What should I do if the winner of my giveaway has not redeemed their gift, and I'm unable to get into contact with them?
If you contacted the winner of your giveaway on email and Steam over one week ago and they have not yet responded or redeemed any keys or gifts you attempted to send, please contact support to request a new winner. When creating a ticket, we ask you to include data that suggests you made an adequate attempt to contact the winner, such as screenshots of emails, friend requests, or gifts pending on Steam. If the request is approved, a new winner will be generated by the site.
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Technically, the winner has 7 days to claim their win. Just in case, check to see if your key really is compromised. Look on your GA's winning page. Do you see an icon of an eye next to the key? If not, they have not revealed the game key yet.
EDIT: I forgot to add... At the top of your page should be the site's main navigation bar. Click the down arrow on the Support button and select "Create a New Ticket".
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Anyone had the same Problem on Steam "Request can´t be done at this time, if you need further help to into the Support" though it is only to private people..i have done recently 24-28 Giveaways..unlike 3 profiles i could get request everyone else that those times steam tells me that. does this has something to do with privacy or if someone got banned on steam for a period of time? giveaways already ended about 2-3 days ago and one doesnt respond while others 3 don´t attemp to do anything through i told everyone to get into contact.
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Your English makes your matter a bit unclear, so I'm unsure about giving properly relevant advice for your issue.
Generally speaking, however, you can find answers to any Steam error message by simply putting it into Google and reading the Steam Community or Reddit results that pop up. As far as SG, so long as you've sent the key and attempted to contact them on Steam, then you're fine; You don't need to be chasing down your winners beyond that. Just wait the 7 days, and then either put a reroll ticket in (if they key is not showing as revealed) or a Request Received Feedback ticket (if it is showing as revealed).
Beyond that, not only does posting in an unrelated thread muddle up forum browsing for the rest of us, it also makes it harder for you to get an answer to any question you're asking. As such, you'd be better off posting such questions into new threads. Add in that your current post is by definition spam, and may solicit blacklists by way of that, and you may even want to consider deleting your current comment and making a new (and perhaps more carefully phrased) thread topic. Alternatively, you can consider putting in an Other support ticket, to get a reply directly from Support.
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He/she is unable to add the winner to their friendlist for gifting purpose.
As a german i kinda understand that broken english .
i looked into her giveaways apparently some people denied her first friend request making her unable to friend request again.
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As a german i kinda understand that broken english .
Awkward part about that is, I can still manage to make my way through conversational German mostly fine, so I'd pretty likely have managed a much better understanding had they not attempted to translate it. :P
i looked into her giveaways apparently some people denied her first friend request making her unable to friend request again.
Thanks for the explanation. Not sure if they put that in their description to begin with, as the descriptions are now edited, but that'd generally help minimize the risk of that issue.
If one ends up getting to having that issue, however, the best approach is just to put in a Reroll Winner ticket informing staff that the winner rejected one's friend request and that they haven't responded through SG. Staff will then attempt to contact the winner themselves and, if they fail to do so, the reroll request can be processed.
[You'd use a reroll ticket because 1: they're mechanically necessary for staff to be able to do a reroll, and it's more efficient for staff to have that option available as needed, rather'n having to jump between tickets, and 2: reroll tickets get prioritized highest by staff, so this ensures a quick response.]
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Kannst Du die Fehlermeldung posten?
Hab in deine Giveaways geschaut einer hat deine Freundeseinladung abgelehnt ,daher da muss er eine senden oder das dauert eine weile bevor du wieder eine senden kannst glaub .
Can you share the Error occuring?
(As far of my understanding he/she is unable to add 4people to the friendlist for game gifting purpose.
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I have a giveaway that ended 5 days ago. The winner did not mark the key as received even though I already sent the key. I sent the person a private email twice to try and get their attention.
Also, I run the risk of this person already activating the key and therefore making the key unusable should I choose a new winner.
I'd like to know when can I re-roll for a new winner?
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