need to know

12 years ago*

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I don't quite understand the question, but I think the answer is no, it won't be locked.

12 years ago

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i got it after reading it 4 times answer is no i think

12 years ago

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It will be locked. Your only chance is if Steam will change product ID while adding lock. Example: XCOM - had no info about playing lock through preorder phase, and after release it was locked for a moment, but outcry unlocked preorder version and created new ID for russian Xcom.

12 years ago

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^ this.

The answer depends on whether a new Steam ID will be used for the locked game.
If it's the same ID, the game in the inventory will also be region locked.

12 years ago

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If it's locked I think it should be visible in the description in your inventory somehow...

And if you try to redeem it and it is a no-go, I'm guessing a trip to the support section is the thing to do, since what you bought wasn't locked.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by PacManDigital.