Now, this may spark a bit of dispute, but I want you to be respectful when you write this. There might be people that actually like the game. This is your opinion, but that does not mean others does not appreciate the game.

What GAME - you can only name one - you wish it never existed and name what's the reason behind it.

Ready? GO!

3 years ago

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I would say Minecraft -- it is purely for nerds.
Look how much Microsoft paid for it $2.5 billion it is silly money.....remember back in the '00s Sega went bankrupt after making Shenmue 1 which cost them more than $100 million to make (equivalent to $160,000,000 in 2021 dollars)

Minecraft's production costs is nowhere near 100 million nor will it ever be half that.

The graphics are disgusting and make the PC race look like slaves...why would anyone play something that looks like an Atari Jaguar game (faux 64 bit)

3 years ago*

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🤣 Graphics aren't always what makes a game good really.

People play it for the creative aspect and because they love the survival and exploration aspect. It's always different and that uniqueness inspires so many to play it. It's not how much money has been invested to create the game, but the creative mind.

In the end, you don't have to like the game and probably what makes you dislike it so much is that all the YouTubers and Streamers using it to generate traffic.

3 years ago

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Yeah but it would be a huge-turn off to casual gamers, they would think PC gamers are neanderthals.

I don't understand the excitement about these videos that are full of commentary to make up for graphical ugliness.

3 years ago

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Minecraft -- it is purely for nerds.
the graphics are disgusting and make the PC race look like slaves

Such cro-magnon statements, I hope you're just a troll :D

3 years ago

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It's an opinion really. Don't take it personally I would say. And if it's a joke, it got you good.

3 years ago

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Sure man, I can continue not taking it personally, no problem :)

3 years ago

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I know it's hard, but obviously, that was his opinion. It doesn't matter in the end, it's not like you're friends or something. 😅

3 years ago

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Are you sure?

3 years ago

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Idk, are you? 🤔😅

3 years ago

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i must say i has Loved so much Animal Crossing new horizon for how it's possible make cute Enviroments
but very hate,very very hate,how the game frustrate me about always FORCE\REPEAT to read always the ssame text
example if i want build 10 chairs,instead off select chair and writte 10...
But no.. for 10 times you must to read
"you want to build object?"
then select yes,
then select chair,
select create,
the game re-ask another time "you sure want create?"
reselect yes
then the game say "ohoo i creae this" and must skip...
And mustrepeat other 9 times this thing...and read all ssame every 9 times
When viceversa they can jusst make the game NOT ASK nothing,just push and create and select quantity
it's boring
And this happen in everything,when you go museum,when you go shop,alwass repeat the same thins

Also for BUY things must buy 1 at time,uff..

Also the fact that the shop close but there is nott gameplay mechanics that allow to sleep and go forward time...

Dorameon storyy of season vice versa for example allow to sleep for open the shop or buy\craft quantity etc

Also the fact that the game don't have an option for turn off music i don't like
(it's possiblle fix it by create all island be LEVEL3 stair,music is lower)

And also the fact that you must do voyages in random island for find fruits i don't like,is 2 fucking years i play this game and until now i was NOT able to find apple\orange also if i fly thousands of islands,the hell

3 years ago

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I feel your pain on ACNH. It's going to take me hours and hours to make 3000 DIY tools and DIY furniture, even if I have the mats.

3 years ago

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hahahahaha ,
and i not understand why if i create and sell cherry speaker
it give me less money than if i sell the same quantity of resources fruiit cherry\iron needed O_o
(cherry is not my first fruit island too)
i mean.. build somethin require + time so must be rewarded with + money and not less
but if i sell the cherry and iron it give me + money than if i build the cherry speaker bah
i'm habit to use external sell box for check these things it's + rapid than check it inside because show prices get paid for

3 years ago

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Well, not that this is an MMO, but in MMOs often the mats sell for more than the crafted objects-- because the mats help you power-level, which is its own reward. I guess they're using a similar model. Besides, once you figure out the Stalk Market, you never really need bells.

Other Nook Mile rewards that are going to take a long time are celebrating 20 birthdays (although I'm finally deciding to let my villagers leave esp. if they just had a birthday), 100 concerts (basically takes 100 Saturdays), and fulfilling 300 requests from friends, because there's nothing you can do to level it other than play the game and wait for folks to ask you to do things. I'm not even halfway there. I'll also never catch 100 fish in a row, but that's more on me for lack of skill. My finger keeps twitching and pressing the button without me telling it to! :D

My bigger complaint is that there are several Nook Mile rewards I'll never be able to get without paying additional real money. That's not going to happen.

3 years ago

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you mean the $25 dlc?

3 years ago

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No, the Nook Mile rewards that require a Nintendo subscription-- visiting other people's islands, having other people visit your island, and getting/selling all types of fruit.

There's a $25 DLC? I didn't know that! Will have to look into that.

3 years ago

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Oh wow...looks like they're really leaning into the whole house interior and exterior design aspect of ACNH. Although I enjoy setting up my house, I don't think I'd want to do it as a primary gameplay element.

3 years ago

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Also with that money can buy:
1) Astrooner on steam + Doraemon story of season on switch (when on deal at $12)
both give "build vnewi virtual things" in the sme way that dlc do¯_(ツ)_/¯
if we must pay $25 for every update,how much fuckingcost 1 game then $2000...
At me looks like they firs try make people be addicted to the game,and then try milking them
In other words AC in myopinion will become the "the Sims" of Nintendo

So personally i will do this,i wait 2 years and see what happen...
if they release others $25 pay dlcs i continue wait until the game is full
if they stop so ill buy the $25 one maybe when is discounted at $5.

i'm not a dlc hater but come on... $25 it's the half price of a new release game.... for the little contents they add , some quest and an update to the editor it's an exagerate price in my opinion.
Then if people is rich and have money for buy it ok up to them... but for me tha is poor this is very exagerate price,i prefer keep tha money for buy one new ggame with many new full contens and nota dlc at $25 what the hell very expensive,then ok if one day i rich i will buy it,but for now i must be carefl how use money i acn't afford thse fukng prices.
i can buy trailmakers and build infinites homs by mysel with tha money,the hell.

3 years ago*

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LOL, that entire post was pure poetry! :D

Yeah, I don't think I'll be picking it up, but I do think my daughter might want it. But she hasn't really gotten into the base game, so it's hard to justify the DLC.

3 years ago

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1) Astrooner on steam + Doraemon story of season on switch (when on deal at $12)
both give "build vnewi virtual things" in the sme way that dlc do¯(ツ)
if we must pay $25 for every update,how much fuckingcost 1 game then $2000...
At me looks like they firs try make people be addicted to the game,and then try milking them
In other words AC in myopinion will become the "the Sims" of Nintendo

$25/year is not a great amount of money. I don't really think they are really asking that much for the DLC. It's not like they poping paid updates at the moment every 3 months, like The Sims does.

i'm not a dlc hater but come on... $25 it's the half price of a new release game.... for the little contents they add , some quest and an update to the editor it's an exagerate price in my opinion.

That may seem little content, but with what we generally had, the gameplay can expand to another 150-300 hours at least.

Then if people is rich and have money for buy it ok up to them... but for me tha is poor this is very exagerate price,i prefer keep tha money for buy one new ggame with many new full contens and nota dlc at $25 what the hell very expensive,then ok if one day i rich i will buy it,but for now i must be carefl how use money i acn't afford thse fukng prices.

$25 may seem a lot and it is for some countries. I can understand your frustration, I've been there and it's a pricy thing. But Nintendo always gives that kind of prices. From all the companies I know, Nintendo charges the most and I avoid buying games from them unless I really wanna play them and I'm sure I can't play that game on any other platform.

3 years ago

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My wife got so excited about these updates and coming DLC. I am happy to see the game growing again.

3 years ago

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it's not possible to get ALL fruits just by fly with airplane to single player island?!?

3 years ago

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No. All mystery island tour islands only have your native island fruit except for one that has the "sister fruit" (this fruit can also be given by villagers). So the most you can get without a sub is your native fruit, your sister fruit, and coconuts.

3 years ago

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Jeus csist , me is 2 years do voyages for try find ornge and apple that never give me,so now i undersand why,uff.

this is very hateful think,forcepeople to go in others islan wtf..

i put advertising at twitter ask people exchange fruit,wait someone give me 🤣✌🏻
one lady come give me orange,now i miss apple

now i have pear,orange tree,peach,cherry miss apple

now have all fruits! wow i must say btw people play animal crossing is very good,give thng for free and very cute too

3 years ago*

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I highly recommend going for Nookazon to get all the things you need. You trade ingame stuff and it's by far the best website for a game I've ever encountered.

3 years ago

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Yeah, I would love that-- would probably spend way too much time there. :D But I'm not paying for a Nintendo sub.
I just have nothing to use my mountain of bells and Nook miles for. Oh well. :)

3 years ago

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My god... i never think such things exist 🤣than u very useful 🤣

3 years ago

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You're welcome man! It's awesome to make trades and meet new people here. You can make a lot of bells there too. Super useful site!

3 years ago

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Glad you were able to get all the fruit! I would surely do that immediately if I had a Nintendo sub.

3 years ago

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very beautiful\cute girl too from twitter,red hair (>''<) hahhaa but she stlen all my flower s but is ok

3 years ago

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Aboout the Fishing i do it by close eyes,i use Audio,
if you put volume sound vvery up,you can hear fish make different sound when eat
when not eat is high note
when eat is low note
so then is + easy take fsh,you try this close eyes nly use sound

3 years ago

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I have tried closing my eyes and using just sound. Sometimes it helps, but my finger still twitches and has a mind of its own! :D
Also, the Switch is in a common area so it's often noisy-- or not necessarily noisy, but not exactly quiet.

I think my best bet would be to target "easy" fish that don't run away right away and just try not to twitch my finger...

3 years ago

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Try with Nose or half part of arm,sometime when i sick and acn't play with hand help,not give up.

3 years ago

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Yeah, it feels like you're in a tutorial every time and makes sure that each decision is carefully thought. 😅

We are not kids anymore, although a lot of kids do play it.

3 years ago

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many games have menu\option for choice activate tutorial help\tips or not,but this not have,then yes same u say,
also menu miss music volume slider,but i fix this by build my island to be only be third stairs (require me week to do) now music very low (not disable but low) and one time i try also fix it by spread speakers everywhere but then this make the game unplayable for many reasons,so i decide for the first option.

Me too play it 2 years,but i must say this wwill be last nintendo i buy,i liked their games but i'm also bored,i play nintendo games 25 years and they is alwas the same,same storytelling in mario alwawys monster come kidnapp princess etc. always the sme.. never hange 1 time the hell,zelda , same characters etc. so they not give so much "emotion\happyness" to me i ee already tens times the same story etc.,
i prefer PC games because is more different\original ideas (Astrooner,Sekiro,EliteDangerous,DeusEx,Prey etc.).
Also i noticed that nintendo store is so much greedy in prices,also if do Regional RU many games is priced 5000 RU (what the hell)
and because i can't aafford ths exxpensve prices,and with a console without games i can't do nothing,i prefer NOT buy it next time,and invest that money in SG giveaways,steam\epic games or XboxGamePass (that give me 100 games).

Top of all this my taste is STEALTH\Exploration\Build for the most (mgs,hitman,sekiro,batmanAK,shadow of mordor etc.) but nintendo don't have many exclusives about this.

i sad about i can't buy steamdeck,i dream\wish one day i can,i really want that console so hard,reason is many times i sick o i must stay bed or like ths and i have alredy many gmes for steam so i'm 100% sure it will be useful for me,a worth it conole tha i willuse,i hope next years my sick problem finish and also my office govern work find good work for me so then can buy,if my family alive i'm sure hey gif t me but sadl they passed away long time ago so i mustd all mself but is ok i'm very strong,and many time i risk die too at last 8 buu always survive,so this is also a my personal fight and revenge in general wwith my destiny both in economic and life\be alivve too,problem is govern work office not work good,is 2 years they call me only mke questions but never give work,i very tired.

3 years ago*

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i prefer PC games because is more different\original ideas (Astrooner,Sekiro,EliteDangerous,DeusEx,Prey etc.).
Also i noticed that nintendo store is so much greedy in prices,also if do Regional RU many games is priced 5000 RU (what the hell)
and because i can't aafford ths exxpensve prices,and with a console without games i can't do nothing,i prefer NOT buy it next time,and invest that money in SG giveaways,steam\epic games or XboxGamePass (that give me 100 games).

Same. I find more diversity and complexity in the PC genre of games. You probably played a lot so that makes you less sensitive to Nintendo. I always found Nintendo to favour children and so, the games felt more childish. I always preferred mature games to be honest. I think only PS and PC managed to deliver on that. And of course XBox too.

i sad about i can't buy steamdeck,i dream\wish one day i can,i really want that console so hard,reason is many times i sick o i must stay bed or like ths and i have alredy many gmes for steam so i'm 100% sure it will be useful for me,a worth it conole tha i willuse,i hope next years my sick problem finish and also my office govern work find good work for me so then can buy,if my family alive i'm sure hey gif t me but sadl they passed away long time ago so i mustd all mself but is ok i'm very strong,and many time i risk die too at last 8 buu always survive,so this is also a my personal fight and revenge in general wwith my destiny both in economic and life\be alivve too,problem is govern work office not work good,is 2 years they call me only mke questions but never give work,i very tired.

I'll probably buy it next year when it comes out. I was not as hyped of Nintendo Switch as I got of Steam Deck. Steam is something I am mostly invested in and enjoy over other platforms.

3 years ago

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yes i feel ssme you for nintendo,also the fact that hey prices very high and discounts it's not really discounts much,not help me.
yes i feel same you for steam deck.
Maybe when\if Steamdeck 2 is out,nexxt 6 yeeears,then i can buy the first steam deck 1 becaue price low,and i know at thattime will be obsolete and cn pplay only actual\oldgames and not new butwill be ok for me i have lot old gmees more than new.

3 years ago

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If you don't mind me asking, where do you live?

3 years ago

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problem is not place i live,becaue where i live hav many people richs,they own hotels,beachs,nd buy all gmes,consoles at day 1.
Me sadly my life,born very poor family + my dad psesd away ver fast then granmom\dad etc + i problem sick nd unluck much bou work too so for me not easy bu hing sme others.
Anyway i not give up,i do vaccine,sign office ogverns wrk,still try fix healts ,and hope one day buy steamdeck,i will be strong and o next with smile,im happy go next.

3 years ago

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problem is not place i live,becaue where i live hav many people richs,they own hotels,beachs,nd buy all gmes,consoles at day 1.
Me sadly my life,born very poor family + my dad psesd away ver fast then granmom\dad etc + i problem sick nd unluck much bou work too so for me not easy bu hing sme others.

I am sorry to hear about your father passing away. 😔 I really wish you and your family good health. What I'd like to tell you is to not use your background as an excuse of who you are in a way that makes you look weak or anything. Being poor or having a poor background has nothing to do with who you can become from here on.

"If you were born poor its not your mistake but if you die poor its your mistake." - Bill Gates

I had a look at your Steam profile and you've got over 1570+ games in your library. That makes you wealthy beyond measure, because even if you won some of them, bought them cheap, you have the capability to invest the money you earn in something. So, I'm a firm believer that you can get the Steamdeck if you'd put your mind to it.

Anyway i not give up,i do vaccine,sign office ogverns wrk,still try fix healts ,and hope one day buy steamdeck,i will be strong and o next with smile,im happy go next.

Doing everything you can to escape being broke is what matters. Growing to become a person that encapsulates wisdom, honesty and hard work is vital in this world. Your ambition has to drive you and no matter what people think about you, you keep rising up, you keep going and you don't give up no matter what.

My best wishes to you and your family. 🤗

3 years ago

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thank you so much for your kind words,yes i very proud myself little thhings i do about gameees have cheap i also try help other people know how to get games freeor chepwrie guide,also i not buy ps4\ps4pro\ps5\xboxonex\xboxseriesx but now have games steam epic (and now playstation\xbox games too on PC! hahhaa) so i must say btw sometimes be poor it's also an advantage hahaha .
i also learn to wait 1-2 years or 80% discount before to buy games,i make exception only for games as cyberpunk2077\thewitcher3\astrooner\anotherworld\elitedangerous(that i backed too) because for me is very high quality.
i also proud myself about i not do drugs,alchool or thief,because my town who poor more do this,but me promise my dad neever do and until now also when hve 0 money not do,,also more time i go give food,drink cover at homeless in road also when i not hve mney for me
i wish you good health and happiness and serenity all you life,and i'm not religious but if you is btw god bless you.

3 years ago*

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I'm not religious either, but am I a spiritual person. I appreciate it! 🙏🏻

3 years ago

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yeeeee 🌳🌞🌈 <('o')^

3 years ago

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"We are not kids anymore"
Me is more kid than kids ha.

3 years ago

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Mass Effect. Because then people would stop telling me I'm missing out by not playing it. I don't play shooter games so I'm personally not terribly concerned having never played it.

3 years ago

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Hahahaha 🤣 I don't want to be like the others, although it's one of my favourite RPG's I've played. It's not the FPS you normally play, it's more of a cover system kinda shooter. It's like The Division or Gears of War. What really makes the game good is the story, because people get attached to the character and the plot. You don't have to play it really, you're not missing out.

I was told Witcher is the best RPG, I haven't played it yet except the 1st one and I honestly dislike the way the gameplay is.

There's a saying: If you don't like reading it's because you haven't found a good book. It goes the same with any game genre. Sometimes it's not the way it's presented the game as gameplay that attracts you, but the other aspects of the game, which makes the experience more enjoyable.

3 years ago

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Witcher is very beautiful,i like deusex,cyberpunk,prey too

3 years ago

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I think ME actually feels like a turn-based strategy game played real time. And I suck at RTS games.
Funny you mention Witcher. Witcher 3 is another game I quit.

3 years ago

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It is in that sense really a little of a turn-base strategy because of time pause and strategising the combat. So goes for most games by Bioware that have been successful.

What is your style of gameplay? I find that everybody has a different style and should be respected for their choices really.

3 years ago

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Definitely more of a casual, puzzle solving variety, but also with some RPG adventure mixed in. I like games that reward exploration, have a decent story, and challenge me to think. I occasionally find sandbox make-your-own-fun games I like, but usually not. My favorite games I've played in recent years are Infinifactory, Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, Evoland 2, Mages of Mystralia, Factorio, Supraland, Qbeh

3 years ago

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I never played them so I don't really know what type of games they are, but they're probably the right fit for you. 😉

3 years ago

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I think that if someone - ANYONE - enjoys a game, then it's fine, so I wouldn't want to destroy their enjoyment by eradicating a game in real life; I can't think of a game I've ever hated more than Shadow of the Colossus, but many other people enjoy it, so I'm cool with its existence, as long as I don't have to touch it. Same as anything: if you don't like it, then don't play it.

BUT, if we get to be selfish, I wouldn't even hesitate to say Dark Souls. Yes, it's nurtured this group of entitled little jerks that think it's cool to pick on people for not playing GRITTY GRIMDARK HARDGAEM ON HARDEST DIFFICULTY I AM HARDCOER PLAYUR, but that sad little collective who act like Dark Souls invented video game difficulty, but couldn't pass the first 3 stages of any Ninja Gaiden or Battletoads game also brought out Duke Amiel d'Hardcore (or however you spell it), and I've gotten some good laughs out of that. It's still awful, but my gripe with it is that it killed Action games. The basic model used to be Devil May Cry, which was fast and furious and rewarded aggressive assaults and quick reflexes; leap in and pound the crap out of whatever comes your way. Once Dark Souls got popular, everything tried to imitate that instead; now, I've got a heavy warrior with COPD, so I can swing 2 or 3 times before dodge-rolling across the area, which also takes stamina. I tried to get into it, but it's just really boring to me; it wasn't a matter of gitting gud, because I had no motivation to git gud at something I didn't enjoy on a fundamental level. I'd be fine if both of these models could coexist, but it seems like the Devil May Cry type of action game is mostly dead.

But again, I have an absurd backlog, and will never run out of new stuff to play and old stuff to revisit, so I still wouldn't do it. I don't care about shallow nerds' opinions of the games I like to play, either, and while it would be nice if they weren't verbally abusive to people who would, let's be real: if Dark Souls didn't exist, they'd find another reason to act like it's okay to be garbage human beings; people like that always do.

3 years ago

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it's nurtured this group of entitled little jerks that think it's cool to pick on people for not playing GRITTY GRIMDARK HARDGAEM ON HARDEST DIFFICULTY I AM HARDCOER PLAYUR

Reminds me of that streamer who called people out for complaining about the fact that she's playing Kingdom Hearts on Easy... only for a bunch more people to start calling her out for that. I never thought that could be seen as a problem, varying difficulties exist for players to pick from. Hell, I once played a game that had a secret "Very Easy" difficulty, just because players complained that Easy was too tough, and that wasn't even trying to be a Souls-like or anything of the sort.

3 years ago

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People should play however they like. I am not a hardcore player either. I play most of games for their story so Normal is fine with me. If a game seems easy I will bump it to hard. Some games may seem less challenging for me to enjoy it.

I do want games to feel that I am slightly on the powerful side, but could still die if I am not paying attention.

3 years ago

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I usually pick Easy just because the time when you'd sit around trying to get the mileage out of one game only is long gone... and because I'm always for story over gameplay. I don't usually play games where difficulty is concerned, but when I do there's always going to be something that starts tripping me up at some point, and so I don't want to risk ragequitting before I'm done... but then again I literally have thousands of other games to pick for, should I be stuck in a hundred other games (and unironically, I more or less am stuck in about 80 games at the moment...)

3 years ago

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I don't want to risk ragequitting before I'm done...

I am quite a calm dude, but I can lose my shit too sometimes if I die too many times on an area that I am sure I can beat it. I don't really rage quit, but I'll express my tantrum with some frustrated shouts or curses. 🤣 I never rage quit a game. I always found a way or calmly decided to take a break for the day because it's been stressing me out. I honestly never encountered recently a game that does that. I also don't think I play really difficult games.

but then again I literally have thousands of other games to pick for, should I be stuck in a hundred other games (and unironically, I more or less am stuck in about 80 games at the moment...)

Not at all, I don't see the point of playing something just to be stuck in an area and feel like a waste of time. I will be resilient with myself if I feel the game is worth my time, if not I'll use all measures to get past the obstacles, even if that would include cheating or lowering the difficulty level.

If you encounter a wall, either go around it or through it.

3 years ago

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I never rage quit a game.

Oh yeah, I think my experience is more similar to what you described, rather than actually raging. I'd say I'm the type of person that rages silently, just when it bubbles up enough I quit the game and give myself time to take a break from it.

Not at all, I don't see the point of playing something just to be stuck in an area and feel like a waste of time.

Not sure what you mean here, it's not like I deliberately pick a game to get stuck in it later on. Perhaps if I had friends or a partner who play(s) games, I'd be able to get unstuck with their help, but a lot of the times, I come to the realization that when I get stuck, I either stop enjoying the game or maybe that it's just broken. I'm kind of selective about cheating, I don't use apps like SAM to unlock achievements, even in games that have broken achievements, but if I just hit a wall in a clicker game, I'll gladly change the date and time on my computer to push it out of the way, so to speak.

3 years ago

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Not sure what you mean here, it's not like I deliberately pick a game to get stuck in it later on. Perhaps if I had friends or a partner who play(s) games, I'd be able to get unstuck with their help, but a lot of the times, I come to the realization that when I get stuck, I either stop enjoying the game or maybe that it's just broken. I'm kind of selective about cheating, I don't use apps like SAM to unlock achievements, even in games that have broken achievements, but if I just hit a wall in a clicker game, I'll gladly change the date and time on my computer to push it out of the way, so to speak.

What I meant is that I don't like to play a game and make my experience difficult by increasing the difficulty to insane or impossible standards. This is because although I like a bit of a challenge, I don't overdo it in games. I still wanna feel I progress. That's super important for me because oftentimes the reason why I play a game is because of its campaign story. I put a lot of emphasis on that aspect.

I've used SAM for games I've finished and said to myself, I'll not get to repeat the whole campaign or chapters just for collectables, that's boring. I'll use SAM to clean that up. Collectables are for me probably the least enjoyable thing, yet I do it ever so often.

It depends on how much fun I have in the game and how enjoyable the collectables feel. If it's an open world, that allows me to go back and explore I'll do it. But if it's locked after chapters that I need to revisit and pass, I'll skip and just use SAM to do the dirty work for me. 😂

3 years ago

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I've used SAM for games I've finished and said to myself, I'll not get to repeat the whole campaign or chapters just for collectables, that's boring. I'll use SAM to clean that up.

Huh, I still wouldn't do that, but it does feel like a convincing enough push to at least try unlocking the broken achievements where they are. That would save me some frustration related with trying to reverse engineer stuff in an attempt to keep it legit.

3 years ago

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I also would use SAM for games I've played years back that I managed to get on Steam. I would for instance want them to reflect my hours spent or if I don't plan on returning to the game, the achievements.

I don't use SAM for anything that I personally enjoy playing and if I want to spend countless hours on a game that I plan to collect everything 100% I am strictly against it. It's my effort and I find satisfaction from it.

3 years ago

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"Imaginary prestige points are serious business! I'm going to mispronounce pleb at you for your insolence!" Wouldn't it be nice if people just let others do their own thing?

3 years ago

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Wouldn't it be nice if people just let others do their own thing?

I know, right? Especially in this day and age, where, as a wise man once said, we can experience anything and everything, all of the time.

3 years ago

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I think that if someone - ANYONE - enjoys a game, then it's fine, so I wouldn't want to destroy their enjoyment by eradicating a game in real life; I can't think of a game I've ever hated more than Shadow of the Colossus, but many other people enjoy it, so I'm cool with its existence, as long as I don't have to touch it. Same as anything: if you don't like it, then don't play it.

Of course, this whole discussion is for fun and voicing your opinion. But interesting thought.

BUT, if we get to be selfish, I wouldn't even hesitate to say Dark Souls. Yes, it's nurtured this group of entitled little jerks that think it's cool to pick on people for not playing GRITTY GRIMDARK HARDGAEM ON HARDEST DIFFICULTY I AM HARDCOER PLAYUR, but that sad little collective who act like Dark Souls invented video game difficulty, but couldn't pass the first 3 stages of any Ninja Gaiden or Battletoads game also brought out Duke Amiel d'Hardcore (or however you spell it), and I've gotten some good laughs out of that. It's still awful, but my gripe with it is that it killed Action games. The basic model used to be Devil May Cry, which was fast and furious and rewarded aggressive assaults and quick reflexes; leap in and pound the crap out of whatever comes your way. Once Dark Souls got popular, everything tried to imitate that instead; now, I've got a heavy warrior with COPD, so I can swing 2 or 3 times before dodge-rolling across the area, which also takes stamina. I tried to get into it, but it's just really boring to me; it wasn't a matter of gitting gud, because I had no motivation to git gud at something I didn't enjoy on a fundamental level. I'd be fine if both of these models could coexist, but it seems like the Devil May Cry type of action game is mostly dead.

I see what you mean. People started focusing more on slow tactical combat than action passed. But I honestly like the Devil May Cry style more too. It's a good way to release pressure, yet they are incomparable in design and style. I would have never thought it would be affected as there's not much relation between them, but I guess you're right. It does seem like Dark Souls set a new type of genre games that made some players disrespect others for the fact that they are really good at Dark Souls. I don't play and haven't played it yet because the atmosphere didn't attract me and neither the combat. It's all about precision and timing there, dodging or pairing is what makes the game run. It's an easy concept, yet difficult and there's not much of a work-around it.

On Devil May Cry you can still win even if you mash buttons aggressively and still looks like you know what you're doing. 😅 I'm one of them, I never actually timed my combos, but I know people who do and are deadly good at it.

3 years ago

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I like my action fast and intense, but I also don't NEED my games to be as punishing as possible; I don't care about imaginary prestige points for beating a game, because if I did, I'd be running around talking about how I've beaten half the entire Battletoads franchise (try getting through Rat Race in the North American NES version and tell me how hardcore you are). But yes, Devil May Cry and its ilk were all about design; if something was badly designed, you wouldn't have a mindless legion just telling you to git gud to cover up a legitimate flaw. I think its challenge is close to perfect, too, because like you said, the easier difficulties are there if you just want to mash buttons aggressively, but if you want the challenge, that kind of strategy will NOT fly on the higher settings. Especially in 3, which also has a weapon and a style that seem completely worthless, but once you master them, they're indispensable; there's a lot of depth for those who seek it.

3 years ago

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Yes, I do believe games should not be compared to how difficult they really are for the quality of player you are.

We are not talking here about Mobile games vs Console & PC. It's a totally different type and they offer a different kind of strategy. Nowadays mobile games are starting to pick up the complexity of console and PC's and that's awesome for me.

It used to be laughable when a mobile player would call himself a gamer, yet the act of playing a game makes you a gamer, no matter you are playing Tetris or Total War.

3 years ago

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I'll certainly agree to that, though to be honest, I don't really subscribe to the label of "gamer". It lumps all video game fans into one big pile, even though you'll find that there are LOTS of different groups of interest within video games. You have THOSE kinds, you have Shooter fans, you have RPG fans (both J and W), you have retro fans, the translation circles into games that never left japan, that whole Haunted Playstation community, indie fans, and the list goes on, and a lot of them don't even have much in common. You wouldn't talk about things like TV fans (TVers?), because people like to watch all kinds of different shows; I don't think it should be like that for games, either.

3 years ago

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When it eventually becomes bundled or discounted to a good price... I'd really think you should give Sekiro a try. Yes, same developers as Dark Souls and punishing... but also has a fast paced combat with really enjoyable grappling hook and deflecting with your sword mechanics. I'd say this style is like a perfect mixture of both genres of action games and it shines in that way.

3 years ago

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Thanks, I'll keep that in mind! Do the dodge/parry mechanics also cost stamina?

3 years ago

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Dodging doesn't cost any stamina, parrying perfectly doesn't either, but normal parrying (when the attack gets parried) does. It's more like... you have your bar of stamina... and continually dodging and parrying won't replenish it so you have to stop doing that for a bit so it does regenerate back

3 years ago

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That actually sounds like it might work for me. Thanks for the recommend!

3 years ago

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Still Life 2. Because its a disguting piece of shit. Altrough first one is a masterpiece.

3 years ago

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I have never played or heard of Still Life, how would you describe it?

3 years ago

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Quite dark detective (in a really good way).

3 years ago

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If you play point'n'click, this is a musthave.

3 years ago

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I don't play much, but I will try the one you suggested.

3 years ago

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Well if you will and you will love it, never play the second one.

3 years ago

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The question is why? What's wrong with it?

3 years ago

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Is it worth getting the STILL LIFE COLLECTION? There's another game there, Post Mortem. Have you've played it?

3 years ago

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Everything is wrong with it(belive me). Post Mortem is the first from the series but you don't need to play it to undestand the SL. Because there is a deferent case. Well and its quite old so i could make myself play it(yea i am ashamed).

3 years ago

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Oh, understood. Thanks for the tip! 👍🏻

3 years ago

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You are welcome. Good luck.

3 years ago

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You can buy collection just to have it. It always gets 90% discount.

3 years ago

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Your comment is intriguing, if only because you never explained what's wrong with it. Did it leave the story off with glaring plot holes? Did it take some random uninvited turn? Did it take a dump on the plot of the first game? So many possibilities and what you said hints at none of them.

3 years ago

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I said earlier EVERYTHING IS WRONG WITH IT. And YES i finished it even through blood and tears of mine. Just read the reviews.

3 years ago

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Sheesh, so much for trying to have a conversation.

3 years ago

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Some games just don't click with people and that's okay Amitte. Sometimes we find games that just simply disappoint us because we expect them to be from a series we love dearly or games we've played for years. The responses here are absolutely surprising sometimes.

3 years ago

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Some games just don't click with people and that's okay

Look. I put over 50 hours in a game I got gradually more and more sick of. If you asked me about it, I wouldn't just go "IT SUCKED MY ASS OFF". That's the one thing I take issue with here, nothing more, nothing less.

3 years ago

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You've probably didn't force yourself to the point to like a game and just drag it along just to realize that you've got a few hours invested in it. 50 hours is significant, but surely there's something behind it. Like playing alongside friends or something to get you to spend that amount of time. I value my time, so for me spending 50 hours in a game = £50 well spent. If the game is cheaper than that it's a benefit and the game deserves prayers.

It's a weird practice, but that's how I practically explain based on the value that I get out of game and the amount of money I've paid for it if it's worth it or not.

3 years ago

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It's a weird practice, but that's how I practically explain based on the value that I get out of game and the amount of money I've paid for it if it's worth it or not.

I do that too, but that particular game I happened to get for cheap in a bundle. There wasn't really anything to get me to play it other than the desire to finish it (since, as I mentioned in another thread, there are dozens of games that I've left unfinished for one reason or another).
The point I'm trying to make is still: if someone doesn't want to invite discussion, perhaps they shouldn't talk first. I asked a question as politely as I could, and they came back as defensive as if I've murdered their pet. I hope you're picking up what I'm putting down.

3 years ago

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The point I'm trying to make is still: if someone doesn't want to invite discussion, perhaps they shouldn't talk first. I asked a question as politely as I could, and they came back as defensive as if I've murdered their pet. I hope you're picking up what I'm putting down.

I understand you perfectly. People don't need to take offence at opinions and I think the whole purpose of the thread is to connect, share thoughts and opinions without the guilt or worry of what others think.

3 years ago

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Thank you :) I was afraid we were going to have a back and forth with no substance at all. I naturally assume that not only is it fine to initiate conversation in a forum, but also that people will feel validated if I inquire personally, rather than go scour the internet for information... but perhaps it's only me this time around.

3 years ago

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Remember that no matter how much other people talk s**t about our pleasures it won't change the value and fun we have with the games.

This can happen to anything really. Some people may like Lord of The Rings and others may not find any connection with the movie. Our enjoyment still may remain the same after all, because what is important is if we like it or not, right?

3 years ago

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Remember that no matter how much other people talk s**t about our pleasures it won't change the value and fun we have with the games.

I've got a bit of a personal problem with that... on a base level, I tend to enjoy most media I consume - after all, I chose to consume it. ...but then I go online (and it's not always to read people's opinions on the thing, usually I just want to check off having seen/read/played it on some site or other) and my views are immediately challenged. If I liked said thing, I may wanna check in with my sense of humor, whether I'm procrastinating or not (as in "there's no reason you'd want to indulge in this thing, other than if you couldn't find anything else to do to kill time"), my privilege, my values, the list could probably go on. I don't want to say it kills the mood, cause I don't think it's that I feel targeted on a personal level... but then it kind of does. If it's about challenging my views, it's not as saddening/rage-inducing etc. as if I learned that a creator of the thing turned out to be an asshole, a criminal, or worst of all, a criminal asshole (lol), but it pulls me out of the high of having enjoyed a nice thing and brings me right down to the ground.

Our enjoyment still may remain the same after all, because what is important is if we like it or not, right?

...but then again, yes, I agree. As long as whatever you enjoy isn't a criminal offense, there's no need to get defensive if your views get challenged (especially if the challenger chooses petty insults over reasonable arguments, assuming there is ground for those to come to life in the first place).

3 years ago

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Dungeon Siege 3
i really liked the second game and i was so hyped when they announced the third, just to see an utter mess

and 3rd games from most franchises
torchlight, sacred, diablo, mass effect, etc

3 years ago

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Yes, Dungeon Siege 3 was a disappointment for me as well. I want to give it a 2nd chance and reply it. But I was utterly turned off because they have changed it from the original. There's either the voice acting, it just felt something off.

Reviews of Dungeon Siege III are not how I recall them. I remember they were quite positive. Idk what happened to the franchise, but I can recall how Dungeon Siege 1 started. It was such a dark atmosphere, yet intriguing setting. I love this series to bits. I really wish it would return, but keep the older style. Idk, this felt more modernised than the previous ones and I don't mean by graphics. The setting I believe.

3 years ago

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it was a different game, with shitty skills, UI and inventory management (non-existent)

3 years ago

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I don't have such animosity against any title but I would probably pick Battlefield 1. It's probably my least favorite BF game (not counting the new one) but that's not the main reason. I wish it didn't existed so the Titanfall 2 release wasn't overshadowed by it, which was definitely one of the bigger nails in Titanfall's coffin. And Titanfall 2 was amazing, definitely deserved more love than it got.

3 years ago*

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Aggreed. I've played it and I can say it was one of the best FPS's I've played in a long time. It deserves a lot more love.

3 years ago

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Beyond the Beyond still upsets me. I owned that and Quest 64 at the time and it was just a dark era for RPGs.

3 years ago

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I don't think I've heard or played Beyond the Beyond. Did they release other sequels after?

3 years ago

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I don't think they made sequels for it. It was a 2d traditional rpg on the original PlayStation with excruciatingly slow 3d battle sequences, of which there were way too many. The art was cheezy, the music lame, the story was generic. All of these sub par features on a platform that had fantastic RPG releases. It was just the kind of thing to make one ask "Why did I buy this?"

If the game had not existed there would have been a lot less frustrated kids growing up in the 90s.

3 years ago

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Some games are just there to remind us to appreciate the good ones.

3 years ago

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I think I'm the only one that likes Beyond the Beyond. It's like an early attempt at Golden Sun.

3 years ago

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Counter Strike. This game just had way too much influence on the entirety of the multiplayer fps genre. Every game has to have same old boring search and destroy, terrible game mechanics like having to stand still to shoot accurate and 1 hit kill sniper rifles that take all the fun out of a gunfight.

3 years ago

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They surely did have a great influence, but I can see nowadays games changing the FPS genre quite a lot. Look at TitanFall, Apex Legends and Call of Duty Black Ops 2 and 3? (I stopped playing after Black Ops 1, so I can't recall which is which)

But that's true, if Counter Strike wouldn't be the OG of the FPS genre, we might have FPS's in a totally different style today.

3 years ago

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Eve, wasted way, way too much of my life playing it. It's a game designed for people who'll live to be 500.

3 years ago

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I can think of another game like that, Black Desert Online. 😆

3 years ago

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League of Legends took too much time and money from me..
what I could've bought from the money spent on cosmetics that now seem useless to me

on the other hand through the game I met many friends I still interact with daily, so maby it wasn't such a bad deal afterall

3 years ago

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It's interesting to see how some of ya'll picked games that you've spent countless of hours of both fun and pain. As a veteran of LoL I can understand how you feel. I didn't quit by the sheer amount of time spent or the frustration it caused me at times because of the community, but by the fact that I felt that I am spending time doing the same thing over and over again and missing out on good games that I've pilled up for years.

I felt the need to shelve League because the game started to become somewhat like a chore, not anymore satisfying my need, and just putting me in a repetitive state. Giving it the time to grow and change may be a good thing because if I ever decide to go back, I will find new things to enjoy about the game.

I love League and I do and don't regret picking it. I've met friends and burned some good amount of hours in it alongside my friends and wife. It's fun, but I think if League wasn't there anymore, I'd probably play something else that would keep me in an addictive grasp.

3 years ago

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currently I just feel burnt out by league.. if friends convince me to play a match I'm just so annoyed afterwards even when it was fun

but yeah for me it's kind of the same at the moment I'm just trying to play all the games I bought or won over the last few years and never touched, I'll probably come back to league at some point just because some of my friends don't want to play anything else and I'll probably enjoy it again for some time but I feel like my money can be spent on something better than on rp 😅

3 years ago

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What games are you into the most now that League isn't blocking you?

3 years ago

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I've been playing more House Flipper than before, really enjoying the new DLC
also started a new 7 Days to Die server with friends, there's a new update on it's way which I'm pretty exited for

but mostly I've been going through my sg wins finding some gems I would've just brushed over before
Werewolf: Heart of the Forest was an entertaining visual novel
Turmoil, which I just won recently has quickly become one of my favorite indie games

also Cookie Clicker but that's mostly running in the background 😁

3 years ago

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That's absolutely awesome! Thanks for the suggestion for the games. Been considering House Flipper for a while. I've got it on my Wishlist.

3 years ago

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if you're into these kind of games it's definetly worth it!
especially with all the newly added items you have so many options for decorating (although you need the dlc for that)
but there's also the steam workshop where you can get a lot of great furniture

next time the game is on sale you should definetly consider getting it

3 years ago

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Noted, I have a lot of games on my wishlist. I will most likely get it at some point or another. The important thing is to actually play it. 🤣

3 years ago

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im not one to wish something didnt exist. Maybe a specific side of a FANDOM of a game or franchise but not the franchise itself. Well if I had to choose,itd be Genshin Impact because gacha games with pay to win balance and predatory gacha shouldnt be this widly popular. Top of it, it kinda messed up gaming as a whole. And if this counts: Mudae (Bot game on Discord) because of its toxic playing and how it entices people to claim fictional characters they love turning them rather toxic. Plus only one person can have them, which they are just essentially PNGs taken too seriously.

3 years ago

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Genshin Impact didn't get me on the trend, not because of this aspect, but I personally have been at a level where I can't jump and be serious anymore on an MMO. It's too time-consuming for me. I get what you mean. It breeds toxicity and that's not a good thing.

3 years ago

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Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild.

I've never actually played the game and I never will since the Zelda game series isn't for me, but I HATE that any open-world game is now always compared as being "Like BOTW". Even if they are ENTIRELY different concepts in story and gameplay. BOTW is NOT the first open world game, and yet games that came out before and after it are compared to it constantly.

3 years ago

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The game has something special about it. I've spent a couple of hours in it and I can say it's good, but what really made me enjoy it less than other open worlds is the emptiness and lack of sound that it carries. It feels lonely.

I will continue it once I get back on the Switch, but I'm still preferring PC overall.

3 years ago

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Rift Online

An amazing mmorpg game that was a true contender to WoW at its peak.... but poor development and corporate decisions made it the sorry mess of a state it eventually end up with. I regret spending so much of my time and money playing this game since seeing its sad state when I left and how it just continues to become worse over the years is a memory I'd rather wish I never had to experience.

3 years ago

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Rift didn't have much of a long-lasting life. As soon as it showed, as soon as it disappeared from a lot of MMORPG fans. By the time it came out I have concluded I am done with MMO's because they are so time-consuming. Rift didn't managed to make me wanna try it. It's a shame. I used to play almost every good or well-known MMO out there when I was a teen.

3 years ago

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Rift had a successful launch and a good first expansion that introduced the best 'player-housing' system I have seen (even till now) in a game, MMO or otherwise. The complete freedom to design your (or your guild's) 'dimension' as they called it was a great innovation of its time, especially inside an MMORPG. Its diversity in making characters builds designed to the way you want to play (and I had a lot of fun experimenting mine in both pve and pvp environments) and its variety of content (dungeons, raids, open world events) kept me engaged for a long while. I played the game for 4 years straight (without playing virtually anything else) before it started its downward slope to obscurity.

And I hear you on getting bored of the genre entirely due to time consumption. I'd say discovering bundles became a curse of sorts, now I worry about my backlog when I had none before to the point I have to contemplate if I want to play the new expansion of FFXIV coming out next month... or say goodbye to my single player games for another year haha...

3 years ago

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Rift had a successful launch and a good first expansion that introduced the best 'player-housing' system I have seen (even till now) in a game, MMO or otherwise. The complete freedom to design your (or your guild's) 'dimension' as they called it was a great innovation of its time, especially inside an MMORPG. Its diversity in making characters builds designed to the way you want to play (and I had a lot of fun experimenting mine in both pve and pvp environments) and its variety of content (dungeons, raids, open world events) kept me engaged for a long while. I played the game for 4 years straight (without playing virtually anything else) before it started its downward slope to obscurity.

The only two games that had a similar thing was Archage and Aion at the time. But you might be right, the housing system could be one of the best. I didn't get to experience it though.

And I hear you on getting bored of the genre entirely due to time consumption. I'd say discovering bundles became a curse of sorts, now I worry about my backlog when I had none before to the point I have to contemplate if I want to play the new expansion of FFXIV coming out next month... or say goodbye to my single player games for another year haha...

I would not jump on a MMO as I am afraid it's going to rob me from playing others. Because I'm the type that spends a lot of time with one game until completion, I can't afford to play them.

3 years ago

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Diablo 2: Resurrected for too many reasons. The character graphics suck; you're forced to play online - like Diablo 3, just to hinder any modding of the game; TC/IP was removed (along with Open Battlenet, understandably)... again, to keep players from playing with mods; rushing, spam bots, duping, botters and item selling is back with a vengeance. I can't believe I preordered this crap. Oh well, at least I got the pet, wings and Barb transmogs for Diablo 3. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

3 years ago

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Are you kidding me? At least this game deserved to be left out of this "Let's make it online." I'm sure game developers are well aware of the fact that people love Modding their games because they get to personalize it.

Studies showed that people who have had the chance to invest money in something or time decorating and making things nice in their lent apartment are more likely to extend their stay because they feel comfortable. It is a fact and why people play Skyrim, Minecraft, The Sims and so many other games for years on end. It's not just their replayability, it's the mods.

3 years ago

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That's what my conclusion was after I tried playing the beta. I had hoped the Easter Sun mod would be supported at some point - or at the very least, PlugY, but... nope! Obviously Blizzard's still butthurt over DOTA-DOTA2 fiasco, and they'll do whatever it takes to keep players from modding their games ever again.

Stupid, isn't it?

3 years ago

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I don't know what happened with Dota really. Visual or gameplay moding in Single-Player games is 100% alright with me. Moding games that are online is an issue with me.

3 years ago

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Sorry, I think you misunderstood. With Blizzard forcing an online connection to Battlenet, even to play single player, they made sure that it isn't possible to mod the game... because of DOTA.

DOTA was originally a multiplayer mod for Warcraft 3's Reign of Chaos. Despite the expansion that came out around the same time, the DOTA mod proved to be more popular. Valve, who saw its potential and did the smart thing by hiring the mod developer since, for whatever reason, good ole Blizz did the opposite and the game has been disputed on and off in court ever since.

3 years ago

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Happy Cake Day man! 😉

I have not kept up with the changes as I didn't play much of Blizzard's games to notice the changes. I agree with you, it's not okay what they did and it's sad that we'd never see games like Diablo 2 & 3 with mods.

3 years ago

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I think it'd be Fortnite for me

Now, I know, many people mentioned the game but.. it's popularity enabled many of the predatory schemes they use to be used in other games. Stuff like battle pass existed in the past as well but since fortnite did it it became way more common and even big titles you pay for use it.

3 years ago

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It makes a lot of sense. I feel that Fortnite is no longer at its peak as it used to be a few years back. Or maybe I'm not paying any attention to it.

3 years ago

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Any "Final Fantasy" after FFX.

3 years ago

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Why is that?

3 years ago

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It's not FF anymore...

3 years ago

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I'll be honest with you, I never played FF, neither old or new. But I was able to see how the combat changed. In old it kept that turn-base combat, right? The newer ones is a mix between TBS & Action game. Right? I will play them, but not at this stage. I'm pretty sure you're happy to see Final Fantasy Collection coming to Steam. 😉

3 years ago

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Yeah turn-based or ATB (basically real time turns, but you give commands nonetheless).
The FF collection is a good thing but personally I would've preferred other versions for some of the chapters, the thing is that most FF got tons of rereleases, like 1 and 2 are present on original NES, then a (I guess) remake on GBC, and then another remake on PSP (which is probably the best version).

I understand it wouldn't be easy to approach nowdays as a series but my objective is to play them all, and I still have to beat 4 of them

3 years ago

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If I was to get the collection and play them, they wouldn't be good?

3 years ago

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I'd just say some of these versions are not the best available, I'm not aware of the details but even the store page says:
These games are newly developed remaster editions based on the original titles. Some of the changes and additional elements found in other remakes of these games are not included.

That said, these are old and specific type of games, I play them for history purposes but I'd say that from 6 onwards they're for sure great games

3 years ago

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No Day-Z - no PUBG, Fortnite and another Battle Royale

3 years ago

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I see your point. What're your thoughts on Day-Z? What do you think of it as a game?

3 years ago

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Jump King..

I was so close.. and then fell so far.

3 years ago

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Jump King looks like it would frustrate me too. I get why you want it gone.

3 years ago

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It's designed to piss you off.. :D

BTW, are there any cheats for this game?

3 years ago

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Idk, there's probably some, but it's weird. The whole point is moving up, right? So it's all about the skill.

3 years ago

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Dark Souls, because the fans* of the series are really, truly condescending and rude to anyone who isn't into these games and don't waste any time showing off their superiority complex since they think they are better gamers than those who haven't played Dark Souls games.
I'm aware that the game I named isn't the first one, but it's what became way more popular than the previous one so I chose that instead as the "catalyst" of the snowball.

*I'm making a very broad generalization here based on my own experiences with various fans.

3 years ago

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You're not the only one mentioning this aspect. A lot of players hate that attitude.

3 years ago

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Playboy the mansion

Only because I've been trying to finish it since it first came out, and I always (like ALWAYS) get some kind of mission mistake somewere, even though I bought 4-5 different copies of the game

So I wish it would never had been made, because it irritates me to no end, that I never get a chance to complete all the missions

3 years ago

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Why did you buy multiple copies? I don't understand that. 🤔

3 years ago

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First it came out as a normal edition, then it came out as a gold edition, then it came as a special edition with an extra game and the last time it came it, it was on a dvd :)

3 years ago

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Lineage 2.. it was fun but ruined my social life and wasted lot of time from the first time I played it many years ago and everytime I touches it hahaha not so funny
Although I have to stay the ge helped me at really bad times along with the music. Helped me to stay alive :) :( :D

3 years ago*

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Lineage 2M seems to try to take over the MMO genre, but now it's on mobile. Idk if I would ever agree with that. It looks pretty, but it would never be to the same level of gameplay and complexity as the original one.

I loved the Lineage 2 series, but I didn't stick around it as when I was a kid, I couldn't afford to pay for the game. When it became free, I no longer was interested in it.

3 years ago

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I don't know if somebody already mentioned this one: Killing Floor 2. It could have been great but they went microtransactions and cosmetics all the way. Lacks the sense of insecurity as in the first one. It should have been a great horde mode FPS but meh...

3 years ago

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I am honestly surprised to see Killing Floor 2 priced so low for a game like that. It looks fun and the first was well received.

3 years ago

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What was the first not Rogue like roguelike or lite...

3 years ago

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So anything that isn't roguelike you don't like?

3 years ago

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No I just hate games not being like Rogue being called roguelike or roguelite... That is being in same genre as Rogue.

3 years ago

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Oh, I see what you mean. What's the best Roguelike games you recommend?

3 years ago

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Nethack probably.

3 years ago

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Is it this one?

3 years ago

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More this:
But that one works, still charging money for game that has been open source for decades feels weird.

3 years ago

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Actually, scratch my first answer. It's Minecraft, and that's personal. My 7-year-old niece has developed a pretty hardcore addiction to it (and so did many kids in her class). Obviously, I've got nothing against adults who can control themselves playing it, it's basically just another game, but apparently there's something deeply attractive in it for little children. I'm actually seriously worried, she's barely interested in playing with her toys or going outside (never mind her home tasks); if she were allowed to do so, she would spend all her time playing Minecraft or watching streams.

3 years ago

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I'm no parent, but I remember how addicting it has been to me to play video games when I was a kid, I was deeply passionate about Simulators back then and one of the games I honestly enjoyed the most was Tycoon 2. I've had a lot of fun and I remember always wanting to play it. What my parents and friends parents did was to restrict us to 2-4 hours/day on the computer.

It's not the game itself, but it surely is very interesting when a game has a level of creativity like Minecraft. Your niece loves it because it stimulates that part of the brain that is very active in young children.

Expect your niche to turn on to be a very creative individual. We often play games that reflect on our personality and way of thinking really.

3 years ago

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Closed 1 year ago by Vasharal.