I had planned to have a small train after the last puzzle. However, when I tried to make the last giveaway, I discovered that there's a limit to how many giveaways I can create at once and that I have to complete more giveaways to be able to have more simultaneous giveaways. "OK," I thought. "I'll just delete the last giveaway I made, and I'll run a few quick giveaways in a row to increase my limit." Unfortunately, I also discovered that deleting a giveaway does not recover a giveaway slot, so now my train has just one giveaway. I've submitted a support ticket to see if I can recover that slot, but I'm not holding my breath.

What I've decided to do to work around this: If you get to the 4th giveaway, please leave a comment on that giveaway. After this event ends, I'll whitelist you and reply to your comment with the link to a bonus whitelist train.

OUT ON A LIMB - Movie/TV Trivia & Jigsaw Event


  • Ends July 24 at 6 PM UTC
  • 4 giveaways for now, more to come (see above disclaimer)
  • All giveaways are level 1+ with basic SGTools protections.
  • All games are Steam gifts, so make sure to check your email if you win.

How This Works

  • Each answer is a character from a movie or TV show with a missing hand, foot, or limb or that lost a hand, foot, or limb during the course of the movie or show.
  • Each answer is the character's full given name, including middle name or initial if the character has one. No nicknames, aliases, or alter egos. You can usually find the character's full name on Wikia or Wikipedia.
  • Each question has 3 clues.
    1. Clue #1 is pretty vague, and it will likely be difficult to guess without at least Clue #2.
    2. Below Clue #1 is a link to an easy jigsaw puzzle. Complete the puzzle to reveal Clue #2 and a link to another jigsaw puzzle.
    3. If you are still unable to guess the answer with Clue #2, complete the second jigsaw puzzle to reveal a collection of images that is a clue to the movie or TV show's title.
  • The second jigsaw puzzle is always harder than the first, and each round all the puzzles get harder.
  • All jigsaw puzzles are optional. Only complete them if you need additional clues. There is no reward for completing all of them.


Note: This character doesn't follow the missing limb theme.
Clue #1: Has a foul-mouthed partner
Clue #2 (The link goes to a jigsaw puzzle. Solve the puzzle to reveal Clue #2 and a link to the second jigsaw puzzle.)

Clue #2:
One of the world's greatest cooks

Title Clue:

Solve the second jigsaw puzzle to reveal a link to the Title Clue image:

The image contains a man breaking bricks and a boy standing in the corner because he's been bad.

Answer: The show is Breaking Bad, and the answer is Walter White, who is a meth "cook" and has a foul-mouthed partner named Jesse Pinkman. However, remember that the answer must be his full name, which is Walter Hartwell White Sr.. Other unacceptable answers include Walt, Mr. White, and Heisenberg.

Begin Round 1 >

Spoiler Warning!

This puzzle contains potential spoilers for various movies and shows. Enter at your own risk!

Please don't post answers or hints in the comments.

If you've solved both jigsaw puzzles for a question and you're still stuck, just ask nicely for a hint, and I might just give you one.

Hall of Fame

These people have completed the entire event and will be whitelisted by me and given access to a bonus train after the event ends. Leave a comment on the 4th giveaway to join them.

  1. NuTr1x
  2. AceMcCloud
  3. nemr
  4. Loops
  5. Fet
  6. CalculonJones
  7. Momo1991


Round 1

  1. Byron Bluth (AKA Buster Bluth) from Arrested Development
  2. Luke Skywalker from Star Wars
  3. Captain James Hook from Peter Pan
  4. William Whalen (AKA Master Billy Quizboy) from Venture Bros
  5. Phil Coulson from Agents of SHIELD
  6. Merle Dixon from The Walking Dead
  7. Jaime Lannister from Game of Thrones
  8. Dr. Lawrence Gordon from Saw
  9. Anton Tobias from Idle Hands
  10. Peter Pettigrew from Harry Potter

Round 2

  1. Phillip Michael Gerard (AKA MIKE) from Twin Peaks
  2. J. Walter Weatherman from Arrested Development
  3. Ponda Baba form Star Wars
  4. James Buchanan Barnes (AKA Bucky Barnes / Winter Solider) from Captain America
  5. Hershel Greene from The Walking Dead
  6. Fredrick Sykes from The Fugitive
  7. Wampa from The Empire Strikes Back

Round 3

  1. Lt. Dan Taylor from Forrest Gump
  2. Hamilton G. Fantomos from Venture Bros
  3. C-3PO from Star Wars
  4. Philip J. Fry from Futurama
  5. Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy
  6. The Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
  7. Frank Vitchard from Anchorman
  8. Annakin Skywalker from Star Wars

Bonus Round

  1. George Walton Lucas, Jr.
  2. Kevin Feige (president of Marvel Studios)
8 years ago*

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8 years ago

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So I'm an idiot. I somehow made two versions of the last round, one of which was incomplete, and naturally I gave the link to the wrong one. If you got to that round and wondered why there were no links to jigsaw puzzles, sorry about that. I've added the links now.

8 years ago

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Added a hall of fame. Only 3 people have made it to the end so far, so the odds of winning something are still really high!

If you've solved both jigsaw puzzles for a question and you're still stuck, just ask nicely for a hint, and I might just give you one.

8 years ago

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The event has ended! Congrats to all the winners!

I've posted the answers above for anyone who didn't finish.

For those few of you who managed to complete the Bonus Round, stay tuned. I'll create the bonus train after all the winners have marked their gifts as received.

8 years ago

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This looks really fun, will probably let it for tomorrow when I'm more fresh :D


8 years ago

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Thanks! Hope you enjoy it.

8 years ago

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Thank you very much for making such an intricate puzzle! I'm having lots of fun trying to solve them all.
There just one problem: I'm at number 8 now, and the puzzle for the second clue (and also the second clue itself) is exactly the same as that of number 7. Could you fix this please? I can't for the life of me figure out the character with just the first clue. Thank you!

8 years ago

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Fixed. Let me know if you find any other problems.

8 years ago

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Thank you, I solved the first round of puzzles! =D

8 years ago

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First one done. Good job!

8 years ago

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Got through the second round, excited to continue tomorrow!

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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First round done. Thx.

8 years ago

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Good job. You're welcome.

8 years ago

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Seems I'm in your BL :( Can you remove me? Pretty please?
Spent 4 hours on this puzzle and all for naught :(

8 years ago

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Sure. I don't remember blacklisting you anyway.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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round one bump

8 years ago

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Great puzzle. Thanks!

8 years ago

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First to finish! Well done!

View attached image.
8 years ago*

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Bump for round 2. Thx.

8 years ago

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Thanks! Glad you're enjoying it.

8 years ago

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Finished round one. Love the puzzles. Very nicely done.

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Bump! Made it to the end. Thanks for the great puzzles.

8 years ago

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You're welcome. I'm glad you made it out in one piece.

8 years ago

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no nicknames, huh? ^^
Fun puzzle, only did one of the Qs for now (knew this one had to be in there ;) ), will come back for the rest tomorrow :)

8 years ago

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Had to make it a little more challenging ;)

8 years ago

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hm, no idea about Q8, will have to come back again ...

8 years ago

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Have you revealed all the clues?

8 years ago

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I am also stuck on #8 (finished all the rest). I thought I knew what it's referring to but it won't take any of my answers. So a clue would be appreciated! :-)

8 years ago

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Nevermind - got it - had gone down a rabbit hole in the wrong direction :-)

8 years ago

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Glad you figured it out.

8 years ago

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Wow thanks for invite to the puzzle... I'll take a whack at this soon!

8 years ago

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Have you had a chance to try it yet? I think I might have made it too much work for most people. Only 3 have made it to the end so far.

8 years ago

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Yea I tried one of them but I'm really really bad at movie trivia...

Nice design but really beyond my ability. I do like your design with one piece leading to another hint... That is really clever!

8 years ago

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Thanks! I liked the idea of having hints available if people wanted to work for them. I'll probably use it again but with slightly easier hints and/or smaller jigsaw puzzles.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago*

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I just fixed the puzzle for Q7. Sorry about that! Let me know if you find any other problems.

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago*

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Have you solved both jigsaws for Q6?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Have you figured out the titles for the movies or shows for those characters are from?

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago*

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Here are some hints for the image clues:

Q2: generic name for a large area (like the one in the picture) that's controlled by one person + what the kids are doing + the side of the person shown

Q5: generic term for what those guys are called + what he's holding up

Q6: what the women are doing + what people have to be to stay in that place

8 years ago

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Yay, did it!!

Edit 1: Finished Round 1
Edit 2: Finished Round 2
Edit 3: Finished Round 3
Edit 4: Done!! For Now at least.

8 years ago*

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Keep it up! Only a few people have made it to the end, so the odds of winning something are still really good.

8 years ago

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Seems the title hint for R2 Q2 is missing, links to a removed image. It's the last one im stuck on in round 2

8 years ago*

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I just checked, and the link is working. Maybe you typed it wrong? The second letter is a lowercase L not an uppercase I in case that's what was wrong.

8 years ago

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Thanks, that was the issue

8 years ago

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Round 3 Done, i Assume that's the end for now??

8 years ago

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Round 1 & 2 done bump!

8 years ago

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Over halfway there…

8 years ago

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I'd try harder with this but I don't watch movies, I'd be great at this if it was all TV characters (although I can't even figure out which ones are TV characters anyway so maybe not :/)

8 years ago

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You still have 8 days left. That should be plenty of time to watch all the movies. ;)

8 years ago

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Bump for solving Round 1

8 years ago

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Good job! Keep going!

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

8 years ago

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Glad you got through

8 years ago

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Bump for fully solved!

8 years ago

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Image for Q9 is missing :-( tried both capital I and 1... both seem to have been removed...

8 years ago

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It's a lowercase L.

8 years ago

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Facepalm! Thanks :-) Nice puzzle btw!

8 years ago

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Thanks! I wish it was possible to select the text on Jigidi so that wouldn't be a problem. Let me know if you have trouble with anything else.

8 years ago

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Ok stuck on R3 Q2 - I'm pretty sure I have this one right but it's not accepting either name and I cannot located the middle name anywhere. Hmm, got it but had to change a vowel - most internet searches have an o not an a :-p

Got the images for R3Q7 but completely lost on this one - a clue would be very much appreciated. Ok, nvm found it...finally. I feel culturally illerate!

8 years ago*

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For R3 Q2, it seems that the wiki had the wrong spelling. I'm accepting both spellings now. Thanks for pointing that out.

8 years ago

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Btw, you can just ask support to give you GA slots - they've done it for me several times - just ask nicely :-)

8 years ago

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I tried that already, and they asked me how many slots I needed. I said I just wanted the one I lost for deleting that giveaway, but then they just didn't respond after that.

It's fine, though. After I finish this event and the train afterwards, I'll earn a couple more slots, and it shouldn't be a problem in the future.

8 years ago

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Bump for Round 4 solved! :-)

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Puzzling bump....

8 years ago

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Puzzling thanks…

8 years ago

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I solved rounds 1 and 2 a while ago and thought I would come back to try rounds 3 and 4. I decided not to continue, but I loved the rounds that I did complete. They were quite fun and challenging. Thanks for the challenge and the giveaways!

8 years ago

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Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it!

8 years ago

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