Should I buy Overwatch or buy something else?
Surely, it is not a bad game. But in its current state, it's still very imbalanced and not even remotely competetitve. If you enjoy some casual gaming, on the other hand, you can grab it, if you wish.
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Solo queuing can get frustrating, but if you play with friends it can be a blast.
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i really liked the beta but im not going to buy the game( even if i got it cheap) maybe my arguments are shet but everyone has an opinion for himself and if u like it and you wanna play AND you have friends to play with, it that case you could/should play it, is a game to play with friends. Hi
Sorry for that english D:
PD: as t0b3berlin says, that current state is a bit bad so its about time that they add maps and mode to play, if u get it now maybe you have advantages in the future
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I've played beta to and enjoyed the game too, but I'm pretty sure that it's not my kind of game, so i won't buy it (at least for now, maybe in a couple of years when it's on sale). If you say you liked it a lot, than it's most certainly a sign to go for it! (:
Have fun!
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You can check out the gameplay videos of the the newer games of interest that are announced/released. If there are twitch streamers who are playing those games, it may be a good idea to watch their streams.
After you're done with that maybe take mental notes comparing those games with Overwatch and decide later. Besides, there's no rush since you can purchase Overwatch anytime.
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It's horribly imbalanced and occasionally rage inducing. The addition of widespread hacking didn't help.
That said, it's fun if you take it very very casually. I don't really regret buying it, but I have noticed that I don't seem to be going back to it very often. I think part of the problem, for me, is not being on Steam. I suspect I'd play more if it was always at my fingertips.
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put the client in your startup folder. problem solved. ;)
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I haven't seen anyone blatantly hacking in my playtime, around 400 matches, 70-ish hours, and what are your balance concerns?
I mean, Siege or the Division have way more hacking problems e.g.
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Hackers got dealt with almost immediately. Balancing is way more about team composition than individual characters, but even then I really don't get the claims that it's horribly imbalanced. Everyone has a hard counter and can be beaten.
Only real downside are the sore losers and toxic people spouting ignorance at strangers but that's just about every multiplayer game these days. It's a good game and since it's Blizzard, you know it's going to be supported and patched forever.
The hate-on some people have for it is incredibly weird.
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Again, considering the devs and how well it sold, quite a while. They've already said that they have another dozen or so characters and maps being worked on at the moment.
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One initial wave of hackers was dealt with. More have been since then, but it isn't hard to find well documented cases that haven't been dealt with. It's a tough situation for any company and unfortunate that they even have to do it at all, but hopefully they're serious about it and will continue.
They've also dealt with some of the imbalances since the last time I played and have made it clear that they intend to continue that process. I have no doubt they'll try, and each time people will complain that their favourite class was damaged as the community moves on to other complaints. It's an endless cycle that will be interesting to watch. I hope they can do a better job of it than most.
Oddly, the downside you mention is the one I haven't seen at all. In game, I've run into almost no one on mic, no screaming toxic players or sore losers, only the rare person trying to coordinate their team (usually with little luck, sadly). The biggest stray negative remark I see in game is "that's the play of the game?" and such, though I heard they're improving that process as well. Outside the game, I do see complaints with varying degrees of justification, but not much pure hate. I also see the supporters who never see any problems. It's like politics or religion, people are rarely completely objective and believe what they believe.
As I said, it's a fun game, I just think it needs to be taken very casually at this point. There are things they need to work out and I have faith that they will do the best they can to insure that.
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I guess I've been lucky on the hacker front or just never noticed. I win about 50% of my games so nothing has ever struck out to me as particularly unfair or shady.
I think a lot is going to change with the community as a whole when competitive mode is implimented, for better or worse.
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Only real downside are the sore losers and toxic people spouting ignorance at strangers but that's just about every multiplayer game these days.
That's why I've changed the setting so I don't automatically join the team voice channel...problem solved :^)
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I stopped wearing a headset years ago. Now it's all just what I read in the chat. Bummed to read the avoid player function was getting taken out because I used it liberally. I don't care if I lose, but I really have zero tolerance for immature people.
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I hope, there are differently aspects of it I don't really like but looks like fun can be had with it & has some good design in it
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which aspects? if you mean the quick kills, for instance - they are really cool and enhance the gameplay more than anything else. when i heard about them, i was very skeptical. but when you play them you realize that they are super fast and just awesome. :)
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yeah the quick kill thing & upgrading weapons, XP, slower paced sections, it hopefully plays better than what I have seen
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the quick kills are awesome. we all thought they would suck. but honestly, they don't. in fact i like this idea so much, i think it's better than the traditional gameplay with only pick-ups. it helps to keep the pace. you never have to stop the action, because you can always "refill" with quick kills. this is better than pick-ups (though they aren't gone, it's just an addition) and better than generating health.
what's wrong with upgrading weapons? ^^ i the old games you got better and better weapons, as you progressed. now you get the same, and you also get upgrades for your existing weapons. more variety, more gameplay - i don't see what you think is negative about that. and it's of course optional. if you don't want to use upgrades, just don't do it. ;)
and don't worry about the pacing. Doom (4) is one of the fastest singleplayer shooters in years. it starts with a little cutscene, but after like 10 seconds it gives you a gun and let's you play. i can just recommend to try it our for yourself. :)
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yeah i have to give it a go to know, i've only seen very little
refill heath thing just seems like you'd care less about getting injured less strat & more pow pow. Doing the quick kills takes control away how can you dodge incoming fire, much easier with the old fists & chainsaw.
The weapon upgrade thing is just eww to me, why does the gun magically change? it takes you out of game when making the upgrading & makes the game very different experience between players so can make for a much easier play through or much harder play through depending on upgrades (I guess the reason I care about that aspect means when your talking to someone about a certain hard bit in a level they might have solved it very differently without even the knowledge of that puzzle due to going into with different stats saying I bet the campaign means very different things depends on upgrades idk maybe not such a big thing really just when talking to someone about a game would want to talk about the same experiences but that isn't the case if they have a very different stats). The original Doom you were meant to be able to win each level with the starting Pistol makes the levels more unique as you only had certain weapons available & had to be very wise about ammo usage & was the same experience for everyone. Yeah there are more powerful weapons than others in the original but you could still use all of them when you upgrade some you can't switch back to the old version
the slow bits I was referring to was watching a little bit of streams where people are walking about and using a sniper gun which is very different to the original & spend time looking at gun upgrades
but yeah it shouldn't just be the same game so this things could be good thing to have, I really need to play it to know how it really plays
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The weapon upgrade thing is just eww to me, why does the gun magically change?
are you implying that it's unrealistic that the weapon changes? i don't think any Doom has anything to do with realism. ;)
it takes you out of game when making the upgrading
yes, that's true. but only for a short time. and i don't see a problem here. i mean, so many games have a menu of some sort. do you complain about the inventory in RPGs, for example?
makes the game very different experience between players so can make for a much easier play through or much harder play through depending on upgrades
that's an interesting one. while the usual criticism for games is usually that they don't have any replay value, your take on Doom is to complain that one run can differ from the next one, because the difficulty might be slightly different. ^^ nah, don't worry. the upgrades are nice, but it's not like they completely change the game.
The original Doom...
if you expect a game that is exactly like the original two games - well, then better play those. ^^ because Doom (4) is not exactly like those. but it is very close, at least for a modern game. the feeling you get from the game will remind you of the old ones. that doesn't mean it's exactly the same in every way. it is a modern game with old school feeling. i mean, if you are a shooter-fan, what else would you play these days? if you complain about so many little things in Doom, i wonder what game is there today that can satisfy you? every modern shooter has some new elements in it. no game is exactly like Doom (or a similar shooter of that time). and i don't think they have to be. but the new Doom gets the game feel right, if you ask me. it's fast, it's action packed - it's just one of the best shooters in recent history. no, it's not a 1:1 copy of Doom 1+2. and to me that's a good thing. :)
but yeah it shouldn't just be the same game so this things could be good thing to have, I really need to play it to know how it really plays
lol, and after i wrote all this, i read your last paragraph where you basically say the same thing. ^^
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But the multiplayer kinda sucks. I mean, I haven't played SP and it seems to be really good, the thing is if he wants a MP shooter maybe DOOM might not do it.
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Battlefield 1? You mean a shooter set in WW1 without France or Russia, but that has, god bless, fucking America?
I'm boycotting that game, I won't pay for a France/Russia DLC, the game at launch should have those countries supported, who am I supposed to fight in Verdun with? Captatain Donald Clark, from Kentucky?
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Yeah, I'm 10000% not buying Infiny Warfare Ops Remaster. If I had to choose I'd stick to BF1 too, it still kinda "hurt" me the decisions they made when including armies, especially when they said they were trying to be faithful to history.
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If you really want it, get it. no point in getting talked into something you mightn't like
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If you have any friends near a BestBuy, you can ask them to grab you some blizzcards but it's only 10% cheaper (so $36 digital bux unless you actually want the Origin Edition).
I like the game and I'm not someone who plays very competitively. I still play to win but some heroes I am terrible with. Most matches I find myself in lean towards getting rolled or rolling over. Somewhere in a 10-20% range it's fairly balanced or something, but too often it's a slope for winning really easily or losing really hard. I only queue up with only friends, though, which is likely the huge factor to that... I would think.
The game is likely to get patched for a better balance. I've read some comments saying Blizzard is good at supporting their games.
McCree got his damage nerfed (70-->45), but reloads faster (0.45s ->0.20s, or something) recently; Widowmaker's ult so you can't watch the enemy team forever for very good Widowmakers.
also, have this
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That's why you ask your American friends!! I just added 2 in the cart. It even ships for free, so if you even have anybody you can ask/trust to buy it for you.. you could save $4. I think it has 2-3 day shipping.
I have no idea if they work globally, though. Just assuming the worst. I don't know if Blizzard Cards bought here would work if you use them there.. ah, but I looked it up. Looks like they're region bound. At least US is US address (account?) only. I think the game will pay for itself in hours you can play if you liked the beta at all.
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What's your battletag? I wouldn't mind playing with more people, as long as you don't rage too much, hehe.
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The username and the number it comes with like MagmaClaw#0000 . I'll add you on steam anyways.
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Why not buy a game with a storyline instead? Like Valiant Hearts for example. So awesome game. ^_^
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Overwatch is fun, no doubt about it. But there are some bullshit things about the game. The hitboxes being one of the biggest issues. The hitboxes extend way beyond the characters's skin. Makes the game feel a bit broken.
They need to fix this immediately.
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I bought it and its my 2nd ever legit bought game and i am not regretting it. Its amazing, much fun i hope competitive wont ruin it/
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Standard Edition is 40$, and if you don't play other Blizzard games, the goodies with the 60$ eversion are useless for you. However Blizzard tends to wait with the sales, so don't expect one before Christmas.
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I would play with you, if only you included your battletag :S
Anyways here is mine: vettepad#2269
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If you have friends to play it with then I'd recommend it.
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It's been about 5 days since I purchased Overwatch and I think it is one of the most enjoyable games I have ever gotten. It provides great entertainment and is amazing to play when you got time to kill. I heard that Competitive is about to be released and more major updates to come in the future. I can't wait for them!
If you are reading this and are on the edge about buying the game and got some money to spend, GET IT! Although it is new, it is amazing!
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Got myself some money today and I am wondering if I should buy Overwatch. I played the beta and I have to say, I really liked it. A lot. The thing is it has been some time since the beta and there are some newer games announced/released and that's got me split. What do you think I should do?
EDIT: Thanks guys! I got it :D Add me if you would like to play with me sometime!
It's been about 5 days since I purchased Overwatch and I think it is one of the most enjoyable games I have ever gotten. It provides great entertainment and is amazing to play when you got time to kill. I heard that Competitive is about to be released and more major updates to come in the future. I can't wait for them!
If you are reading this and are on the edge about buying the game and got some money to spend, GET IT! Although it is new, it is amazing!
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