just giveaway games for the enjoyment.
..of earning CV? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Well, that kind of comment could be taken a lot of ways, so I can't really say.
Definitely bothersome when there's that implication that you should buy expensive games without consideration, though.
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Oh, gotcha.
Hmm. Well, no, I get that, though.
I put in the effort to check CV [Darn Spec Ops: The Line needs to get off the bundle list so I can buy it to give it away :| :P ], but I don't particularly worry if it'll go bundled after that.
I guess that's a benefit of mainly picking cool indie games that I want to give away to begin with [ie, you with To The Moon? :) ], rather than AAA games as a big gesture.
..though, I end up paying less than I would on a AAA game, so I'm sure that's part of it. :P
I get why that's something people are often expressing frustration over, however.
That said, could the statement have been from my viewpoint, rather than being intended as dismissive?
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thanks a lot i was looking for that..someone had given them this http://www.sgtools.info/sent/karrie7/newestfirst and has only the newest any idea about that region think?how to calculate if it will get retroactively bundled?
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The only time a game gets retroactively bundled is as the game gets on the list they put a bundled on date in the listing. For instance if your giveaway ended 1 week ago then the game gets bundled or gets 90% discount you will be safe. But if the game gets bundled or discounted before the end of your giveaway it will count against you. Make sense?
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If it's really about the CV to you, I'd advise you to stick with buying stuff you're sure isn't on the bundled list the moment you do a giveaway, so probably the stuff that isn't more than 95% off in Russia compared to American prices.
When in doubt, it'll probably end up bundled anyway. Eventually, just about all games will end up on that list (^w^)
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75% off is usually pretty safe, although there can be exceptions.
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If it's discounted 90% in US then RU price must not be half of that or less, otherwise it's more than 95%.
A 75% discount in USA is harmless, the game would have to be less than a quarter of that in RU to reach 95% off.
I use Extended Steam and steamdb to check.
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It will depend a bit on the game, but with the current currency situation, a game reaching about 85% off will get bundled (some games on slightly smaller discounts will still get bundled).
It's usually safer to buy games on big discounts on other sites than steam, if they offer steam keys. Which ones you have access to will depend a bit on where you live. If you live in the US, Amazon is a good one, if you live in Europe then your choices are more limited. Amazon.co.uk sometimes have really good deals, but they don't match their US counterpart.
Another option is to use a VPN and buy non-region restricted keys from nuuvem (a Brazilian site). Just make sure to do your homework before buying from there.
No matter what game you buy, there's always the risk of it getting bundled, so make sure to spread your risks and get many different games.
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I believe the current standard is still 90% or more off it is considered bundled. Once it is on the bundle list it is there forever.
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The Enhanced Steam extension lists any special "bundle" promotion a game has been in, regardless of pricing.
For SG purposes, a bundled game is any game that was part of a sale where the total price of the product, bundle, or bundle tier reached 95% or more off, in any region.
As such, the two don't always line up, since ES will list games SG doesn't consider bundled, but won't list ones it does.
SG's bundled games list is manually updated by a single person, so sometimes it's delayed in getting updated.
Thus, what you end up doing when you want to give away an unbundled game is as follows:
Worth noting that the 95% is just a guideline, and games that get even a few percentile points close to that point are at risk of getting bundled-listed. Your best bet is to stay as close to 90% as possible.
Games that are 80% off are usually safe, and 75% almost always- though sometimes Russia will also have a cheaper base price after conversion, putting 75% at risk as well.
A good work-around is to only purchase from sites that only allow US pricing.
Humble Monthly Bundle, for example, has been around 80-90% off, and only available through US pricing. This makes it better for CV than cautiously buying 75% off games.
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There's also the retroactive bundling, so, yeah, you're never safe. :B They may bundle some games even after a lot of months. Steamgifts been bundlin' games, faster than they get released. :P Usually, not always though, 80% discount is safe.
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Well, my opinion is either give out brand new games, or stick with publisher's that are pretty consistent. Even if Assassin's creed syndicate is on humble bundle tomorrow, ubisoft gives out Uplay keys. Yey for double DRM.
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The formula is usually simple: did it ever have a 66%+ sale on Steam? Then it will get on the bundle list sooner or later.
It didn't get a sale on that magnitude? Then some obscure key selling store will have a random price glitch on it for three nanoseconds and it will get on the bundle list dated back to 2000 B.C.
So it is easier to just accept the fact that all games will be on the bundle list sooner or later, and just because you don't see them now doesn't mean anything. If you really want to be safe, buy the latest 60-dollar+ flashy game that is advertised everywhere. Not only people blindly fall for any bad marketing and will want it and be grateful for it, but they will also feel like getting something valuable just because it is expensive.
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I have this add-on of chrome that says if it was bundled but sometimes non bundled games are still considered bundled cause someone told me of currency in russia.So my question is what is the safest way?For example I found a discount -75%of a non bundled game according to that site but it says the difference in russia is up to -22% this is insane..what should I do?
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