Hey. I'm looking for new phone for the next few years. I'm wondering between these two. Nexus 5 has better Android OS (newer) and will have more updates (because S5 and the new F series come soon) and S4 has microSD slot, more features etc. I'm really damn wondering. I'll use it to develop apps and making responsive web-design + some games/music/movies. Thanks to everyone and few fortixes coming as soon as I get one of the phones >:)

11 years ago*

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I don't have much time so I'll be dry and quick.
Nexus 5 all the way. It has and always will have the latest android (now it has the 4.4.2 update), better screen(IPS instead of AMOLED),
the camera is worse I'd say, newer processor(Even though both are quadcores), it has a TV-Out(on a click I share the screen to the tv via wireless), and also one pro-con(the battery is attached so you can't remove, but at the same time it extends a lot the battery life.. I've seen peeps reaching 1D6h using the phone).
Also for developers, you can enjoy the new Runtime (ART).
However, it won't really be a big difference for a developer to have either of these phones, you can always use a VM with android kitkat whatsoever, or even root the other phone to a ROM that has it.

11 years ago

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Are there any common problems with the battery ? Also actually camera of the model I9295 is also 8mp. So not much difference.

11 years ago

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I'd go for the Nexus 5 too, it gives a lot more for the money you'd spend on it...

11 years ago

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Both have equal pros and cons, I can't decide which is better from developer's view. I think Nexus 5 is better, but I'm not sure.

11 years ago

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I'm assuming you will want to root your phone, in which case, avoid Samsung unless you don't care about stuff like warranty. Samsung is closing up their phones and voiding warranty if you root. Without rooting, it's filled with junk and becomes slow quickly. Their new models are sometimes defective for which they will over charge if you don't have a warranty. I have a galaxy S4 and had to get the main board + battery changed within a month of buying because of overheating.

I would say to go Nexus for pure google experience without the bloatware other manufacturers put.

11 years ago

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Xiaomi MI3!!

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by DeadlyCreeper.