How Much Do You Send To Gaben?
I will buy portal 1 in the future, but a friend want to play the coop of the second game.
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still need to play it, downloaded it once and then forgot about it
I hope I find some time for that
so many games and so little time ;(
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Think it was the first game I got 100% achievements in.
haha, yeah, same here. So many games! So little time! I ended up joining that Backlog Assassin's thing. Not really sure if it's helping, but I've finished a few games since I joined it - though I have a feeling that it's nothing to do with that. It does help to keep track of what I've completed/beaten though. I've finished 4 short-ish games over the past few days. Blackwell Legacy, Blackwell Unbound, The Room 1 & The Room 2; so that's a start to reducing my backlog at least - or it would be if those weren't games I've bought/received during the Steam sale. :P
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at least I manage to not buy new games as long as I have so many unfinished
I normally try to finish every game I buy (some even more then once), but sometimes I get to much and then there is life and I don't find any time.
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Aye bloody pc gaming. So damn cheap - well, compared to console gaming. In 1 year I own probably double the amount of games I acquired for the Xbox 360 over 4+ years. I played & finished at least 90% of all the console games I've ever owned. I could probably count the amount of games I've played & finished on my Steam account between my fingers & toes!
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Maybe, I'm pretty happy about mod support itself, so even if it ends up being not so good I'll still be happy :D
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Age of Empires 2 DLC
Age of Empires 3 Complete Collection
Transistor (giveaway here)
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I will put the giveaway link in the description if you dont have a problem with it
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Evil Genius 2,49€
Downwell 1,01€
TRI: Of Friendship and Madness 2,59€
Orwell 6,79€
Failed purchase:
Far Cry 3 Deluxe (looks like my seller forgot about it ><)
Total: 12,88€
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Bought Mad Max and Shadow of Mordor, but not directly on Steam.
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I was happy I resisted any other sale offer, to be honest. :´)
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here r 2 still going on
Cheapest Doom Ever
Cheapest Fallout 4 Ever
Can u still resist?
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Directly on Steam itself?
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You have spent approximately $236.88 USD in the store since the sale began.
From cards thoo, so not really money used (some bought as gifts tho).
Trials Fusion - The Awesome MAX Edition - 3,59€
Trials Fusion - The Awesome MAX Edition - 3,59€
Trials of the Blood Dragon - 7,49€
F1 2012 (ROW) - 4,99€
Shake Your Money Simulator 2016 - 0,29€
Super LOH - 0,58€
Super Duper Flying Genocide 2017 - 0,44€
3DMark Time Spy upgrade - 1,49€
NARUTO SHIPPUDEN: Ultimate Ninja STORM 4 Deluxe Edition - 17,49€
Total Annihilation - 1,24€
Need for Speed: Undercover - 3,24€
Need for Speed: SHIFT - 2,43€
Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit - 2,43€
Need For Speed Shift 2 - 3,24€
Bumper - 0,74€
WAR CUBE - 0,24€
Bumper Halloween - 0,24€
The Deed: Dynasty - 0,31€
Ghostbusters: The Videogame - 1,99€
Transformers: War for Cybertron - 4,99€
TRANSFORMERS: Rise of the Dark Spark Bundle - 6,39€
Transformers: Fall of Cybertron - 9,99€
Typefighters - 0,59€
Starship Annihilator - 0,24€
Starship Annihilator - Soundtrack - 0,24€
Gabriel Knight - Sins of the Fathers - 0,54€
Gabriel Knight 2: The Beast Within - 0,54€
Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned - 0,54€
Arcanum - 0,54€
Quest for Glory Collection - 0,90€
Caesar 3 - 0,54€
Caesar 4 - 0,90€
Betrayal Collection - 0,54€
Police Quest - SWAT - 0,54€
Pharaoh + Cleopatra - 0,90€
Return to Krondor - 0,54€
Zeus + Poseidon - 0,90€
Blazing Angels 2: Secret Missions of WWII - 2,49€
Crazy Fun - FootRock - 0,27€
Kuboom DLC - 0,22€
ShipLord - 0,05€
Asteroid Bounty Hunter - 0,05€
Survive in Space - 0,05€
Neon Space - 0,05€
Neon Space 2 - 0,05€
Fly and Destroy - 0,05€
Spin Rush - 0,05€
Neon Prism - 0,05€
Charlie's Adventure - 0,40€
Cube Runner - 0,20€
Slash It - 0,10€
Santa's Big Adventures - 0,74€
Braveland Pirate - 0,69€
Neptunia U - 6,99€
Hyperdevotion Noire - 6,99€
Petz Catz 2 - 2,49€
Judge Dredd: Countdown Sector 106 - 2,49€
Petz Horsez2 2 - 2,49€
Disney Mega Pack: Wave 2 - 13,74€
ARCADE GAMES SERIES 3-in-1 Pack - 1,99€
F-1 drive - 0,99€
Adventure Time: The Secret Of The Nameless Kingdom - 1,49€
Falling Skies: The Game - 1,49€
Young Justice: Legacy - 1,49€
Tales of Symphonia - 4,99€
Doom Classic Complete 2012 - 4,94€
Heretic/Hexen Pack - 3,29€
Rescue Team 1 - 0,68€
Rescue Team 2 - 0,54€
Rescue Team 3 - 0,54€
Planes, Bullets and Vodka - 0,37€
Miner Mayhem - 0,25€
BanHammer - 0,32€
The Magical Silence - 0,29€
The Last Error - 0,39€
BitRay2 - 0,34€
The Legions of Rome - 0,35€
MinosMaze - The Minotaur's Labyrinth - 0,44€
Brothers in Arms Pack - 7,49€
Homefront: The Revolution - Freedom Fighter Bundle - 14,99€
Cold Fear - 2,49€
Dishonored 2 Day 1 Edition - 40,19€
Mega Man Legacy Collection - 7,49€
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Subnautica :3
Another one that i lost, next sale maybe
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The Mawesome Pack
Age of Wonders 3
Bad Rats Show 2
Divine Divinite 2
Lakeview Cabin Collection
Void and Meddler ep 1
Lucasarts Adventure bundle
Pizza Express
Super House of Dead Ninjas
For myself:
(Got quite a few gifts so felt no urge to buy more :) )
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$21 for me, got some weeb trash and a shitty UIG simulator.
Friends gave me quite a few games tho which brought out all the closet beggars on my list xD
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Stardew Valley
Tales of Zestiria
Hyperdevotion Noire: Goddess Black Heart (Neptunia)
AKIBA'S TRIP: Undead & Undressed ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
For me:
Dust: An Elysian Tale
Helldivers Digital Deluxe Edition
Also received a few gifts from friends:
Spec Ops: The Line
Ultimate Arena
Stardew Valley
MegaTagmension Blanc + Neptune VS Zombies (Neptunia)
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Dungetris (2x - one for a friend and another for myself)
Ghostbusters: The Videogame
Helen's Mysterious Castle
Judge Dredd: Countdown Sector 106 (since it was going to be delisted)
Noitu Love 2
Recettear: An Item Shops Tale
Was also gifted ABZU and Batman: Arkham Knight by one of my good friends :)
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Got gifted The Blackwell Bundle & Blackwell Epiphany & Left 4 Dead by a couple of people on my friend list, so I gave them some gifts in return.
As for myself I bought "Antichamber" - which I'm struggling with due to the strange art direction of the game as it's making my head spin - & I also bought "The Room", which I played through within a few hours of purchasing it. Was surprised by that game as I figured it was just like your typical kind of hidden object game, which I'm not a massive fan of, but decided to give it a try because of all the positive reviews. Anyway, immediately bought "The Room 2" after that was finished & sat down & played through that the next day. Guess I'm waiting on the third game to come to PC just like everyone else now.
All in all I probably spent less than €10 as I had a little bit of money from Steam trading cards, plus what I made from selling the cards during the sale. Not bad. I have a massive backlog, so didn't bother with Sale much as games will end up on sale again before too long anyway...
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I bought so many new games I need to find time to play them all now XD
Spend around +-400$ this sale, got some good games like
Fallout 4
Kerbal Space Program
Euro truck simulators (both)
Unreal Deal
Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 - Uprising
Command and Conquer: Tiberium Wars
Command and Conquer: Kane's Wrath
Command and Conquer 4: Tiberium Twilight
Just Cause 2
ROD: Revolt Of Defense
Hyperspace Invaders II: Pixel Edition
Dream Bundle - Game and Soundtrack
Savant - Ascent Steam Store and Retail Key
Tcheco in the Castle of Lucio
Ring Runner: Flight of the Sages
Fox & Flock
World Basketball Manager 2010
Construction Machines 2014
Zup! 2
BC Kings
Bad Rats Show
Planet Coaster Released
Grand Theft Auto 3 (EU)
Team Fortress Classic
Day of Defeat
Deathmatch Classic
Dungeons: The Eye of Draconus 3 Pack
Spin Rush
Opposing Force
Half-Life 1
Half-Life: Blue Shift
Half-Life 1: Source
Airscape: The Fall of Gravity
Tomb Raider: Legend
Tomb Raider: Anniversary
Tomb Raider: Underworld
Lara Croft GOL DLC: Legacy of Kain Character Pack
Lara Croft GOL DLC: All the Trappings
Lara Croft GOL DLC: Things the Go Boom
Lara Croft GOL DLC: Hazardous Reunion
Lara Croft GOL
Tomb Raider 1
Tomb Raider 2
Tomb Raider 3
Tomb Raider 4
Tomb Raider 5
Tomb Raider Angel of Darkness
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris - Deus Ex Pack
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris - Hitman Pack
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris - Legend Pack
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris ROW Launch
Lara Croft and the Temple Of Osiris - Season Pass Only
Tomb Raider GOTY Edition (ROW)
Tomb Raider: Adventure Pack
Quake 2007 Collection
Heretic/Hexen Pack
Anomaly Korea
Ford Racing 3
Rolling Sun
Three Heroes
Tiny Bridge: Ratventure
And maybe more I dont see right now in my purchase history :D:D
It was a good sale, thought some games could have been in a better sale, but I cant complain :)
I also got my sale badge to level 60, first time ever I did this card stuff with the sales and it went pretty well :D
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$89.86 total (on games, not counting market transactions, which apparently were taken into consideration when they factored the cards you would get from having spent money in the Steam store...?)
gifts = $29.37
Elite vs. Freedom
Beatbuddy: Ultimate Edition
The Madness of Little Emma
Save Home
String Theory + String Theory OST Bundle (sent a ticket to see if can be added to the list)
The Lords of the Earth Flame
Braveland Pirate
Clan of Champions
Lakeview Cabin Collection
Alone In the Dark: Illumination
Space Hulk Ascension Edition Ultimate Pack
Fight The Dragon
i'm bad, i know :<
personal = $60.59
This Starry Midnight We Make
Noob Squad (hangs head)
Qora - Soundtrack
Quantum Conundrum Season Pass
Dex - Soundtrack
Papo & Yo Soundtrack
The Last Dogma - Soundtrack
Welkin Road
The Aquatic Adventure of the Last Human - Deluxe Edition
Good Robot
The Evil Within Bundle
Kings and Heroes
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Goodbye Deponia Premium Edition Upgrade
Bohemian Killing + Original Soundtrack and Artbooks
two resolutions this year (both of which i broke the day i made them): quit tobacco and not buy myself any more games from Steam excepting "extreme circumstances" (lawl)
waited til the last minute to decide what to buy, to the point i'm still awake from about 8 yesterday morning, and tobacco just happens :x
now i gotta get to playing them all and see if any warrant a refund (here's hoping...)
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Fallout 2: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game | Clustertruck | Shan Gui (山桂) | Fallout: A Post Nuclear Role Playing Game | Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.4 Himatsubushi | Song of the Deep | RWBY: Grimm Eclipse | The Turing Test | Everybody's Gone to the Rapture | Seasons after Fall | The Purring Quest | Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments | WORLD END ECONOMiCA episode.01 | Fallout: New Vegas | Phantom Breaker: Battle Grounds - Frau Koujiro | Slash It | Super Duper Flying Genocide 2017 | Judge Dredd: Countdown Sector 106 | Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth | Refunct | To the Moon, too! (Comic+) | The Room | Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Ultimate Edition | The Witcher: Enhanced Edition Director's Cut | Trillion: God of Destruction
Bought some giveaways and direct gifts also!
I think it's been the most I've spent on myself though... I didn't even get a lot of stuff I wanted because of budget! I won so much also and what I bought is great so I'm happy :3
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744 Comments - Last post 12 minutes ago by Fluffster
270 Comments - Last post 18 minutes ago by Fluffster
309 Comments - Last post 30 minutes ago by Atombomb2097
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882 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by zolof
17,453 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by drbeckett
915 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Keepitup
So, another sale has gone by.
What are your new games?
My games (not too much, i have to save money for a new DLC of Isaac tomorrow :3 ) :
Portal 2.
Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes.
Crypt of the Necrodancer as gift to someone special.
Transistor GA LVL+3: Thanks to nopzor
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