Secret Sauce Science Department



The Secret Sauce Group is looking for the brightest men, women and aliens to create the best SAUCE formula in history. Are you up for the challenge? Try not to make our lab explode in the process ;)

Comment here to join the ranks of the Secret Sauce Group. How? Read on:

  • Submit an article for an interesting/innovative/weird scientific experiment or news.
  • Submit a video for interesting/innovative/weird scientific experiment or news.
  • Submit an audio piece, preferably a podcast episode, for interesting/innovative/weird scientific experiment or news.

Check this GA for The Vanishing of Ethan Carter - If you are able to see the GA, it means you're in. Once you're in, add Amorphism to get invited to the group.
Don't add me if you're not whitelisted!

Our upcoming GA will be one of these games (you can vote when you're in the group!):

IMPORTANT: No double-triple-infinite-post. One post is enough. You can try multiple suggestion of course
And remember - DON'T share the sauce :)

Special note:

If you were whitelisted in past group events contact me through steam and you'll be able to get into the group immediately! (also.. I keep a list of everyone, so don't try to fool me or you'll lose your chance to ever get into the group).

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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Smart dogs are welcomed as well. :D

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

9 years ago

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don't worry, I'm a cute pup too and I managed to enter this group :D

9 years ago

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i'm a cat and afraid of dogs T_T

9 years ago

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Bump Hype!

9 years ago

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This is the most recent article that made me WOW! :)

9 years ago

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'Alice in Wonderland Syndrome' Caused by Acid Flashback
by Stephanie Pappas, Live Science Contributor -- July 6, 2015

Lewis Carroll's delightful children's novel "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland" turns 150 this year. But there's another, less celebrated Wonderland-related anniversary occurring this year: the discovery of "Alice in Wonderland syndrome" (AIWS), a disorder named in honor of the book.

This syndrome, named in 1955 by British psychiatrist John Todd, has long been known to co-occur with some migraines. A new case study, however, reveals that headaches aren't the only cause of AIWS.

The patient in the study, a 26-year-old man, came to psychiatrists with a history of using alcohol, marijuana and LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide, a psychedelic drug). During LSD trips, the man said, he'd frequently perceive objects and people all out of proportion— things would look too big, too small, or farther or closer than they actually were. [Trippy Tales: The History of 8 Hallucinogens]

These perceptual distortions are the hallmark of Alice in Wonderland syndrome, so dubbed because Alice experiences some very similar symptoms during her journey through Wonderland in Lewis Carroll's tale.

"One side will make you grow taller, and the other side will make you grow shorter," the hookah-smoking Caterpillar tells Alice, referring to a mushroom that had been its perch.

Strange trip

Alice's trippy journey has raised many comparisons to an LSD high, so perhaps it's no surprise that the young man experienced these symptoms while on the drug. The strange thing about the new case report is that the man was no longer taking LSD when he experienced these symptoms. After a bad trip, he'd sworn off drugs. But the Alice in Wonderland symptoms continued.

"To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of AIWS which persist[s] after LSD interruption," clinicians Arturo Lerner, of Lev Hasharon Mental Health Medical Center and Sackler School of Medicine at Tel Aviv University, and Shaul Lev-Ran of Sheba Medical Center in Israel, wrote in the Israel Journal of Psychiatry.

In other words, the man's acid flashbacks (properly known in the scientific parlance as "hallucinogen persisting perception disorder") were manifesting as Alice in Wonderland syndrome.

It's not clear why the AIWS persisted, and the patient refused any treatment with psychotropic medications. After about a year, the perception distortions went away, the researchers wrote.

Lewis Carroll's migraines

But AIWS may not always be related to drugs; it's sometimes part of migraine auras, said Sheena Aurora, a neurologist and migraine specialist at the Stanford University School of Medicine. It's a rare phenomenon — auras occur in only 20 percent of migraine patients, and AIWS is seen in an even smaller subset of patients, Aurora told Live Science.

The syndrome appears to be caused by a hypersensitivity of the brain, Aurora said. This hypersensitivity typically starts in the occipital lobe, the visual region at the back of the brain. However, it can spread to the parietal lobes, which sit just in front of the occipital lobe.

"The parietal area is what discerns sizes and shapes," Aurora said.

Though Lerner and his colleagues did not investigate the biological basis of their patient's condition, they suggested that LSD might have a temporary toxic effect on the lateral geniculate nucleus, an area of the brain involved in visual perception. Temporary impairment of this region could cause macropsia (seeing things as too big), micropsia (seeing things as too small), pelopsia (seeing things as too close) and teleopsia (seeing things as too far away).

There are no historical records to suggest that Carroll ever tried psychedelic drugs. He did, however, record experiences with migraines in his journals, leading to speculation that the author's migraine auras inspired Alice's size-related adventures.

9 years ago

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this is quite cool.

9 years ago

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Brain interfaces/mindmelding ... And we're getting hyped over virtual reality goggles... xD
Also, imagine the firewalls and anti-virus systems we'd need if we were all able to connect like that some day... O.o

9 years ago

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and aliens

Finally some recognition.

Also been addicted to these kind of videos.

9 years ago

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alien bear? wut?

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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i love you and i hate you at the same time

9 years ago

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Yay you love meee!! :D
Ignoring the rest of your message. Selective memory

9 years ago

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( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

9 years ago

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Could there be a link between galactic cosmic rays and cloud formation?

They're trying to find an answer to that at CERN, the article can be found here

9 years ago

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Amazing "Experiment" about retro games and rogue-likes.
Worth the watch!

9 years ago

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Bridge printing robots. Basically two robots were set on each side of the canal and they are printing the bridge, until they connect in the middle.

9 years ago

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Video about Speaking Dolphins.....

9 years ago

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It's already been done before here

9 years ago

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Oh gosh, thank you for letting me relive that memory.

9 years ago

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I cried when I looked that up and realized it has been 10 years since that movie came out.

9 years ago

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You made me watch/listen to a new podcast! Godamn +1.

9 years ago

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That was LemonDrops if you mean Rooster Teeth :P

If you do want a great podcast that I love though Adam Carolla although I am already white listed just haven't added you yet because procrastination is key!

9 years ago

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When just scanning through the thread I missed the "ins" part of Dolphins, and was really happy for a moment.

(Swedish chemist hero worshiping, me and Dolph studied the same thing, at the same university, just a few years apart).

9 years ago

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Not exactly what I was searching for, but this looks interesting also.

9 years ago

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Scien is always amazing... :D
Hope you guy will enjoy this!!!

9 years ago

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This is pretty relevant not only to the group (cause is leaking info on secret sauces) but also it would be something awesome to be able to scale food production this way
secret sauce's secrets

9 years ago

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Experiments with liquid nitrogen are always fun.

9 years ago

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This one is one of my favorites:

9 years ago

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One of my favourite science hacks: How to Cool a Drink in 2 Minutes

9 years ago

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Life on Enceladus (one of Saturn's moons)?

9 years ago

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I was amazed reading about this experiment, making a real computer with several monkey brains

9 years ago

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Error 404


9 years ago

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Wow! it was so secret, and was deleted from New Scientist
Here's another link for this article:

9 years ago

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I already posted that one ;)

9 years ago

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the link works

9 years ago

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I'm not a smart man...
I love science stuff, I love theories about science, even far-fetched theories like time-traveling, hidden dimensions and worlds, crap like that.

I'm not particularly interested in the group since I'm pretty inactive when it comes to groups, and it's pretty late so I won't post anything at the moment. In the meantime, enjoy this gif below.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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i found this little gem (from bayer)

watch bill and bob (especially love eps 3 :3)

9 years ago

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well, if we are talking about science, then the hottest news right now is the whole Pluto fly-by project, it's going on right now and it's really cool. You can read most of the info on it here:, and it's gonna be on the news for the rest of July.

9 years ago

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Can i join the Science dep even if i'm already in group?
sadly, don't having to post, too busy with my own research (if anyone got a question about pesticides...)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Found an article bout Muricas first Zombie experiment .

9 years ago

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