Okay it seems i completely messed that up.
Metro 2033 : is the original and first game
Metro Last Light : is the successor* and second game in the saga and THIS game was removed
Metro Last Light - Redux : this is nearly the same game as Last Light, that's why the old one got removed
Metro 2033 - Redux : this is the remake of the first game, with new graphics
as this is based on a book, I messed that up. 2034 is the second book of the saga. I apologize for the confusion!
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That's the one I haven't played and I think they changed some stuff here and there compared to the non-redux version. But the main reason to choose this one over Last Light, is that you would really spoil an interesting story, if you played Last Light first.
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Here's the non-redux version of 2033 http://store.steampowered.com/app/43110/?snr=1_5_9__300
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I got a few cheaper games that are just amazing to play. Not sure if you would like them, but you could take a look:
Game Corp DX is an amazing little game (won't give you a lot of hours though) for about 1 - 2 bucks. And I also got Train Valley, which is a great little game. Not big either, but also around the 2 bucks. So far I had a ton of fun in those, so you might like them :D
Also, if you've not tried them, you might like the classic Rollercoaster Tycoon games (1 and 2). Not sure about the price, but they are so much fun and can last you for a long time.
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Huniepop it's a good game. And if you're turned off by the visual novel/rpg-ish style, it's still a good match 3 game. Also you'll get some of your money by selling it's trading cards, so it's a win-win!
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Depends on what your tastes are. What do YOU like and maybe we can make some reccomendations.
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There are much better games than that. You can buy This War of Mine for example or Fable Anniversary.
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Nevermind 80% 3.99
OPUS: The Day We Found Earth 40% 5.39
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Halo: Spartan Bundle - http://store.steampowered.com/sub/51370/
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Mount and Blade Warband
and 3089 (5089 is better but more expensive)
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The only game that can compare M&B:W to it's the first M&B :p
I'm not the best at explaining things but:
M&B is a sandbox rpg game were you are a random guy who can become a noble at the service of a king, a king, a merchant, a bandit or whatever you want, it's up to you
You can build an army(at first with farmers and such, they can get experience and level up to better units)
You can help a kingdom on the war with onother kingdom
You can be an outlaw
You can even make your own kingdom
You can do other 10000 things
Also there are lots of good quality mods(about differents eras, about fantasy, etc)
Well, as I said i'm not the best at explaining things(a gameplay will help in this) but what I can say is that it's one the best single player experience I've ever had on a videogame
There is multiplayer(battles only) but i play only in singleplayer
Obviosly my opinion is completely biased since it's one of my favorite games of all time :p
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I didnt check if you already have it, but if you like classics jrpgs, give a try to
Doom&Destiny -> http://store.steampowered.com/app/318130/?snr=1_5_9__300
or the advance version thats on early access. Great game XD
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i was trying to get pony island for 3 usd perhaps it is of your taste too
dont be guided by the name
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Crossbow Warrior - The Legend of William Tell
Kopanito All-Stars Soccer
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Pneuma: Breath of Life
Rogue Legacy
some games lower than 5.50 that are on my wishlist (im thinking in buying some of them)
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I saw you have the original bioshock in your account. If you liked it you could get the second one. it's an fps with a solid story
For more of a puzzle you could get Portal 2. Haven't played the first one so couldn't recommend it, but I'm probably gonna sell some CS:GO Skins to get it :P
I really enjoyed the Batman Arkham games. More of an action brawler with a few puzzles.
Far Cry 3 is supposed to be really good (maybe the best in the series) and I enjoyed Far Cry 2 & 4.
NOT A HERO is an action-packed platformer made by the people who made the Hotline Miami games (if you do decide on this I wouldn't purchase the 'Global Megalord Edition', since [from steam]: The Not A Hero: Global MegaLord Edition comes with a digital artbook, exclusive behind the scenes documentary, and a collection of desktop background, sound and icons set found in the game's folder on your computer. AKA: Nothing that would give you something like more levels or characters)
Garry's Mod, while an older game on the source engine, is a game that offers hours of fun with hundreds of community made game modes, and starts you off in an almost literal sandbox, with all of the half-life 2 models ready to be toyed with. Some game modes (including the popular Trouble in Terrorist Town) pull textures or other files from other steam games. A popular one they pull from is Counter-Strike: Source. If you need the files, but don't need the game (like myself), then you can get those here
Orion: Prelude is cheap enough as it is, but during the sale it's a staggering $0.49 USD. While recent reviews have given negative feedback due to some drama over devs stealing the game from each other, the game itself is a blast. It's as if Halo met dinosaurs. Definitely one to play with your friends.
Those are my recommendations. I tried to provide a variety of games, and I looked at what you played the most on steam, but i think I ended up settling for action games I really liked >.< Oh well.
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Turns out I actually have a ton of the games you recommended but I don't have Orion and Gmod because I don't have anyone to play with. I have every other game though (All of them on my PS3 and one on the computer ). Thanks for the recommendations though!
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I would recommend Torchlight II, Half-Life 2 (they have a demo so you can try whether you like it or not), Saints Row: The Third - Full Package, BattleBlock Theater, Rage, Trine and Trine 2.
Actually you can buy more than one from the list above (for example Trine and Trine 2) from the $5.5 you have :)
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They're not alike, they're different games with different stories. But they are both from the same developpers, which means both their experiences are amazing, I tried Bastion years ago and I loved it, I tired Transistor and I loved it, I recommend them both to anyone, in any order they prefer.
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Well you like Survival stuff, plus things with guns and bows and stuff. I would probably recommend Tomb Raider, though I would save up some card money and get the complete package. You probably already played it, but if not, could be a solid choice. Far Cry 3 has the same pricing, as well, and would be a solid choice. $5 each for the Base games or $7.49 for the better packages.
Perhaps the Chivalry complete pack. If you can stand to play games online, that is a blast. I typically hate multiplayer, but I did have some fun with it. Just think of it like the medieval type games that you play, but you get to use your weapons against other people using the same weapons. I haven't tried the DLC, but the original game is a lot of fun.
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I think at this point, seeing as how you reject all recommendations due to playing elsewhere, that perhaps you should think about just picking out games yourself. I recommend this, simply because one is limited by the small amount of game types you seem to play, as well as not having prior knowledge of games you play elsewhere. Add in the whole money limitation and quality of sales, it is getting to the point where you will have either overpay for something you really want or buy a collection of lower priced games. Either way, it would be hard to predict what you are looking for. I mean pretty much every similar game to what you play you either own or have already played elsewhere.
I'm saying this as the person that recommended Kingdoms of Amalur on your other thread, you are a pain to pick for. You bought the only two games that made sense to recommend to you, that you hadn't already played.
What I would do would be to install the SteamDB extension, then start playing with this. Then you can locate specific targets, base on anything you are looking for. Tags, features, prices, ratings, etc... It will do a much better job with you than any of us will, at this point.
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I totally understand, I'm pretty annoying in general but I have a hard time trying to decide between things. I wish I could have specified games that I had already played but I don't really expect what people recommend so its hard to warn people of what I have played on different consoles. But I don't hate you for it or anything, I totally agree with you.
Anyway, ill try doing what you said and getting SteamDB and experimenting with that, thanks!
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All of them under 5.5$
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Hello :D
I don't know. I have only the How to Survive too :)
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Get Rising Storm, a fantastic FPS that you can't miss.
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I have never played it, but I'm gonna suggest Ben and Ed. I think it looks super fun, and I really want it =D
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Hey guys, you all have been so helpful in figuring out what to get this summer sale and I thought I could use your help one last time! So I have 5.50 in USD and idk what to buy! I was thinking of getting Huniepop but I feel like it would be a waste of money. Any recommendations?
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