Maybe they are in some kind of BDSM relationship and his wife loves being pushed down the stairs?
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I can be rather repulsive at times. Please, do accept these words I soon tend to forget in thy futures end. I apologize dearly, me lord.
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She would probably be a lot more cooperative after though...
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rape jokes aren't funny (to me)*
Not saying I appreciate them, but don't try and speak for everyone.
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why don't you just make a thread listing everything you personally don't find funny. no need to police anybody here
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As much as the free game giveaway in here is appreciated, the title is sick and whether joking or attempting to shock, I can not condone the making of threads involving violence to women in such a matter. I would not even joke like that about my wife no matter how much she annoys me sometimes. I really hope SG does not let this sort of example continue.
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It's nothing you don't see in every lifetime movie ;]
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... is your personal opinion - you do realise this is only a string of letters you are getting this upset over right??
others might find it funny, so mind your own business and continue on with your day if you don't like it - stop reading and go watch a video, or read a joke of something you do find funny..
jeez.. with the whining..
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In the context of making jokes, then they are the same.. a joke is a fucking joke - you're being a hypocrite by trying to dictate what is okay and what isn't... who's to say that some jokes about a fat person does not lead to a fat person committing suicide due to a depression over all the ridicule...
Also a joke is a fucking joke - it's a string of fucking letters - no one has raped anybody nor pushed a wife down the stairs in this scenario - stop being so fucking dramatic and maybe go out and try to stop ACTUAL wifebeaters, if you are so goddamn worried about them, instead of getting all worked up over words...
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You are talking to a wall, man. This is literally 90% of her forum activity, it's just sad
Why would anyone dedicate so much time to go around and police people on the internet for something that can be easily ignored is just beyond me
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So its okay to make jokes about pushing husbands down the stairs?
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People acting being offended just to keep up with their shallow social appearances is what makes this thread so goddamn funny
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So anyway, I fus ro dah'd the bitch out the front door so now I'm back to 99 problems. And I guess I won't be needing this anymore...
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You know, being a woman and having had to go through this kind of shit really makes this thread not seem all that fucking funny. You can pretend all you want that this is a "joke" but you know this is actually unacceptable behavior. Try living through it and then get back to me about how damn funny it is.
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You had to live through this shit because you had a abusive prick as boyfriend/husband not because you are a women, you feminists are so silly.
This thread title is a joke, and obviously you don't know what the definition of a joke is, try to laugh a little in life. You probaby deserve it after what you've been trough.
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Wow, you really are stupid. I'm amazed by the fact that you misread my comment thinking i was saying something negative, even after you read it again.
edit: Poor wording my ass. How can you possibly interpret "try to laugh a little in life. You probaby deserve it after what you've been trough." wrong. My brain doesn't understand.
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He wasn't blaming the victim, he was blaming the person who abused her.
"You had to live trough this shit because you had a abusive prick as boyfriend/husband not because you are a women"
I do not once see in that comment where he claimed it was the fault of the victim.
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What? You think she doesn't deserve to laugh after having been through tough times? Are you some kind of monster?
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This is just a joke. And you know, you act like women are the only people who go through this, when really that's not true at all.
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Just because I haven't personally gone through it doesn't mean it doesn't happen to other people as well. Like someone said, violence doesn't happen to women just because they're women. Plenty of other people get abused every day probably even more so than women. It's not that I don't sympathize for abused women, but people like you who act like nobody does care really annoy me.
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Yeah, dig yourself out of that hole. Here you go, dude. This is why it's not funny. 1 in 3 women living in the entire world has experienced violence or abuse simply because she's a woman.
Every 9 seconds in the US a woman is assaulted or beaten.
Around the world, at least one in every three women has been beaten, coerced into sex or otherwise abused during her lifetime. Most often, the abuser is a member of her own family.
Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women—more than car accidents, muggings, and rapes combined.
Studies suggest that up to 10 million children witness some form of domestic violence annually.
Nearly 1 in 5 teenage girls who have been in a relationship said a boyfriend threatened violence or self-harm if presented with a breakup.
Everyday in the US, more than three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends.
Ninety-two percent of women surveyed listed reducing domestic violence and sexual assault as their top concern.
Domestic violence victims lose nearly 8 million days of paid work per year in the US alone—the equivalent of 32,000 full-time jobs.
Based on reports from 10 countries, between 55 percent and 95 percent of women who had been physically abused by their partners had never contacted non-governmental organizations, shelters, or the police for help.
The costs of intimate partner violence in the US alone exceed $5.8 billion per year: $4.1 billion are for direct medical and health care services, while productivity losses account for nearly $1.8 billion.
Men who as children witnessed their parents’ domestic violence were twice as likely to abuse their own wives than sons of nonviolent parents.
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I'm pretty sure it's one of those copypastas made for feminist blogs. I know some of these statistics... but they're not very helpful when, in the end, it's more about the people who don't come forth and talk and add to the conversation.
Shiny numbers have their use in copywriting, but otherwise, better to discourse in detail.
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But it's totally okay to make this site completely unwelcoming to 40% of the gaming population, right? It's not a tasteless joke, it's not even a joke, it's a statement used for shock value. Break it down to its constituent components. What it says is that domestic violence is so trivial that it doesn't matter if people use it for shock value because everyone will ignore it anyway, or worse, they'll think it's funny. This is, in actual fact, exactly what happened. Purely semantically, do you see an actual joke anywhere in the thread title? No. There is no joke, no repartee, nothing witty, no commentary or sarcasm or double entendre, no puns, no humor.
Maybe it's because men have a disproportionately easier life than most women, in that there are prejudices they'll never face (like the income disparity or glass ceilings) nor are they likely to be beaten, abused or raped by someone they know simply because they're men. Maybe it's because men don't have to deal with domestic violence as victims 99% of the time, they think it's an appropriate subject to "joke" about. But the root of it is misogyny, pure and simple. It's an inability to understand or care how women's and children's (and men's, actually) lives are damaged by the pervasive perception of women's lives, hearts and minds as having no worth. So little worth that "joking" about seriously injuring a woman is totally acceptable. Never mind that it happens every second of every day, we definitely need to have more assholes here make shitty unfunny threads about abusing women so that they can give away nearly worthless game keys.
Let's ignore the female users who may not feel comfortable posting here now or in the future because of this thread, a man's unassailable right to be a douchebag is much more important. Everywhere there's always some dudebro telling women that they need to be raped, or to get back in the kitchen, or that abusing women is funny and they shouldn't take it so seriously. We need to be constantly reminded how little our lives, bodies or minds matter, because god knows we don't get enough of that everywhere else. That's definitely the kind of place SteamGifts needs to be.
I think you need to stop excusing yourself for not closing this thread and actually think about why you're not closing it. Being considerate of all users also includes not posting topics like this one, ones that demean women and make them uncomfortable in using the site or participating in the chat or the forums. Does it not?
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I am a woman and the topic title does not make me feel uncomfortable nor does it make me feel unwelcome. Like Kaitlyn said, it was a tasteless joke but I can see past that, and understand what the OP was trying to achieve, which was just to grab attention.
Everyday I see jokes on the internet about issues such as abuse, date rape, etc - things I find highly offensive (and some of which I have personal experience with before you make assumptions), but I've learnt to ignore them. Trying to police the internet will get you nowhere. I'm all for standing up for our rights and all, but I really don't think this topic calls for that. It was not malicious in any way.
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Wow, I actually thought you were a douchebag guy until I hit the use of 'we' at the end of the third fucking paragraph. You give actual feminists a bad name. You don't have the right to not be offended by things people say, and the rest of the world is not obligated to tiptoe around your personal issues, even in the rare event that they're known beforehand. Harden the fuck up.
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"Let's ignore the female users who may not feel comfortable posting here now or in the future because of this thread, a man's unassailable right to be a douchebag is much more important."
I'll edit one of my topic's in order to make the other "60%" of the gaming population to feel unwelcome as well, fair and square.
Instead of feeling all offended, why not ignore such threads, instead of writing rage full blants, that would be much more useful, as a Russian saying says: "Do not touch shit, it will smell bad"
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i admit, when it comes to forum discussions this is one ive read every comment for!!! how effected everyone was cuz of this guys title has kept me interested with a smile on my face lmao i love seeing everyone rant.
but personally i rather not live in a world where everything cant be joked about, no matter how bad, im tired of how evil humanity has become, we need to be able to joke about everything to make it less dramatic
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As any good software developer will tell you, a feature that can't be turned off should be considered a bug.
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