If I could predict the future, I'd prefer to get the lottery numbers, not the next bundle.
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Same, then I'd buy every bundle without even caring about what games are included.
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It's like they read my wishlist, but forgot the Bad Rats.
Santa hates me, too. I always get candy instead of rusty nails :(
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30$ tier:
Brink Complete Pack
DOOM 3 BFG Edition
Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition
Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition
Hunted: The Demon’s Forge™
Rogue Warrior
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind® Game of the Year Edition
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion® Game of the Year Edition Deluxe
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
why nat... ;)
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Well, if you take a look at the Humble Store discounts, you might think again about that. I also think that a Square Enix bundle is close.
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Would probably be more like something that was in their Christmas surprise box that they sold if they ever did it. That was Just Cause 2, Dungeon Siege III, Tomb Raider and Hitman: Blood Money. They also gave a 20% off discount for the Square Enix store which stated that it couldn't be used on certain FF titles (it might've been all of them but I can't remember). They seemed keen not to discount FF games.
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Rockstar Humble Bundle.
I'm just taking a stab in the dark, and I don't think it's likely so don't mind me.
Trying to think of anything that indicates they might bundle some stuff soon and all I can come up with is the recent heavy discounts on Steam and also on GMG. Doesn't necessarily mean anything. If they were to do it I'd be expecting the likes of Bully, Midnight Club 2, Manhunt, GTA III, that kind of stuff with maybe with 1 or 2 newer games thrown in (Max Payne 3?).
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I think this is likely around the time when they release GTA 5, either as advertising, or with GTA5 at a special high price tier, similar to DI2 or Civ5. Most Rockstar games have been at 75% off A LOT recently anyway, sometimes that is a sign of upcoming bundling.
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"Buggy crap bundle" with Dark Souls II at a $30 level.
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Bethesda, Rockstar, or AC pls (although those are all kind of unlikely just to different degrees). When I got the newsletter about the Square Enix sale I only glanced at the subject line, so for a moment there I was fooled it was a bundle :/
I've been thinking a Pendulo adventure bundle might happen sometime. Or a rerun of the Telltale bundle with one of the newer games in a third tier.
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Sega bundle! Football Manager 2014 at $15 level. Sonic Ep 4, part 1 & 2, Dreamcast bundle, etc..
I decided to answer "what bundle would you LIKE to see?" instead of "probably will we see" That's all that these bundle threads turn into after all.
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Pixeljunk Shooter/Monsters have been in a number of bundles and huge sales (and Eden was bundled too) so unless they offered an amazing deal on the new one I'm hoping that doesn't happen.
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I would love a WadjetEye bundle :D But that's not going to happen.
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Ooooh, good idea. I have most of their games, but yeah, that'd be nice. And I don't think it's all that unlikely.
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Ah, you're right, it would be unusual for Humble to do one after Groupees has already had the same bundle. I didn't know they had, by the way! Ugh, those dark times when I was only aware of Humble's existence.
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Don't feel bad. I missed that bundle too, and I really would've liked it. I was able to pick up the Blackwell games from a Bundle In a Box bundle, and Gemini Rue from Humble 8, but I'm still missing Resonance and The Shivah to complete the set. I'd be good with an adventure bundle, though. I've still got a lot on my wishlist.
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Rockstar, Ubisoft, and Square Enix have all been having deep sales lately, so any of those are possible. But I just don't know that they would feel they'd have anything to gain by doing it. EA only did it to increase their user numbers on Origin. So long as they (R*, Ubisoft and SE) are able to sell their games for $5 each, they have no incentive to sell a bundle for $1, or $5, or even $10.
I'd like to see a Lucasarts bundle. The adventure games never go on sale and I'm sure Disney would like to start squeezing some blood from that stone.
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LucasArts would be great, that hadn't even occurred to me :)
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I'm waiting for the first Humble Comic Book Bundle to appear.. I wouldn't actually mind it too much, especially if they gave exposure to young artists (or if it was an Image bundle I suppose), but I'm always slightly disappointed when it isn't games.
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Yeah I have a decent backlog at comixology too :) I tend to not read any for 2-3 months and then catch up all at once, probably not the best system.
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Oh, I only follow their game bundle releases, good to know.
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If only... I would definitely try to beat the average on it.
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They will do a good bundle, after vomiting shit bundles
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I don't really think they'll bundle Spelunky in the Indie Bundle imo since the HD version on Steam is not cross-platform (but maybe they'll hire flibitijibibo to do some last minute magic porting...who knows? :P)
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Probably another shit bundle, latest bundles were pretty weak imho
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Hopefully a good indie bundle and not another book or comedy one or mobile.
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My dream would be a "Humble survival Bundle" with rust , dayz and other game of this genre :)
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Anyone have any ideas as to what the next Humble Bundle(s) will be centered on? My wishful mind hopes for a Pixeljunk bundle, but I know it's probably too soon for that.
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