Recommend me some good story based games, that I have or may not have in my library. Tell me why do you find them good

To The Moon, Bioshocks, Skyrim, Hitman, Portals (already played)

Thanks! :)

7 years ago

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When you say story based game do you mean like telltale games?

7 years ago

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Uhmm it can be!

7 years ago

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Well try: Life is strange and The walking dead

7 years ago

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The Wolf Among Us

great story

7 years ago

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All story or rpg/action with a good story?
Telltale lack in gameplay, just for know but if u love Heavy Rain/Two Souls is ok XD

7 years ago

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This is a bundle of visual novels, games with little interaction (mostly only some choices, some even without that). It's like reading a novel, but with graphics and a little animation.

This might not be what you're looking for, but I personally enjoyed some of the visual novels on steam.

7 years ago

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Don't like much visual novels because they look too animeish, but thanks tho!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Hmmm... really depends what do you like to play. If you only care about the story, try some of the Visual Novels (HB have some right now). If you also like to solve puzzles, play some point & click adventures, like Monkey Island, Grim Fandango, The Longest Journey.
If you are an RPG guy, try the Witcher, Dragon Age, or some oldies like Baldur's Gate, Planescape, Deus Ex.
If shooting is your thing, play Bioshock, Half-Life, Mass Effect or Spec Ops the Line.

Edit, also maybe here you'll find something for yourself.

7 years ago*

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Orwell -
Life is Strange -
Witcher 3 -

Lacking review because I'm too lazy:
La Noire (Lovely)
Mafia I + Mafia II (both have excellent stories, Mafia I even better one)
This Is the Police (mixed, people might not agree with me, but I liked it)
The Walking Dead (excellent, telltale)
Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders (Really nice)
Witcher 2/1 (don't play before W3)

I listed a lot of games from various different genres. All of them are really decent, try the one that catches your eye. If you like gameplay (RPG) with good story - pick W3, if you want point & click with decent story - ABC murders. If you want game almost like a movie, pick LiS / TWD. If you like GTA-like but with good story, you have La Noire, Mafia II and I (to some degree). If you like visual-novel like, Orwell and This Is the Police were really good, even for me (I hate VNs).

7 years ago*

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Orwell seems cool but im 1€ away from buying it :( Maybe summer sale will add a discount to it, thanks for the tips!

7 years ago

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Many of those are bundled, you can definitely find them cheap and I'm sure all of them will be discounted during Steam sale that should happen in less than 2 weeks from now, so yeah, I'd advise to wait if you don't have any yet.

But they're really good, I basically listed only those I felt like "I really want to forget I played it and play it again".

7 years ago

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If this 7-day promotion is available for you, Orwell is included in Origin Access.

P.S. If you do sign up, beware of any automatic subscription charge plans and cancel them if necessary!

7 years ago

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Witcher 2/1 (don't play before W3)

What do you mean?

7 years ago

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That if you didn't play W3 yet, it's discouraged to start with W1/W2 and getting potentially displeased with average experience thinking that W3 gameplay will look similar. I heard enough of people not wanting to play W3 because of their W1/W2 experience, and this is the single most stupid thing you can do, as W3 is the best RPG game I've ever played.

Plus, you don't really need to catch up prior to that in terms of story, so there is not a single reason to go through W1/W2 only for W3 sake.

7 years ago

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If you like small, lovely little experiences, try Oneshot.
If you like small, lovely little experiences and aren't put off by the hype, definitely Undertale.
If you want a lengthy, in-depth story with an overarching plot spanning several games and a heck of a lot of attention to detail, check out Trails in the Sky.

Also, Rakuen came out a month ago, and it looks like it hits similar beats to To the Moon. It was made by one of the composers, even!

7 years ago*

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Tactics Ogre/Final Fantasy Tactics

7 years ago

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The BlazBlue series have an interesting story, kinda convoluted at first. If you like fighting games, check them out.

7 years ago

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RPG Shooter: Deus Ex: Human Revolution or the first one with mods, Dishonored, Mass Effect 1+2 (if that's enough story for you)
RPGs: Dragon Age: Origins, Divinity: Original Sin, STAR WARS™: Knights of the Old Republic
fun Adventures: Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Thimbleweed Park, Denponia
story Adventures: Broken Sword 1-4, Gabriel Knight, Stasis

7 years ago

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Bump for Mass Effect trilogy + the books by the original author. You don't have to play on Insanity difficulty. Later versions actually have a Narrative Difficulty for people who can't FPS and an Action mode for people who can't Story.

Deus Ex saw the future. There are patches for textures & wide screen support. DE2 had a too ambitious physics engine for it's day and a buggy release but I enjoyed the story & characters there as well

7 years ago

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Assassins Creed?
Mass Effect!
TT games, like Th walking dead, Wolf among us....

What kinda games do you play?
Like there are loads of games with great story, you might wanna put a focus on something. Because I might as well start with HOGs or VNs or something :D

7 years ago

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I know too many games like this. xD Some of them are:
Bully: Scholarship Edition, Valiant Hearts: The Great War, the Penumbra trilogy, Fran Bow, Night in the Woods, most games from Daedalic Entertainment, Metro 2033, The Wardrobe, Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments, Ceville, etc. There are many more games with a good storyline, but I only said a few. :P

7 years ago

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I will try to go for the less obvious/mentioned ones- but all high praised.

Did what i always wanted to see in game interactions- dialogues that happen naturally and dinamically; The characters talk, you answer, choose dialogues and interrupt as you do things and interactions go by and it all afects the developments (even saying nothing) - wich creates a amazing immersion and responsiveness unlike anything else that will suck you in.
That alone would have been awesome in any game with any kind of story.
Tuns out Oxenfree is a puzzling and misterious tale of the strange in a twin peaks alike town with a buried mistery that lives up to all the best of twilight zone scripts - but as if that wasn't enougth it is 'also' (actually mostly) one of the most well writen coming of age stories ive seen - believable characters (save one in my opnion), little to no clichés (outside of teens hanging out at night- wich is very common), actual dialogue like we see irl.
Heck, its probably around some low rate like 5% of games where characters talk and react like real people would.

Kentucky Route Zero (warning- final chapter still to be released)
Not your average storytelling. Really. Lot of the story and context is left for your deduction and interpretation- its ridiculously original oozing character and mood by the tons of each pixel. Its a freaking journey- a surreal one.
----- > have to put it amongst the top because most stoy games are great stories more then games. Stripping things down and ignoring the buttons pressed and back-and-forth between moments they don't go anywhere with the media- their stories would have been good as books, movies, you name it. Games where the story had to be a game and is more for it are the true stars (Undetale and Oneshot both recommended are know for that; Also Gone Home and Stanley parable too albeit Stanley its less of a story per sí).
Thats the case with Kentucky- plus its alinear and puzzling with its storytelling (more then in-game). Its a experience, a amazing one

If you dig rpgs Undertale and Witcher series are a must.
Theres a bunch of good story adventures- id put Longest Journey at the top, in order. Telltale games have been all quite good.

Ive been hearing amazing things about Night in the Woods. It won't escape me any discount it gets.

7 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

7 years ago

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  • Owlboy
  • Thomas was Alone
  • Braid
  • Dust: An Elysian Tail
  • Bastion
  • Brothers_ a tale of two sons
  • Grim Fandango: Remastered
  • Legacy of kain series (if you can pass the outdated graphics has the best history in videogames ever)
  • Max Payne 1 & 2
  • Papo & Yo
  • Pony Island
  • Singularity
  • Batman Rocksteady games (Arkham asylum and Arkham City).
  • Oddworld games (The classics and New and Tasty remake is pretty nice)
  • Sunless Sea
  • Spec Ops_ The Line
  • Stanley Parable and The Beginners Guide
  • The Talos Principle

And that little hidden gem that is "Waking Mars"

7 years ago

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Thomas was Alone


7 years ago

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Good story based games + personal favourites:

Darksiders (1+2)
Castlevania (Lords of Shadow + Lords of Shadow 2)
Witcher (2+3)
Deus Ex (Human Revolution)
Mass Effect (1+2+3)

7 years ago

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Leaving out stuff that's already been suggested:

7 years ago

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Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons.

It's on The Humble Oceans Day Bundle atm

7 years ago

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You have Life is Strange and Agatha Christie - The ABC Murders in your library. They seem like a good place to start depending on what you're in the mood for while waiting for the summer sale (so you can stock up on everybody's suggestions then) ~

7 years ago

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Hitman is a story based game?
Deus Ex

7 years ago

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Well, if your looking for a really great story game i can only recommend Deadly Premonition! I had nothing quite like it story-wise, not even half. While it's one of the best games i know it's also one of the shi**iest. Unfortunately it suffers from way too many QTE's as well as crashes and you will need patience for this game, but with DPFix (Mod) its pretty stable and i was able to play 12H straight without a single crash. Definetly worth checking out, even if just watching a lets play! :)

7 years ago

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Cough, Cough

Sekai Project Bundle has enough "Story" for you to last a month and its on Humblebundle currently for $12+

7 years ago

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Dota 2

7 years ago

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DOTA 2 has a nice and rich lore. But where's the story?

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Alan Wake and Life Is Strange

7 years ago

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