no not really - thanks tho reminded me i need to play the sims 3 more!
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Not exactly, but Bastion did get me very emotional because of the 2 choices you have to make. I won't name them because they are HUGE spoilers.
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Depends on what you chose. If you saved Zulf and kept the world as it was, I consider it a happy ending.
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Well.. Final Fantasy, Enslaved, Max Payne, Blade Runner, Lost Odyssey.. a clear YES! ^^
I think I got most attached to some of the characters of FF 6 & 8.. Laguna and Celes are definetly some of my favourites. And there is even a Game-World Iยดm still very attached to: Adelpha from Outcast. When I finished the Game the first time, I startet a new playthrough right away, because I just could not leave this beautifull world behind me.
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C-certainly not Natla, the most awesome, sexy-voiced villainess ever.
Or my Jenassa, who I have to drag just everywhere because she's oh-so-cute with that badass axe.
N-no. Never.
Really though, when I was young I would get really attached to my lead Pokemon. Used them for every fight, whether it made sense to or not, just because I adored them and thought it was so cool to watch them win and "grow." To this day, I kinda dread when my Gold cartridge's battery dies and I have to say goodbye to the Feraligatr from my childhood. ;_;
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dude ur story made me soo sad.... to all the fallen pokemon and pokemon trainers
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Till now I only played clannad and a bit of katawa shoujo and you really do consider the choices before making them xD (sometimes considering how would the concerned character feel after the choice is been made).
Plus, don't forget a number of visual novels have animated works (like clannad), so you might even have a background of the characters too.
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Yep! And damn how I became! I mean, my favorite game series is Metal Gear Solid, and damn how I get emo playing that, specially Metal Gear Solid 4 and that epic ending. Just epic! Epic! I cried playing that!
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were you moved too when you arrived at shadow moses and "the best is yet to come" started playing?
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Respawn in real life? I think Hitler would approve. If life's a videogame, it would be the most complicated and most boring game ever made.
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What an interesting thread! I don't think I have, to be honest, although I know when I played GTA San Andreas that I never let CJ look like a fool. He would always be well dressed and have a reasonable haircut. His cars were stolen, of course.
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Robby. Never once have I been attached to such lovely, fictional creature in the same way as I did with my Robby. The nights I've spent sleepless, awaiting for the next day to come so I could go back into buttsville and share more wondrous moments with my unicorn on the training field were countless. I couldn't keep focus on my daytime job and on my studies, for I kept my mind on him the whole time. I was fired days after and expelled from college, but it didn't really matter to me anymore.
All the minigame training we did, all the times I've scrubbed his soft furry back echo through my memory and translate into sheer chills of passionate love and perfection only Robby has been able to offer me to this day. His beautifully incandescent spirit and will is the fire that lights up my heart, and the warmth that keeps me company at night. I've done several paper-mache trophies that I keep above my desk as reminders for each victory he achieved on his races (all of which I didn't get to watch). Tears flow through my cheek every time I remember the pain and joy from all the hard work I've done to get him new buckets and water fountains at his warm, lonely stable. Robby is probably the biggest emotional factor I've come across in all of my years of life, and is probably the only reason for me to wake up in the mornings.
I pity the dead, who can no longer feel the joy of owning their very own virtual unicorn.
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So very touching. ;_; sheds a tear
I, too, have this wonderful game in my library, but have been too afraid to play it because of all the... emotions I'm sure it will bring out.
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Love. It will bring as much pain as it will bring joy. It is not for the weak.
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You've obviously never fallen in love with an inanimate object before. I fell in love with a rock once, it was a pretty stiff relationship. It was undeniably hard to withstand her solid personality and her blunt attitude towards our friends, but we managed to go through all of that, together. She was the most beautiful cobblestone I had ever seen. I'll never forget her perfect, smooth curves and bumps all over her shiny white surface.
Six months after, during the summer, we went on a trip to the inner country, near the iron mines. We had it all planned for the rest of the week, it was entirely ours. Though before we moved on, she insisted she wanted to go for a swim at the local lake for it was too hot and she was fond of Olympic swimming. I warned her it was a bad idea and she replied that I shouldn't make a scene because people were looking. She jokingly told me to toss her in so she could get a head start, and as a knee-jerk reaction I did so. I..I never saw her again. I tried everything to make the local authorities drain the lake to look for her in my screams of despair but they refused. I attempted to charge the local fire brigade in court for having poor rescue conduct and for being guilty of homicide as they did not even bother to jump into the lake to save her, but I just ended up losing my house to the state of Albuquerque and being fined for polluting the municipal lake with debris. As tough as all that was to me, Robby kept and still keeps me company during her permanent absence, though he can be quite silent sometimes.
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God, you make me lol so hard. Remind me of this scene:
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I feel dirty every time I walk over cobble roads. She'd call me a slut.
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Yes, I almost cryed tears when Arthas died in WoW.
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Why would you be sad when an evil maniac (That happens to be the final boss) dies? I understand he wasn't really bad before he got cursed, but.....
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Probably you never played the good old Wc3 campaigns together with Arthas etc..
And btw was Arthas the just one of the real original Warcraft characters...What do you have to face now in WoW? This big dragon which nobody wanted to have...And now they come with pandas..WoW is done.
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Always wanted to play all of the old Warcraft series but never had a chance. Also, I heard that a while back everyone was asking for Blizzard to bring back the pandaren, now everyone's complaining.
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I never played wow but I always loved arthas throughout the other warcraft games... and when he died I was greatly saddened. Arthas's original intention was to take Frostmourne and save his people from Malganis and the undead legion. He claimed that he would give anything and do anything to save his people... and so he gave... and he did... But it wasn't too soon after that that he fell under the spell of frostmourne in his hubris. The rest is history.
Arthas has a tale similar to that of Anakin Skywalkers. I admired all Arthas tried to give to protect his people, and the route he took made me sad. But even though he ended up destroying everything he hoped so much to protect, I loved him still. He like Darth Vader was far from the definition of pure evil. In both cases they were overtaken by a dark power that pushed them to do things they'd never dreamed they would do, and with nowhere else to turn, they both held onto that power, because once the damage was done, that is all they had left....
That's why both of those stories make me truly sad.
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I want to be X/Megaman. And somehow, I hope that Zero was a girl (his hair, just fabulous.)
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I thought Zero was a girl the first time I saw him lol.
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I'm surprised that a lot of people are saying no. Kotor I & II, Enslaved, Mass Effect series, Halo, Sam & Max, Alan Wake, Arkham Asylum/City just to name a few.
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After a while you start to get used to people actually dieing in a zombie apocalypse. Lone Survivor, anyone?
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Yeah when I read the comic that got me really sad too.
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Trust me, it's not that big of a spoiler. Valve already made a sequel and a comic.
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Absolutely. Beyond Good & Evil, Metal Gear Solid, Phantasy Star 1-4, Suikoden series, Wild Arms, Mass Effect Series, Portal, etc etc.
I'm not entirely sure how any gamer can NOT get attached emotionally AT ALL. The "No's" in this thread mystify me.
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I am literally addicted to the Mass Effect CC, too many Shepards to properly play through, though I'd want to with all of them. Three females and two males with proper back-story and fleshed out personalities, yeah... I'll go sit in a corner somewhere =P
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The reason I created this topic is that I'm attached to my sims when I started to play the Sims 3 several days ago. Seeing they growing up, having a family is just fantastic. The moment when a child is born really strikes me hard: the wife of my sim had go to the hospital to give birth while my sim was at work; he quitted working and rushing to the hospital... on his bicycle. Of course, there are a ton of other memorable moments.
At first, I just get this game to play for fun as one of my friend suggested. Then I wasted hours and hours on it; well, I didn't expect that kind of emotion after years of shooting, murdering and watching all kinds of people die in gaming. Lol.
So, how's about you? It's a yes or no. It's damn fine if you answer no, of course. A game's just a game anyway. But if "yes", please tell me your experience. Is that Ghost in the so-called rail shooter (no offend) or Lydia or Squall & Rinoa? And how did you get attached to him/her/them?
Let the discussion begin.
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