Hi, SG community.

Ever since I became aware of the term "Introvert", I've classified myself as one. It is something I dislike, I often find myself all alone, yet, I'm in a room with 40+ people, everyone is laughing, having a good time overall, and yet, I'm there, without enjoying the time being, afraid to say something. Yet, I'm very comfortable and very talkative when I'm around people I trust deeply, not just "people I know", but people I have shared experiences with.

Most of the successful people I've meet or seen (in person), share a common trait: They're extroverts. They're highly skilled speakers and all around pretty good socially. They seem to always know what to say. I would like to be this kind of people.

As every other normal individual, I'd like to become not only an useful asset of the society, but also a great and distinguished one. This year, I'd like to improve overall as a social individual.

So, appreciated SG community, i would love you to share your thoughts, social tips and tricks, and anything else related to this manner!

Don't worry, I didn't forget the giveaway!

9 years ago

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How would you classify yourself?

View Results
I'm a happy sloth
I'm a sad sloth
It's complicated.

why would you dislike the way you feel about something?
just accept that you aren't comfortable around people. you don't need to fit within social standards, just find a place where you feel happy and enjoy it, what other people think is good shouldn't affect you.

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9 years ago

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+1 Life's too short to worry about what everyone else thinks.

9 years ago

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I agree.

9 years ago

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+1 Preach it!

9 years ago

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Well, it isn't about what other think, it is about what I think. even though I find the presence of unknown people uncomfortable, I would like to be a social person. I would like to better fit, and to be part of more social circles

I've read that the people you become friends with and the connections you achieve through your years in college, are a lot more important than the grades you had, and how good your achievements were. (Unless it is a national-ish achievement, of course). My actual behaviour often excludes me from a lot of circles, mainly because I don't approach any...

9 years ago

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If it's something you truly want, then go for it. Try your best and achieve your goal!
If you want to do it for "what you think people want you to do", fuck this and carry on with your current lifestyle. Don't do something you won't feel comfortable doing because it isn't "you". It's not worth living a life if you live it to others expectations. :P

9 years ago

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if you really want it, no problem and hope you can do it. but don't feel ashamed because "they have fun and i don't". each person enjoys their time in a different way.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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9 years ago

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If he really wants to change, then I think he should. I am with you all the way OP. After all, I used to be an introvert too but then I changed myself for the best.

9 years ago

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I was more introverted until I got my first job. I'd never really been around other people since I lived way out of town and had just a few childhood friends I didn't think I needed to know anyone else and I didn't really have any social skills well into my late teens. Once I began work and started being around other people a while i started to get the hang of it, and I consider myself a sort of ambivert now.

9 years ago

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My biggest thing to say to you, is just practice. Some people force themselves into situations to get more comfortable, and thats where having, say a retail job where you're face to face with other people all the time would be a great way to learn.

9 years ago

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I can confirm that such jobs don't always work

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8 years ago

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Copious amounts of drugs

9 years ago

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Well, too bad I can't afford them!

9 years ago

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One bottle of beer usually does it for me. I gain +80 on extroversion until I become really dense.

9 years ago

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It is alright to be one. I am one myself and I like being alone and the freedom that comes with it. Sometimes i do feel lonely so i have a small group of friends to interact with. Btw that game series is kinda fun for me and it is the only game that I play to get the 100% achievement.(with guide of course, too lazy to do all the searching myself)

9 years ago

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I'm just okay being alone, it doesn't bother me, but I'd like to change to expand my opportunities and connections in college

9 years ago

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You're asking a bunch of people who lurk the forum or video games all day and night if they are introverted? :P

Unfortunately, I have to go for the introverted choice in the poll. I hate to admit it, but I just couldn't and can't avoid being awkward and uncomfortable around people, not only because I'm naturally introverted, but also because of my childhood and past lifestyle.

To be honest, I'm okay with it and even though it is considered a "bad" thing, I can't change who I am by force. The time will come where I'll be okay with socializing in real life. Or maybe it won't. Who knows. :)

9 years ago

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I believe I'm in that point in life where it is best to socialize rather than being alone; College. Whilst I'm not ever sad or depressive, I feel like I'm missing out because of shyness and being introvert.

9 years ago

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Thanks for the giveaway and good luck! ;)

9 years ago

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I think I'm in a room of those other 40 people,
I mean I like going out with several of my friends, but I'm very serious when it is about work.
So maybe I'm in the middle.

9 years ago

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It's always good to be able to stay focused in the matter at hand!

9 years ago

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I feel like a lot of us gamers are more introverted, I am definitely one. I guess I can say I've gotten a little better, though, but only because before my social anxiety and everything going on got so bad I would throw up all the time worrying about school and screwing up any friendship I had. Soon after that I stopped talking to people at school (Kind of ironic?) for the most part and dropped out, but I'm okay with leaving the house for small periods of time now, so that's good?

P.S. Drugs have probably helped too, the ones prescribed to me, I mean, when I remember to take them...

9 years ago*

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I don't think it will help you, but it still fits the topic and it's something I have understood quite recently: I am a social introvert.
It's that when people are around me and I am "forced" to interact with them, I can be funny and likeable, while still being myself.
On the other hand, I like to be at home with games and books much more than to go out. I don't look for company and dread large crowds of people. I would never talk to someone before he/she talks to me. In my seven semesters studying I haven't made a single new acquaintance and stuck to the ones I had before. My girlfriend and my three best friends are all the people I need.

9 years ago

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It's like reading about myself. It's literaly my story haha. Shame we're not all the unique snowflakes we think huh :P

9 years ago

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I kind of hoped, others would feel the same way :) . Besides, my best friend is pretty much the same -- only more extreme in both regards.

9 years ago

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If I had any idea how to change that I probably wouldn't be in the situation I'm on, or at least bot as bad. Of course for me, it has much more to do witb fear than personal comfort. I don't have any good or healthy ways of becoming more social, but I don't think that everyone necessarily needs to. In my situation I definitely need too, and I don't know much about you, but not feeling that comfortable talking in large groups dosn'doesn't mean that you necessarily need to. However if it's something you want to do , good luck!

9 years ago

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voting "introverted and socially isolated"

9 years ago

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I do think in the business world it helps to be extroverted as there's quite a bit of value in building teams to get things done, and extroverts tend to excel more at that. Not that introverts can't, but I think it's harder to be a leader than a valuable cog (introverts I think tend to comprise more of the valuable cog roles than extroverts). I'm older, so have been exposed to my share of work environments and management styles - but there is clearly an advantageous comradery that comes easy for extroverts in many business situations that require it.

9 years ago

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I would consider myself a successful introvert. I have a leadership role within my company, and am capable of successfully navigating through almost any social situation with almost anyone. That being said, I absolutely prefer to spend my time either alone or with family and a very, VERY small list of close friends, just as you describe. In most "fun" social situations, where I don't have any technical expertise or authority to focus on, I find myself bored, disinterested, and awkward, and very much have to fake it. Because I don't drink alcohol, I can't even rely on that social crutch to ease such situations.

So, how can I be so much like you describe on the inside, but yet manage to be one of the top two leaders at my company, and mentor, teacher and confidant to most of the staff? Time, really. I learned some leadership skills in boy scouts, believe it or not, and brought that with me to my first jobs, where my technical skills and passion allowed me to gain confidence and the trust of my team. Over time, I evolved from being a team member to being a team leader, and my scope of responsibility has continued to expand since, with more experience leading to more confidence, leading to more willingness to put myself out there, leading to more opportunity, and so on.

So, I don't see you asking how to become something your'e not...I get it. I see you asking how to become something you're not YET, but clearly want and intend to be. The first steps are always the hardest - you just have to start putting yourself out there in social situations that are only slightly uncomfortable. Build on the successes, and admit to and learn from the failures. The real secret at the end of the day is that those people that you think are so confident and relaxed socially - they're not that different on the inside, they've just learned to hide and get past their insecurities. :)

9 years ago

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It's good to read that. I've seen this happening to me too, yet only at small scale this far. Becoming a team leader in a natural way, based on trust and appreciation for me taking care. Not based on fear and power. Feels so much better :)

On topic: This TED-Talk helped me thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much:

9 years ago

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I believe myself to be on the same train here.

9 years ago

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A lot of introverts are good public speakers, and can be good socializers, both are skillsets that can be acquired, as a lot of depressed or otherwise mentally ill people would tell you if you could see and talk through the facade they have built to protect themselves from the outside world. Some eventually break down due to the fatigue of keeping up that front, some do cope.

Generally the difference between introverts and extroverts is explained in other ways: e.g. introverts consume resources when they're using their social skillsets, and thus have to take breaks away from others and recharge, while extroverts gain more power or energy through social interaction, that may tie in to what I was saying above, in that introverts are applying techniques while extroverts are naturals.

However, extroverts can be really crappy at social as well, it just doesn't seem to never bog them down as it does to introverts.

9 years ago

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Extroverts do not necessarily have to be natural. I built myself up the way I wanted to.

9 years ago

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I didn't say that.

9 years ago

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You aren't missing much, most people suck anyway.

9 years ago

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I'm not good with people. Prefer going to the large supermarket for stuff rather than just asking the store assistant for things that I can't find on the shelves. Used to have irrational fear about calling support center or customer service. Keep only a handful of friends around, almost always decline invitation to party and wedding. Enjoy late night long drive around the empty streets in the city.

Do you think I can find a job that doesn't require "good interpersonal skills" ? Most of company put this in their job ads and I don't know if they want to hire people like me.

9 years ago

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Most job offer descriptions are so general that is sometimes quite pointless even think about it. For "good interpersonal skills" its just asking, will you go around arguing with people, be rude over the phone/email, and have basic bad manners. Of course, if you are salesman, that is important skill, but most introverts don't even try to be one.

9 years ago

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Firstly, its nice that you found out which class you lean to more. I wish I had found out that 10-15 years earlier, life would be so much easier.
Secondly, even through there are 2 classes, you are not 100% member of one, its scale. Meaning that you are not inherently missing social skill to interact with unknown people.

You said it yourself, you can interact with people in smaller groups, and with people whom you trust. But even people whom you trust were unknown to you at first. Just find how big is group of unknown people that you are comfortable, and try meeting new people in smaller ones, or as friend of your friend.

Even if you get to new work space, you are not really in large group, you first interact with people in your office or few neighboring cubical then you expend from that, when eventually you are comfortable with whole company.

Basically divide and conquer, and don't force yourself to be something you are not, it will only harm you.

9 years ago

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Introverted and shy beyond all belief. People can stab you in the back in a nanosecond. I can decently talk to people I really like, which can be counted on one hand. Hell, I'm probably anti-social since I'd rather stay home to play games instead of going to a friend's house for dinner.

I absolutely despise social gatherings. I'd only gravitate towards those few I knew, thus dragging their experience down so I'd be doing everyone a favor by not going. I've already accepted I'll be alone. After all, why bother trying to get close to someone just for them to throw it in your face?

9 years ago

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Who cares about humans_irl, just let me play videyagames man.

9 years ago

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Look man, you do you! I'm actually an ambivert, which I'm guessing most people who answered introvert are, since being an introvert is fairly rare. Same with extraverts.
But I'm seriously hoping that this won't turn into a Tumblr post, where everyone will just say "M8 ur buutylicious :P" instead of helping people out who'd like to change :/

9 years ago

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Some famous & successful introverts:



  • Barack Obama
  • Warren Buffet
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Mark Zuckerberg
  • Guy Kawasaki
  • Bill Gates

...among many many others. Classic traits of introverts can be used as tremendous, unique strengths if they can be harnessed and applied towards your goals.

9 years ago

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There is ppl who is really really really shy and strange while there are others that are shy and soo cute!!! ^o^ hahaha :D

About the GA... thank you so much for it, even if I can't join it (I don't have lvl 2 yet, but I'll when I'm able to buy more games), thank you so much!!!! :D

9 years ago

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"They seem to always know what to say. I would like to be this kind of people."

Indeed, it SEEMS like that. In reality they too fall still sometimes. Or get into situations they can't handle. Everbody does. The thing is; they don't worry too much about it and cope with the situation by doing.You freeze and immidiately start doubting yourself.

selfreflection is a good thing, don't get me wrong. It'll improve you as a human being. But don't let it get the better of you. My tip to you is: just do. start a conversation, if it fails, start another topic. If that fails walk away and start a conversation with someone else. Sure: it'll not be easy. Maybe you feel like a fool once or twice. But you'll see you'll get better at it. Start to become more relaxed. And that will help to make social interacting easier. It is in you; as you say yourself you're quite talkative to people you deeply know. It's all a matter of practicing on others and don't be afraid to fail. Failure is the first step to success.

good luck!

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 weeks ago.

9 years ago

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for those of you that are young enough remember the strongest pairings happen by age 14. the whole extended childhood thing is partially a depopulation program (genocide types will refer to the "teen pregnancy problem")and partly a eugenics program (the eugenics faction wants to extend life by avoiding the natural imprinting stage (these days referred to as puppy love) and have people pair up later in life in hopes that shorter lived people will be darwined out improving the gene pool) but since people are wired for an imprinting at about 14 that means by 21 if you haven't paired up you will most likely spend your life alone or trying to pair up with mates that will never truly love you because they are past their imprinting stage.
useful tidbit, divorce was almost unknown in society till they started pushing for later pairings.
so if you are young avoid sci-fi/fantasy/porn books, games, and movies. they are just distractions for people that have failed at life.
build your social life, learn practical things and skills. get a job. avoid debt. if your parents aren't eager to throw you out save up and buy a house out right, if you do the mortgage thing you will end up paying several times over.

9 years ago*

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+1 Pretty much nailed it.
Apart from this being an extrovert can be called as an art as well, and everyone can learn it, you just need to get out of your comfort zone and be more approachable. To start your journey start small, try to talk to other people in the crowd, try to engage in an ongoing conversations, initially it way sound odd and uncomfortable, but once you have the art perfected, you will be more at ease.
I think most extroverts are superficial as well, as they will be chatting with you but not actually talking. They would share their stories but not their experience or feeling with anyone apart from the trusted group.

9 years ago

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I wish I hadn't read your comment.
So in summary: My life is fucked (because of something I had no control over) and there is no hope, that it will actually be/get any better in the future?!

9 years ago

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you can keep trying but success when you are over 21 is rare, it is precisely that rareness that becomes the plot of movies, but too many guys get romantic and think it's likely.
for example in the documentary "I am big bird" you have a female that is ignoring a worker in favor of trying to develop a relationship with the higher staff, but in that instance you have the unusual situation that most to all the higher staff is homosexual so she hits a wall and considers other possibilities [rare point 1], then the actor who played big bird reaches a level of fame that is noteworthy [rare point 2] so they pair and imprint [rare point 3] which none of their friends can believe because imprinting that late is so unusual.
another point some might miss about the movie is it points out how when a guy reaches that sort of low, looking for a mate is all consuming, to the point males forget about a female if she is no longer a potential mate. so guys eventually ask again because they do not remember having asked before. in today's world it would be considered harassment and he would have lost his job, but since it was an older time, and there were very unusual circumstances it ended up working.

9 years ago

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if you are going to try late make a list of every female you know, if a female shows the slightest non-interest cross her off and leave her alone. leave female employees alone, especially if you see one playing on the computer, chatting on the phone, or playing phone games. those type don't have to do anything because they are the mistress of a higher level employee.
in one case before I was more experienced in how the world works one female spoke candidly with me that she had a child, therefore she was better off being her managers mistress than marrying a lower paid employee.
and that basically describes the single female employee, and they won't tolerate advances because they aren't interested in marrying you and if their master sees them chatting with you they will think she is cheating on them.
so work females are definitely off limits.

9 years ago

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it is very difficult to find an older female who is single and looking.
online dating sites pay trolls to waste your time
your best chances are irl, but then the females usually fall into two categories.
those with std's, with those when the relationship hits the cuddle buddy/spooning stage that's usually when they open up about it. and the relationship fizzles out because you are better off alone than with an std.
and those without std, with those you will most likely end up friend-ed, all the romance and love in the world will just make them not want to hurt your feelings, so you will spend a few years dating etc, thinking you are building a relationship, but eventually the facade will drop.
std free older women are rare and can usually do better than you. so just like on limitless where the fbi girl drops the swat guy, you will find yourself having wasted more time, will be a few more years older, and will have lost a bit more hope.

9 years ago

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the only actual good news i can give you is the reproductive system in people starts dying close to 40, so if you endure that long the sexual imperative will ease off, sexuality will go from being a several times a day thing to a once a week thing, and you will be less depressed.
women go through the same thing and those that wanted to be professionals find out too late that the career they built was for naught because their uterus is dying, the tv lied to them, they weren't expecting menopause until 55 or 60.

9 years ago

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