If you really watch the video you linked to, you'll see it doesn't look like a Battle Royale game at all. That's because Fortnite initially was not a Battle Royale game, it was a tower defense zombie survival game, and it was called Fortnite: Save the World. The Battle Royale mode named Fortnite Battle Royale came out in September 2017.
PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds came out in March 2017 (Early Access) then it overtook the #1 spot in Steam from DOTA2 in August 2017.
Here's an excerpt from Wikipedia:
PUBG was released in March 2017 on PC in early access, and quickly became a popular and successful game, becoming the defining example of the battle royale genre. According to Mustard, the Epic team "loved Battle Royale games like [PUBG]", and explored how they could make a similar mode within Fortnite's engine. They kept this mode in a separate development team from the main PvE modes for experimentation and as to not throw off the balance in the main game. The Battle Royale mode development was led by Eric Williamson with Zack Estep as production lead. Their goal was to develop the Battle Royale mode quickly from the core "Save the World" mode, putting off any complex features that weren't already in place as to launch the new mode as soon as possible; while they explored such potential ideas, they held off inclusion until after the main mode was launched. The development of the Battle Royale mode took about two months starting in July 2017 after the "Save the World" mode had shipped, and was aided by the Unreal Tournament team.
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Fortnite killed Paragon...I'll never let that go. Haven't touched the stuff since.
Fortnite killed Unreal Tournament remake...no updates since forever.
I was on both since the closed alpha and the best part of Fortnite (Save the world) is still in development limbo and will no longer be F2P
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Corpse Party: Blood Drive. It's an unnecessary sequel to a great game that didn't need one. And it's not just unnecessary, it completely fucking sucks in comparison. For years I have had it crowned as the worst game of all time, it's a disgrace to the Corpse Party name.
If anyone wants to know more, here is a great YouTube documentary that covers many things.
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XD While I definitely agree we probably didn't need it, at least it fits in compared to corpse party 2. Its like a sequel but not, then puts in Mochida to make you think hey its got the main cast. It felt like a different game but had the name to bring in fans
I left the sachikos birthday game to last so I ended the series on a good note then whatever mess blood drive wanted us to play
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I never played Corpse Party 2, so I wouldn't know how bad it is. From what I know they aren't messing things up with the original cast like they did in Blood Drive though.
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Well I would say it kinda did, but yeah you can safely ignore corpse party 2 pretending it never happened. Plus I'm still kinda upset that I couldnt read up on how everyone died as unlike the original you can't access collectibles on the main page so I lost everything. But yeah you kinda cant avoid blood drive though as its an actual sequel, at least if you want more and go into it thinking its worthy. The new guys did feel very weird, didn't quite fit in
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The worst game of all time has a landfill to back it up: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atari_video_game_burial, E.T.: The Extra-Terrestrial.
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The linked Wikipedia article there has some bad ones too. I don't think "worst game of all time" is an objective thing though, Blood Drive being a stinking pile of shit hurts a bit more since I care about the franchise, contrary to ET where I couldn't care less.
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It's the only video I've watched :O But based on it, I'd say I'm a fan and I should probably watch a few more.
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i finished gothic 2 and 3, risen games and played elex, can't wait for gothic 1 remake, but i hope the wont make the same mistakes they did in arcania
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You haven't finished first Gothic? They aren't really connected, more like G2 changed lore. I tried play Gothic sequel, never finished dlc, it had good ideas, but as fanmade finishement it was really bad and broken. Meanwhile still better than Arcania
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league of legend would be the first game i'd send into the shadow realm.
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played it for like ... 15h. it may be fun casually with friends but i despise rankings in any way + lol community in general is toxic. on the flipside, it saved me like ~500-1000€ when i hear what my friends payed for skins ... this is around what i payed for almost all my pc games combined
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I've invested about ~$200 on skins myself. Now if you mention it, it makes me question my own intentions. 🤣
It's hard to explain to a non-fan of a particular game why people spend it on useless stuff like skins, but it's basically to validate more how much we like a particular character or stuff in a game and make us appreciate the game even more.
Once you invest more money in a game, you're more likely to play it.
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There is a rather obvious reason to it. At least for me.
We should not forget that LoL is a free to play game, which is being constantly updated. Events, patches, characters and tremendous amounts of quality art, be it drawings, characters, animation, music, etc. are frequently coming as additional content. As a player who started LoL in 2013 and spent countless hours getting entertained by it, I thought around 2017, that I would occasionally buy a little something for my favourite champs, in order to honor the relentless work of the staff (especially Riot's art department) and contribute to the existence of the game, as servers dont pay for themselves either.
All in all, buying seemingly "useless" cosmetics in a free to play game is a way to keep it alive, tailored to user convinience (you pay whenever and whatever amount you wish) and I prefer it much more than the monthly fixed payment method of MMO games like WoW.
True ,there is the trap of spending unholy amounts, but the person ultimately in control is You yourself. Its everyone's own responsibility to look out for themselves. I'v spent around 50$ troughout my 8 years of playing. I would not say that I overdid it...
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There is a rather obvious reason to it. At least for me.
We should not forget that LoL is a free to play game, which is being constantly updated. Events, patches, characters and tremendous amounts of quality art, be it drawings, characters, animation, music, etc. are frequently coming as additional content. As a player who started LoL in 2013 and spent countless hours getting entertained by it, I thought around 2017, that I would occasionally buy a little something for my favourite champs, in order to honor the relentless work of the staff (especially Riot's art department) and contribute to the existence of the game, as servers dont pay for themselves either.
All in all, buying seemingly "useless" cosmetics in a free to play game is a way to keep it alive, tailored to user convinience (you pay whenever and whatever amount you wish) and I prefer it much more than the monthly fixed payment method of MMO games like WoW.
True ,there is the trap of spending unholy amounts, but the person ultimately in control is You yourself. Its everyone's own responsibility to look out for themselves. I'v spent around 50$ troughout my 8 years of playing. I would not say that I overdid it...
That's exactly how I've seen it throughout the years and to put it into actual practice, I don't think that in the 5 seasons I've spent that much on the skins. I mean if you divide the $200+ in 5 years, it's about $40/year. Which to be frank, it's not much. If it wasn't for League, I would have spent it on other games I presume. I firmly believe that money spent into something that you enjoy to get through it or just enjoy your time on it is not wasted money. If you spend money and still don't have fun that's money wasted.
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I don't agree. It is known that this kind of predatory addictive practices take advantage of the Neurodiverse and people with gambling disorder. Videogames used to be a safe haven (and even therapeutic) for them.
Some people can't control themselves, mostly because games are being made EXTREMELY addictive by design, trying to bypass our self control, and good spending practices.
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I am well aware, and it is indeed sad that people with gambling problems who found safe havens in certain games, now have less choices to play as lately even full priced, strictly singleplayer games can also contain mtx and lootboxes. I myself find this trend worrying and unnecessary.
But its still on the players. As sad as it is, they should not play with any game that has any form of microtransaction in it, so they could not be exploited and get tempted. Any possible solution must be applied on the individual level, not systematically, as for the rest of the people (the great majority, who are not "whales", neither problem spenders) this is indeed just an option and they can control their urges or learn to do so. For f2p games, that are not p2w, this is just a sustainable way of keeping up service, until it profits enough. Thats a big risk as countless f2p games died, that could not find an audience or could not provide good enough service and gather sufficient costumer goodwill.
F2P is not a bad thing in and of itself. However, it can become one, but that is always dependant on individual circumstances on a case by case basis. Some restrictions might help the situation and I would welcome such practices, but simply ending the payment model itself would not solve the problem, as it would only end one kind of temptation, in a world where we are showered by it online and IRL, to no end.
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I have played more than 4000 hours and play it like 6 years. And next 3 years on and off so in total 9 years So paying like 500€ isnt much of a deal breaker for me. But i dont know about your friends.
Also i can relate to when you dont want it to exist, now it has one of the most toxic communities existed.
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Only one? that is very hard, i have a couple in mind that would be better if they never existed.
I will say League of Legends, maybe the worst and most toxic community ever. this game creates anger and frustration almost in every match. i'm calm and at peace now, haven't played for years. i also rarely play multiplayer games where you rely on teams to avoid experiencing the same emotions 😂
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Well i preferred playing top but i could do other lanes or jungle too if needed. I was bad at adc though, too squishy for me, i liked support better for bot lane. favorite 3 characters in general Riven, Rengar and Shyvana.
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Funny enough, I liked being the ADC, glass cannon as it was, it was something I appreciate it for. I also enjoyed the teamwork you had to have bot side to defeat your enemy. You would never be alone, unless you don't have a cooperative support.
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well people make the experience but it is not just the people but also the system. if they banned more easily troll, afk and cursing players the game would be more fun.
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It's actually pretty good now, when played with TemplarGFX's ACM Overhaul mod.
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Remember one game i have bought in PS2 that was a big scam, '' GT Racers '' (don't bought it, even for collection please)
For make it simple, the worst racing game i even seen, no way to see you're car (only driver view), really bad graphics, bad control and only 5 tracks.
Don't see metascore on it, but i have only found a french site that speak about it : https://www.jeuxvideo.com/jeux/playstation-2-ps2/00013359-gt-racers.htm (5/20 from test; 1/20 from player).
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Have to disagree on that one, especially since I never experienced any game breaking issues on PC (although the vehicle glitches and random spawns were a riot!). I'm only disappointed because the game was too easy, and too short. Hopefully they'll work on getting some DLCs out there soon.
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If you have ever worked in a development environment... whether gaming, web applications or whatever, then you probably have a good idea how easily a project can fall apart when you've got too many chiefs and not enough Indians doing things. 😕
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Never have, but I can imagine the pressure. I don't condone the team working on it. Mistakes can happen and I wish gamers would be a bit less ruthless and more understandable at times.
The company set the standard really high with Witcher 3 and people expected the same quality really. It was a completely different genre, with new looks and mechanics, it was normal for them to not make it as epic as we were told it would be. The vision was there, it just wasn't fully functional.
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I'm not even talking about glitches or game breaking issues. I'm talking about the lifeless open world that was meant to be this whole new massive open world amazing thing and we ended up with something that even GTA 3 or Fallout 3 managed to feel more populated
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The worst part for me about that is how it may or may not have killed my favorite card game, Android: Netrunner. It was a fantastic little asymmetric card game set in a Cyberpunk world featuring a one-on-one battle between a lone Runner and a massive Corporation with their own agenda. It was just hitting its stride as its very first rotation altered the cardpool and fostered a metagame that was absolutely adored by the fanbase. It seemed like nothing but blue skies for us only for the game to be suddenly have its plug pulled due to licensing issues. I want to emphasize that the game was successful: its newest set was selling wonderfully and its base was at the happiest they'd been in years so its discontinuation caught everyone who played it by surprise. The announcement coincided with the announcement for Cyberpunk 2077, which led many to believe that the IP holders wanted the Netrunner IP back for Cyberpunk 2077.
It may or may not be true but it's still a bit of a sore spot for me and a few others. If nothing else, it's a rather bitter association. The fans are keeping it alive to an honestly surprising and frankly astounding degree (new set!), but still :(
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Fallout 76. The VERY moment they announced it being multiplayer online, I can immediately see the game going down the drain. I am just so bummed we will never get a good Fallout game again and all I am waiting for now is Fallout NV modded with Fallout 4 engine
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After Fallout 3 came New Vegas. I know it's on Obsidian, but I think it was great. And I'm a fan that learned English just to play fallout 1. I also played fallout 2 and Tactics and loved them
Fallout 4 and specially 76, though...
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I wouldn't mind and maybe I would even love it, if it used another original name, but hijacking the Fallout franchise and turning it upside down is outrageous for me. Its deadly sin is, that it has eliminated any chance for the real Fallout 3 to be created. It's like FPS platformer Baldur's Gate 4, lol (geez, I hope, that this nightmare will never come, but who knows). Hence it should be executed as a murderous impostor, no matter how many original virtues it has ;).
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I think Ekaros doesn't like how the whole genre changed to fit a wider audience and feel like a totally different game. I don't think he thinks it's a bad game, but it got ripped out of the same title and type of game he used to love. Think of any game you've played a couple of years back just to see it change completely yet keep the name. A good example is Assassin's Creed recent changes. I like it, but I do find people hating the RPG elements. I really liked Fallout 3, was the only one I've played a lot. I didn't even play much of Fallout 4, but he surely is referring to that and I personally can understand.
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Fallout 4 is no where near as good as 4 and Vegas i'll admint that.
As for the whole game change GTA 2 > GTA 3.
Assassins creed is yet another funny one as people for years wanted changes to the game, now more than likely the same people will say its been ruined.
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No they aren't upset about it, and that's the problem. They've taken a great IP with a lot of potential and.....turned it into fallout 4 and V76. 3 wasn't TERRIBLE, it just wasn't very good on it's own and (like most bethesda games) it needed mods to be good. NV was good on it's own right, but it was limited in what it could accomplish because it used bethesda's glitchy engine. 4 I don't even know what to call it. It's decent for what it is (a post apocalyptic shooter with RPG and base building elements) as long as you don't consider it a fallout title.
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Seeing the direction that gaming industry is moving in, it's probably going to be MMO F2P DLC and microtransaction infested fuckfest that will revolve around battle royal and buying lootpacks because without them you can't win.
I actually liked FO3, FO NW and FO4 despite hardcore fans not liking these parts .. And I do hope something good with gripping story would come... but hey, easier to earn money if you don't invest anything but trick people into buying it anyway.
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I’ve added a bunch of random people on FB back when I played Farmville 1 and 2. I think maybe 1 or 2 of them are still playing the game shrug
And no, I wasn’t the kind of player to spam my friends and family who don’t play the game with requests. Only the ones that do.
P/S: Farmville 3 is coming out this Nov ;)
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Oh boy. I would love to answer this but It's a VERY unpopular opinion and I would get blacklisted by every single person on this website.
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Oh, I'm pretty sure we can find a way to have that arranged. :P
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Yeah, why aren't there any more Fortix giveaways, though?
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I really don't understand why people use blacklisting to put you in such a position. I really don't like people nowadays not being able to voice their opinion. It's democracy anyway, why be afraid to voice what you think. I made this discussion because it's hella fun to see what people have to say. So please, go ahead! 👍🏻
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well ... i mean apart from league i also thought about minecraft, zelda, shenmue 3 and overwatch ... it cant be more controvers than this :D and well ... who cares about blacklist, we aren't on twitter where they would lynch you for anything they don't like :D
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In the end, the topic was not to trigger anyone, but to see what people think. It's a way of connecting with you guys and each one of you have the right to voice what you prefer to play and what you think it has been not your biggest enjoyment.
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Oh I'll speak the forbidden names.
Gothic 3 - Standalone DLC, Dawn of gods or so...
Goth*c Arcania
Both not done by the original authors. While the DLC had one or two interesting things done with the Gothic 3 engine, the story is not good and the engame is cringe.
Arcania is more a console Hack'n'Slash with a linear world&story. Dumping names from Gothic into it does not make it a Gothic game, it very very far away from it. Both are a disgrace for that series.
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Very likely I will be. It was / is a great game. I was not aware of the Gothic modding community (until 3) and some amazing mods that I only read about it. I wonder if they will rise again and redo some mods and more important if they give an easily accessible option for it. I think for Risen that was not the case.
Graphic wise the remake looks amazing - I can't wait to get punched in the face.
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Didn't have in mind that this one was standalone as well. Ahh... clouded memories. You're totally right.
And it even is one of these "planned" $$ DLCs that you have to own to finish the ...story.
I own the physical collectors version of it (was just marginally more expensive - could have been an indicator as well😅).
The worst thing I remember is the character and animation design, same shared faces and animations all over the game.
Especially the cringy angry stance still makes me angry remembering it.
Just read the description on the steam page:
A COMPLETELY OPEN WORLD: Enjoy the complete freedom & the almost unlimited options known from the Gothic series. 😂😢
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Amnesia. It broke the genre of first-person horror adventure, and now instead of puzzles like in Darkness Within or just pure horror walking sims (this genre I'm ok with) everyone tends to think that horror adventure means a lot of hide-and-seek and running away from monsters. Personally, I hate these moments: when you have to repeat the same sequence again and again (often because it's poorly designed), that's not scary, that's irritating to the point of rage-quitting or just downright boring.
Also probably Myst because it broke my poor tiny brain. That happened ages ago, but I still hold a grudge because of my childhood trauma :(
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That's the plan! I'm going to try playing the VR version.
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I don't think there are games that shouldn't exist, but I do resent games that become "trends" and make mainstream games less diverse and less inovative. But it's not any games fault, the corporations are to blame here, as is almost always the case.
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I think if a corporation is able to retain its audience over years with the same game it goes to show it has an genuine idea to make money. To be fair, you don't need many things to be caught in the loop and probably have fun. The problem is that they are rushing games in mass production from year to year to the point that the value isn't the same. Mainstream games should take more time to develop, they would make more amazing games.
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That is more of the investors doing as to why potentially great games wind up being ruined more frequently these days. Investors tend to focus on getting the game made ASAP, then reinvesting their money into another project and keeping the profit... ad nauseam. Because they're not developers and have no clue as to the tedious work that goes into game development, they should not be allowed to dictate what goes into a game or demand its release.
I admire what small development companies have been doing, and taking advantage of Kickstarter, Discord and Steam. Some of the best stuff have been produced in this fashion lately because they're more free to work while keeping up with community involvement and interest. Best of all, they don't have to answer to some big corporate publisher that will only take the majority of the profits for themselves. A couple of perfect examples of developers doing this is Crema and Running With Sissors.
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Yeah, I agree! That mass production usually follows "trends" of what they think will sell - per example, the decision to make less single player story driven games and put all resources in multiplayer "live service" stuff, killing or "adapting" smaller projects to focus in huge IPs with same-ish sequels... Indies are usually much more creative now.
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Fable.. Fable something something.. That atrocity after Fable 3......... We got all exited about a new fable aaaaaaaaaaand it tunred out to be something named fable, from the majority of the studio buuuut it had NOTHING to do with fable -.-
Same for Fallout shelter / 76 / whatever that's NOT Fallout, skyrim online (nfs online, whatever singleplayer suddenly only online) and Lineage MOBILE (OMFG that's a JOKEEEEEEEEEEEE)
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I remember playing Lineage 2 on the PC, I honestly liked it back then. Did not know there's a mobile version now. If that's the same game we are speaking about.
Fable 3 wasn't on my likings, idk why. 🤷🏻♂️ It didn't hit me the same as Fable 1.
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Oh they tried.. And failed miserably.. WHOSE IDEA WAS THIS???? -.-
I still play o private servers Interlude Chronicle mostly but it's just not the same.. Though it's still is very very fun :D
Fable 2 was my favorite. Fable 3 was playable.. Not memorable but still "fable" atleast
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If they do, I'd buy it for sure :D Again.. xD I played that thing 24+ times doing every possible thing and every crazy scenario xD
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To sink the franchise?.. Because even big studios make HUGE mistakes?..
Dogmeat was the reason I went into the Fallout franchise :P I left 3 before I exited the ship / whatever it was that you get your skills because after 30 minutes I got bored af.. Then I tried again with 4.. Close to calling it a day (even though it had a shorter beginning) I see dogmeat!!!!!!! I finished it and bought the season pass xD
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I was talking of this https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fable_Legends (the 4th Fable game)
I hadn't even followed to see that it got canceled (I'm very happy about this xD )
Aaaaand in the meantime I also found this: https://www.gamesradar.com/fable-4-release-date-news-rumours/ :D
This was karma thread :P Now I go see the trailer and search this a bit more :P
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Oh yeah! I've head of Fable Legends, I knew it wouldn't be the same when they tried to make it multiplayer or something. I could imagine the amount of trollers on the game. Some games are meant to be played single player.
I am curious to see how the next Fable will turn out to be.
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Hopefully, it will go back to its roots.. I wish that anyway :P But I also hope, they release for pc too and bring Fable 2 with them :P
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That's easy - all the Bethesda abominations with Fallout sticker on top. I mean, they could exist, I don't mind and I too sometimes like stupid, uninspiring games where I have a big sandbox to just play around with buggy game's systems and mods. They should never though make any Fallout games, ever :-\
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The worst about about Fallout 3 & 4 were how they kind of did not understand the setting. Through Fallout 1, 2 and also New Vegas you can see how society evolves, how people go from small tribes barely scraping by to small nations capable of organizing things like food production. And then in Fallout 3 they're back to raiding the local mall for basic supplies. It's 200 years after the bombs fell, the mall is empty! They also did not get the role of the Brotherhood of steel in Fallout 3, the BoS were not good guys, they were self-serving jerks who wanted to hoard technology for themselves in order to prevent it from falling into the hands of those who could challenge them. They did get better at portraying the Brotherhood in Fallout 4 though.
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I can't recall anymore the story behind it, very briefly really when it comes to the bombing. But I get what you're trying to say. The first 2 Fallouts describe a more poor environment in resources and getting to loot things is rather difficult. I can't recall if the bomb fell without warning or people had time to react. Because if they did, they would have hoarded to get supplies and try to survive. Second to that, even if in Fallout 3 you're coming out, there are surely other Vaults that does that. I mean, in Fallout 76, it's presented more and it shows how other vaults were in the vicinity, which I can't recall having to experience that in Fallout 3. They were all too scarce in between.
In your opinion which had a better narrative and a better job as Developers? Interplay Inc. with Fallout 1 or Black Isle Studios with Fallout 2?
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Yeah, they're quite different, particularly when it comes to the humor, with Fallout 2 having more absurd and referential humor. Though it's not a night and day difference, and the games still have more similarities than differences. You could quite easily convince someone that the differences are more due to the original team just wanting to have more humor in the game than anything else.
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I envy you to experience those masterpieces for the first time ever, hope you'll like F1&2 :-) Personally I recommend playing them for the first time almost vanilla, just use the best community patches for both of them and high resolution patches (don't recommend going above 720p though). Grab some useful links:
Mind you there are expansion/uncut mods for both of them (Fallout Et Tu, Fallout 2 Restoration Project), both being great and all around better experience but I truly think everyone should play pure-ish vanilla first (just without a few bugs and with better game resolution)!
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Easy: The Elder Scrolls 6 (which was released last year) should've never existed! It ruined all Skyrim built! I do wholeheartedly believe that they should've just kept re-releasing Skyrim, which is a good game nobody is tired of buying repeatedly.
As a matter of fact, I am going to use my time machine (that I have) to go back and prevent TES6 from happening! If you read it and TES6 doesn't exist, and Wednesday comes after Tuesday, then know that I succeeded!
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You monster!
I liked fnordsday 😥
Specially the free pizza pockets.
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Games with ridiculous microtransactions or gamble a.k.a loot boxes (fortnite, Hero Wars, EA and Ubi come to mind)
All those 💩 asset flips that are plaguing Steam
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Crono Culimination - The story of what happens after you save Schala in Crono Cross and the timelines revert to what they are supposed to be as you strive to go back further and stop the first Lavos from ever appearing FOREVER ALTERING THE ENTIRE LIFESPAN OF THE UNIVERSE!
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No. The original game Crono Trigger was about you getting thrown into the past and ending up screwing with time repeatedly in order to prevent a dystopian future caused by a giant space parasite that landed on earth 67 million years ago. You actually watch it crash, burrow, and basically fudge with the planet's development in order to harvest genetic mutations. In Crono Cross, you watch as the many timestreams accrued and fudged with by the original Crono Trigger game sort of mix, meld, and coallesce into what can only be called "Holy Hell", as not only future and past mix but so do magic and technology that can't coexist. You travel between two such universes with similar people but vastly different outcomes in events, then realize Lavos wasn't ENTIRELY defeated from Crono Trigger. You use the resonances of elemental spells {Yes, spells have elements in this game} to force Lavos to upchuck Schala and win or you can go and end it with just brute force. Both games boast an impressive array of endings and beautiful soundtracks. I recommend a playthrough of both at least once if not more than a few times. Even more impressive was these games came out originally on Super Nintendo and Playstation 1 respecitively. Crono Trigger has been re-released on mulitple consoles throughout the years and may be hitting the Switch soon with Crono Cross.
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Games that kill unrelated games... like Marvel's Avengers. Instead of a new Deus Ex we got that turd instead.
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Command & Conquer 4, the game that ruined the franchise in literally every way possible and is so bad that it's a running joke that everyone in the fandom denies its existence. It has one positive quality which is Joe Kucan, and basically everything else about it was absolute shit.
Didn't help much that it was around that time that particular subgenre of RTS was dying out and it just helped put several nails in the coffin.
If the game had actually not existed, there would've been a minor chance that the franchise and the genre had had a slightly less horrible future.
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I remember as a kid being in love with Command & Conquer 3 - Tiberium Wars. Then 4 comes out and for whatever reason... The developers decided it was a good idea to not only change the formula, limit pvp units by rank, and remove an entire faction from playability. I never finished the game, because not even the plotline could save me from the boredom. Still, Joe Kucan definitely carried the show, but sadly even he wasn't enough to ring me in.
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To be fair, I didn't follow Command & Conquer after the 3rd one that left me with a pleasant experience. I didn't know Command & Conquer 4 was even out. The reviews are really bad. What a shame. So much potential. 😥
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117 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Devirk
12 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Fluffster
Now, this may spark a bit of dispute, but I want you to be respectful when you write this. There might be people that actually like the game. This is your opinion, but that does not mean others does not appreciate the game.
What GAME - you can only name one - you wish it never existed and name what's the reason behind it.
Ready? GO!
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