Never fear to lose about games that's abundant in many stores. Except fear to lose titles that's 'Early access' or that author/publisher is questionable. For example all Rinat Mirzasalikhov games released this summer (Houston..., Strangers, One night) has been removed from store and nowhere to be bought.
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Oh wow. I can't believe those were all from the same dev I saw Houston and thought it was bad and One night seemed like shit so yeah I'm no collector so unless I really want the game I don't try to get removed games from Steam (like Windborne, but thankfully I didn't pay much for that.)
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Sounds good to me!
"With that said, we went back to what is a huge game and addressed things we didn't have time for or didn't notice the first time. We started by revisiting every asset in the game, increasing the texture resolutions and brought the art up to spec to take full advantage of the new lighting and rendering."
“Darksiders 2 has a lot of DLC in the form of weapons, armor and unique locations. These pieces of DLC which felt separate from the main campaign have now been integrated into the game and rebalanced accordingly. Lastly, we've addressed much of the feedback we received after the game's release in regards to balance and bugs."
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Tsk. I hope they decide to be atypical, and offer a chance to buy the new version at an upgrade price, if you own the original game.
Paying full price for a game I already own always bugs me, especially when it's rebalances, integrations, cosmetic/graphics tweaks, or things that should have been in the game in the first place [like bug fixes].
Those are always lovely additions and all, but that's an 'enhanced edition' at best, at worst, something free as a sign of respect to customers. Add in exclusive content and you lock in the 'enhanced edition' bit, but it's still really iffy to charge full price for it again :X
Borderlands 2 was probably the worst offender in that regard, since buying all the DLC for the game you already owned, was actually more expensive than just buying the GOTY edition.
And, of course, no upgrade option.
Grr. :P
Of course, it wouldn't bug me near as much, if I still OWNED the original game, and could then give it to someone who is fine playing it as-is.
But Steam doesn't allow that :X
So it ends up being you paying for the game the first time, solely as a sort of beta access pass.
And sure, some people may be into that. I'm not- I'm patient enough to wait until the 'full' game comes out :X
Does sound good, though.
Though, I hope they do pull the original off steam, if they don't allow upgrades. Always bothers me when two games are on Steam [sometimes at the same price! See: Guacamelee], because sometimes you won't notice, and you'll get the 'wrong' game.
Again, I say:
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"Hey, guys. Our game is at 80% discount and noone is buying it anymore.."
"Okay, time to add useless junk, rename it, and pretend it's a new product, so we can up the price and lower the sale discounts."
"Brilliant! But won't the customers disapprove?"
"Meh. Besides, enough will buy it anyway, it's fine. You like using all these $100 bills for rolling joints, right?"
"True that. Gotta have my blue blood high."
The idea of a company having an obligation to its customer's to improve a product with defects as best they're able to, on their dime; and giving the customers options, seems to have all gone in favor of greed.
And then there's those asian micropayment companies, who don't even have the same anti-fraud/etc laws to deal with, so they can actually charge you money without delivering anything, for example [apparently.] Add in how they approach games [Okay, this server is dead. Make a new one!] and it gets ugly :X
Though the worst part of those is how they treat minorities, women especially. Good luck getting asian devs to take your side if you're sexually harassed.
Rise of Mythos's devs, for example, didn't care that guys were going around saying they'd find, rape, and murder the women players [and trust me, they said that in the most horrible ways possible].
In fact, they replied with a 'guys will be guys, you shouldn't take it so seriously. Noone likes that.' response.
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By not even looking at the game until the GOTY/rebundle comes out
Sometimes, companies make even THAT difficult. :X
Well, it's not even a matter of frequency (Which yeah, it's unfortunately high), but that it exists at all.
Definitely prefer any company that'll treat me with respect, to those that only care about their bottom-line, or whatever is expedient for them alone.
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Well, I pretty much limit my gaming to PC, so the cross-platform stuff doesn't enter into for me, I never buy games until they're very heavily discounted, which means they've had time to show any DLC strategy, and if they're going that route I wait until they repackage or bundle, and if that never happens, I just don't get the game. My backlog is plenty long that I'm never dying to have any particular game in a hurry, and if I miss out on something altogether because the devs/publishers are being jerks, so be it.
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Right. Like, Tomb Raider, you only really need to consider getting the one DLC that has actual content. :P
I'm slowly learning, but it's hard adjusting to the dlc/multiple editions you have to entirely repurchase/no-gift-copies for duplicate purchase/etc mentality. It's so counter-intuitive, and almost always super sleezy :X
And lets not even get into what a mess DRM can make of things- you'd have a far easier time torrenting an Ubisoft game, than actually managing to play it.
And then there's Valve's complete lack of giving a shit about anything, be it customer service, removing scam (perma-EA, for example) games, broken games, etc.
It's sad that Steam is the big fish, when GOG's staff will actually make sure themselves that their games work, as best as they're able to.
Well, big companies, hardly ever seem to be the ones that deserve to succeed..
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Often times, and I think Valve is a good example, it's the success that makes them big, which makes them undeserving. Once upon a time, Valve deserved it, and I still have hope that they'll get their act together at some point - maybe even start making games know, the whole reason they exist in the first place...Half-Life 3 perhaps? I don't doubt that if GOG ever built up their platform to truly compete with Steam, that we'd be saying the same things about them before long.
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Once upon a time, Valve deserved it,
Not actually, though.
I used Steam when it first launched, and it was an unoptimized, spyware filled mess.
It took TEN YEARS for them to make the store interface passable (to my usage demands); and while most bugs have been fixed, the client still has issues at times.
Sure, they've some nice features- the library layout, for one- but in terms of putting in any effort, or maintaining respectability?
Valve has never impressed :/
GOG has its issues, but they've been respectable from the start, and thus far in;
Valve had a bad history from the start.
It's kinda different :/
I only started seriously using Steam about 2 years ago, when they finally improved some basic interface and support things. Before then, it was way too much a mess for me to bother with.
Adding refunds helped a bit as well.
But it's still the same old glitchy, poorly overseen, money-grubbing mess it's always been :P
I'm enjoying my steam library, now, and again, there are several features I enjoy about Steam;
But Valve as a company never had my respect :/
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I didn't mean Valve deserved success because of their early Steam efforts, but because of their games. I wanted them to succeed with Steam, because I wanted them to succeed as a company so that they could make more great games. The fact that the games haven't really been coming is more disappointing to me than the quality of Steam, which is really more than I ever really wanted from the beginning. I'm not really into multiplayer games, I don't use or want to use the Steam overlay...all I really want is a platform to research, buy, install and maintain my games, which Steam usually did well enough, with the exception of some older games that they don't properly support like GOG does, and until Greenlight led to a flood of poor-quality games in general. At this point, Steam does well enough for most of my purposes, with my only real gripes being games that aren't on their platform and force me to use a different one, and older games that I have to seek patches or guides for just to get running.
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Hmm, yes interesting.
I purchased the Darksiders Franchise Pack on sale a li'l while back, so at least I have everything released so far.
And yes Darksiders 2 is a DLC-fest for sure.
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Isn't the Deathinitive Edition only going to Ps4/XB1?
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If it shows up on a Steam store page, I'd guess not ;)
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Don't care, already have it. Go it from the Nordic games bundle.
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Does it matter if they removed the first Darksiders II version from the Steam Store? Isn't the new one a better version or some version that includes more than the original Darksiders II? How was it with Sleeping Dogs?
Anyway, thanks for the info!
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I'm in favor of them re-releasing games with dlc built-in but I hate with my entire soul having to pay 60$ or whatever the full price is for that if I already own the original with all the content. Happened with Sleeping Dogs and I wasn't happy at all. Btw I wouldn't support them again since they decided to left the original 2 with many major bugs, like for example the very first world boss had an annoying bug that didn't let you defeat it. If they would have cared for the game when it was released instead of releasing a new "version"...
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money grubbing techniques in their full bloom - whats next disable it in my library :D or make me pay ransom for owning the "old" ver.? (j.k.)
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Well, I bought the whole Franchise pack on sale so I'm set. I just wish they'd start on Darksiders 3 or at least give any indication on whether there is a sequel to be developed or not.
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I just want Darksiders 3, the franchise was getting better and had potential :(
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Doubt they'll re-release this at $60 price point though. Every source I can find lists $29.99 for the Xbone /PS4 versions, wouldn't expect a PC version to go above that.
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Bump with news:
Short version:
Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition launches is tomorrow.
20% launch discount in the first week for everyone who doesn't own any Darksiders 2 yet.
80% launch discount in the first week for those who own Darksiders 2
"Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition will cost 29.99 and all Darksiders II owners which are not having the Franchise pack will get the 80 % discount on that price - so it will be around 6 bucks."
Free addition for anyone who purchased a Darksiders Franchise Pack at some point.
Stupid bit: Other purchase combinations that amount to same content as Franchise Pack, but aren't listed in purchase history as Franchise Pack only get the 80% deal, apparently this another silly side effect of Valve being unable to keep their data together to show who actually has what content already and who hasn't.
Still: 6 bucks isn't that much if you're interested in the re-release, plenty of other companies would be giving lesser deals, or no deal at all.
No word on wether the original version will disappear or not...
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Call me crazy, but I just bought the Darksiders Franchise Pack SubID 18777, for that. I already had 1 & 2, without any DLCs and I got it very cheap from G2A.
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Yup, you crazy ;)
All the DarkerSiders II DLC will be included in purchase of new Deathinitive Edition and since you already had DS II you would have gotten 80% off.
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• Tier 1: everybody owning the Darksiders franchise pack ( - this version will be offline with release of the Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition) either from Steam itself, or activated through a Steam key (boxed and/or digital), up until the release of Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition on November 5th 2015 will get the Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition for free (i.e. freebie, gratuit, gratuito, kostenlos, gratuito).
Well thats nice I guess I get it for free than ^.^
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I guess that's not me then. I own everything IN the pack, but Steam doesn't count me as owning the pack, probably cuz my original Darksiders key is retail.
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So let me get this straight. I bought the franchise pack off Amazon long ago and activated it all on steam. But it says I should still be missing one dlc. Does that mean I have to pay for the new version if I want the content or will I still get it free?
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Steam has added 'Darksiders II: Deathinitive Edition' to the store (hidden to the public for now) so maybe, like Sleeping Dogs, the original will get pulled. So grab it in time if you want.
This is just a hunch though - feel free to point out if it's not like that
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