Throughout the (almost) two years it's been out, I haven't had the chance to fully experience GTA5, mostly because I didn't neither a console or gaming PC for it. Now that I bought a gaming PC, I don't know whether or not to shell out $60 (or $40 on G2A) for this two year old game or wait for something better in the future, for example, buying at launch (if they get good reception for the PC version) Just Cause 3, Hitman, or No Man's Sky. What should be the best thing to do?

9 years ago

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Don't buy things at launch , they are usually buggy and crashy , ever heard of day1 patches and stuff ? I wouldn't buy gta 5 just 'cause how they treated us pc gamers in the last sale + getting it released 2 years after the console version.

9 years ago

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GTA5 on PC is great, if you want to buy it just buy it. You won't be disappointed.

I wouldn't listen to people who say Rockstar does not treat pc gamers right, the game is just good.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago

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you play the steam version through rockstar anyway. The extra money is just for the added prestige of having it on your steam profile~ there's no other benefit.

9 years ago

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To be fair, downloading patches and the game itself on steam is waaay better :P

9 years ago

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I have it on Steam but I don't think there is any difference, If you buy the non Steam version you are still able to play with people who have it on Steam.

edit: The space cadet beat me to it ;)

9 years ago

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Buy it on steam if you want to be able to click "join game" of friends. Rockstar key will only work for their client, while steam works for both.

9 years ago

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I doubt you are allowed to play this game when you're 15. This is illegal. I will file a report if I see it on your Steam profile!

9 years ago

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Says the guy with a single giveaway.

9 years ago

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How is that linked to what I said?

9 years ago

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I wouldn't listen to the people that wants us to get treaten in a better way , we deserve to give our money to companies that do not take pc as the best thing ever in gaming , you won't be disappointed ( but maybe you will when gta 6 gets released 20 years after its console version and is horribly optimized)

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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It's not exaggeration , it's the truth . We can only speak with our money and if we keep throwing it to them by buying their games at full price we are always gonna get seen as " something to use to make more money after the consoles "

9 years ago

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The game got a complete graphical overhaul, I never played it on any console so the game is completely new for me. Happy to pay Rockstar for the great job they did.

9 years ago

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In the case of GTA 5 they actually seem to have taken PC users seriously. There are some minor issues, but the game runs smoothly, controls well and looks nice. At least in my experience.

9 years ago

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After 2 years , that's the minimum you should expect.

9 years ago

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It's not quite the same version as the PS3/Xbox 360 version though, it's the updated/overhauled PS4/Xbone version that we get on PC. For marketing reasons, I can see why they waited with getting the PC version until they could do a simultaneous release. No, it's not the ideal way of doing things, but in the end, they gave us a good game, that worked well.

9 years ago

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Yeah , but you forgot that they moved the date of gta 5 for about 1 year ^^ as you said it wasn't the ideal way of doing things correctly , but they gave us the ps4 version with better graphics and optimization and we're good with it

9 years ago

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Yeah, considering the quality of the release, I think a late release is a very minor issue in the grand scheme of things. Luckily the reports on Rockstar banning modders seem to be greatly exaggerated (people complaining about getting banned after using cheat mods in MP, and being a bit dishonest about what they actually did).

9 years ago

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You should buy, the first post is very wrong, at least about GTA V, it is not crashy, neither buggy, I have over 307 hours in GTA V and never had any problem, so yeah you should buy, it's awesome and huge, definitely worth full price, GTA V is the best game I've ever seen and played, if you can afford it, its "MUST HAVE", don't listen to other people, they're most likely haters or leechers trying to spread bullshit like game isn't working, it has game breaking bugs, etc, and prevent other people from buying working game, some people really got butthurt because they waited for sale and rockstar didn't reduce price on GTA V, its just a first year the game released, and they're actually waiting for price drop, what a bunch of leechers.

9 years ago*

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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"they just don't like the game," right? well then, Why the f*** they interfere with other people and blame shitty things to game, like it isn't working, is glitchy and has game breaking bugs? while actually the game is working and has no problems, they're trying to spread their hatred and prevent other people from purchasing game, that's not really nice, now, from the people who "they just don't like the game,"

9 years ago

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The game is NOT A MUST HAVE , SINCE I DON'T HAVE IT AND I DON'T WANT IT . Do you know why ? it's overpriced , the singleplayer it's the same as the console version from 2 years ago almost and the multiplayer isn't fun if you ask me , but then again , it's a MUST HAVE , so who cares right? BTW I NEVER SAID GTA 5 WAS AND STILL IS BAD OPTIMIZED , I WAS REFERRING TO GTA 4 WHICH IS A ROCKSTAR GAME AND STILL USES GFWL + HAS TONS OF PROBLEMS. Brainwashed :)

9 years ago

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I think you played it on an inferior console at first and feel bad you didn't wait for the PC version to play it in all its glory.

9 years ago

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I feel like what you said it's completely irrelevant and non sensical, what made you come up with this silly idea? the fact that i say that i compare a ps4 to an average gaming rig?
EDIT : BTW I CAN RUN GTA 5 on medium to high on my laptop , but it's 50gb and it's not really worth the download... not even from the bay of pirates if you ask me ^^

9 years ago*

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No, I get that from the way you react, you want Rockstar to earn as less money on GTA5 as possible which is a childish reaction you'd expect from a butthurt teenager. Not saying you are that teenager but that's the way your reactions come over at me.

9 years ago

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I am indeed a teenager , but i am not butthurt in anyway , i could care less if you all buy gta 5 full price or not , i am just giving you my opinion that you can consider however i want,i don't care about it, on my eyes rockstar made me go through hell to make manhunt work on windows 7 , gta 5 work on windows 8 without GFWL and the 24 mb bug on graphics section , and well , as you can see from my profile i have almost every game rockstar ever released on steam ( except for max payne 3 that i sold and gta 5 for obvious reasons ) and i won't support R anymore ... R is a billionare company and will live long and prosper even without my aid , but if you wanna change thing you need to talk not with your keyboards but with your money , and being a " butthurt teenager " is how you should , imho , react.

9 years ago

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Manhunt is about 10 years old so yeah operating systems changed in the mean time. It even shows on the store page that it doesn't work with Vista, 7 or 8. I don't think Rockstar is to blame for that.

You are right if we gamers aren't happy with something a developer does, the best way of showing that is by not buying said games but not by spreading false information about games.

9 years ago

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Manhunt worked for windows 7 after a fix anyway , but yeah , i am sorry about that.

9 years ago

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Overpriced, my ass, I really don't care about price, I care about game, I'm a gamer, I don't give a f*** about price neither consoles, the game is great, awesome, doesn't have any flaws, neither any problems, so I recommend it, what's your problem? oh, you weren't referring about GTA V and you were referring about GTA IV, then why I didn't heard anything about GTA IV in your post? that's your problem, not, mine, get it, oh and you're right about GTA IV, but I don't care about GTA V, the OP clearly stated GTA V in thread, so don't blame me if I misunderstand you because it is your fault.

9 years ago

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lol dude calm your tits down , you went defensive as shit and said you were right end of discussion , i never wanted to start a flame over MY OPINION , since it's not a flame IF YOU HAVE YOUR POINTS , and my point is I AM AGAINST ROCKSTAR , so i am against gta 5 , and i am against rockstar because of how they treated US with gta 5 pricing techniques and stuff like that, if you don't care it's fine , and yes , you are right ... in your own stupidity.

9 years ago

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Dude, you're mad, go calm your "tits", you seem like you're on fire, I have nothing to discuss with people like you.

9 years ago

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eh ok

9 years ago

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Well I aswell have problems against Rockstar, it wasn't really cool what they did on sale, but it wasn't unpredictable aswell, the game is released on PC this year, so you shouldn't expect price drop, at least with logic, its price should maintain for few years, because in my opinion the game is definitely worth it, and however, I don't care about money, I'm not greedy type person who watches for every cent(Tetri) in my country, neither I am rich, but I'm ok with it, also Rockstar should fix this memory leak issues and minigun lag you do have point to be against it, but you won't change anything by being against it, and with hating, so whatever...

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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I don't understand what you're talking about, I never had any loading problem, I haven't found any flaw in GTA V, however, theres just one thing that I didn't like, after playing 3 hours my RAM went up to 97% eventually causing game to crash, had to restart game in order to avoid this, but I fixed that after reducing some unnecessary options by one step down, then it was fixed, and after ill gottens 2 update sometimes minigun was causing fps drop from 75 to 20, that was kinda annoying, but it isn't game breaking bug, and I'm pretty ok with it, guess it'll be fixed later.

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

9 years ago

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I have 300+ hours played in GTA V and the only problems I've encountered are those I stated above, but they're nothing compared to greatness of what GTA V is, you shouldn't hate game because of its problems during first days of release, it surely should've been predictable, I purchased game probably few months after release, so that's probably why I didn't encounter any loading problems, also I've read some people had crashing problem on startup, but I never had these.

9 years ago

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I only played the 360 version but as soon as I get a better PC I'm going to buy it again. So yes I recommend you to buy GTA V!

9 years ago

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Buy it! :) I don't even use the online version (yet) and single is still so much fun.

9 years ago

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Totally agree. I've played about 2 or 3 hours of online, but didn't really enjoy it (I guess with actual friends it could be a lot of fun). But in the single player there is just so much to do (currently going through the story in 1st person, which is awesome!).

9 years ago

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I'd recommend buying GTA 5, but be prepared for the hackers in Online that R* doesn't give a shit about..

9 years ago

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$60? for one game? Rather buy good bta bundles for it, with more good games, more fun, more game styles i mean, or buy any real stuff...

9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago

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40 or 50 or 60... still same thing ^^ :) rather spent it on good bundles or real stuff

9 years ago

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$39.99, and it's worth, I recommend it.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Shovelware collector detected

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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Got the Steam version before launch for 38 Euros from a trusted trader on Steamtrades. Paying $60 or 60Euro is for the ignorant ones ;)

9 years ago

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yes i don't know who pay 60€ maybe **.. :D for me is 38€ still not interesting..
i never pay more than cca 5€ for one game... i get all my games under 5 :)

9 years ago

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Have fun waiting for GTAV to cost 5€.

9 years ago

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who say i must have it... if i really need it i can .. u know what

9 years ago

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Are you talking about piracy? Good luck playing GTA Online with a pirated version

9 years ago

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I dont care in MP :) but rather no play mp then giving $40

9 years ago

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if everyone thought like you, there would soon be no games anymore for you to buy in BTA bundles. ^^

9 years ago

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i didnt say something other... if someone want to spent 40 or 60€ into one game... his choice. :)
someone give it, someone nope

9 years ago

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I don't enjoy playing demos. GTA V with no multiplayer, no heists, no achievements, no steam integration, no RGSC, no cloud saving, no friends list, no crews, etc is a demo. I'd prefer to play a full 1$ game, I agree with you. But I'd prefer the full GTA V experience over a 1$ game ;)

9 years ago

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How about Dayz? You didn't get that for 5Euro?

9 years ago

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i won it here :D

9 years ago

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Oh nice! I also got it for free, would never pay money for that "game".

9 years ago

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DayZ been good maybe year ago, now nope i do not play it 6 months... not interested in this game anymore, maybe if comes out from Alpha.. beta...... i start game maybe after 2 years. :D Same as your example i would never pay (that much) for any game :) if no very good price, no game... if really need it... any way is always if you know what i mean ;)

9 years ago

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I played the Dayz mod over 500 hours, enjoyed the sh%t out of it but then came the stand alone game and there is no progress at all. This game will never be finished.
I chuckled when I saw them announce a PS4 version.

View attached image.
9 years ago

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Then I suppose you're not a gamer, you're just troll, enjoy your 5$ games, which you've got 700+ and only one of them played more than 100 hours, that is, the only one you've won from Steamgifts, good job and luck calling yourself gamer.

9 years ago

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i never say iam gamer :D ok iam not interested pay much for games .. iam troll... good thinking :)) yes i enjoy my games, why not? i have lot of good titles on account
I have games, i must be gamer? No iam not gamer... i never call yourself gamer :)

9 years ago*

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Well, you've missed my main point. Yeah, you're not a gamer thats obvious, and according to your grammar, thats for sure you're just a troll, just to mark, and no, you do not enjoy your games, you only watch them and think, "Oh wow, I have so many "good titles" on account!" thats not the way to judge games, just because you HAVE them, doesn't mean anything, if you've barely played any of them, and another stupid way of thinking, you care about prices and not games itself, personally I prefer having awesome game that I can play for long and enjoy it longer than others, than having bunch of garbage, good luck with your logic, I prefer to have 100 awesome games rather than 2000 piece of *****s.

9 years ago

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Wait, so because his english is bad he automatically is a troll?

9 years ago

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His english is not bad, however, the way he speaks and throws away words, it makes, like he doesn't care about everything and just throws it all away, I consider this trolling way to speak.

9 years ago

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I can't stand how some people from english speaking countries expect people from other countries to speak their language perfectly. He uses the right words (auto correct probably) but the grammar is very different in other languages, so saying he is a troll based on his grammar is not right.

Just my 2 cents ;)

9 years ago

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I'm from Georgia Tbilisi, no one of my family members know even 1 word of English, even no one of all of my friends from Georgia do speak English, my main language is Georgian, not English, well, what does country affect in terms of this:

"i never say iam gamer :D ok iam not interested pay much for games .. iam troll... good thinking"

and this

"I never say I'm gamer, ok I'm not interested to pay much for games, I'm troll... good thinking"

So you can see first sentence is just throwing words away and laughing like a troll, while second sentence talking seriously and polite.

9 years ago

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My grammar? Maybe because iam Czech and my eng is not very well... "good titles" check all games and you can find good games, i know i have 650 shitty games, its from past, i want 1000 games on acc as milestone... i do not continue with it anymore. I have 80% games hidden in library. Games itself? I rather spent money to other stuff then games bcs ... iam not gamer....?! i dont care if its most epic game in the world... simple do not spend much on games. Yes have 100 hours only on one games, buy u know why? bcs not funny anymore, for me other games. I pay 20€ on game and play it 2 hours?? Really worth... (sorry idk if i say what i mean by me english and i understand u well)

9 years ago

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Well, now I see the problem, you never intended to play any game you purchased, that's where you went wrong suggesting OP to not purchase GTA V, simply because, you just want to collect all games and then showoff, "Look!!! I have over three thousand games on my Steam account!" I don't see point in this, while OP is asking different thing, I think that GTA V is definitely worthy of its full price, unlike your 5$ games that you play only for 2 hours, GTA V is ~1000 hour game, beside its awesomness, and you'll never get bored from playing it, thats what kind of games I prefer purchasing, rather than games that you beat and then say goodbye, that's why I recommend it.

9 years ago

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I do not talk about $5 full price games... i mean sale games etc... for example i get CoD Black Ops for $3 cca year ago and my platime is 72h, ok its good for me. Next example Skyrim, i get it for 3€ and play it 2.2 hours only. 3€ for 2 hours? If you buy game for 20€ and play it 2 hours too, its much more bad then 3€... u understand me? Last game i get is Enslaved (in $6 HB now) i got this game in trade for cca 0,30€. Play it 2 hours to and not much interested play it agin. Ok no prob its only 0,30... but if u buy whole bundle for $6 (and interested in one one game) and still play it 2 hours... you see difference? Pay $6 for my playtime or 0,30?
GTA can be 1000 hour gameplay... but iam still not interested in game for 40,50,60€... just my rule.. +- 5€ each game. If i cant get it, i download it (now kill me) U know what i saying?
And about "collecting" as "look too much games" i say in be in past i want something like collector, now nope bcs i see "throwed away" money for nothing if i do not play these "collecting" games...

9 years ago

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everyone can have their opinion, and every opinion can be valid. take me for example. i like to play lots of different games. i don't finish them all. but i also don't consider an unfinished game a waste of money and/or time. you say GTAV is a 1000 hour game. the only 2 games in the world i ever spent that amount of time in were Starcraft 2 and Colonization (1994). GTAV was fun, but i played only 22 hours of it. i didn't even finish the story. and i have no interest at all in the multiplayer. i still don't consider the 30$ i payed for it a waste. it was a lot of fun, and i'll probably finish it some day. but after a while i got bored and played something else. on the weekend i finished Witcher 3, after taking a 3-4 week break (85 hours total, which is really a lot for me). that's how i like to play games. i play them as long as i enjoy them, and once i don't enjoy them anymore, i play something else. maybe i'll finish the first game some day, maybe not. sometimes i suddenly get excited about a game again and finish it. a good example is Bioshock Infinite. an amazing game. i started when it was released, stopped (at maybe 60%), and more than a year (!) later i suddenly wanted to continue playing. i finished it and now consider it one of the best story driven experiences of the last years. well, you decide - am i a gamer, or am i not a gamer, because my style of gaming differs from yours? ;)

9 years ago

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No, I did not mean you're not gamer because of that, but well, you only played GTA V for 22 hours, that's lame, it really deserves more than that, but how ever, I don't care about that, it is your job what you'll play and not, it is not my job to discuss, BUT, now tell me this, why would you suggest other people to not buy this game, just because you got bored and didn't play it for much? that's really not cool in my opinion, and for first, you shouldn't buy game if you're not going to play, unless, you're okay with it, and if you're okay with it, don't complain about it, and if you got bored, couldn't maintain fun, or whatever, don't prevent others from buying it, just because you didn't like it, doesn't mean you shouldn't suggest it to other people.

9 years ago

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that's lame, it really deserves more than that

well, i am just not a big GTA fan. ^^ also, i said i will probably finish it some day. i described how i often play games (in many small sessions, sometimes over many months).

BUT, now tell me this, why would you suggest other people to not buy this game, just because you got bored and didn't play it for much? that's really not cool in my opinion

wait a second, where the hell did i say this? ^^ i didn't give any recommendation regarding GTA V. all i said about the game is in this post above, and now please tell me where exactly i suggested anything about buying or not buying the game.

9 years ago

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I'm talking to other people who are actually doing this, if you read reviews about GTA V, you'll see some butthurt people who don't recommend game, just because they waited for sale and got butthurt because Rockstar didn't drop price, that's really bullshit, just to not recommend game, because its price didn't drop, these people must be really butthurt.

I don't like the fact that those people are ruining game's reputation just because they got butthurt that it's price didn't drop, that's what some people are doing in above posts, they dislike game because of its price, and in my strong opinion, you shouldn't care about money when it's case about GTA V, because it is great and awesome game that in my opinion is must have for any gamer, not those who just want to collect thousands of games and show off, of course.

9 years ago

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well ok, it clearly looked like you're talking about me. maybe you have to be more clear next time. ;)

if you ask me, i don't agree that every gamer must have GTA V. i like it, but i am not a big GTA fan. and there are many people that don't like GTA. if you asked me if i would recommend it - yes, i would. but in the end everyone needs to figure out himself if he likes that kind of game or not.

9 years ago

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FFS, man, stop acting like a douchenozzle and just chill. Different people like different games. Go play some GTAV and relax.

9 years ago

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FFS, man, you're the one probably needs to chill and stop acting like a put whatever any blablablarandom suitableword I was perfectly chilling and relaxing until I saw your put any whatever blablablarandom suitableword comment, go play some sims, and leave me alone.

Man, you can't just talk to somebody... someone just put any whatever blablablarandom suitableword HAS to show up and reply you something off-topic comment.

9 years ago*

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Depends on you xP
For example, I hate GTA series,yes I've tried some Vice city in childhood but it's over now xd
I'd save those money for new Mount&Blade, Fallout or Deus EX...

9 years ago

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Fallout for sure, but I won't save it for Mount & Blade. There is just too little news coming from the team. It has been announced in 2012 or 2013 and we still don't have a release date / period (at least not last time I checked).

9 years ago

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Depends on your money xP
I think I won't be able to buy Fallout and then M&B2 so I'll have to choose

9 years ago

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Well, yeah, but as I said, I won't be saving money for M&B2 as long as there is no release date. At least for fallout we know when to expect it.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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DO it..just do it!! :@ :@

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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This comment was deleted 8 years ago.

9 years ago

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Ayy lmao

9 years ago

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If you have friends who else play GTA Online then buy, if not then game be really boring for you.

9 years ago

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Yeah the single player was very boring O.o

9 years ago

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i completed the game to 100%, with all space ship parts, monster stunts and so on.
The game was hella fun! But multiplayer sucks without any friends. It's getting boring af.
If you completed singleplayer to 100% and made every heist, every mission the game is done

9 years ago

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I bought it for the single player experience, tried online a couple of times but can't be bothered about it.

9 years ago

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Single Player is so much fun! Story is great, wonderful textures and everything is great! But multiplayer isnt that fun for a long time :)

9 years ago

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Yeah, I enjoyed the single player as well. Now I'm waiting for some good dlc.

9 years ago

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I'm done with this Game :P Made everything i could ! :D

9 years ago

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Yeah, online is only fun with some good friends. Just playing with some random people is just annoying. But the single player is good fun! I'm now playing through it in 1st person. That's really interesting.

9 years ago

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I found the single player part to be the only fun thing about GTA V. I'd save my money and wait for the games you listed + Fallout 4 + The Division, and many more ;)

9 years ago

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I was hyped beyond limits and had huge expectations on the game, but it disappointed me so much. Story is bland and kinda boring, just ignores lots of interesting characters and situations that could add a lot of fun and Online is totally awful

9 years ago

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I've been addicted to it.

Haven't even played online.

9 years ago

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In CHINA .GTA5 is 30 dollars.

9 years ago

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the chinese version is region locked. there was only a very short period of time it was region free (first day on pre-order phase, i believe less than 24 hours even).

9 years ago

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Nevertheless... Until today this moment. Chinese player inventory and pre order version. Unlocked. You can find them buy. Of course, the price is less than $60.

Paypal. or Alipay.

9 years ago

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oh, you can still find pre-order copies? ok, that's surprising. ^^

9 years ago

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Don't buy at launch because not only bugs, but chances are that you still get half, two-third of a game and need for the whole thing in forms of DLCs.
As for GTAV, if you managed to be patient thus far, be patient to wait for a decent sale. :) Quite a few store sell Steam keys for it outside the grey market of G2A, so eventually you should be able to get it even under 40 USD.
Unless you are too keen to play it online, of course. But then again, maybe the deal Rockstar made at the summer sale was your best bet for that with the online money card.

9 years ago

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GTA 5 at any price/format is great, just buy it you'll have a good time regardless of what you pay or play on.

9 years ago

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GTA V PC is 4 months old, it is not the same game as GTA V peasant version

9 years ago

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It really is the same as the ps4 and xbox one .... and no , ps4 and xbox one users are not peasants cuz they buy a console that's worth as a medium gaming pc that can handle gta 5. Anyway , back on track , gta 5 pc = gta 5 on ps4 and xbox one WITH THE SO LOVED +30 FPS. That's it. The game is the same since you can't use mods in it or you get banned from rockstar.

9 years ago

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"The PC Version of Grand Theft Auto V running in 4K totally demolishes the PS3 and PS4 versions of the game"

  • Better Draw distance
  • Good FXAA
  • Better textures
  • Anisotropic filtering
  • Better lighting
  • Ugraded Skybox
  • 60 FPS
  • MSAA
  • Better shadows
  • DX 11 exclusive grass
  • Ambient Occlusion
  • Better community
  • Steam

etc. etc.

And you can use mods. Kwebbelkop, a very well known GTA V youtuber, has been using mods for a long time and he hasn't been banned ;)

9 years ago

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And ? It's all things you would expect from a pc game that released after 2 years of the console version ! and how in the hell is steam even a PRO? BETTER COMMUNITY? YOU ARE KIDDING ME RIGHT?
EDIT : I was pretty sure you would get banned , i saw some news reporting it 1-2 months ago,were those fakes?

9 years ago

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you are missing the point. these features listed there are better on pc compared to ps4/xbox one (we are not talking about the old consoles), and those versions didn't come out 2 years ago...

9 years ago

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that was shortly after release, and they said after that that singleplayer mods are completely fine. what you read was not 1-2 months ago, but way longer.

9 years ago

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K den ,i take back my comment about the mods thingy , i only saw the first part of it apparently.

9 years ago

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9 years ago

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It was expected the PC version would be much better and it is, in fact, much better. So it isn't the same as the PS4 version because the PC version is much better.

The PC community is the best. The console community is full of casual gamers and 12 year olds. For example, the only downside I see on Rocket League, the #1 game on steam right now, is having to play with console peasants who join rankeds without knowing how to play, steal goals and boosts, turn AFK and leave matches, score own goals, block your shots, etc.

9 years ago

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at least leaving matches will result in a 15 min ban now. :)

9 years ago

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Only for the first player to leave, the second player to leave doesn't get the penalty afaik and it kinda sucks playing 1 vs 3 even though sometimes it's better, they suck a lot lol. Yesterday I was playing against a team of 2 guys with "Lord of the Rockets" rank (Senhor dos Rockets in Portuguese), I was losing 2-0, the noob in my team left and I ended up winning 4-3 on ET lol

9 years ago

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Only for the first player to leave, the second player to leave doesn't get the penalty

i know, and i think it actually makes sense. the first player to leave is the dick who destroys the match. you can't really blame the second one to leave for leaving an unfair game (although i already won a 2vs3, and it was an amazing feeling ^^).

9 years ago

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btw, how do you even want to know if a leaver is on console or pc?

9 years ago

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Why do I want to know? To validate my theory.

How do I know? Those guys never chat they only use the console commands

9 years ago

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Why do I want to know? To validate my theory.

sure, if you claim console gamers are all shit and pc gamers play so much better, you better have a safe way of identifying them.

How do I know? Those guys never chat they only use the console commands

lol. when i play, i lean back and play with my controller. and i also just use the console commands. so you would automatically think i am a console gamer? come on... ^^

9 years ago

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Wait , there is crossplay on rocket league ? and you said the pc version is " much better " too many times x)

9 years ago

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Yes, unfortunately there is crossplay on Rocket League lol

9 years ago

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that's not true, I use mod in singleplayer and I'm fine.
the game runs better on pc tho.

9 years ago

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also, singleplayer mods are allowed. they said that a long time ago.

9 years ago

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Oh ok then forget it , i googled it and the statement from rockstar didn't come up making me pissed off even more , i guess now i have a better opinion for the game itself , even tho i would still recommend giving them less money as possible by buying it on sale since they have been selling any kind of $ dlc , if i am not mistaken even SP $.

9 years ago

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Could you please link me to that DLC?

9 years ago

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The " dlc " is actually money for the online section of the game that i tought was called sp$ ?

9 years ago

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Ah those you mean, I basically see those as a helping hand for people who don't want to spend much time to earn money online but still want to be able to buy stuff. Not really necessary but helpful if you are ok with spending real money on that.

9 years ago

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Yeah i am ok with it , the fact that pisses me off the most about it is that on the summer sale they added it with the game and offered it for like 56 euros trying to promote an INEXISTENT sale of 26% off on gta 5 ( as the daily page shown )

9 years ago

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PS4 and Xbox One hardware is already running behind on PC, its been like that with consoles always and will never change.

9 years ago

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I never said they weren't , i said the game was actually developed almost the same way for pc with some minor adjustments and i was wrong, that's it , not saying the consoles are worth like a 800$ gaming pc or more... i'm just saying they are worth AS a 500$ one

9 years ago

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GTA V port is beautiful. Buy it now.

9 years ago

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And the story is fa nominal, and if you have any friends multiplayer is great.

9 years ago

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But only with friends the multiplayer is worth anything. That's the biggest issue I have with this game. All my friends played it when it came out on console and are now not interested anymore :(

9 years ago

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Naa, i;ve played multiplayer solo and it's still great. Heists are rubbish without a good team and stuff but the likes of deathmatch, freeroaming, adversary...ect can still be great.

9 years ago

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That probably also depends on what kind of person you are. I rarely play games online (mostly because I suck most of the time :p).

9 years ago

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i think that 60$ not fit for experince that GTAV bring ,not to mention this has been realese on console for 3 year then come to PC but multi is full of hacker but rockstar dont take any action,and microtransaction they put in this game wtf.... if you want this wait for sale off

9 years ago

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GTA5 is worth the cash but if you got plenty of games just wait since that game is old and is due for a big discount by Christmas or then again Rockstar knows GTA5 will still be a major seller and won't put it on discount :(.

9 years ago

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I'd say GTA V is well worth the $60 price tag. There's not many games I would recommend paying that price for but this is one of them!

9 years ago

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i have gtav and its really good since i use alot of mods. I wonder if there is a pirates mod

9 years ago

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View attached image.
9 years ago

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Just do IT!

It's worth it, wait for winter sale.

9 years ago

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I am sorry if some people got mad over what i said , some facts were inaccurate and i apologize because of it , however i still think you should buy it on sale , cuz i am a cheapass.

9 years ago

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Closed 9 years ago by DirtyAtom.