Now, this may spark a bit of dispute, but I want you to be respectful when you write this. There might be people that actually like the game. This is your opinion, but that does not mean others does not appreciate the game.

What GAME - you can only name one - you wish it never existed and name what's the reason behind it.

Ready? GO!

3 years ago

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Honestly I don't really have any games I can straight-up say annihilate from existence. Like there IS games, but it's really hard to say why they should be killed over other games.

If I could use my annihilate pass for anything, I'd use it to kill the decision that stopped making B-market games a thing.

Sometimes I think about how we could have a bunch of new IP's, new and interesting games. Like, Everyone is so overexposed to triple A games, that they don't realize that we could have a ton of games like Hellblade: Senua's sacrifice, or Darksiders 3.
Those games are damn snazzy. But instead we get triple a trite and dlc slot machines.
I often feel like indie games are the only place to get a good gaming experience these days.

3 years ago

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I get what you mean here. We definitely need more games to be different. But I believe people are too afraid to make this change because then despite being good games, people would want more.

It's like a domino effect. If Hellblade wouldn't have been great, the sequel won't come out. So does Darksiders. I've only played the 1st one and I honestly liked it. I need to play the next ones. I found it quite strange to see the 3rd one being from over the top type of gameplay. But hey-ho! If it's good, it doesn't matter.

3 years ago

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Honestly it'd be nice if companies in-general just took more creative risks. It's why I really am glad Hideo Kojima made a Triple A walking sim. It's definitely not everyone's cup of tea and 100% is niche. But truly is a great thing to have in the market as it helps start a trend for refinement and groundwork to build off of, and hopefully. New ideas.

3 years ago

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Death Stranding was one of the best games I've played this year and of all times. The story was so strange, yet so good that the gameplay felt perfect. What made me really enjoy the game was that every time you felt the game was nothing more to offer, a new upgrade arise. It had a stable phase of delivering you upgrades and throughout the story, I just felt like I am seriously progressing.

I don't think any game I've played delivered the same way. I can understand why Hideo Kojima is so appreciated by gamers out there because of the amazing story and fun gameplay he puts into play. It's art what he does.

3 years ago

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I really can't wait to play death stranding. Please universe give me triple A hiking simulator. I need it.

3 years ago

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Death Stranding was the game we never thought we wanted. I couldn't believe how hooked I got in the game just after a few hours of playing. The mystery and uniqueness was what captivated me.

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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Mass Effect Andromeda
It was not a bad game but it was a giant disappointment
Original trilogy had a great character and race development and made me care about every single party member i got
Andromeda had me flying around the galaxy just doing things and I didn’t care about the other characters since all of them were so bland
I spent a lot of time doing side quests, but you could probably blow through the main quest in a few hours if that’s all you were focusing on. That and the script was incredibly cheesy and cringey. Most of it sounds like something a 12 year old would think is cool..

3 years ago

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Andromeda will never be appreciated to the same level the trilogy was that's for sure.

Combat I really liked, because it presented more verticality in some areas. But the story doesn't feel so impactful as the original series did.

People wanted more Mass Effect, they delivered, but at what cost?

3 years ago

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Andromeda was the better of the games tho. Like I hated the rehash of ME 1 parts 2 & 3 and ME 1 part 1 is overrated. Shepard isn't loveable and outside of Garrus, I don't think the internet has made it like the romance options really matter.

Andromeda was also the only Mass Effect I could actually finish. I'm more a dragon age player so it appealed to me more I think

3 years ago

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The only romance option for me was miranda in ME2 and ME3 and that had little impact on the game which i liked and i think that romance options don't really need to matter, yes it was fun romancing, yes it was nice to see how other characters react but does that need to have any impact on the end of the game ?
I also didn't like Shepard but he is a character that you needed to build and that is what makes him a good character he is the reflection of your choices
Combat i must admit was the best of the ME games but the main part of ME series was the story and combat comes in second
Maybe if i played Dragon age before Mass Effect trilogy it would appeal to me more but i highly doubt that .

3 years ago

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problem I had was the story focused too much on reapers taking the system this, reapers that with storytelling feeling lacking. andromeda had better story but because most of the ME community compared it to part 3 of shepard and not being a part 1, Bioware was forced to leave the game at it unfinished state as there is some holes left for dlc. Sure EA-Bioware was hoping people were gonna like it too much despite the bugs at launch(which isn't as glaring now, as some was fixed)

3 years ago

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I do think that Andromeda is worth playing now and they shouldn't compare the whole story with the original as it's a whole reboot.

I personally liked Sheppard. I even played with the vanilla look because it felt most fitting with the voice.

I didn't finish Andromeda as it was buggy when I got the game and looked really bad. Coming back may feel different, but I want to grab The Legendary Edition before I go back to Andromeda just to refeel the experience the trilogy left me.

3 years ago

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Every game its good on its own way some people dislike it some like it allways will be like that so i dont think there are some games that should never exist :)

3 years ago

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You probably never found one, and that's good. 😁

3 years ago

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I found lot of games i didnt like at all but not reason for it to wish never existed :P

3 years ago

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Fair enough. 😁

3 years ago

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1) FIFA for pushing "microtransactions" to mainstream big PC and Console games "microtransaction" to the point, that people now accept additional digital purchases of skins and consumables at the cost of good indie game.
2) Overwatch for normalizing "lootboxes"/"gacha", now any multiplayer game has to have some sort of randomized item "container" with miniscule chance of getting something you want.

P.S. More personally for me, DOTA maps in Warcraft 3 ate some much of my free time in mid- and high-school it's not even funny.

3 years ago

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FIFA needs more competition so they can redirect their direction. NBA 2K just the same. People are sick of the copy-paste method to create new games. They need to take a break really and consider adjusting the football formula. I don't play many sports game, but I honestly don't think its required to pop a new game each year. It's like having a multiplayer, but it's partially one.

3 years ago

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Super Paper Mario, I wish never existed, in that we would hopefully get the franchise to continue along the lines of the first two games.
Thankfully Bug Fables is really good, but if not for Super Paper Mario derailing the franchise maybe it would still be good.

3 years ago

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The art style is cute and simple, but I get what you mean. It's not a requirement.

3 years ago

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Every "ecchi/hentai" game there is. Real erotic games from Japan don't have the habit of always putting in one or the other, so that's how you know you are, more likely than not, looking at yet another copycat puzzle game with unappealing art that is most likely stolen from who-knows-where.

If I had to pick a very specific game, though... Genshin Impact. I'm sick of just trying to exist on the internet while everyone, everywhere talks about this game that they, their grandma, her dog and its puppies have been playing since launch and then crying on Twitter about how they're going to go broke. This much talk not only doesn't make me want to play it myself, it makes me feel like I am playing it... while simultaneously being lame for not actually playing it. Not cool, not fun. Also kinda got bullied out of a group chat for saying I'm sick of seeing it be the only game that's talked about in there, so this might help demonstrate further just how done I am in general.

3 years ago

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I didn't play it either, so don't worry. Mainstream games can train us sometimes. I agree with what you said. If a game is way too talked about and exposed out there you are probably not getting that excitement anymore to try it. Games should be fun and mystery should be kept so fun of exploration should be there in my opinion.

I also agree with ecchi or hentai games. I don't play such things and I don't get why most of them are puzzles. Maybe to keep one hand free or something. 🀣

3 years ago

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If a game is way too talked about and exposed out there you are probably not getting that excitement anymore to try it.

Worst thing is, I did try it. I had some time that I needed to kill without totally zoning into a game or some movie, so I downloaded it on my PS4 and played through the TV speakers... but at that point I was already jaded about it and not enjoying it at all. It's pretty, sure, but I spent a load of time just running around and barely accomplished anything in the few hours that I've spent on it. I'm not saying things should be faster and require less input - if I wanted that, I'd go play an auto-clicker - but I think I'm past the time of my life where I could spend my whole afternoons playing endless games like it's nobody's business.

mystery should be kept

I could play devil's advocate here for a bit - I've been watching game playthroughs for years now, and unless I've seen the same game be played waaay too many times (like Papers, Please - I loved watching it, but by the time I got to play it for myself, I realized it's gotten a little stale), I'll probably still enjoy it when I pick it up. Heck, I'll probably only get to pick it up years after I've seen the playthrough, so I will have forgotten most of the plot - the feeling of realizing I remember it as it unravels in front of me again is a nice one too!
One exception I've (mostly) made, though, are full-on story-driven games - ones from Telltale, Quantic Dream, DONTNOD - just so I'm not absolutely spoiled on everything and feeling like the game's stale by my first playthrough.

I also agree with ecchi or hentai games. I don't play such things and I don't get why most of them are puzzles. Maybe to keep one hand free or something.

Oh yeah, the hand thing is totally it lol. Ecchi/hentai as words are Japanese, it's just that they're not really used as frequently and in the same way as those asset flip puzzle games use them. Good Japanese visual novels (aka the actual ecchi/hentai games) are on the pricier side, but I'm pretty sure I can say, not having played a lot of them still - they're absolutely worth their price.

3 years ago

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Oh yeah, the hand thing is totally it lol. Ecchi/hentai as words are Japanese, it's just that they're not really used as frequently and in the same way as those asset flip puzzle games use them. Good Japanese visual novels (aka the actual ecchi/hentai games) are on the pricier side, but I'm pretty sure I can say, not having played a lot of them still - they're absolutely worth their price.

I'd probably never play hentai or ecchi games. πŸ˜… I think they should be more private. Imagine flexing with the achievements. Everybody knows what you did there. 🀣

3 years ago

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Imagine flexing with the achievements.

LOL That reminds me, there is a guy somewhere out there on Steam boasting about having something like, x thousand of ecchi/hentai games, and I'm just like "that's sad, bro". Not only does he not have a life, it's unlikely he plays games that aren't the asset flip puzzles.

3 years ago

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People can do what they like with their life, but I would probably be ashamed to display that proudly because sex life should be private in my opinion.

3 years ago

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Personally, I just wish more story-driven games had achievements with character faces, especially if they're related to finishing a character's story or a character-specific quest... those would make for a great achievement showcase.

3 years ago

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Are you referring to games like Detroit: Become Human?

3 years ago

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Yup! I know Detroit, at least, does use the protagonists' faces in the achievements, and I'm happy about that. (All that's left is for me to repurchase the game on Steam, haha.)

3 years ago

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I've played it on my PS4, it was one of the best and still is one of the best decision-making games I've played. I highly recommend it.

3 years ago

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Oh yeah, I played it on the PS4 as well. Having completed Beyond: Two Souls some time earlier, I had high hopes for it, especially because I managed to leave myself unspoiled beyond "it's about androids, I think". It only served to remind me how damn much I love androids.

3 years ago

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It only served to remind me how damn much I love androids.

You and me both. I felt so sorry when Kara was being abused. I know it's weird, but even if robots can't express feels, I think even mimicking them made me appreciate and feel really sorry for it.

It's sad and scary in the same time.

3 years ago

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Oddly enough, what I think back to most often is Connor saying "I don't listen to music as such... but I'd like to." I'm no music junkie, but I love the feeling of discovering new music or revisiting music I've known for a long time, as well as the memories it can bring or the feelings it triggers; it's deeply saddening to consider that for an android it's all just binary, or at most properties that we wouldn't consider unless musically trained. It's what makes me dream of being able to have a conversation with an android, a deep one at that. I'd want them to feel validated as an individual, not for what they could do that I couldn't, but for how they see the world.

3 years ago

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Me and you both. I think crazy minds like ours are similarly found in ambitious engineers that actually make them. I am still searching how far we're progressing with AI. Some of them are really impressive.

3 years ago

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Some of them are really impressive.

Exactly! I don't usually go out of my way to look for news on artificial intelligence, but it genuinely warms my heart when I find a hard-working robot with a vessel that pleases the eye (still a very important thing that I think creators can't forgo when building new models). Some time ago, a friend sent me a video review of a hotel in Singapore that employs robots to act as room service and it absolutely made my day.

3 years ago

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Idk how you feel, but I do think that some of them should have more investment in the appearance. You probably know by now about Sophie, the AI robot. Very smart, but I'd rather not have the robot look like us. It's a bit weird at this point, but I get that the creator wants to get to the same level Detroit is. Progression has to start somewhere, it's just kinda strange nowadays.

I prefer ASIMO's looks than Sophie. What do you think?

View attached image.
3 years ago

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You probably know by now about Sophie, the AI robot.

I would guess I likely just seem more knowledgeable than I actually am, as I had to catch up with both Sophie and ASIMO. ^^; Now that I have, I can talk.

I do think that some of them should have more investment in the appearance.

Every time I think of appearance, Boston Dynamics' dog robot comes to mind... as a wise man once said "(...) that thing... it scares me." Rather than a dog, it reminds me of a mutated, overgrown spider.

It's a bit weird at this point, but I get that the creator wants to get to the same level Detroit is.

Ha, Detroit is exactly what got me thinking: when androids are perfected to the point of mass production, will they be modeled after the few celebrities that agree to lend their likenesses (highly improbable) or modeled "from the ground up", which is obviously much more realistic, but requires a lot more work; not to recognize how faces work, since I think that if we've got characters modeled after actors in Quantic Dream and Supermassive games, we're already okay on that front, but to hone the skill of creating realistic faces with expressions that don't stray into uncanny valley.

And now that we're on that topic, I can't lie: I've dreamed of finding a life partner in an android for years now. Must have been back when I was in middle school, if not a little earlier (for reference, I'm in my second year of uni right now). I think it's only natural that I'd love it if they looked human. Generally speaking, though, I do also adore robots that don't look human - plasteel and silica, and all that. :) As long as they're not mutated, overgrown spiders...

I prefer ASIMO's looks than Sophie. What do you think?

I find ASIMO cute! If Sophie could be compared to the androids from Detroit, ASIMO kinda reminds me of Turing from 2064: Read Only Memories... with a backpack :D

3 years ago

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3 years ago

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METAL GEAR SURVIVE, because it waste a good engine and good IP.

3 years ago

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The protagonist is another one right? It's not Snake or Solid Snake. I didn't play the series, I'm a bit confused, but I'd love to play it at some point so I can fully understand who the heck is who. πŸ˜…

3 years ago

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Borderlands: The most disappointing game I've ever played. What was all that hype for? Nothing to do but shoot and shoot...and run errands for lazy bums. Also popularized that cell shaded nonsense. Opening the vault was a beautiful letdown.

I'm sorry I should be just one but had to add Gears of War: Microsoft's poor attempt to re-invent Quake 2. IMO the beginning of boring shooters. Why?
a) You need to hide behind every wall to shoot every enemy with min 20 shots to the head. Try it any other way & you die lots, this way you die less.
b) That means...yes very wack weapons, stupid ai and boring set pieces.
c) Only two colours in the whole game, brown & black (sometimes you get grey...or gray. You decide).
d) Totally lame storyline, and I could go on.

3 years ago*

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I didn't click with Borderlands either. I've heard that the 2nd instalment is much better. have you've played it?

I want to give the game one more try and ignore the repetitive aspect of it in the first one. I hope it isn't as boring as it used to be last time.

I never played Gears of War because most of them were on Xbox and I only owned a PC.

I found no reason to play the first one to just not be able to play the rest of it. I do feel your frustration.

3 years ago

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If we're talking about games that shouldn't exist, I think every super low effort game shouldn't be out, such as those games that cost 50 dollars with no content, or asset flippers, or those M games that aren't creative whatsoever and are just puzzles or something (I don't play Huniepop, but I do have a friend that does who does enjoy it and let's be honest, not all "hentai" games are low effort. Just most of them.)

However, the game that disappointed me the most is Pokemon Rumble U. I was super excited for a follow up to the Pokemon Rumble, as I've heard a lot of good things about the original and really enjoyed the short time I had with Rumble Blast on the 3DS that I played at a friend's house, so at under 20 bucks, I bought Rumble U almost immediately and it still holds a place in my top 5 worst life experiences.

3 years ago

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Oh no! πŸ˜• I didn't play many Pokemon games. The most recent one was Pokemon Let's go Pikachu and I honestly found it nice, but I could not feel the same attachment as one who played the series for years. I bet it was super fascinating to see old players of the series enjoy it because it was a remake.

What I really wanted was tactical battles that were in-depth and honestly, I'm not sure how well they align with the old ones in Sword and Shield. I am hoping they are much better received. I'm sad to hear that they have tried to mix a different genre of games with Pokemon and transform it into Rumble U. It must have been an experiment that Nintendo regrets as well.

3 years ago

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Pokemon Rumble was and is still a great game, but the quality of the Rumble series went down hard after Blast. That being said, I'm not sure how the newer Rumble games, could be worse then Rumble U, even though they suck.

3 years ago

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The Slaughtering Grounds. It signalled the start of absolute trash coming out on steam and now it's 99% trash.

Or second choice is Runescape. Wasted so much precious life on that addictive garbage.

3 years ago

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I did not expect Runscape to be here, but hey-ho! 🀣 Any game that draws you into its addictive grasp is a dangerous game for you.

3 years ago

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This comment was deleted 1 month ago.

3 years ago

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I wish I've played the older ones so I can tell you how I felt too about them. But others said that it's poorly made compared to the older ones. Maybe people are just bored as well of the same old stuff, but with more items to kill zombies.

3 years ago

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so many interesting responses
i agree a lot with the toxicity ones and would add dead by daylight to the list.
while the concept is good the company doesn't listen to its best players, the content creators, who have been pointing out its flaws for years.
skill based matchmaking has destroyed much of the fun of the game, turning it into a sweat fest. And the toxicity of the community is far too frequent to count.
I wouldn't mind if it never existed and never spawned the many failed games that tried to copy it, without success.

3 years ago

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Some people enjoy the Identity V that was heavily inspired by it. Do you dislike it?

I didn't play DBD because I'm not into horror that much, yet Identity V was fun for me, for a while.

I stopped playing MP so much because games don't seem any more fun when the community is so toxic.

3 years ago

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Anthem. Just Anthem. No one asked for and we don't want it now either.

Bioware was/is one of my favorite game developers due to its strong single-player narrative games. From Dragon Age to Mass Effect, the studio has played an integral role in how my taste in video games has developed. Mass Effect was one of the first games where I can distinctly remember the choices I made causing dramatic effects later on in the game and even across games. I even liked Mass Effect Andromeda, though it was rough and could have used more attention before it launched.

That said, Anthem almost killed Bioware as a developer studio. A lot of time and so many resources were wasted on an online multiplayer that doesn't even come close to capturing the charm of Bioware's single-player games and it's so far out of Bioware's specialty that it only makes sense as a stupid money grab by EA due to the success of games like Destiny. It wasn't a great fit for Bioware and came at far too high a cost.

Bioware has the potential to go on to create many more games but they have to go back to their roots, strong story-rich single-player games. Honestly, Anthem never needed to exist in order for us to know that Bioware was much better suited for single-player games than online multiplayer games and that we didn't need another Destiny clone.

3 years ago

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I was waiting for someone to mention this game. I liked it, but not enough really. The story was great, IMO, but the rest was lacking. They tried to remake it, but the budget was not permitting it, so they just recently gave up.

Bioware has the potential to go on to create many more games but they have to go back to their roots, strong story-rich single-player games.

You couldn't have said it any better. That's what I like about Bioware really.

3 years ago

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the first destiny , because for my personal point of view that game was a legalized scam\fraud , because advertising the first season pass and all the special versions of the game in a way that make people think include all future contents but then they release many others pay seasons with the game go to cost more than $200€ ffor be complete.
Then when people complain the reply "oohhh but we write in the season pass description that is only first season content"
okay not worry then if "ohhh next time when yoour publisher\devs release a new game i wait 2 years before buy it" so maybe the game will have all contents Β―_(ツ)_/Β―
Not only this but after some years they make the game be free... without give a *** about who buy\pay for it and support them.

3 years ago*

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Oh man! πŸ˜• I can feel the pain in your writing. I'm sorry you had to put up with that. Is Destiny 2 better? I believe it is nowadays, although there's microtransactions and all, right?

I always thought that Season Pass offers you the possibility to unlock any DLC they release after, not just one. That's a scammy move.

3 years ago

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The game is beautiful both destiny 1 and 2 , good quality for my opinion gameplay\story and enviroment , and i AGREE to buy Season Pass and DLCs i'm PROUD and happy fr i buy them for TheWitcher3\Fallout4 and many other games..
And i don't know but there is something about Fallout46 scared me to buy it,i notundersand well how it work and hoow much must pay,it' strange game not normal price same fallout 4.
But i don't know,for the time\years destiny was out and for how the versions\season pass has been advertised for that time was a sort of brainwashin marketing scam because in their videos they never say clear that others pay contents will be released after the season pass,so i feel like something managed not honest way,sort of lie.

BUT i must say this is most of time a problem of all today products industry and how it work,
For example also famous MODA Brands sell product at 2500€ at italy,france,america buy they buy this product from who produce it at 35€ in albania\romania\china (just then apply the brand logo)., with womans poor work at very bad health condition paid $1€ at hour,but then who work at moda act like rich or famous and be proud of this shit.
Also Playstation it's very habit to lie so much too many time they advertising games for new consoles never released and PS4 has been advertised as a 4K gaming console etc... "(with the excuse of "it's capable to output 4k)" ok so also Homer Simpson Fart it's able...

So it's a general problem about there is no law\rules that proibite marketing to lie...
But yes in the case of videogames destiny was...

i can say the same about the better version of DeathStranding for PS5,it's ok to release a new version,butt must to COMUNICATE to the PC players the same day if they will receive such contents too or not,and if for pay dlc or free
The same can i say about Oddworld SouLStorm they just announce the Enhanced Edition with better ggameplay mechanics for xbox but not say if who buy already the game for PC can buy an upgrade\dlcs or receive it FREE or if never can upgrade it.

Videogames websites alway repeat "you must support publishers\devs" , OK YES, but if i support you with $200€ \ $60€ , at Minimum, at minimum you mus supportt me too by provide information about the product i buy , with honesty , not with LIE or MISS of info.

3 years ago*

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You're right. If marketing does emphasise on features that are non-existent or don't do exactly how they are advertised that's a fraud and can be sued really.

Game developers and publishers need to be careful what they over-promise because even if you build hype over a game and then it does not follow what it promises it will only backfire at you.

There are many companies that have done this and it's really the decision of Publishers to allow such a scam to go loose. They have to consider that if they are not honest, the general player base will point them out and eventually their sales will drop.

It's very strange though. I mean there are many people who hate corporations, yet they still buy from them. They might already know that we do this so that's why they don't care. It's hard to contain a small group, but easy for the masses.

3 years ago

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yes this

3 years ago

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all the shuffle-ware asset swaps there are

3 years ago

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Oh I see, do you have a game in particular that you can think of?

3 years ago

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Fortnite, because of it we didn't get a new Unreal Tournament

3 years ago

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Oh, that's a shame. πŸ˜• I really enjoyed Unreal Tournament. That was the OG of Battle Royale if I remember. 😁

3 years ago

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SW TOR. It's the main reason we're still waiting for KOTOR 3.

All Harry Potter games after Prisoner of Azkaban. The first 3 games were such good platformers. EA totally ruined the franchise inexplicably

3 years ago

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So many games have been destroyed by EA, it's a shame. πŸ˜•

3 years ago

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The Sims 3 and the following one. Pay for a game that is nothing unless you buy bunches of very expensive DLCs, most of them pretty poor in content. Other than loot boxes, EA's most scummy cash-grabbing strategy ever.

3 years ago

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What you don't like paying Β£800 worth of dlc. Geez I saw a report talking about how sims 4 is just being annoying as they keep releasing things on its own. Sims 3 is also expensive but when it brought out stuff it brought out a decent amount and combined them. Sims 4 is just like hey buy a new table for 10 quid, now we could've combined it but pay us another 10 quid to get the matching chairs

In the article it mentioned like $400 for sims 3 which is around that point for me, but sims 4 is double that! I must be remembering wrong or it was an old report as I saw it mentioned $600 not $1k! I can see why youtubers gobble up the dlc as its bonus content for them but I just cant see a normal person splashing out that much cash when you could probably get all the content and more from mods

3 years ago

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You've confused sims 3 store with sims 4, which got worse with it just being online and not having things added to it, so new sims 3 players would either have to pirate it as cc or buy all the sims store content if they want it. Like sims 4 is nowhere near as cashgrabby as its previous game and honestly is only like that because the 2013 reboot of simcity was just so reliant on being online with servers not ready for it.

Mods however only affect pc players and sims 4 unlike the previous main games is the same on the consoles its on outside of mod use. Sims 4 has gotten better more recently cause of the lockdown and such causing the community to actually help maxis push EA off their backs. I mean in the end what really did it in was the short lived game show they did last year

3 years ago

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well for me sims 3 costs less then Β£400 while sims 4 costs about Β£800. so Sims 4 seems much more cash grabby then sims 3, I know its an older game now but still. I've not heard much good about sims 4 but I've heard plenty good about number 3 even if it was apparently very laggy at times but I guess that happens when they let you explore the town. Actually happen to be watching a playlist on that game also, maybe your comment influenced me XD

3 years ago

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The Sims 4 developers give a lot more now to the community than The Sims 3 felt it did. It's true what Jay said, it started to feel like Maxis is slowly but surely redirecting themselves towards the community.

3 years ago

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Oh interesting, I'm just glad I didn't carry on. I remember buying the base game as soon as it came out but as a kid I was not gonna be able to afford to them. I really wanted that back to work dlc as it looks cool. Now I'm looking at the price yeah no. I spent over 100 on sims 2 I'm all good. I'll go back to that one

Oh and I can get the whole putting more now into it, I do see them trying things like moving the foundation and junk. Its just unfortunate that its there to take all your money

I see your comment below, I mentioned that with the youtubers. Unless you are one of them you frankly probably don't benefit from alot of dlcs unless you also do challenges. I kinda had a style I liked and stuck to it, it was hard to pull me away

3 years ago*

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Having a sandboxy game like The Sims it permits you to do whatever you want really. Doing challenges is fun. The thing that people forget is that you don't have one playthrough or two, you have an infinite way of delivering a fun experience in the game.

In the end, it's not the money that you spend on the game that matters, but the fun you have while playing them.

I used to pirate The Sims 1-3 because I couldn't afford it back in the days, but I always felt a bit off doing so because I couldn't feel part of the Sims community for whatever reason. But it's the only game that carried with me from year to year and booted whenever I didn't feel like playing anything else. Idk, it's something special about the game for me and was my go too whenever needed. For some was Minecraft, for others different sandbox chill games, for me it was this.

3 years ago

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I agree, it's more about the model they did than the games themselves. I always compare The Sims 4 with the Sims 3. I really liked the openness it once had. I can see why The Sims 2 was so beloved, I can remember how fascinated I've been with the features it had. They tried to reimagine that in the 4th, but it just feels so overpriced. I spent over $300 to get the games on discounted prices.

3 years ago

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Maybe I'm the weird one here, but I've managed to get more than enough playtime from the base game when it comes to TS3, and I'm not even one of those people who thinks up or follows challenges, and I certainly never used mods. I have the World Adventures expansion (just because it was the first one to come out), but I haven't really played it, just couldn't get into it. Then again, I am one of those people who thought Medieval was fun - if I could play it more, perhaps I would.

3 years ago

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You're not weird, that's what the game was supposed to be played. If you have had fun with the base game, having al the DLC's is really overwhelming. I got most of them and still feel that I don't get to play and use them all to their fullest. It's so much fun and so many things to do, it's impossible to keep up unless the only game you play is The Sims.

PS: Medieval was awesome, I really liked it. πŸ‘πŸ»

3 years ago

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it's impossible to keep up unless the only game you play is The Sims

Exactly! Times have changed a lot since then - I was in grade school when TS3 first came out, now I'm in uni (and I have a biiig Steam backlog - but we don't talk about that). I can only wonder how much time I spent playing TS3, doing largely the same things in the game - only once did I bother to try and recreate characters from a show I liked at the time... and then my PC broke down, so by now I don't remember much of what happened to that family. As years went by, I learned how to play without working my Sims out to pure exhaustion all the time. That's why I'm not a fan of TS4 (albeit I probably haven't played enough), the concept of dynamic moods is overwhelming. I went back and bought a copy of TS3 Pets for the PS3 a few years back as well and I loved it - but I knew to quit after getting all the trophies, even though I absolutely fell in love with the family I created there.

Medieval was awesome, I really liked it.

Heyyy, up top! It's a neat game that promised to have mountains of content, and I think it's saying something that I must have gotten it not too long after it came out (still remember asking my mom for it after seeing the TV ad), and I only managed to surpass the first mission level/kingdom level (?) once? Maaaybe twice. So there's got to be loads of stuff I've never ever seen.

3 years ago

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I haven't finished it either, as far as I remember, compared to the Sims franchise, these had a linear objective that you could accomplish.

3 years ago

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dota2 and gw2, spent too much time on these :c

3 years ago

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I liked Guild Wars 2, I honestly found it one of the most fun MMO's I've ever played. I would never regret playing it.

3 years ago

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story ruined it for me (it was so so so much worse than the original game(-s)), but i loved wvw :)
point was that i spent too much time on it (i think it was like 5-6k hours at the very least :D)

3 years ago

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What really intrigued me was how immersive the world felt compared to other MMO's I've played. I've spent a lot of hours too, I can't recall how much, but I quit after playing the game for at least 6 months. I can't recall the time period, but it was a nice game to play.

3 years ago

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<I don't know wha'st game name that implementing this system first>

as for reason i don't know how this gacha or microtransaction system begins to be implemented in the game and becoming mainstream model games recently. it'll be bad mindset for all game company in the future (Although i fear it already happened) which cause backlash from customer.

3 years ago

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Imagine a world where there's no microtransaction. I believe a lot of big games would not be as far as they are today in development without the budget they built out through it. I can only imagine how fewer in between, yet more quality games otherwise the games they made would not sell. We also need to think of the big picture. AAA companies are to the technology advancement of today graphically because we helped them achieve it with the money we invested over years. It's a loss and a win situation really. I don't think we could do that today though. Or maybe I'm mistaking.

3 years ago

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That world exists. See where a lot of awesome indie games got over the years WITHOUT a big budget or microtransactions.

Microtransactions made everything worse. They made a lot of games LESS fun, just to sell XP and cut the grind. Even pay AAA games that used to be fun.

3 years ago

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Yes, but Indie games are few in between that deliver an immersive experience as a AAA game does. Don't get me wrong, I love the variety and that the indies really deliver on an impressive gameplay aspect, but a lot of the times what keeps me hooked on games is the immersive experience a AAA game does.

Recently I've been studying how to make a video game and a lot of the assets require a large budget to start, which even if I don't like saying this, was acquired off the back of microtransactions and other pay-wall elements.

What I'm trying to say is that I hate microtransactions, but I see their purpose. Look at what games come out today. I doubt we'd achieve this with smaller budgeted companies. Do you understand what I mean?

3 years ago

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I see. But I feel that you are getting the wrong impression.

I think that this narrative isn't anything else than a marketing scam. There are plenty of indies with expansive, immersive worlds, but also AAA games with an immersive experience with no microtransactions. We can say a lot about CD Projekt Red, but they create immersive and complex worlds, WITHOUT microtransactions, and with a game store that doesn't even have DRM!

And look at Hollow Knight, Stardew Valley, Minecraft (sort of), Disco Elysium, and the list goes on. For every taste. Complex, attractive worlds to sink the teeth in. Dozens to hundreds of hours of entertainment for half the price.

That narrative, that the poor AAA gamedevs needs microtransactions to thrive coming from an industry that keeps growing and getting greedier by the second, I think is simply put: A lie.

3 years ago

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And look at Hollow Knight, Stardew Valley, Minecraft (sort of), Disco Elysium, and the list goes on. For every taste. Complex, attractive worlds to sink the teeth in. Dozens to hundreds of hours of entertainment for half the price.

They are, but they aren't to a big production one that delivers astonishing realistic visuals that make me forget it's a game. They are pixilated, cartoonish or 2D. They are gorgeous, don't get me wrong, but I don't feel the same as I would feel being in Red Dead Redemption world, Mass Effect world, Assassin's Creed world, GTA world and so many others.

But this is my opinion of course. I just think that we wouldn't be today here, technologically if there wasn't for some scammy, yet effective ways to make money to build the games we have today.

We'd have far in between games reaching the AAA and more in the AA series.

In the end, it doesn't matter really what kind of game it is if it's fun, delivers a compelling story and it's well phased.

I don't agree with microtransactions still and I'm in constant fight with myself if I should or not buy for games when I spent over $50 on it already.

3 years ago

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Well, maybe is a difference in tastes too. I can live without Assassin's Creed or Far Cry blandness.

But you are pointing at a couple of (essentially and historically) single player experiences that have been so successfull that instead of giving us another installment of an immersive open world game (Mass Effect, GTA, Elder Scrolls, Read Dead Redemption, even Assasin's Creed, and the soon to be released Beyond Good and Evil) they WORSENED the experience with bland grindfest generic games, with a lot to do, but no meat. Yeah some of those look cool. But compare them to The Witcher 3, or even No Man's Sky and Cyberpunk 2077 that (albeit flawed) are a lot better than the skinner box-filled scenarios of the Nth Ubisoft open world game.

3 years ago

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Except for No Man's Sky's world, the other two are significantly alright in size. Bigger doesn't seem better.

Well, maybe is a difference in tastes too. I can live without Assassin's Creed or Far Cry blandness

If I knew they never existed, so would I. But I'm a long time fan of the AC franchise and I've enjoyed the exploration part quite a lot. In fact, oftentimes I play open-world games for that aspect also.

But compare them to The Witcher 3, or even No Man's Sky and Cyberpunk 2077 that (albeit flawed) are a lot better than the skinner box-filled scenarios of the Nth Ubisoft open world game.

I haven't yet played the two, except No Man's Sky and that was recent. But I get what you mean. You don't have to like what I like and that's perfectly alright.

3 years ago

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I see the point when big companies do this and i accepted it. But the problem that i see and occur is quality of the games itself. (Just my opinion) sometimes the games quality is low but still pushing the micro transaction. Which i think it just absurd. I play several franchise either on console or pc that i like to re-play again. but when i compare to the recent from same franchise and with micro transaction, it just getting me lose the will to play a new one.

I'm happy if there's any intention from company to fix or whatever even they put the ones. But from what i see, companies mindset is highly on the profits (My opinion) not to consider what customer wants

3 years ago

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It's true. The gaming industry is a complex one, because, among other things, gaming is not a necessity. We can survive and thrive off of that. The pleasure of gaming falls more under an activity and it's done so to enrich the quality of life when we do so.

This is why I believe gamers are either too desensitized to what games are today and therefore complain how it used to be, or we don't see the greater scale of things and that being given sometimes less, we desire more. So we are in constant chase to get the better game all the time. I may sound a bit weird right now, but I've seen this model throughout the years. We're always being presented with a good game, just to be followed by 1-2 poorer ones. They are not always intentionally, but it does feel like that to serve a purpose.

Basically what I understand is use a Good game like The Witcher 3 to conclude that it has been a really magnificent game and very few actually manage to compete with it, just to be followed by Cyberpunk, which looks to be to the same level of quality like Witcher, but it wasn't. Because of the power of trust, it has built off of Witcher 3, a lot of people trusted their money on Cyberpunk. Now it's broken, yet we can still see a way of redemption. I believe in a few years, if they come up with 1 or 2 games, they will come with something that can be finally considered a masterpiece or a really good game. I've seen this model happening over time.

Give the people what they want. Then stop giving them so they will crave. Then give them again what they wanted so that they stay satisfied with you. It's like a relationship really. If you keep giving, you'll lose them. You need to take sometimes.

Idk, it may be just me and I'm philosophising right now. But I believe that's how it works by now and a lot of things are intentional.

3 years ago

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The infamous horse armor DLC for Oblivion

3 years ago

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Old time..

3 years ago

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Dark Souls,
it created this toxic mentality of "git gud" and the toxicity when new games come with accessibility options that make a game easier looks at psychonauts 2 getting backlash from the git gud crowd when a god mode button was announced

3 years ago

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Oh no, you're right, that's not a good thing. People should play on whatever difficulty feel comfortable with.

Hardcore players should enjoy the game the way they prefer, but not guilt others who aren't willing to put effort for a game the same way.

3 years ago

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Diablo III. The begining of the end of Blizzard as a videogame company. Awful business model, first "succesfull" implementation of always online single player. A lot of really nasty stuff with gaming today can be traced to DIablo III.

3 years ago

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I've recently played the game. I didn't notice any flaws, what was wrong with it?

3 years ago

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It installed an awful business model, was the start of permanent online blizzard, and its permanent server problems for games even in single player. No offline for historical offline games, destroyed the fun of the looting, and increase the grind, trying to push an auction house (it failed, and were forced to repair it)

But the damage was already done. This was the path that gave us Diablo Immortal, Warcraft III Reforged, an obsesive focus on online multiplayer monetization. And worse, this behaviour was copied by everyone.

3 years ago

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Oh, I see, I did notice the change, but since I've not played Diablo since Diablo's II release I didn't pay attention to what was going on. I enjoyed the multiplayer aspect because my wife and I were able to play it together and that was great for us.

I am sad for the Warcraft III reforged too, that's really not the way they should have done it. I haven't played it because I honestly didn't find a huge graphical improvement or gameplay aspect to even consider it.

3 years ago

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You can play together locally? You must be playing the console version thou.

Sadly was a better experience IMHO

3 years ago

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Oh yeah, the game was also feeling like a port off of consoles. Lack of buttons to use really. Can be all transitioned to a console.

3 years ago

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Diablo 3 is basically WoW but in darker I wish the art style for the original 2 games from the 90s-00s would return.

3 years ago

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i forget say also

Pandora,Superman and Body Blows for amiga,
the first because after little seconds i start the game and i get sort of in-game-character electroshock then in the same moment the hard disk of my amiga stop work very strange coincidence,

the second for the same reason but about make exagerate use of mouse until damaged (must use 1 button for laser eyes the other for shoot air mouth ettc. and that game for the time was fu***ng hard for me that has some health problems to move hand fast)

the third because require to use many floppy disk change at rounds , that now with emulators is not a problem... but in the time i play it the stress to hear the ctanctanctan sound broken my ears and the need to change flloppyes for proceed round fight was very big disappoint.

and mass effect for the xbox360 because i reach nearly the finish of the game (without cloud saved) then the xbox360 do the 3RedRingOfDeath and the console DAMAGE the saves in the hardisk... (so i must restart the game since the start)..
Then for my lucky some weeks after i learn to rghhack the console by myself and so i was able to repair the saves thank to the help of some devs on internet that explain me how to do it

i must say i'm not so much lucky with consoles 🀣

ah and also farcry2 because i buy it very expensive retail at release but cdkey not work can't install the game and when i contact publisher send photo retail plastc\dvd + paper fiscal buy proof they not send me an alternative key so i can' t install the game..then i fix the problem many man years after by rebuy the game on steam

3 years ago*

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the first because after little seconds i start the game and i get sort of in-game-character electroshock then in the same moment the hard disk of my amiga stop work very strange coincidence,

Are you referring to the Amiga PC?

mass effect for the xbox360 because i reach nearly the finish of the game (without cloud saved) then the xbox360 do the 3RedRingOfDeath and the console DAMAGE the saves in the hardisk... (so i must restart the game since the start)..
Then for my lucky some weeks after i learn to rghhack the console by myself and so i was able to repair the saves thank to the help of some devs on internet that explain me how to do it

That's a bummer, but that was a common manufacturing issue with Xbox and not with the game itself. I mean it probably triggered issues, but the game on other consoles or platforms worked well.

i must say i'm not so much lucky with consoles 🀣

What console(s) do you have right now? I got a PS4 Pro and a Nintendo Switch.

ah and also farcry2 because i buy it very expensive retail at release but cdkey not work can't install the game and when i contact publisher send photo retail plastc\dvd + paper fiscal buy proof they not send me an alternative key so i can' t install the game..then i fix the problem many man years after by rebuy the game on steam

I just finished the game and tried it on 1st of July this year. I got it at discount. The game was alright, but I didn't enjoy it as much as I did Far Cry 1 lol. There was something that just didn't click with me. I gotta continue the series and go for Far Cry 3 next.

View attached image.
3 years ago

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yes amiga pc,i was play this game , then at one point of the game i get elecrick and my character die but at the same moment for unlucky coincidence my amiga broken,and when i send it to repair the shop say is hardisk broken but sadly for that period of time in my city the price of re-buy the full amiga is the same of repair 🀣

"That's a bummer, but that was a common manufacturing issue with Xbox and not with the game itself. I mean it probably triggered issues, but the game on other consoles or platforms worked well."
Yes you right and after later years i learn to repair it myself too (i repair my xbox360 26 times and until now still "work" 🀣) it's the solder balls under the gpu\soc that after some time become old\cold\dry much and broken then the processor lose the contact with the mainboard,it's a little bit same when a pin of a pc cpu broken but xbox instead of pin have sort of solder balls,sometime is possible fix it only with reflow,some other require reapply new balls, and also after 1-2 year the thermal paste start dissappear (must be reapplyed)
But at the time broken to me i don' know all these things and i was not able to do repairs too,i learn it after because i boored many consoles\pc broken to me so i start be shoprepair of myself hahaha

"What console(s) do you have right now? I got a PS4 Pro and a Nintendo Switch."
i born and live very extreme poor,if compared with others,so sadly i can't afford all the consoles i want.
if was for my wish i want to buy all consoles also dreamcast etc.
vic20,amiga,ps1,ps2,i build my pc 40€ mobo,2011 cpu ,750ti (still have\work until now)ps3,xbox,xbox360,wii,ps4,xboxone,then i sell my xboxone\ps4 upgrade the gpu to rtx3060 and i'm very happy about this choice i can play all my games 60fps or high gfx,buy switch lite.

i avoid to buy PS4Pro,XboxoneX,PS5\XSX but i still buy PS4 Games also on PC Steam\Epic (i buy already on PC Detroit become human,HorizonZeroDawn,BeyondTwoSouls) and i plan to buy also DeathStranding (only if they release the directors cut) god of war and daysgone,if when PS5 games will be released on steam i will be happy too buy them too.
BUT personally i must say i'm NOT a big fan of ps games,they is beautiful storytelling\visual\enviroment , but very poor in physic\openworldfreedom\stealth\interactions most of time...
Personally for me games as ASTRONEER,Elite Dangerous,DeusEx,Prey,Sekiro shadows die twice it's much BETTER and make me + happy than play whatever playstation\nintendo exclusive.

i think i will never buy another nintendo anymore because i can't afford the games prices and their nintendo store discounts it's very low,and also the games it's not all this "Special" people re talking about,at least for me yes zelda,mario,animal crossing,rabbidskingdom,golf story all i like but i pay them very expensive if compared with the cheap games\deals on PC , without to talk about epic free games,giveaways,msrewards,xboxgamepass etc.
Also the last DLC of animal crossing for add some quests and editor selled at $25 make me think much....
i Wish\Dream to can buy a SteamDeck one day,but i doubt to have money for it...

if one day i have a work earn very good money,i would be happy to own\play with all consoles + pc,but for now i'm very poor so i must choose what i better for me,and pc right now iss the best with microsoft rewards,xboxgamepass,epic games free games,steam free weekend,multiple stores deeals,steam better discounts,epic 10€ coupons etc.

"I just finished the game and tried it on 1st of July this year. I got it at discount. The game was alright, but I didn't enjoy it as much as I did Far Cry 1 lol. There was something that just didn't click with me. I gotta continue the series and go for Far Cry 3 next."

Far cry 1, i like too but i don't know\understand why,in my PC is NOT possible to PLAY iT,there is one point in the game i reach in a forest,but i can't go next because i DONT SEE enemies but BULLETS reach me and kill me,and it not matter if i stay hidden in grass or what... so ssadlyy i can't play\finish the first and must start from the second,that anyway i like much.

3 years ago*

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yes amiga pc,i was play this game , then at one point of the game i get elecrick and my character die but at the same moment for unlucky coincidence my amiga broken,and when i send it to repair the shop say is hardisk broken but sadly for that period of time in my city the price of re-buy the full amiga is the same of repair 🀣

My first computer was an Amiga too. I've played so many years as a kid on it. I had a joystick too. It was what helped me get introduced in gaming. While most kids would have a Nintendo, I used my Amiga. πŸ˜…

Yes you right and after later years i learn to repair it myself too (i repair my xbox360 26 times and until now still "work" 🀣) it's the solder balls under the gpu\soc that after some time become old\cold\dry much and broken then the processor lose the contact with the mainboard,it's a little bit same when a pin of a pc cpu broken but xbox instead of pin have sort of solder balls,sometime is possible fix it only with reflow,some other require reapply new balls, and also after 1-2 year the thermal paste start dissappear (must be reapplyed)
But at the time broken to me i don' know all these things and i was not able to do repairs too,i learn it after because i boored many consoles\pc broken to me so i start be shoprepair of myself hahaha

You have to then play The Mass Effect series, the Legendary Edition would be amazing for you to experience the series at a higher quality level, visually I mean.

i born and live very extreme poor,if compared with others,so sadly i can't afford all the consoles i want.
if was for my wish i want to buy all consoles also dreamcast etc.
vic20,amiga,ps1,ps2,i build my pc 40€ mobo,2011 cpu ,750ti (still have\work until now)ps3,xbox,xbox360,wii,ps4,xboxone,then i sell my xboxone\ps4 upgrade the gpu to rtx3060 and i'm very happy about this choice i can play all my games 60fps or high gfx,buy switch lite.

i avoid to buy PS4Pro,XboxoneX,PS5\XSX but i still buy PS4 Games also on PC Steam\Epic (i buy already on PC Detroit become human,HorizonZeroDawn,BeyondTwoSouls) and i plan to buy also DeathStranding (only if they release the directors cut) god of war and daysgone,if when PS5 games will be released on steam i will be happy too buy them too.
BUT personally i must say i'm NOT a big fan of ps games,they is beautiful storytelling\visual\enviroment , but very poor in physic\openworldfreedom\stealth\interactions most of time...
Personally for me games as ASTRONEER,Elite Dangerous,DeusEx,Prey,Sekiro shadows die twice it's much BETTER and make me + happy than play whatever playstation\nintendo exclusive.

I struggled with that as well as a kid. My first PC was an Amiga, then a Pentium 2 when Pentium 4 was out. Then upgraded to an AMD Processor that kept me for a couple of years. I never had a PC that would be up to date with what the market had. I always struggled with newer games and still do to this day. As I moved to UK, my lifestyle improved and I was able to afford PS4 and Nintendo Switch. I always wanted an Play Station as a kid, I succeeded on having that. I am 30 now, so it doesn't matter how late you are. πŸ˜„

Btw, just so you know God of War was announced and will be on Steam on 14th Jan 2022.

Far cry 1, i like too but i don't know\understand why,in my PC is NOT possible to PLAY iT,there is one point in the game i reach in a forest,but i can't go next because i DONT SEE enemies but BULLETS reach me and kill me,and it not matter if i stay hidden in grass or what... so ssadlyy i can't play\finish the first and must start from the second,that anyway i like much.

I'm lucky as I've not had issues with it. Have you've tried to search it online if there is a fix?

3 years ago

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CS:GO... it brings the worst of the people :)

3 years ago

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It's like a visit to the loony bin, specially on casual. I used to enter on Dust II just for a laugh, there's really some amateur comedians there.

3 years ago

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Yet it's by far one with the most loyal fans in the FPS genre. Toxic games are never a good thing, but it's not the fault of the game, but the community. I've noticed that if communication is restricted to gamers the game, in general, is less toxic, but who wants to talk through robotic commands in the 21 century. πŸ˜…

3 years ago

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I haven't seen anybody mention Zup!. As far as I can tell, it started an entire genre of achievement spam games, where the goal of achievement and perfect game collection is more important than any minimal gameplay it offers.

I have another choice (actually pretty much an entire genre of game), but I can't figure out how to write about it respectfully, so I'll leave it out. :)

3 years ago

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Oh no! That's disgusting man. I don't like that. I like achievements to feel worthwhile.

3 years ago

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If you want to retch mightily, then, take a look at this bundle.

3 years ago

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Idk if I would ever play such a game, are the achievements worthwhile?

3 years ago

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are the achievements worthwhile?

That depends on what you mean with worthwhile...
If you mean challenging and thus rewarding or nudging you to try out aspects of the game you might have overlooked otherwise then no.
But they do give you lots of letters, numbers and shapes to write your name on your profile or make something vaguely resembling ASCI art.

For some people that's apparently desirable.

3 years ago

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Yep, that's part of their genius, and opens up a whole new target audience / reason to buy.

3 years ago

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Closed 1 year ago by Vasharal.