
It seems that it's limited to what IndieGala sells, and you enter via the points you gather on your account based on purchases; but yeah...


12 years ago*

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The site's bad.

12 years ago

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you're a little behind :]

12 years ago

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I probably am. I just found out via the official facebook thingie. The price you pay when you spend your time drinking :P

12 years ago

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There are more sites though, playblink, gameminer and that. But I dislike them, I mean it's more a shady pay2win system than the ways things are done here IMO.

12 years ago

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Yeah, but don't those involve you having to play some sort of minigames? I enjoy this website because it dosen't really interfere with my daily life. I just check up every so often. :)

12 years ago

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Playblink has 3 types of giveaways AFAIK. Two with minigames (one based only on score and the other on score+luck and the othe one random)

I think that gameminer is all random though.

12 years ago

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Doesn't prevent me from entering giveaways on all of them, actually won something on all 4 giveaway sites. However, I don't invest any time beyond my entries on them. SG is the only one where I actually take the time to visit the forums and be an active member.

12 years ago

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I check the other ones every now and then like once a month. But I guess that what I most enjoy of this one is it's community.

12 years ago

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Yeah, I like to sit on the forums here. I get alot of good deal information here :) Also, that forum system on that website is HORRID! It hurts my eyes.

12 years ago

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is gameminer good?

12 years ago

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No if I am the one to be asked.

12 years ago

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yes for me :)
bit over 40 wins there :)

12 years ago

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I made an account, looked through the giveaways, don't ever intend to go on that site again, just rubbish, utter rubbish.

12 years ago

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Juts like Steamgifts, it's the users that makes the giveaways so it's whatever people want to put on it. But since Steamgifts was here long before, people are probably gonna continue gifting through here and just put some crap over there to gain a few points to enter more crappy giveaways. (Except maybe those who don'T know about any other giveaway site)

12 years ago

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No, you get points based on how many games you won in your steam account and you can get more by doing giveaways. And its not limited, AT ALL to what Indie Gala sells, unless they sell everything there is on steam.

12 years ago

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the big problem is who the user decide how much cost his giveaway, for example, one user have Metro at 2000 points but other user have his Metro at 99999 points (like the contributor giveaways but very exagerated), you need to wait lots of time for start the giveaway, but you have best chance to win cuz there a few users only, and the desing sucks

12 years ago

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Yeah, I was trying to wrap my mind around that point system.

It also seems like it's rewarding people who have LARGE collections, especially hoarders/collectors. And there dosen't seem to be a cap, so if someone tosses up Fortix for 600000 GP, no one could say anything against it.

12 years ago

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They actually capped the points now, you can only put games up to a max of 100 000 points.

12 years ago

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the good thing is who the 90% isnt lie, i have 3 minutes in the page and i won Toki Tori, but with $400 in games, they only give 40.000 points and thats gave me 32 cheaps giveaways

12 years ago

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If someone tossed up Fortix for that much, no one could say anything against it. But also presumably no one would enter that giveaway, except for the people with way more points than they care to maintain.

I can understand the idea behind the points system. I just don't know if it will work. Think of it as similar to contributor giveaways here. If you make a giveaway with a low entry cost, more people will enter it. If you make a giveaway with a high entry cost, fewer people will enter it. If you really want Fortix, then you might be willing to dump a ton of points to enter an expensive Fortix giveaway. If you are only so-so about it, then you only enter very low cost giveaways for it.

It looks like the Gala implementation is off to a rough start, though. It was immediately flooded with exploiters, making giveaways for free games and milking the points generation. It had people who didn't seem to understand how the system works. And too many people who either didn't realize exploiters and jokers were posting free games, or who simply didn't care and just wanted to spend their abundant starter points. Its going to take time to stabilize, and it will probably take more attention than the Gala people apparently planned to give it, going by its starting issues.

And, in the end, it is still going to have to compete with SteamGifts.

12 years ago

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The fact that you get points from your giveaway based on the cost you put on it, people are automatically gonna increase it's value to get more points for themselves.

12 years ago

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yes but, if you uses thats point, you doesnt gonna recovery, and then you need make more giveaways and then everithing sucks, cuz here in SG the contributors is added game to game and the chance for entrance to a giveaway is permanent with the contributor status, in GG no, is a premanent giveaway for still as a "contributor"

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 4 years ago.

12 years ago

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I only got 500000...

12 years ago

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lol. Its like David v Goliath minus the slingshot. Pixar v Dreamworks. Battlefield v cod. Their is no competition.

12 years ago

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nothing worthy to enter except for 2 civ 5 giveaways, wasted everything on one of them and dawn on war, can you believe someone gaveaway darksiders for 200.000 points?

12 years ago

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don't forget :)

12 years ago

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This may as well be, 6 hours after it was up it was 3 games and 500 copies of dota2.

12 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

12 years ago

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I've won twice on there, and I've yet to receive either of my prizes.

12 years ago

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User defined point's system. It's horrible. Unless they come up with some guidelines the site won't last. New users have to fight to earn points.

12 years ago

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It's shit!:) PlayBlink and GameMiner are much better than GalaGiveaways but SG is still the best.

12 years ago

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Closed 12 years ago by fatbackwards.