Just like the title says, are there any games like The Elder Scrolls Skyrim?

I have a few things i want to see in those games tough;

  1. Decent Grapics
  2. Not an Elder Scrolls game
  3. Modification allowed

Btw, I was thinking about buying TES:Online what do you guys think of it? Worth it or just another scam tell me :D

Much luv

10 years ago*

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Two worlds 2

10 years ago

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Isnt that a Xbox Exclusive?

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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It's also in a bundle right now... http://www.bundlestars.com/all-bundles/rpg-champions-bundle/

$4.99 for the next 23 days.

10 years ago

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Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas (not medieval setting, but basically the same tho I like the fallout games more, you can also mod the hell out of them)

Kingdoms of Amalur (it was actually meant to be a contender to Skyrim), Dragon Age I., Divinity Original Sin (probably), Witcher series. (not sure about the moddability of these games though)

10 years ago

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Looked up The Witcher, looks promising :)

10 years ago

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The Witcher is very highly regarded. A lot of people like it better than Skyrim.

10 years ago

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Im thinking if buying it but first want to see some gameplay from it tough :)

10 years ago

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Skip the first one. Didn't age very well, even though it's not that old.

10 years ago

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Skip the first one. Didn't age very well, even though it's not that old.

10 years ago

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This, but you have to know the witcher, eventhough it's a openworld there are alot of invisible walls.

10 years ago

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While you would enjoy The Witcher it isn't like any ES game because you don't create your character and your own adventure. Most of the games with that type of freedom are older.

10 years ago

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I dont really mind the character customization if it has a good story behind it, ill be fine! :D

10 years ago

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Did Amalur only to me feel... claustrophobic? Like, when I played it I felt lonely, separated and kind of clustered in the game's world. Maybe it's the FOV, since even for a 3rd person game the FOV feels really bad.

10 years ago

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The FOV was terrible, fix it and the game gets a lot better, the FXAA thing is nice also...

10 years ago

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Oh, thank you! I'll be getting the game and I'll check it out with the fixes. Thanks again.

10 years ago

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No problem, honestly I had a hard time playing it before I patched it.

10 years ago

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TES:Online worth's only free 2 play, but is not free 2 play, you need to buy it, and also pay each month, so yes it's a scam, it feels like WoW not like other elder scrolls games.

10 years ago

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Judging from your comment, you haven't played the game at all. Let me give OP a solid opinion on the game:

I played for a solid month TESO. It's good, but that's all it is, "good". Not great, not mediocre, just good. It then gets boring once you finish the main story, as I didn't enjoy the PvP much, with skills being programmed for PvE, not PvP, making Vampires overpowered and the V10 bashing on us poor V1 sods as if we were petty ants. And I was a tank.

Basically, just buy if it's A) On sales B) if you're looking for a game to spend a month or two, whilst you await for any game that comes out later on.

I bought it for the Collector's edition's Statue and book, the game was an added bonus.

10 years ago

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I agree with you. I bought it on the recent sale, just $30 bucks for the game and one month, which is probably the amount of time I'll play it, if the end game does not work for me. For that, it's been pretty good.

10 years ago

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I played during the beta, some days, and from what I experienced this game could worth if not f2p but 30$ without any monthly subscription shit. But the game is still an MMORPG, not just an RPG, and stuff obviously is not like in Skyrim or similar RPGs, is like in any other good and new MMORPG, with Elder Scrolls theme. It's good like you say you can finish the main story in 1 month or 2, in WoW it took much much more long, let say Wrath of the Lich King, to kill him for the first time, because you needed to level up, do tons of missions, get good epic stuff, before you could move in top level, and go with some raid to get him, and not fail, you had to play months. But I'm not playing any MMORPGs anymore, they're to addictive.

10 years ago

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You're comparing Beta/launch with a game that got 2 expansion packs(at the time of WotLK). If you need to compare ESO with WoW,thencompare it to Launch WoW. Fromwhat I have heard,it was utterly horrible. Glitches galore, whereas in ESO, I only saw realy gameblocking bugs at the end of the mainquest line but that was due to my grinding away, getting tothe endgame earlier than they expected.

10 years ago

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Don't buy ESO.. Nowhere near worth the sub price and it's nothing like any Elder Scrolls game other than the lore. Fallout 3 is basically post-apocalyptic TES!

10 years ago

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king quest mask of eternity

10 years ago

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** Decent Graphics xD

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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My steam account is new, but ive played games since 1995 this includes the Elder Scrolls franchise thats why I said not to recommend it :)

10 years ago

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Always thought that The Witcher and The Witcher 2 seems similar to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.

10 years ago

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Tbh i never liked the Gothic games, i find em a bit poor and low on gameplay. . .

10 years ago

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They are just big too much for you , just keep up for easy rpg-s . Gothic is a hardcore rpg , it is not for kids .
You're not gonna find anywhere on the internet games like skyrim with decent graphics . Skyrim is just a poor rpg game with sweet graphics .

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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"sweet graphics"

Looks pretty meh without heavy modding for the time it came out if you ask me...

10 years ago

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You must be joking. Gothic 1 and 2 looked great for their times.

10 years ago

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I was talking about skyrim. rundown0 said "Skyrim is just a poor rpg game with sweet graphics ." I said "Looks pretty meh without heavy modding for the time it came out if you ask me..."

Not sure where I mention Gothic looking bad for its time....

10 years ago

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Yeah nvm the original discussion was about Gothic and i had a brainfart, my apologies :)

10 years ago

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We all fart from the brain occasionally. :-D

10 years ago

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I know that you said "no TES game" but you should check out upcoming mod Skywind, which is professional overhaul of Morrowind on Skyrim's engine. Im so hyped about it.

10 years ago

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Whenever I check on that, it feels like they are a long way from done.

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 months ago.

10 years ago

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Those look very good, never tried out the Fallout franchise will do it soon!

10 years ago

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NV is amazing, better then Skyrim or F3.

10 years ago

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F3 has a better "map" but NV got better story and writing. So for exploration i prefer F3 but on most other cases NV is the way to go.

10 years ago

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+1 for FO3, +2 for F:NV. FO3's setting and world have more atmosphere, but F:NV is so much more in terms of main quest, number of quests, variety of quests, factions, crafting, weapons (much more to choose from), and of course, RPG elements.

10 years ago

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Yeah, the exploration feels better on F3, but if you think about it, the map doesn't make sense at all, I mean, by the time of F3 it's been 200 years since the Great War, and there's ruins and radiation everywhere, almost no plants, destroyed cities, a city around a bomb, etc.

10 years ago

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NV honestly had more to find in the game world, less odd linear paths also, liked it better, guess that comes down to opinion though. I didn't hate 3's world but it felt off....not sure why, ehh its mostly the bland quests and writing that made me like NV more though, that and it had like 5x the amount of content.

10 years ago

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I enjoyed Fallout 3 more than I've enjoyed Skyrim or Oblivion. I still haven't tried Fallout: New Vegas, though. I've just always liked sci-fi more than fantasy, so its not surprising.

10 years ago

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Start with 1 and 2, then get dissapointed.

10 years ago

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If you find one with all those filtered in, let us know :D

10 years ago

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I wil do, i know there are alot of other people who want games like this :D

10 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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So... My 5 cents on the topic.

Fallout 3 & New Vegas. The latter is, imho, much better. Same modding capabilities as Skyrim.

Witcher 1 & 2 - Can be tough. Took me few hours to beat the final battle in Witcher 2 on hardest difficulity. Every battle is challenging, no matter if it's against humans or monsters. Sadly, very few mods compared to Skyrim, BUT their quality is great. For instance Full Combat Reballance for The Witcher makes it(a bit of simplification here, no hatin') "one stab/slash - one kill," working both ways - you vs enemies, enemies vs you.

Two Worlds 2 - That's a nice game I've played two or three years ago, It has nice open world, much fun to play. Underappreciated game.

Gothic 3 - forget, It's crap compared to Gothic 1 & 2. Better go for Risen. Alas Risen has virtually no mods.

10 years ago

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Dragon Age: Origins. Fantastic game with a great story and tons of good mods available for it. I'll point out the main differences though, in case it's not what you're looking for: not quite as "open-worldy" as Skyrim; you have a party that you travel with, not just yourself; you are able to control said party's actions individually, making combat more interesting but also a little more complicated.

I also agree with the suggestions of The Witcher.

10 years ago

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I think thats more of Strategy then RPG, you need to control a team by yourself dont really like those games ;)

10 years ago

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I see. I personally loved it, but I've recently come to realize I'm more into strategy games than I'd previously thought, so maybe that's why. :)

10 years ago

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It's an RPG, just not an action RPG.

10 years ago

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+1 I TES games are probably my favorite games and I'd heartily recommend DA:O as well.

10 years ago

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+1 to Dragon Age: Origins. I recently finished The Witcher 1 and 2 and absolutely loved both of them, but still none of those two games can dethrone DA:O. I played it when it came out five years ago and it has remained to this day my all-time favorite game. Couldn't recommend it enough.
I'm not so sure about the mods because I played it without them long ago but if you want a game with mods go for Fallout 3 / New Vegas. You won't make a bad choice regardless of the game you choose.

10 years ago

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I'd go with Fallout 3/NV personally. I think the best choices have already been mentioned (Kingdoms of Amalur, Dragon's Age & The Witcher 1 & 2). Others to consider Mass Effect 1-3 and the Mount & Blade series (lots of mods).

10 years ago

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Didn't hear about Kingdoms of Amalur, gonna check that out!

10 years ago

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Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning. It's actually better than Skyrim, IMO. Certainly has a better story. I mean, it's written by R.A. Salvatore. That's about the best choice one can find for a fantasy story, short of George R.R. Martin or raising the master himself (J.R.R. Tolkien) from the grave.

10 years ago

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I absolutely love R.A. Salvatore and because of that, I fell in love with this game. The game is pretty damn fun, though it reminds me more of a cross between Fable and Skyrim, almost giving a MMO fell in a single player game. The story is fantastic.

I think the only reason this game didn't sell better then it did was the fact it was published by EA.

10 years ago

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No, it didn't sell because there already was Skyrim. People were still playing it and loving it and they didn't had time for another "explore world" game.

10 years ago

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I was playing Amular when Skyrim came out, only because I know it takes a year or two for the mods I wanna play with a Bethesda game to come out :-P. I only recently got Skyrim...fun with mods, wished it didn't start crashing at level 23, don't feel like starting over and remoding it.

10 years ago

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+1 it's really a good game

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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Recommendation Nehrim

TES:Online - A big No No, but i can recommend GW2

10 years ago

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you could try Arx Fatalis

10 years ago

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Arx Fatalis o a special game

10 years ago

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Kingdoms of Amaluer is a fantastic game. It has a similar combat system to Fable. Also try Fable 1. One of the best RPGs of all time. Also try Star wars the old republic. Best rpg imho. The thing is you're looking for a good modern RPG. The problem is the best RPGs are the older ones. Give Fable 1 and KOTOR a try and you won't be disappointed. KOTOR is $10 without any sale so it's a really good price for the best RPG I've ever played.

10 years ago

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I also loved Kingdoms of Amalur. The only issue is that the game has almost 0 replayability. You can change your class and skills almost anytime and anywhere. It's also very linear, especially if you compare it to an Elder Scrolls game.

10 years ago

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It was gonna be turned into an MMO, it would have been an awesome one, one with an actual combat system, but the devs blew all the money. The single player campaign was meant to invest you into the world so when they released the MMO you got more into it and had fun with it.

Good plan, bad execution.

10 years ago

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Problem is it had shit management, if they had worked for some big publisher they might have survived on the promise of the MMO but they were stupid and took money from the wrong people, who thought for some reason that video games were some kind of gold mine that they'd just discovered and had retarded sales expectations, and were forced to shut down. Now the IP will gather dust forever since the state of Rhode Island now owns it.

10 years ago

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Which is funny since I think they get the right to put it on sale and all. Also kinda feel bad since when I bought the game all the money went to a state I don't like in. Would love to see the IP sold to a company that would take care of the game since it is pretty good.

10 years ago

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Yeah sadly i doubt it will ever go to anyone else... they will probably ask a retarded amount of money for the IP if they ever put it on sale since they know nothing about how the industry works... It sucks so hard the MMO looked great...

10 years ago

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There was talk of a sequel made by EA people a year ago, kinda vanished....


10 years ago

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Yeah like i said sadly the people in control of the IP are obviously clueless about how the industry works, so the IP will probably gather dust for eternity...

10 years ago

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Not only does that sadly kill the potential for sequels, but it also stomped on the modding community (since now we can't ask for tools of any sort). KoA:R's already really great - now imagine mods being created for an already solid game like that. :)

I have heard rumors of a guy beginning to decrypt game files. That'd be amazing if the community could actually make some sort of breakthrough, but it doesn't seem likely we'll ever mod it on the level of a TES game.

10 years ago

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Yeah proper modding for KoA would have been amazing and would have turned it into a fantastic game... Let's be honest here skyrim is mediocre at best without mods. Sadly the only thing i'v ever seen was an edited file that made the game a bit harder...

10 years ago

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I have only played the first Dragon Age out of the Dragon Age series but it is a wonderful game.

10 years ago

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go for Kingdoms of Amalur ... you'll love it

10 years ago

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Kingdoms of Amalur looks just like Fable with a Gothic skin on it, judging by the LP's of it anyway. (Once more not available in Japan, so can't try it myself... starting to think steam are racist!)

@Switsenninja I'm also in the same boat as you. There have been so few decent first person RPG games in recent years, The Witcher series... Fallout 3/LA are good too but perhaps getting a little dated now. You've also got the option of the Mass Effect series. Albeit out of these FA is the only moddable one.

10 years ago

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Nah its more of an MMO feeling game with a combat system similar to Fable but more fleshed out, nothing like Gothic honestly, both are good games, Gothic is a better series though, who know KOA might have been amazing if it got sequels...

10 years ago

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Mount and Blade seems alright.

Mount and Blade: Warband has a steam workshop and has okay graphics (nothing fancy though).

Maybe wait for a sale to buy it. There's also demos that you can try.

10 years ago

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10 years ago

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