Either run Steam Achievement manager and then start manually running 30 games (apparently that's the maximum steam can recognize nowdays) let them idle for about 1-2hours

Or, you can use Steam Idlemaster and set it to run all games up to 2h then run individually.

Once you've idle'd all your games for 1-2 hours, you set Idlemaster to run all games individually. Then click NEXT (the play button above the picture of which game is running) Every 2-3 second or so. You can use something like XUmouse To do the job for you.

Although XUmouse can be set at a minimum of 5sec/mouseclick which is kind of perfect. What's important is that your computer/steam should be able to handle the fast change of games being run, you can see this on your Friendslist where it shows what you are doing and what game you play.

Oh, and once you've run through all your games in Idlemaster, just exit the program and restart the process.

Now enjoy and amaze the flow of cards popping up in the activitywindow :)

Have fun!

8 years ago*

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Wait for it

8 years ago

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Used ASF for 20 days. Have them all and no problems at all. I don't mind waiting.

8 years ago

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Well, you don't mind waiting. But others might yeah? :) Kind of didn't say you have to do it, only it's a superfast way to do it. Farmed all cards for 5-600 games in a day with just some manual input doing it.

8 years ago

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You realize if you set ASF to the Complex farming method it farms every game possible that has drops at the same time for 2 hours for you and this method is only for accounts Steam treats as newb accts so...

1 program = better than using 3 programs

8 years ago

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No, I didn't realize that.

8 years ago

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Why does it say Complex farming and then estimated time 34days 9 hours then? Kind of makes no sense if it does what you're saying. I've farmed the same amount in 3 hours with my method above.

8 years ago

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Using ASF too for almost 3 months, it's really enjoyable. Tried IdleMaster first but didn't like it, and I don't trust SAM!
Edit : but obviously, thanks for recommendations ;)

8 years ago

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I'd say from a personal experience, SAM is quite safe. Have used it for years until I later found Idlemaster (just about 1 year ago) Then ASF today tbh. But I wanted it done quicker. The method above I did with SAM before, but the manual input each time you restart the process is painful. A combination of SAM and Idlemaster is as far as I can tell the quickest way, If it's the safest and most convenient is a whole different question.

8 years ago

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Up on my 50th page of cards for today and still counting on my 2nd account.

Even if slow farming is nice, ASF seem quite nice and an addition to idle many games at a time in a set amount of minutes then to run them one by one every 2nd second or so would speed up the process A LOT.

8 years ago

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the "right way" would actually be painfully slow.. but to download each and every game and literally play them for 3-4hours while the cards drop. :P
but by no means would i expect people to actually do that if they own more then 5-10games. lol xD

it should be noted to not run any VAC protected games while running either SAM or Idlemaster though.

8 years ago

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Might be noted yes, But has anyone really proven to have been VAC banned for using this? I've never encountered it. Since you're not really interfering with the game, you're only tricking the Steam client that the game is being run. Not really doing anything with the game afterwords.

You can run more then one game by adding parameters to the run field thingie within steam too. I think these applications working in quite the same way. Would be odd if you'd be banned for using something that's possible to run within Steam. I have never found anyone actually proving to have been banned using these programs.

Might be wrong though, Always better to be safe then sorry. But I've tried hard to find actual proof about these rumors and never found any.

8 years ago

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idk how anyone is able to possibly prove that to the community. its not something that is "provable". but it seems you are not aware of memory hooking. it's not just used inside malicious code, it can and is used inside of cheat catching software. they could very easily write a hook to catch people who are running SAM or Idlemaster and instantly ban them.

You can run more then one game by adding parameters to the run field thingie within steam too.

neither sam nor idlemaster are a game, nor do they contain every single steam game every made to be able to "trick" vac protected games into actually believing they are the "real deal"..

all it takes is a hook to read hex code string xyzabc on line 4985299 matches the same thing as SAM and...... guess what.... you're banned.

8 years ago*

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That is just what I am going to do. 700+ games and I am going to play every single one of them :)

8 years ago

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running 50-100 games

you can only Run a MAX of 30 games at once anymore and steam doesn't detect it at all

8 years ago

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Maybe, If that's changed I wouldn't know since I haven't used SAM the last 2 Years, but that's how I did it back then anyways. I'll change it to 30 then :)

8 years ago

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hello, welcome to 2014.

View attached image.
8 years ago

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Lol, Well I've been "afk" for 2 years so maybe I need to update a bit. Doesn't hurt to give people some advice how to farm quickly if they want too.

8 years ago

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oh, you would be surprised with people here. they are experts at idling games especially wins 😉

8 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

8 years ago

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From my experience, the clicking next only works once but personally, I prefer using ASF while I'm busy doing something else and mostly for games I know I'm not going to play for the period of time it would take to get all cards.

8 years ago

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The "click next" exploit works only sporadically and is caused by Steam failing to properly sync detected playtime, and has been reported to cause accounts to be flagged with the 2h pre-play restriction if they did not already have it.

Rather than sitting doing nothing while I or a script click buttons, I'd rather let ASF+ASFui manage the 8 accounts I farm at once, as well as my trade bots, while I actually play something and not rely on SAM, which has a bad enough reputation as it is, or Idlemaster, this JS will occasionally drop support for when the mood strikes him. But thanks for the laugh.

8 years ago

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I thought everyone had the 2h pre-play restriction? My account had it since the start !!! And can ASF farm while I play? It gets interrupted for me

8 years ago

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I usually get all 3 of the 5 cards farmed in like 1,5 hours if I start from 0h.

8 years ago

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Lucky you

8 years ago

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Accounts created before refunds became a thing do not have the restriction unless they have refunded, or have been flagged for the restriction under various circumstances. Some circumstances believed to trigger the flag are being known as an alternate account for one person, refunding (more or less confirmed to trigger restriction), drop time exploiting, being a limited account, authenticator attachment, account under <unknown time span> old, virtual value of account under <unknown value>, as well as phase of the moon and current mood of Dark Lord GabeN.

Out of the now 9 accounts (I just opened a new bot today to eat some of my key back stock) I manage, 2 do not have the restriction (mine and my mother's), 5 bot accounts registered by me do have the 2h warmup, and 2 I have not yet confirmed as they are friend accounts for whom I manage their bots on my PC, but likely are not restricted.

EDIT: And yes, the bot pauses during play, for a variety of reasons.

8 years ago

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I see, thanks. I guess my account has the 2h warmup because I started playing Civ V and getting cards while my account was still limited.

8 years ago

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The only proper way is ASF.

8 years ago

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+ ∞
8 years ago

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I feel your pain idling over 4000 games for cards.

8 years ago

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yup that's the way to do it
When I had to farm a lot I did it also that way

8 years ago

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I'd like archie to weigh in on this thread; if it is legit asf should support this kind of farming?

8 years ago

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this is an exploit that can work, but i would not redesign software around it. (so i doubt archi would either)

they could run checks and see people farmed way to fast and decide to take action against people who took advantage of the exploit. this would be extremely unlikely if it remains to a minimum, but if software were designed to abuse this exploit and it started having an impact on the market, they may take that as a theft of their income and decide it is necessary to take action.

8 years ago

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Last ten pages of ASF thread will tell you all you need to know (multiple times).

8 years ago

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Replying to my own question it's already discussed here between archie and the OP in this thread.

8 years ago

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I still don't understand why people buy a ton of games they never intend to play only to farm the cards...

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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Cards are rarely worth more than the game itself and keep in mind that the electricity used to idle the cards also costs money.

8 years ago

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I'm very well aware of that :P

8 years ago

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Thats been a thing since ... long long time ?

Problem is thats manual labour >.> And ppl are lasy nowadays :P

8 years ago

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