm terrible at this.
Name: lmxn
Time: 25:08
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Name: math47
Time: 00:26:23
Bonus price: Anomaly 2 Lvl 1
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Time: 18:57
Despite beating you, this one does not fall within the rules of "no big areas of a single colour and blurry backgrounds" so for the sake of the challenge, I'm going to disqualify it. Nice giveaway though, I really like the Anomaly games. :)
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Name: 20thgirl
Time: 1:11:08
No bonus prize, but I might change my mind before deadline and put one up.
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They are my cats. The orange one passed 2 years ago tho, I still miss him. Here's puzzle with less pieces if anyone wats to slove that instead
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I'm a freelancer that works from home most of the time, and the wife works a 5 minute walk from home, so if I have to go out for work she can come home over lunch to make sure the dog's not home alone for too long. Otherwise we wouldn't have gotten the dog.
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Name: dankk
Time: 41:30
Bonus price:
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Name: MBcoder
Time: 00:10:57
Bonus price: Fortune's Tavern - The Fantasy Tavern Simulator
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Failure is always an option. At this rate, I will add challengers to the whitelist and not just people that beat me. Only 4 people on the whitelist at the moment, and I know 1 isn't interested in any of the games, and I do want my precious CV. ;)
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Name: SnegoPad815
TOO HARD Challenge: id=40BLL5OK
Time: 24:38
EZ Challenge: id=S9VKT2KP
Time: 9:59
Prize: PixelJunk™ Monsters Ultimate, Ends on March 11
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Already have two dudes, who have solved puzzle.
Pieces are different enough, just need a little more attention to detail.
This is the essence the Challenge. Isn't it?
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Check the disclaimer in the challenge. I wanted clear motives. You have a same colour repeating pattern on a huge part of the puzzle. As said, if people convince me otherwise, it's a no to the challenge. You are always free to do another design though.
Consider also that you have 2 other solvers, Sagamuga that posted his only 4 hours ago already have 6 other solvers, and he doesn't even offer a prize.
The essence of the challenge was to put together fair and fun images, not trying to find images that are hard because of a bad design.
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Name: Schnap
Time: 22:36
Hope u Don't mind a lil logo company I work for :P
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Name: Starlynk
Time: 37:26 (I will try to improve it later, cause I messed up and I'm sure you'll beat it easily! ;-))
Prize: Rise of the Tomb Raider :-o
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Time: 23:00
Was easy to begin with when sorting out pieces, then it got harder when trying to find the last pieces for the stones and such around her. The water was quite easy to sort out as well since there weren't that big areas of it of the same brightness.
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Can't see your name on the list of solvers. However, if you clicked away the message you get when you have solved it, you can go to the solved puzzle, pause and then click on the left-most icon that looks like a chat-bubble to get the giveaway message again.
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thanks for reply! the problem is i write the link but can enter giveaway
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Name: Sagamuga
Time: 10:51
i think this will be very easy for you
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Needed more bluehearts to increase entries for Pixeljunk Monsters, and since you don't have it and I liked your puzzle, you're on the list. :)
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Name: SnegoPad815
EZ Challenge: id=S9VKT2KP
Time: 9:59
Prize: PixelJunk™ Monsters Ultimate, Ends on March 11
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Name: PapaSmok
Time: 16:02
Bonus Prize: Tesla Effect: A Tex Murphy Adventure L1
Hope I'm not too late :)
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Name: VillaNZ
Challenge: The NordhBane of my Existence
Time: 20:29
Bonus Prize (for Nordhbane only - no GA): I'll keep banging my head until I get in.
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Ah np..I had it bookmarked so missed the topic update
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I'm clearing the whitelist for this event (don't worry, you'll be added back afterwards). :P
It was the easiest way to make giveaways specific to the challenge, instead of having to hassle with a group. I'm using a whitelist management script to export the current whitelist so that I can import it back again after the challenge is over.
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Hmmm I like challenges and puzzles, but I'll be honest, with all this new jigsaw trend it messes up with our free time enormously. :P
I think I'll pass this time, since I'm not interested in any of these games anyway but thanks regardless for the thought. :)
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I was excited about creating & solving my own puzzle, and I didn't realize I owned all the games you're giving away. Rather than let the puzzle go to waste, I made a giveaway of my own.
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Damn, your jigsaw has so many pieces. I'm pass 15 minutes and I still didn't even complete the frame and to organize the pieces I had to zoom out to a point where they're so uncomfortably small it hurts. I'm not sure whether I should drop it or take a break and continue later. I guess I'll to the latter and maybe over the course of the day I'll manage to solve it.
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The way I did it, I threw everything with text on it up into a pile. Dog pieces including the red suit into another. Lantern pieces into a third and of course if I saw a bit of the frame I added it to its approximate position. I didn't have the frame sorted properly until about 20-25 minutes in either.
If you haven't noticed, you can click and drag the background so that the entire board moves instead of zooming out, so you can put everything of a sort to the side and work there.
Oh, and always work in full screen mode!
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Where it all goes wrong for me are my terrible mouse skills.
I see a piece, I see where I want it to go. I move my mouse, I miss the piece entirely, I adjust, I move it where it needs to go, overshoot, adjust, drop it.
x 416
I imagine the fast solver are just click-click-clickery-click-click...done!
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Perhaps you need to reduce the mouse sensitivity? My wife has a bit higher than me, and I tend to overshoot things a lot as well when I'm on her computer. I find lower is better for precision, and precision trumps speed. I believe I still have quite high mouse sensitivity, roughly 3cms on the mouse takes the pointer from one side of the screen to the other, but you kind of need to find that sweet spot. :)
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Any idea does that website save your progress in the puzzle if you close your browser? Of course in case you're logged in with your account. I'm at 33 minutes and only half-done with the frame and for the life of me I can't find pieces I need for it among all that clutter. I probably wont be able to finish the puzzle in a single day.
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I'm kinda tired after working on your puzzle for nearly 2h (not finished yet ^.^)
But I thought I'll still give you my challenge. Took me more than 10min but you might get under :P
was going to make it more pieces, but as I said ...too tired ;)
have fun !
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I wanted to turn my background into a puzzle, but with few pieces it's too easy and with more it gets to many identical pieces for my liking cause it's a circle and the background is square... So, If anyone wants to play a too easy quicky I'll go think about some other motive...
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I created this last October as a new way to hide GA links - later I discover you could add the pop-up upon completion. Some entrants were able to solve the link by viewing the pix and not solving the puzzle but others were stumped :-) Anyway, glad to see it's become a fad...
Name: Momo1991
Solved: 9:54
Updated with different puzzle
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Rules of engagement
You need to create a jigsaw puzzle and solve it yourself. Once that is done, you post a link to it in a reply here in the format of so that the image is visible before starting to solve. Include your time at posting. If I'm not able to beat your time, welcome to the whitelist giveaways. They will be posted at the end of the challenge.
Ok, I followed the instructions as laid out above. Would you care to elucidate on where I've gone wrong? If not, no worries - I was just enjoying solving a few jigsaw puzzles, so no big deal.
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Time: 7:26
Decided to solve it despite posting it in the wrong place. While I can't verify your time since you're not on the leaderboard, I was at least faster than you. The image is a bit blurry and has bad quality though, only reason I'll allow it is because the pieces were so big that it didn't matter much. The colours were clear enough for the size of it.
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Well to be fair it was a GA for a nice game ( and as far as I know, it was the very first jigidi puzzle on SG. I needed a pix that depicted a raven with keys and this perfectly fit the theme :-) Anyway, I hope you'll do my "replacement puzzle" since it's a lot more colorful and less "gray/grim". Frankly I don't need to be an entrant/whitelisted as my backlog would take me far beyond what could reasonably be expected for completion considering my age....but hey, I hold out hope for aliens or medical cures that allow millennium brain storage with access to do whatever they please :-p
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Nope, took more than twice your time for your jigsaw. :/
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Ended eh.. :(
have a nice jigsaw here
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I know, but if I took that much more time than you for your puzzle, there's not much chance if I challenge you. Solved your puzzle on the first day btw, was just bumping.
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I challenge you to complete this one
Name: nekomimibadik
Time: 1:49:43
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NOTE: Challenge is over. But currently looking to increase whitelist for people that are interested in Pixeljunk Monsters out of the challengers that didn't succeed in the challenge.
Think you're a good jigsaw solver? I'm holding an open challenge for a spot on a temporary whitelist. Beat my open challenge and you're on it.
If I don't have enough people able to beat me to get enough for CV, I will start adding people who simply put up a good challenge, even if they were unsuccessful. So even if you think you can't beat me, give it a try!
Also, if I beat you, you're free to try and improve your score, I will however not. So if you beat me on your second try, you will still be added to the whitelist. :)
Rules of engagement
You need to create a jigsaw puzzle and solve it yourself. Once that is done, you post a link to it in a reply here in the format of so that the image is visible before starting to solve. Include your time at posting. If I'm not able to beat your time, welcome to the whitelist giveaways. They will be posted at the end of the challenge.
Example post:
Name: Nordhbane
Time: 1:05:46
Bonus price (optional): Lichdom: Battlemage
A few things to make it a bit less headache inducing. There should be a clear motive, avoid big spaces of single colours and blurry backgrounds. It should be a good quality picture, so avoid lots of jpg artifacts and such. And finally, you have to be able to solve it in more than 10 minutes, but less than 1h15 minutes.
Thursday March 10th.
At that point I will stop taking in challenges, and if there are still jigsaws I haven't had the time to solve I will finish them up before creating the whitelist giveaways, which will last for 1 week to make sure everyone that was able to beat me has a chance to sign up for them.
My jigsaw, which is not part of the challenge: Lichdom: Battlemage
Open challenge whitelist reward: Pixeljunk Monsters Ultimate Pixeljunk Shooter Pixeljunk Eden
You're welcome to add giveaways to your puzzle challenge as a reward for solvers.
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