Apparently number 4 is already in the works, but you didn't hear that from me ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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I'm not sure if you got what i said, so i'll explain.
EU laws for privacy are very pointless for a website like this, because what can you store beside useless primary information like e-mail and correlated things with Steam? Things like this, which doesn't offend any privacy, have nothing to do with what Fb and other companies who lives from user data represents.
Laws are there to be followed as it is, but this law is very pointless for SG.
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Speaking strictly as someone who often resolves a lot of giveaways at the same time, it is already annoying as balls if someone has a name completely different from their Steam profile. Mismatching avatars would make that even worse. I'm not opposed to options like these, but it would be great if they also came with clearer links for GA creators when it's time to pick the winner -- that is, if I could see your Steam name and avatar when you've won, and not simply a link to your profile that I have to follow every time to be sure, that'd help a lot. As a bonus, if the Steam details and profile link only become available on the win page (and not your general user page, if you've opted out of that) it's easier to expire and remove this data when it's no longer relevant, so I couldn't track you forever just because you once won a game from me (well, at least not through the site).
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Well 4. is a legal requirement anyway, thanks to GDPR.
I don't see what kind of protection 1. would offer, considering that pretty much anyone can create a SG account. It's extra work with no real effect at all.
Point 2 also seems rather useless, unless you'd use a completely unique image on Steam which makes it somewhat easy to identify you. But if you'd do that, you wouldn't seem to care that much about privacy, so it would be pointless to argue that you suddenly would care specifically on SG.
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This is nonsense indeed. They should lock it all or allow suspended users to access without restriction if the reason is to punish. But i think not allowing people to log may have something to do with the site code, perhaps to count how many time the user went suspended or for another purpose beside punishment.
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I'll leave a no because there's no need for privacy over a website that only shares infos about your games - things like the one you're suggesting are the same that implies websites like this one to join government policies and we can't foment that.
Delete all data is pretty much as a selfish thing, why not just leave your gifts acquired over the time SG were useful for you? If i want to leave the site right now and never come back, i'm pretty sure no one will remember me anymore to visit my profile for whatever. If someone want to see my stats over SG, why that should be a problem?
For last, why should be a problem let people see my steam profile?
Sorry, but for me you're just suggesting more job for unjustified stuff.
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I'm against 1+2, that would make it very hard to track if your games actually go to the proper account and check if the winner actually is the winner. Also, I checked your Steam and didn't find anything personal or hiding-worthy. What exactly do you want to hide and from whom?
3, sure!
4, sure! I think it should be somewhere, legally speaking.
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The first suggestion is not wrong; on the other hand, I have no support for it either because I think this idea needs be more than solely forbid non-SGers to look at the Steam profiles of SGers.
Second suggestion is an absolute no for me. This idea can be utilized for impersonation on Steamgifts in combination with the choice to change SG username. Having the same profile picture for SG and Steam is an avenue to certify that the winner of a giveaway is the real one.
I like the choice to disable my SG account while I'm on leave. SG users say they need a break from this site figuratively, then this third idea transforms that phrase into literal sense. Reinforces the notion of disconnecting ourselves from a public community for personal reasons.
No decision for this suggestion as other people have said the GDPR already requires websites to have something of a similar basis.
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Good things may happen to you if you keep it public and visible, such as people gifting you wishlisted games or allowing the chance for players that have similar interests in games to bond with you.
I find private profiles off-putting and shady, it's especially problematic when someone with a private profile has won one of your giveaways, thus making it very difficult to check whether the said person had activated his/her wins or not, not to mention specific groups that rely on achievements/play time being publicly visible such as "Playing Appreciated" and so on. And since you mentioned Steamtrades, as far I am concerned, a private profile is a big red flag and trading with such a person is absolutely out of the question, pretty sure potential traders feel the same.
So unless you're getting a lot of unwanted attention, why would you want to hide your Steam profile or keep it separate from Steamgifts? Like people said above, It's merely a gaming community, what's there to hide or fear ? Of course, if you value your privacy ever so slightly, you'd avoid doing things such as linking your real Facebook account (since it contains information by which you can be identified) with Steam, it will come to bite you in the ass sooner or later.
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Shouldn't this sort of request propagate through all related sites if privacy was truly at stake? ie SteamGifts, SteamTrades and Steam itself should have all your data deleted permanently? Besides, getting permabanned would mean that some of your data exists on their servers and defeats the purpose
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