Hi All!

[Jigdis and TL;DR below]
So I've been a website developer for a few years now and I've really enjoyed this community so far (especially this forum).. I'm also teaching myself some game development using HTML5 and JS/Canvas libraries. So I thought to myself maybe there's some type of puzzle this community wants but doesn't exist on the www to fit it needs (like the pop up at the end of a jigidi)
So, is there a game or a puzzle you'd like to have an option to use for giveaways? I cannot promise I'll have time to make it soon, but it'll be a WIP over the next couple of weeks for me.

[TL;DR] Do you guys want some game developed for giveaway entry? Be happy to try and make them :)

Here's some bundled jigidis for your troubles (would've made more but limited number of giveaways for me)
Huntsman - The Orphenage
After the End: The Harvest


8 years ago

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Suggestions list:

  1. Cipher game
  2. Battleships
8 years ago*

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How about a decent cipher? Translate a quote or some other text to solve it and get the link.

8 years ago

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Well, how would that work / look? I mean, would you give the clues on the post and only enter the result in the game?
Or would you provide a table of a sort to be filled?

8 years ago

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The ones I've spent the most time with are the ones in the Fool's Errand. Here's an example. It uses letter swapping, which works reasonably well.

8 years ago

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Well I wouldn't want to completely copy the mechanics, but I do like them. However ciphers can get a bit more complicated (patterns of several letters instead of direct replacement ABC/Caesar cipher). I might need to make a list..

8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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8 years ago

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I cant think of any at the moment, but have a bump as maybe someone else will :)

8 years ago

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Why, thank you kind sir (or mam?) :)

8 years ago

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Mam :)

Also thank you for the puzzles and GAs. I just started solving the first one :)

8 years ago

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Have some more keys, waiting for those to end (I didn't know there was a limit to creating! :| )
Anyway I'll add them then (mostly to keep the thread going)

8 years ago

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More successful giveaways you make and a higher limit you get :) I can understand why this system is in place, but it can be quite annoying if you are trying to crate a bigger event :(

8 years ago

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Bump! Nothing really comes to mind :|

8 years ago

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