This is just the coolest thing. Whether you love My Little Pony, or you hate it, you really have to see this video:

The Brony Problem by Nimaru (aka, my brother)

I didn't know anything about this project until he called yesterday. lol~ My brother is awesome XD

9 years ago*

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Good video but really everyone stopped caring a while ago about bronies. Just let them live their lives just like we'd all like.

9 years ago

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I'm sure, but I've seen some bronies on the board, which is why I posted this here ;)

9 years ago

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Where is "I don't care" choice?

9 years ago

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I actually agree with everything he's said.

9 years ago

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This seriously depressed me. The part about those poor kids... :(
I just hate it when people bring on the hate for IMBECILE reasons.
As for what I'd do to those who harassed them..

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Me, too :( I knew nothing about it 'til I watched the video.

9 years ago

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+1 agreed. It's sad when people Hate on something they know little about. Great video Btw!

9 years ago

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This. Why can't people just enjoy whatever they like or dislike popular stuff?

Watched the first season after losing a bet and I get why people like it, but it's not really my thing. Am I going to insult fans or the show itself just because I don't like it? Not at all.

9 years ago

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Where's "Kill all the autistic neckbeard fedora bronies" option?

9 years ago*

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I know that you're trying to be funny... Except my children are autistic, and everyone in my bro's family are bronies, so... Not really.

9 years ago

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The funny thing is, im not even trying to be funny.

9 years ago

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As I have worked with autistic children it pains me to see that anyone could even say this. You must not have had any experience with them or you'd slap yourself and cry for saying this.

9 years ago

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I was refeering to the video when I said autistic, so chill bro

9 years ago

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If I misunderstood you I apologize :)

9 years ago

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There's nothing to apologize.

9 years ago

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I forgot the image, Oopsie.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Don't care,and nice title for starting a shitstorm...

9 years ago

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Really? blinks Well, I guess if a hater doesn't even bother watching the video it might be. It hadn't occurred to me!

9 years ago

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I really don't care about any fandom,I think they are good thing since u can see a lot of funny/creative art and such come from it,but there is also the dark side. But I never felt the need to go crazy over something I like,like call myself Narutony or something xD Also,where there are haters,fans will appear to defend their fandom,war will occur on this thread,mark my words xD

9 years ago

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I definitely don't want this to turn ugly. Hopefully the new title will work, but if not, I'll just close the topic.

Thanks for the input ^__^

9 years ago

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Also,cool video,a lot of ppl should see it ^^

9 years ago

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Very professional both the animation and the voice.
On topic I've only been aware of Bronies for a very short time, just like I only looked up today what a Weeaboo is.
It might not be for me but I doubt it's stranger than for example my obsession with A Song of Ice and Fire would be to people who are not familiar with it.

9 years ago

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I think we should first take care of the potato enthusiasts.

9 years ago

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Thanks for sharing. I don't mind them, one way or the other, unless they start pushing it down your throat and aren't allowed to say anything negative about it and HAVE to enjoy it, in which case that does get annoying. However, that goes for any topic.

9 years ago

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I agree -- that goes for ANY belief!

9 years ago

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Wot.... I'm just gonna leave this here
How to win giveaways?

9 years ago

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An interesting speech, although I have to disagree on one particular thing, not always they just stop when you're indifferent and politely say that you're not interested on brony stuff, I had a friend that was a brony and just didn't stop sharing me "funny" moments of MLP, I had enough and had to say it the harsh way, oh man :/

9 years ago

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I think that happens with every fandom, really.

I know League of Legends fans who just won't stop telling me I should start playing again and how every person who prefers other MOBAs or dislike the game are [Insert the most insulting words you can think of here].

9 years ago

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God allows people in this life to believe whatever they want to believe. Who are we to try and deny them that right?

9 years ago

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Where is the option: "I'm a brony. But I don't care what other people think. I'm busy with university"?

9 years ago

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Can't say I really agree with the video a ton considering it's so one sided. Although the whole brony thing is over now and people have stopped caring about it, here was my issue with bronies. The problem a lot of people had was how pushy and annoying the bronies were, the video addresses this and tries to justify it by saying "other groups are too", but while that's true the majority of the "brony fanbase" was made up of internet trolls. The whole rage about it was because of the trolls who were in it to harass people, not because they cared anything about the show. And I didn't like how he used the whole thing about the kids killing themselves and all that to generate sympathy for bronies. People have committed suicide for lots of different reasons (usually internet abuse). Remember when people killed themselves because they were made fun of on facebook? This was no different. I do sympathize with those who are ridiculed, but putting that in wasn't to prove a point, it was for sympathy. Anyway, the point is the only reason people cared to talk about it at all is because of the internet trolls. A.k.a Bronies are nothing special and now that the trolls have moved on so has everyone else. :U

9 years ago

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See, I'm not a brony, and I had no idea that it's not a "thing" anymore. :p My brother has been living in Japan for the past couple of years, so he's not up-to-date on these things, either ;)

I'm going to go ahead and lock this up so that it doesn't become something more than I had intended. ^__^

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by genkicoll.