Ps vita or 3dxl
100% the new 3ds xl
Many nice games on the Nintendo
The best handheld ever in my opinion
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The Vita is Region Free while the 3DXL is Region Locked to the country you bought it. If you are going overseas. I would recommend a Vita.
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You could play all 5 games it has on all regions. Nice.
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I vote 3DS XL because I love Pokemon and Smash Bros, but go with the one that has the games you want to play the most!
2DS is super cheap now but has bad sound (better play with headphones this one) and if you go for 3DS then I recommend the XL since the bigger screen and inputs (sticks and buttons) are way more enjoyable IMHO.
PS: I rarely use the 3D option because it drains the battery faster
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I own the Vita and I haven't had a DS since the first DS many years ago but I'd definitely recommend the 3DS over the Vita because the Vita is basically dead at this point and has a limited number of good games, especially ones you can't get on other devices or systems. I think the Vita hardware is far superior but for me software is more important than hardware and the 3DS has games for everyone.
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The Vita is nowhere near dead.
It is the queen of JRPG and Visual Novel games.
Reading/Speaking Japanese helps. If you do either of those, your library expands to a huge expanse of awesome titles.
It is not region locked, and with a simple technique, it can use multiple region stores.
With PSN, most of the PSP games can be purchased and played on the Vita.
It does, however, have the most expensive memory out there.
The 3DS is more casual, and more family friendly.
It is region locked.
It has some JRPG and VN games.
It has Fire Emblem and the Vita does not.
Neither of them are Jailbroken in a successful and permanent manner.
My wife uses the 3DS and I am a Vita FanGirl.
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Is this even real life? Come on maybe Wii U or PS4. Maybe even XB1 or PS4. Maybe 3DS XL or a Konami Pachinko machine. But a Vita? Come on....
I don't care about either lol. Wii U, PS4, and PC good enough for me. But if I had to choose I would go for 3DS XL. MH4, Project X Zone, Fire Emblem games, Bravely Default + whatever other Nintendo sauce you might be into like me.
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even tough I love PS Vita, it has very few games compared to 3DS, so go ahead and choose the nintendo portable, you won't regret it
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Both have good games but I would go with 3DS, Vita games aren't really easy to find so you're pretty much stuck with digital purchases, and memory cards are insanely expensive (and equally hard to find), while you can find 3DS games anywhere and you can use a microSD for digital games (and they are ususally smaller in size than Vita games, so you should be set for a long time with a 32GB card).
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I've got both; talked myself into a vita due to all the 'wasted' 'free' games I got from PSPLUS.
I do like my vita and some specific games on it, however, I simply prefer my 3DS - Mainly because it has pokémon and Prof. Layton.
Suppose you should just get the system with the games you prefer most
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Really depends on your preferences, budget, et cetera.
For JRPGs, visual novels, and the like, definitely the Vita. It's got a good deal of games fitting that niche on its own, has digital backwards compatibility with most of what was on the PSP, and has access to a good chunk on the PS1 classic library. Has a good deal of indie games, as well, but you can probably get most, if not all, of those cheaper on Steam. Depending on how lucky you are in shopping, it's potentially cheaper than a 3DS, if you manage to catch a PSTV cheap, though this will cut down your options by a bit, as the PSTV doesn't support some games that require touchpad controls. Other than that, a PS Vita can get a little pricey due to the proprietary memory.
You already know what you're getting into with a Nintendo handheld, though. Zelda, Mario, Pokemon, and a lot of first-party titles are there, and in relatively good supply. There are some JRPGs, if that's your cup of tea, but nowhere near the amount that you'd get on the Vita. Additionally, most (if not all) "old" 3DS models support physical backwards compatibility with DS cartridges, so that'll possibly be a factor, if you have some carts, or an interest in those games. A bit cheaper overall, compared to the Vita, too, due to only needing a card if you go heavily into digital. Even then, you can buy cheap memory, if needed.
Despite owning both, my personal preference is the Vita. It's a bit pricier, but it's routinely put out more titles I'm interested in than the 3DS, including things like Ys: Memories of Celceta, Demon Gaze, and (though a technical port) Persona 4 Golden. PSN also has access to entries like Growlanser IV: Wayfarer of Time, Persona 3 Portable, PS1 Resident Evil titles, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, and things like that. There's an issue with some titles not getting physical releases (Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth, for example, though it was also on PS4), so that may factor in on whether or not the Vita is for you.
Still, if you opt for the 3DS, and you like JRPGs, visual novels, or the like, check into Shin Megami Tensei IV, the Zero Escape series, The World Ends With You, Etrian Odyssey, or possibly the Devil Survivor entries. Also, if you think you wanna check out the SNES library, you'll need to opt for the New 3DS. Why they restrict it like that, outside of cash grabs, is beyond me, but that's the way it is. If you're interested in the SNES library, a few good entries include Super Metroid, Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, and Earthbound.
Ultimately, it's a matter of taste, though. Go with what feels good for you. I recommend the Vita, again, but if you want a constantly updating library, the 3DS may be your best bet. And, of course, check into their individual libraries and see what catches your eye. First and foremost, you should go for what hardware has the software you want.
Also, thanks for the chance on the giveaway.
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The 3DS has a really great JRPGs library if you add the DS games, but these can be hard to find and expensive
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I have both consoles, and I would say that you you can't do a bad choice here since they are both good. But personally I would say that I have had more fun with the Vita because I'm a huge JRPG fan. A lot of Japanese games are released for it though they don't get much coverage. There are games on the system even though people say there are not, they are just not for everyone. You can also play a lot of ps1 games if you are into that.
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I am interesting to buy one but i don't know which one to get.
Any person that have any of this device that can give some advice
I check other forums but mostly are old so i am mostly curios of this year.
The reason i am asking is because i will go on a ship and will have allot of time to kill and waiting to play on a console when i get bored or bad weather.
Also i don't have internet connection, i have a good laptop and tablet and telephone but still a gaming console will be nice.
Thanks for the help. I will choose Nintendo 3ds to play Pokemon.
Giveaway for help
Good luck to the winner and don't forget to accept friendship or have the correct mail address since it a gift
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