I keep seeing people post that, but no one can be that dumb, right?
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But the FAQ is translated into multiple languages, so that isn't really an excuse.
Sure, getting to the FAQ may be a bit of trouble, but if you cannot understand English, don't use an English site. It's the same for every language. If you don't understand French, don't use a French site.
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People think the giveaway is fake....well there's a lot of those among high value public giveaways created by new users. A lot of new people, for some unimaginable reason, think they will receive a game when they create a giveaway. Those are most easily recognized when someone who joined <1 day ago creates a 3 copies of Dishonored/CoD Blops 2/Skyrim giveaway.
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I think your moustache is fake.........well I don't really :-p
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It's due to precedents from other sites that directly offer free games to members for X, where X substitutes any given requirement or action, etc. There just needs to be a big fat disclaimer on the front page that all giveaways are user-operated and that you join at your own risk, which would easily reduce the amount of fake giveaways.
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Regular users/contributors of this site are sometimes suspicious, and rightfully so, when people who recently joined (like the same day) or don't have the game they're giving in their Steam inventory.
Reason being some people create false giveaways for few reasons - either they think this site works by posting what you want to get and not what you're giving away, they want other people to spend points so there's less entries in other games or, and this is what I think is most often, they create a false giveaway to get extra points.
You can see how the games like Dishonored (worth 60 and more points) are the perfect things for any of those three things, right? This site really calls out to the best and worst people :)
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Win a couple of fake giveaways and you'll get the idea behind such comments.
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This is a fake.
The FAQ, etc tells you how the website works. Obviously these people have not read it, hence the comments like "Read the FAQ"
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B-but... I was just going to ask him if he wants to go see some american tities :'(
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I'm not sure if this can be related to this topic (and yes I've searched the forums for this) but I'd like to clarify if the keys from the Humble Bundles (Ex. Humble Bundle w/ Android 5) ok to be Steamgifted here. Based on what I searched it depends on the TOS but I couldn't see any mention of it there. The reason I ask is I always see bundle games being gifted here. Thanks.
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They're okay to be gifted, but just know that there's a hard limit to the amount of contributor value you can get from bundled games. It's so people don't just buy every bundle and end up getting $2000+ value. Still, any gift is obviously appreciated.
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because people are suspicious and apparently far more willing to believe the noob is both an idiot and trying to rip them off somehow(make them waste 60 free points I guess?(points that those same people complain of having too many and always being stuck at 300 anyway))
than to risk those 60(on what is at best an almost sure loss anyway even when real) and believe he is actually giving away $180 of stuff(cause its not like there aren't people here who've given thousands, and even if there are they don't start out as noob gifters they pop fully formed with $31 already sent and confirmed).
so they rifle through his steam account and post multiple questions about its legitimacy.
(to be fair apparently at one point some idiot(s?) once came here and somehow thought the site generates codes or something(and I suppose there was probably a troll who did it intentionally for no reason at some point)? but still.) so there is some small president, but is it worth it to assume?
lets look at the results of calling something fake:
if you're right: basically nothing happens.
you didn't enter anyway right? so none of your points are even at risk, the creator almost never checks back and reads your comments, most of the entrants don't either, (and for those who do: if it was so obvious they could come to their own conclusion easily enough without aid) ect.
if you're wrong maybe you chase away a new gifter that was giving quality games.
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For example, in the current Dishonored giveaway, some users have posted things like "Read the FAQ," and "Do you know how this site works?" (I've seen the latter more than once.) These comments don't seem helpful as I don't see anything in the FAQ that would warrant Dishonored being a bad giveaway or anything similar. What am I missing?
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