Thank you, Teliko. So... is your group for anyone to join (for the secondary function) or would you prefer only those on or waiting to join your friends list?
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Yup, pretty strange. There's literally thousands of people that just go around and treat people who spend a lot of time editing their profiles as essentially "collectables" or something and add them all. It doesn't really bother me that much as I don't use steam to communicate with friends, all my real contacts are on Discord, so I've no problems adhereing to it. I've put a fair amount of time and money in to my profile so I'm all for letting more people see it.
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Hah, yeah I know it's a bit rude as there's some people I obviously wouldn't remove regardless, yourself included, but If I said something like "of course there are some exceptions to this" I'd suddenly have hundreds of people messaging me "am i one???" etc. So I decided it's best to just screw you all over and make you all mine \o/
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259 Comments - Last post 53 minutes ago by adam1224
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10,074 Comments - Last post 30 minutes ago by opalss2
Final edit: All the major giveaways have now concluded and my wallet officially drained. A huge thanks to all those that participated and helped out with the bumpalumps, 700+ members from one thread is far beyond what I could've expected for a couple giveaways. For those that missed them, I'll still be doing occasional giveaways after my finances have had a chance to replenish, and many indie/bundle leftovers giveaways for the unforeseeable future. Been a fun thread, but its time for the grave is now upon us. Peace out, everyone. Until next time.
Edit 3: The third and final giveaway is now live; Doom
Edit 2: The second giveaway based on the groups wishlist is now live; Fallout 4
Edit: Just to clear up some confusion people are getting, yes, this group is open for anyone to join even if you're not interested in the friends list part and just looking for some more private giveaways.
So long story short, I've had an influx of these profile "collectors" in the past year, which has lead to my friends list having no space for more. I'm using this group as a way of having a waiting list for those who still want to add me, and as a way of removing the less active/uninterested people who added me in the past. I figured while I'm at it, why not also use it as a personal giveaway group too, so anyone is welcome to join whether it be just for giveaways, the waiting list, or just for the sake of it.
Over the next few weeks I'll be posting giveaways using a selection mixed between the highest wishlisted games on SG and from new members of the group. I'll also be using it as a group to post many indie leftover/bundle games for the unforeseen future.
If you're already on my friends list, I'd especially appreciate if you joined as anyone in this group will be forever secured a spot within reason. Plus free games so there's no reason not to really.
Giveaway #1: Dishonored 2[Ended]
Giveaway #2: Fallout 4[Ended]
Giveaway #3: DoomComment has been collapsed.