That's not clear now. It's very possible that it is for all the world.
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"Worldwide", Microsoft confirmed as per the article.
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Dude seriously you shouldn't have this stereotype.
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in fact here u go :)
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“Correct; anyone in the world with a qualified device can upgrade a pirated copy of Windows to Windows 10,” the Microsoft spokesperson confirmed to VentureBeat.
Microsoft desperately want that people use their last OS, they rather free legit users of Win 10 than pirates using Win 7. All in all, they would probably never purchase 10, so if they no one knows why end buying something on the store, at least MS will get something.
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I have a Dreamspark license, I wonder how that will be handled
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Dreamspark key is a regular key just like any other. You just get it for free :D
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IIRC it expires after 2 years or when I'll graduate or something like that, Am I wrong :C ?
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Oh awesome, I won't have to spend 60€+ in the future :D !
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Installed software licenses don't expire. You just lose rights to migrate the license to another computer. If you reinstall due to hardware failure, or the activation fails due to multiple subsequent single component change, you can call the hotline and they "reset" your key status. I use MSDNAA licenses for 10 years after my graduation, I reinstalled one of the Win7s just 2 months ago (HDD failure).
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microsoft just dont care about if home users get licenses or not, they make money with big companies, in fact, the more users that they have sending them reports for free, the best, so yeah, still thinking that they CANT know something that they programed
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Yeah, system builders just aren't a relevant part of M$ business.
Also, Microsoft understands that the future is moving away for paying for the platform and instead paying for services and media.
A ton of gamers, and thus system builders (myself included) only Windows because of games. I install Linux on other people's shit generally.
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I think its a matter of time that the video game industrie & graphic cards makers starts hand to hand to move to linux (in fact, thanks to the SteamOS we have some greats games that we can also run native in linux .) So yeah, Microsoft have to invest on other sources :)
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Hardly. One, alphabet agencies dont give two shits. Two, this would be profitable for MS. By making the majority of their software platform geared for a single OS, they make updating the system easier, they can focus on plugging holes, they cut down DRAMATICALLY on support hours.
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It's China only. They will never let the Russians and rest of Eastern and Central Europe to upgrade for free since we don't have the buying potential as the urban Chinese. And our region has about the same share in pirated Windows OSs as China.
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I did. I also experienced MicroSoft's previous open policies in this region to know this segment will not have free upgrades, no matter what an article written in the US says. I believe my own experience over an overseas reporter's words, thank you. ^^
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"I believe my own bias over a reporter's reporting of purported facts straight from a Microsoft mouthpiece."
Legit rebuttal. Tell me about the creationist museum you created in your basement.
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Same MS said they gave free Windows and Office for students and teachers around here. I haven't met a single person who received a key or copy with said free product during my student years. Even our school used Win 3.1 and 95 in 2001 to teach IT classes on the "free Win XP school editions".
So… yeah. You can say I'm kinda sceptical.
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Skepticism is fine. But you expressed it as an absolute: "they will never".
But it's a worldwide program being described.
But yeah, the skepticism is fine. I mean, I was being facetious anyway. You're obviously in Europe and you have many fewer people there who believe that human beings and dinosaurs co-existed because Sky Jesus created everything 6,000 years ago.
If I were you I would be skeptical. But you should also be optimistic. M$ wants to sell services and media, like Google, as well as hardware, like Apple. They know that user-friendly versions of Linux and other operating systems are slowly making gains with those who would otherwise have to buy Windows because it doesn't ship with their PC.
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That is the only thing I can hope for. Or that they switch to the new OS X model… or maybe some micro-transaction one.
What I dread is that they make updates a paying service (except the ones that turn PCs to zombies, of course).
Or it really is just some marketing bullcrap months before launch as a form of advertisement and everything will be the same just like with with the last three Windows versions. :) I mean we remember that Win8 originally started as the "one OS for all platforms, regardless of hardware" system, yet that was a tad far from reality.
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wow, that is messed up. we had free Windows 7 & 8 of our choosing & choices whether we wanted 64bit or not for free at my college when i took computer classes. you were given a user ID & password to activate it. i got free Windows for my MAC. it said there was an expiration date on these copies but ive had mine for 3 years now & it was suppose to expire 2 years ago. i remember the teacher telling us that hes had his copies of windows for 7 years & that they dont expire & not to worry about that part. sounds like there were issues with certain schools getting this option.
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It is a trap.
It is always a trap.
I like my Windows 7, it is like a better version of XP, and will not be downgrading to Windows 10.
meh Vista, meh 8 touch screen crap OS, and spit on 10.
(cause it is really Windows 9)
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Just keep in mind that you're +1ing a massive troll.
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You're a troll. I'm not the first person to say this and I won't be the last.
You calling anyone--let alone me--a troll would have been like Robert Pershing Wadlow saying, "how's the weather up there?" to anyone after he had turned 10 years old.
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That is fine if you wish to call me one, to me.
Doing it the way you did I consider to be calling out a member and harassment.
If you have an issue with me, report me.
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I'm sure you consider it that way. That doesn't make it so.
If there is a flaw with my assertion is it that I suggested that your mere status as troll is reason enough to dismiss your opinion. A rebuttal on your part requesting that I explicitly characterize the statement that redkreiger replied to as trolling would have been an apt, objective appeal to logic.
My statement was brief. I responded to redkreiger as I did because the way I see it everything you say is hyperbolic click-bait.
In short, I am not saying that your statement was trolling. I'm saying that you are incapable of distinguishing your trolling from normal interaction.
But maybe I'm wrong. Your previous response was the first time you responded as if you are capable of civility in response to conflict instead of exacerbation.
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I find your post above to be antagonistic and far more trollish than anything you think I mean when I post.
You obviously are mistaken, or have a major ass hurt because of something I said to you.
Which is fine, I say a lot of things. Sometimes I do troll for the sake of lulz, lists, or just cause.
I think you should just get over it and move past your issue with me and/or others.
It isn't healthy to harbor such contempt nor have to explain yourself in such detail as to why.
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You're much better at this when you just stick to ad hominem attacks. Trying to appear like you can engage in intelligent discourse isn't your strong suit:
You make statements lacking credibility. No one (yourself included) thinks that my post above is more antagonistic or trollish than the nonsense insults you post in response to others.
Contradict yourself. You don't have to admit that you troll sometimes; everyone knows you troll often, if not always.
Flat out fall into stating plain nonsense. Explaining oneself isn't unhealthy, though it may be unwise if it plainly exposes to others the paucity of evidence you have in support of your statements. As is true in your case.
Contempt is such a strong word. It isn't so much that I have contempt for you as it is that I am totally willing to call you out as a troll, just as you are willing to be a troll, as you yourself admit. Do you find this unfair?
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I had Windows 8 OEM and smashed that laptop into pieces cause it gave me fits much like Vista did.
Everyone is a beautiful opinion and it is okay. Makes for a diverse World.
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I like 8.1 as well, especially when you install Classic Shell or other similar classic Start Menu restorations. It boots and runs way faster than Windows 7 did and is just as stable. I never even see the tab screen anymore. Windows 7 was nicer looking though.
Looking forward to upgrading my 7 keys (legit) to a Windows 10 keys. Hmm since they let you pirate Windows.. I wonder if they would accept a valid Windows Vista key for a copy of 10 or if they would force an honest person to find a pirate key to get a legitimate extra copy for an older machine.
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Enjoy being stuck in the stone age then. Windows 10 has already been praised as Windows 7 successor.
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Name one OS that is better. That's right, you can't.
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I didn't even reply and you started shit posting already? Try any competent GNU/Linux distribution.
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It respects your freedom depending on what flavour you get and you are free to modify and redistribute it vs proprietary crap that does not respect your freedom and is not modification friendly.
Try harder shitposter.
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Nice response, shows how much you can argue.
Nothing personnel, kid.
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You really don't have any idea what you're talking about.
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This is a truth that he is constantly confronted by and always ignores.
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Nope, not a damn fucking clue. None at all, in all of my 20+ years of using this Internet I have never gained levels.
Nor used a computer.
As always a :D face is correct.
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There's been an entire day of stories being published about Microsoft offering amnesty and free Windows 10 licences to Chinese pirates. Microsoft clarifying that it's actually a worldwide thing is new information that only came out shortly before this topic was made, so it's understandable that not everyone knows that it's not limited to China.
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It does sound fishy as stated above, but as I read the article, I see the strategy behind it; make people get used to the "luxury" of the legit system. We'll see how good it turns out to have one, but I don't think yet that it would be so way superior that people would start buying it in bulks.
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Do you guys know that when you install some kind of crack you have a HIGH risk of being infected by some trojan, right? Maybe you think that people that make cracks are programers for charity or something... just saying :p
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Too bad that Windows XP is so widely used in China that there won't be many that can take advantage of this offer. A friend of mine was there just last year and he said that he didn't see a single PC that had anything newer except those owned by fellow tourists and a few students with new laptops. They also have their own Linux based OS that they have been working on called "NeoKylin" as they claim that Windows 8 is full of security issues and backdoors that others can use to spy on them. They want NeoKylin to be China's official OS by the year 2020.
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That sounds like a step in the right direction for M$ to me :)
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Sounds like Windows 11 is going to have one heck of a huge Beta test.
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95 good, ME 3.5 useless,
98 nice update, 2000 kinda useless,
XP awesome, Vista... lolno,
7 new and modern, 8 touchscreen crap,
10 good.
TL;DR: PPG113 is right.
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Nvidia dropped driver support for older cards so non working Control Panel, Directx 9 games don't start (although this is fixed on newer drivers not available for this card) and turning energy saving features on makes the whole system bluescreen.
Not worth the hassle.
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I have a 2006 laptop with a Geforce Go 7600 running Win 8.1 without being supported perfectly fine (last driver was for Vista even).
I'm pretty sure you'll be able to run Win10 with yours. Looking up your card, it actually even still gets the newest drivers!?
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i bought a fucked up copy of windows 7 ultimate for like 25$.... i get windows 10 free now... helllz yeah
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AFAIK, there will be only 1 version designated for desktop computers, 1 version for laptops, 1 version for mobile/phones, 1 for industrial/enterprise and 1 "unknown" with appears to be geared for POS like systems such as ATMs.
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