2016 has been a pretty good year for me so far. I've won four games, one off of my wishlist. Of course, this string of good luck makes me incredibly nervous, and I'm pretty sure I've lost my 1.0 ratio by now. So I should probably give something back.

Rather than vomit up one of the terrible bundles available right now, I've decided to give away one of my favorite games of 2015: Downwell. If you like fast paced rogue-lites like Spelunky, Nuclear Throne and Super House of Dead Ninjas, you'll probably like Downwell.

I know what you're thinking: Why make a thread for a single cheap game if I'm not even going to hide it behind some obtuse puzzle? Well, I wanted to try out SGTools. Here's the giveaway link. I tried to keep the requirements pretty low, just keeping out rule breakers and prodigious leechers. Let me know if I screwed anything up.

Bumps and thank yous are appreciated, but I'd prefer to get a discussion going. What was the best game you did play in 2015, and why did you like it so much? It doesn't necessarily have to be a game that came out in 2015, just as long as you played it for the first time last year. As usual, giving a thoughtful answer will get you on my whitelist. I for one really liked Undertale...maybe I should give that away instead. Maybe later...maybe for the whitelist.

(PS: I cleared my blacklist at the beginning of the year, so if you've managed to go 10 days without being totally obnoxious, you should be able to enter!)

8 years ago*

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Or maybe you did play it?(Poll Requires Games to Vote)

View Results
Yes, thank you for wasting my time.
I own it and haven't played it, but I'll go do that right now since you gave it such a shining recommendation.

Umm... best game... rather best games :)
Maybe the first game I played last year was Stick It to the Man - a really unique platformer game in which you could manipulate the world, as everything works like stickers. Solid story, genuinely funny, and the sticker-mechanic was awesome. A not too well known, but fantastic title.
Ori and the Blind Forest - Beautiful, emotion-heavy metroidvania platformer which happens to be actually quite challenging. I loved it.
Dishonored - base game was ~ 4/5 - mechanics are wonderful, it's really good to sneak and blink around, but the story was really expectable. To my actual surprise the DLC storyline : Knife of Dunwall and The Brigmore Witches made the great game into a bloody awesome one. Voices hero who actually talks. Mystery in the storyline. New powers, new gadgets, new enemies and new mechanics (like riddles/recipes for a ritual to get rewards) - they improved on everything. I love Dishonored, but Daud's storyline of the two DLC is what my favourite is :)

8 years ago

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I gave Downwell a try off-steam if you know what I mean, just to see is it worth buying. The game felt painfully repetitive and there isn't a lot of variety when it comes to weapons and upgrades so I ended up deleting it shortly after. I know the lack of content can be justified by it's relatively low price, but I just don't find this kind of games fun if they don't offer a lot of variety.

One of the most enjoyable games I played last year was Sins of a Dark Age, which was a F2P MOBA which I started playing during it's early access stage because I was given a free key for it. I've put over 1,000 hours into it before it unfortunately got shut down. It was neither casual nor hardcore, but somewhere in the middle. They had quest system to differentiate it from other MOBA games (Don't mention HoTS, it's not worth bringing up) and it was pretty fun.

I also loved Death Skid Marks which is car combat game with roguelike elements. I like it's artstyle and trashy humor, the gameplay itself is pretty fun and challenging. Your goal is to reach music concert killing everything that gets in your way.

Mercenary Kings is definitely a game I have to mention, I enjoyed every minute of it. It's probably the best side-scrolling shooter I ever played. The gameplay is very fun, the artstyle is amazing and it's done by my favorite pixel artist. The fact that you can gather materials from monsters and craft weapon parts and then mix them up to create whatever you want is really fun.

Rampage Knights was very fun as well. It's a beat 'em up with roguelike elements. Fun artstyle, great gameplay, good variety in loot and even after 70 hours I would still see new rooms which weren't generated for me before. It's a game I would highly recommend to anyone who likes beat 'em ups.

I also enjoyed Battleblock Theater both in singleplayer and multiplayer. It's really great puzzle platformer, starts very easy but gets pretty challenging towards the end. Of course I have to mention Borderlands as well which is one of my favorite FPS games. It's a great mix of FPS and RPG with tons of loot, good writing and interesting story.

8 years ago

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Downwell is the sort of game where a full run takes less than 20 minutes, so the predictability of the weapons and upgrades actually helps you form a strategy, since it's fairly easy to learn how to best use everything the game has to offer. I can see how that format might not be appealing to everyone, though.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I actually played Downwell on mobile. I heard it's so much better on PC though.

Best game of 2015 is Hearthstone because it was the only game I played of 2015 (not true). Honestly it's hard for me to even start new games once I find something to play online for hundreds of hours and Hearthstone's had me going since '14. Other than that it's been a Heroes of the Storm. Blizzard has had me in their hooks since forever.

8 years ago

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I'm hoping Downwell gets an Android release soon, but it's a game where your inputs have to be very precise, so it may not be a good fit for a touch screen...

8 years ago

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For me it was L.A Noire and Bioshock:Infinity. They both have really awsome plot (especially Bioshock with its parallel universes). Additionally there is one game I really wanted to play in 2015, but couldnt find free time between playing other single games , lol and cs;go.This game is Way of the samurai 4 . I bought it on winter sale and well .... Someday i hope to try it out xdd

8 years ago

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I really loved the first Way of the Samurai. The combat was...okay, but it features a really organic implementation of a choose your own adventure structure. Haven't heard much about the fourth one.

8 years ago

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LA noire and bio inf were great indeed

8 years ago

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a couch game I really enjoyed this year is Duck Game. simple gameplay but you need to thunk ahead of time to win against your friends.

8 years ago

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It's on my wishlist. I would have bought it already...but then I'd need friends.

8 years ago

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Monument Valley is a must play game for any smarphone owner. Beautiful graphics, music and ambientation with a really nice gameplay.

8 years ago

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I started playing Tropico 4.
For years people have been calling me a dick, and I always felt a bit hurt and offended. But now I finally know what they meant; dictator!
Now I'm loving life, I hop and skip through my neighborhood telling people to get me some papayas, go roll some cigars and ask them if their shack isn't too comfy. I drink spiced rum, do the Impossible Crossword, watch Caribbean Legend Buster and fight rebels from my limo. And I got me a second-best camel!

8 years ago

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Your question made me realise that... i haven't play anything new in the last year.

Well theres Dying Light, wich i enjoyd but i don't think it deserves the title.

L4d2 on a 10x10 server. It just never gets old for me, always full of laughs playing with friends on Team Speak.

1700 hours and counting :P

8 years ago

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Is it possible to find out when I started playing some game?
I don't know what I started in 2015.. The few that I know.. well.. I wouldn't want to pick 'em :P

8 years ago

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Steam keeps track of when you bought a game and when you earned achievements for it, but I'm not going to go fact checking your answer.

8 years ago

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Right, achievements.. why didn't I think of that!

Edit: Okay, I haven't really played many new games in 2015.. But I'll go with Forced.. It's a great co-op game but my friend doesn't like puzzles so we stopped :(

I like how I don't need to think "I am getting most of the loot, I should let him take more" or something similar :P
No exp, no drops, no player damage, just co-op :D

8 years ago*

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Oh, I really enjoyed Undertale as well, I love story driven games ^^
other games I finished in 2015... umm, Fallout 4? Oh wait Portal, I loved Portal Yes I am late to the party
Thanks for recommending Downwell, I'll try and just buy that soon ^^

8 years ago

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Bit Dungeon II, a Zeldaish rogue like. the mix is pretty addicting.

8 years ago

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So 2015 was a great year for my steam account, discovering HB, and other bundle sites helped me rising the number of games i own, but if i have to choose for a number one, it would be a really difficult choice.
So first i'll give you a list with those games that just won a place in my favourites list this year:

  1. Crusader Kings 2 So it somehow managed to become the second most played game i have (only 94 hours), so a friend and i bought it back on august and started playing, almost 350 years before that, we got bored and forgot the game. But i think it's time i reinstall it. The only negative point is the game crashes a little bit on the very start almost every time.
  2. Batman Arkham City Well not much to say about this game, a good story and most important of all BATMAN
  3. The walking dead Telltale (season 1) Firts telltale game i've ever played and for sure it won't be the last one.
  4. Max Payne 3 7/10 too many Favelas -IGN
  5. Fallout: New Vegas So i just felt sad when i realised i wasn't going to be able to finish all that side quests, amazing game, a masterpiece, and the very first Fallout i play.

I know that the reviews are really simple ones, but i am not good at writting them :(
So if i had to choose i woul probably go with New Vegas, altough i choose it because it's the last one i played.

8 years ago

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I only started out with Steam about 7 months ago, so my favorite of 2015 is my all-time favorite anyway. My absolute favorite has got to be

Tales of Maj-Eyal

It's without a doubt the best rogue-like I know, as well as the most "rogue-like". I always find a good soundtrack important, and ToME's really is one that'll stay with you for days. Finally, the game has almost infinite replayability. I just love everything about it!

8 years ago

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Honestly I really started gaming on a more serious note at the very begging of 2015, so I guess my standards aren't that high. :p

But anyway, best game for me that I played on PC last year is propably Fallout NV. I absolutely adore the freedom that is being offered to the player with approaching certain tasks and the diversity of choices that you make through the game. It certainly let me look past all the bugs, crashes (oh, OWB...) and falling through the map. :p

As for console, MGS2&3. I've cried my eyes out on Snake Eater and honestly felt like my brain was slowly melting while playing Sons of Liberty, so please, don't make me decide, which of them is the better Metal Gear Solid game.

8 years ago

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Talos Principles. I wanted to play the game but I have a machine with Intel Iris Graphics so I had to refund because It didn't run so well after the level 1 :'(

8 years ago

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Fallout 4 of course :P I really liked how you could build towns from scrap :). I spent a lot of time just doing that without going for the story. I also really enjoyed just modding my guns and trying out different setups. I think I had the most fun just exploring though. I just really got immersed into the game and had a lot of fun with it, about 300+ hrs or so. I think I liked most everything about the game. There were just a few things I didn't like and I really don't even remember what they were.

It is almost a tie for Far Cry 4 though... I just played Fallout more recently

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Dark Souls. The first hours were quite frustrating but after getting used to it it became one of my favorites. Gameplay is extremely rewarding, the OST is great, level design is excellent and the lore is really interesting (even if it's well hidden). Multiplayer interaction works in an unusual way but once you learn the mechanics behind it, it makes the game even better.

8 years ago

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The Talos Principle would be my choice, best 1st person puzzle game since Portal 2 in my opinion. Really clever puzzles and a storyline that makes you think. Also the game is quite lengthy which is nice.

8 years ago

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I'll say Life is Strange and Darkest Dungeon.

Life is Strange for the story and the experience I had. I like love stories and games where my choices matter so this totally got me.

Darkest Dungeon was love since the first time I saw it. It's not really my type of game, I enjoy more coop games usually. But when I saw it jumped on the first position of my wishlist and great friends gifted it to me for my birthday.. I have over 130 hours on it and I still play it. It's challanging, sometimes makes me angry, but i managed to beat all the bosses but one and im waiting for the final release with the final dungeon.. january 19th hype

8 years ago

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8 years ago*

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I'm not able to tell that :\ I mean, a single title...
So, here is a little list of games that I installed without high expectations... and turned out to be awesome.
(I won't talk a lot about games because I could spoil :s)

The Cat Lady & Deponia Saga - I'm not a fan of point-and-click games, but I heard that a lot of people liked them so... why not?
The Cat Lady: Jesus I loved that game, I can't imagine something like that done with a big budget like Life is strange
Deponia: As above, I'm not a fan of point-and-click, but Deponia turned out to be a master piece, I really wish they'll make a 4th chapter :c

Valkyria Chronicles - Well... I'm not a fan of turn-based games and I'm not mad for anime style games, but... "that awesome rating on steam, it can't be bad, isn't it ?" And indeed it was awesome as well, I loved the story and... even the gameplay

Metro 2033\LL - Ok, that's not exactly an hidden gem, not really unexpected, but it's definitely one of the best games I've ever played
Other games I liked in 2015: Bioshock saga, GTAV, Shadow of Mordor, well I don't think I need to justify why :p

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Definitely The Witcher 3. For me it's one of the best games ever. I'm a huge fan of the universe since I was a kid. What I especially liked is that even sidequests aren't boring and have their own storyline.

8 years ago

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I played many games in 2015 but Witcher 3 and Pillars of Eternity ale most worthy of mention :)

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by AttackSlugD.