There's only one content DLC for the first game (the rest are multiplayer cosmetics for the dead multiplayer mode), and it's rubbish as far as actual content. It's about a minute of time if you blitz through (and not much longer if you don't) and just gets you a bit of extra early money (there's no enemies, and I don't recall any puzzles either). I think you can come back much later for a bit of additional money, as well, if you really wanted to. The amounts never seemed to matter enough to act as a proper cheat boost, and the small cave it unlocks just wasn't all that interesting or well-built, compared to the game's other setpieces (even before considering the "dungeon's" lack of depth and duration), and is therefore disqualified as being worth getting for content purposes.
Shadow of the Tomb Raider - DE Upgrade has a fair bit of content, but each piece of content is quite short. The other DLCs don't add anything of note. If you want the DE Upgrade, this'd be the purchase option to go with though, yes; As far as I can see the Shadow of the Tomb Raider bundle should always be more expensive, and there's no way to get any of the Shadow of the Tomb Raider components seperately anymore, at least through Steam (as is typical of Tomb Raider games once they reach Definitive/Game of the Year stage- though inexplicably, just after they reach that point is usually when Square Enix puts the base games into bundles on their own. :P)
As to whether you need the DLC or not- no, none of the three Tomb Raider games have must-have DLCs, though Rise's Baba Yaga and Croft Manor ones are at least considered notable for their uniqueness. I haven't yet heard any similar highlighting of any of the Shadow DLCs, which makes sense as they're done as "challenge dungeons" rather than as narrative setpieces like Rise's dungeons were. (Meanwhile, the DLC for the first game was originally a preorder bonus, hence why it's basically nothing at all.)
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(TL;DR readers can jump to the final paragraph.)
The 2012 prerelease "Survivor" trailer was the most common introduction to the game for most people prior to its launch (it was, at the very least, the only one I and my friends ever saw, and the only one I ever saw being discussed online). The marketing was also a bit confusing for that trailer, leading many gaming articles at the time to refer to the game as Tomb Raider Survivor, further leading to confusion as to the game's official name.
Post-launch, Square Enix caused a similar confusion with the new "A Survivor is Born" slogan, which was often presented as if it was the game's official subtitle and at times even used by Square Enix to reference the game, again causing many articles to be written using that as an official designation.
In theory, neither "Survivor" variation was ever officially part of the game's titling, but in practice, their adoption as such was a creation of official decisions, making them reasonably semi-official (and as such, the various tomb raider wikis have long used the "A Survivor is Born" slogan as an accepted alternative labeling for the first game, given how familiar the association of that phrase as part of the titling was for many early adopters of the series).
Rather, even without giving attribution to the effects of the confused official marketing, it'd be more the creation of early reviewers rather than of fans (conversely, the now common reference of Tomb Raider 2013 should be entirely a fan creation, given that it seems to be a natural derivative of the early, most commonly used fan reference terminology for the game of "Tomb Raider 2013 remake", the intuitively straightforward search formatting that should be familiar to those who've googled any remake game over the years [barring the rare clearly relabeled ones, like FFXII Zodiac Age, which don't force us to put extra effort in to properly find] ).
As of 2021 the timeline of the games was officially acknowledged by Crystal Dynamics as the "Survivor timeline", however, so regardless of whether one considers it a nickname or a semi-official name to start with, it's become an official one now. Well, given the heavy "Survivor" marketing and concept pushing that Square Enix did early on, however, it'd honestly have been weird for the trilogy to have ever ended up being labeled as anything else. "The psychological trauma and harsh survival conditions that turned an innocent young girl into a danger-obsessed wanderlust-filled murder explorer (trilogy)" just doesn't roll off the tongue, after all. 🙄
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That was actually a pretty instructive read, I was only vaguely aware as to where the name "Survivor" had come from. I legit thought it was only used in that early trailer and mostly an unofficial name used by fans to differentiate TR 2013 from TR1, kinda like how Legend, Anniversary, and Underworld are sometimes called the "LAU" trilogy.
As an aside, when I got into Tomb Raider I was a bit confused by the fact that the series got rebooted twice and the three different Laras are quite noticeably different in how they're portrayed as a character. It'd be fun to get a Sonic Generations-esque game where all three incarnations of Lara crossover even if just for the sake of the joke.
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Once again, seems to be region limited: purchase can't be finalised from a MENA region :/
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Can you give us a screenshot of the whole bundle store page and the cart? I'm pretty sure it's related to the stuff you own / don't own but it'll probably be easier to point out when seeing the actual thing. Make sure to edit out any personal information.
The 94% off is an average discount over the whole bundle. Depending on what products you own / don't own and if those have a base discount already or not, the actual discount for your purchase can vary.
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Here are my screenshots.
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Huh. I am assuming, the two items for Shadow of the Tomb Raider Deluxe and Croft Edition Extras are the only two showing as not owned in the bundle? The first screenshot doesn't include the whole bundle.
What's weird is: below it says "Individual price of the 3 items you don't already have". I can only guess that it is related to that ominous third item then. I'd say: try to contact Steam support about that.
You are also not alone with that problem apparently:
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Same bug is also when I try to buy the other TR bundle.
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The base price is also different, 4.98 vs 12.50. There seems to be some hidden bogus content that you don't see in the bundle page but it's included nonetheless. Have you looked at the bundle's Steam DB page? If you're logged in SteamDB it shows in green the items you have.
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Darkest Dungeon® - 90%
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I own the 2nd and 3rd with all DLC but only the base game for the first one. So it shows I can buy this bundle and the one "Tomb Raider DLC" package (which seems to include all the DLC for the first game) for $0.00 ... sadly there is an error at checkout though and won't allow me to purchase.
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Thank you, it works this way! Added and bought Kenshi (historical low) and as a bonus got free Tomb Raider DLC pack (It seems, not all dlc there is, but the majority)
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I guess I could finally get an answer to an ages old question of mine.
Does buying DLCs remove restrictions on the base game? There are at least two games (Tomb Raider 2013 and Little Nightmares) I got during -100% sales, hence have restrictions, no trading cards, and can't be shared through Family Sharing.
Does buying DLCs for them remove the restrictions? Or do I really need to buy them?
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What free game, though? Was it a -100% game? Or a free-to-play one? Because those are quite different.
Making a roughly $9 purchase (DLC or MTX) drops 1 card for free-to-play games. I didn't find anything in FAQ/Forums about -100% games.
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For most free games that drop cards (not F2P), if you activate any license (like a DLC or any activation key), drops become enabled. Since its Steam...there is always the caveat that things can act weird depending how the publisher links their DLC. For example, with many publishers allowing soundtracks now to be purchased separately, I'm not sure those will count unless they "require" the base game.
Generally speaking, it means you need an activation key (which is assumed to be paid) or buy it from Steam. There have been other exceptions. I seem to recall a few games that are "free" but with paid chapters that will drop cards just by activating a "free" DLC.
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World of Warships had that, it's free-to-play but claiming a -100% paid DLC (emphasis on -100% paid, not always free, even if it's only available for a limited time), would sometimes drop a card (I guess the "sometimes" is whether it was over 9 bucks or not).
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Free-On-Demand (AKA Free-to-Play), Free, and Standard are actually format selections the developers have to set per license. Barring a few weird bugged listing exceptions, games set to the first option exclusively drop cards after a certain amount spent, the second drops cards after purchasing a paid DLC, and the last one drops cards without further requirements.
Meanwhile, limited time free appears to be a flag you can set on a specific license (ie, not a fourth category type), and it's been shown that the cards disabled element is a seperate option entirely, as many games have gone free and still had cards drop for a period before publishers corrected the setting. As such, since "cards disabled" is its own setting, and card dropping is normally tied to the license type to begin with and therefore shouldn't ever be overwritten by a different license type (ie, if we assume free listings are standard type, they shouldn't ever be unlocked by DLC like a free type would be), in theory there shouldn't be any way to get cards to drop for a limited time free game without reacquiring a full version of it.
Well, it's also true that Steam is held together by duct tape, poor decisions, and bugs, so who really knows what's possible. :P
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Thank you, that is the answer I was looking for... Unfortunately. :/ I guess the only way to know would be to contact support... Or to try it. Neither of which I'll be doing in the near future. Time will tell...
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I think for paid games, buying DLCs don't give you extra cards, so it won't remove the restrictions.
For F2P games, they are different, about 10$ for each card drop (DLC or in game purchase).
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