you problably will be gaining a VAC ban, like, on your account. Not on dota2 account....that is acctually the same... well...
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That is false.
Every game is only for itself, except those:
Cheating in one of the following Source games or a Source mod will result in a VAC ban for all games in the list. Your items from Team Fortress 2 will be removed except any items that have been purchased:
Counter-Strike: Source
Half-Life 2: Deathmatch
Day of Defeat: Source
Team Fortress 2
Cheating in one of the following Gold Source games will result in a VAC ban for all games in the list:
Condition Zero
Day of Defeat
Team Fortress Classic
Half-Life: Deathmatch
Deathmatch Classic
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But as you see only 4 source games are within a list. To name some that aren't: CS:GO, Garry's Mod, Left 4 Dead, Left 4 Dead 2.
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There would surely be a better way than trying to get a VAC ban. A VAC ban is a permanent stain on your profile, and a poor standing with VAC for any game is considered by some when assessing your trustworthiness. Maybe when trading people won't trust you, or a private TF2 server you'll get kicked for having VAC-ban in another game.
Heck, some people might blacklist you on Steamgifts for having a VAC ban .
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Running cheat engine while playing a VAC secured game still results in a ban. Even today I saw someone whining about this on Steam forums.
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I don't think valve does permanent bans. You can get knocked down to low prio for getting reported, and Valve has made it harder and harder to get out of low prio, but I've never heard of anyone getting perma-banned.
I guess finding some form of cheats would do the trick, but then you might get banned from all VAC servers.
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I get it, uninstalling isn't enough, so obviously you need to get yourself banned. However you didn't think this all the way through...
It's free to play, so even if you got yourself banned there'd be nohting stopping you from making another Steam account.
Taking a power saw to your computer might prevent you from starting up on your fresh Steam account, but then you'll be tempted to spend your food/rent budget to buy another one.
Maxing out your credit cards, defaulting on your loans and declaring bankruptcy to ruin your credit might keep you from buying another computer, but then you could just resort to stealing the one and only laptop from the orphanage next door to get your Dota fix.
So since uninstalling didn't work, in order to keep yourself from turning to a life of scurrilous skullduggery and grand theft computer, obviously an even more permanent fix is in order. I hear fingers are overrated...
That or just leave it at uninstalling, mayhaps? Willpower for the win!
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I suggest World of Warcraft.
Sorry I may have exaggerated.
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you just have to decide and never go back.i used to play a lot of LoL from season 1.i was literally talking all day about the game and wanted to get home to play again and again but i got sick of the people playing.i decided to quit and i haven't played the last 2 years my skins are rotting :'( .i also avoid any other moba,mmo and generally addictive multiplayer games.
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Hmmm ... maybe there is a seperate dota account password, seperate from your Steam account? If so, just set the password something random that you can't recover and also set your dota account email to 10minutemail .. then you won't be able to log in anymore, problem solved.
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Make a ticket to steam support about your addiction problem and ask them to permanently remove it from your account so you wont be able to access it.
If ur from US maybe u can charge them for causing this addiction and make some millions?
Write that the letter is from your parents and explain what the game caused to their dear child!
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AFAIK, you can't get banned in dota. If you use some automated script or maphack, you are put into a "hacker's pool" where you can only play with other hackers.
I had the same problem as you, so I only play it when I have a trusted 5 stack. You shouldn't abandon something you love, just play it moderately.
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Are you for real tho XD? Go to Korea, they have lock people who have video game addiction
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have kids. you won't have any time for doto even if you want to play.
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Sell your account ; all the keys,levels, meta data, skins friends (no exceptions allowed). We'll see if your still interested if you have to start from scratch.
Light version : give a trusted friend your account code (to modify) and no take backies.
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How can i be permanently banned from dota 2? I don't to play this game anymore, and usually uninstal, but after some weeks, i instal em play again. SO I need help to get out of this situation. Can anyone help me to be permanently banned from the game?
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