Hello all.
I've read the faq, but i still have questions, s if you can help me out getting started gifting, I'd be grateful.
1) I've read something about exploited cd keys for world of goo being banned. Does that mean world of goo cannot be gifted at all, or just that it cannot be gifted by those who acquired the keys illegally
2) speaking of world of goo, i have giftable copies tied to my steam account (I bought a 10-pack some years ago and still have a few copies left). T gift them would require me to "friend" the recipient. Is this acceptable or can I only gift alphanumric keys ?
3) does gifting earn you points ? Not that t would change a lot, just curious.

Thanks in advance for your help.


11 years ago*

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11 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

11 years ago

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11 years ago

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1) You can still gift it.
2) Of course you can gift them. Most of the gifts are inventory items. You can still send the inventory gift by mail, but no one will object to a friend request. Well ... almost no one.
3) Yes, but there are special rules. Search for bundles.

11 years ago

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Wow, that was quick. Thank you :-)

11 years ago

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This is the problem with the FAQ. I actually had trouble finding it myself. Here is the topic. And the list of games subject to the rule.

11 years ago

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Except gifting doesn't earn you POINTS, but contributor value.

11 years ago

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Yes, this. Wasn't paying attention.

11 years ago

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The World of Goo keys are considered exploited I think because there was a free Mac Heist app for iOS that gave away keys for it (and Eets) if you completed the puzzle - so people were getting free copies that they should have activated but people want profit so they gifted them / traded them

I could be wrong that World of Goo was available there but I think it might have been at one point.

11 years ago

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giftable copies are always fine

11 years ago

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Closed 11 years ago by abrahel.