Since I'm on a roll here, I thought I'd add in Dr Who to the mix.

7 years ago

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Who was your favorite doctor?

View Results
William Hartnell the first doctor
Patrick Troughton the Second Doctor
Jon Pertwee the Third Doctor
Tom Baker the Fourth Doctor
Peter Davison the Fifth Doctor
Colin Baker the Sixth Doctor
Sylvester McCoy the Seventh Doctor
Paul McGann the Eighth Doctor
Christopher Eccleston the Ninth Doctor
David Tennant the Tenth Doctor
Matt Smith the Eleventh Doctor
Peter Capaldi the Twelfth Doctor
Rowan Atkinson the one shot movie Doctor.

Peter Capaldi, a excellent doctor with mostly poor scenarios unfortunately :-(

7 years ago

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Agreed. At first I never like the "new doctors", but over the time it certainly seems like the most remarkable so far, specially since he was older, yet behaved constantly like he was younger, and on many other aspects presented lots of paradoxes about his personality and will, it was very deep for me compared to the previous doctors. It was the first time I was seeing the doctor get mature somehow, yet he was constantly depending on Bill to overcome his struggle and even things out. I'll really miss him.

Funny story is I took a lot of time to get used to Matt Smith, and his weird faces and stupid butterfly tie drove me away from the series for a lot of time making it seem like a retarded show. I'm glad I got past it, it was totally worth it, lots of really really good EPs.

I never really liked David Tennant, although certainly some EPs from that era were really really amazing and remarkable, but the actor itself never really stood me... until I saw him in Jessica Jones, there he really earned my respect and kicked ass.

Christopher Eccleston season is almost totally forgetable, imo. Too predictable, I can't stand remembering the scenes where he and his companion by then held their hands together and walked away from the camera, so cliche, poorly adventurous... or even worse, his face of joy and contemplation with close ups when she was doing and saying something and he just stood there watching her reaction. I wonder why I kept watching it... probably only because I didn't have anything better to watch at the time!

Mind you I never watched the originals, so I can only analyse the "reboot" actors.

7 years ago*

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I know Eccleston feels kind of flat when compared to a lot of the newer stuff. I think part of it is that his episodes laid down the formula, but later seasons sometimes did that same formula better. But he did do well enough at the revival that they kept going with the show. :P
Recently in an interview he said he left and doesn't come back because he wanted to develop the character one way, and the show runners wanted something different, and he wasn't enjoying the work.

I'm doing the originals in bits and pieces here and there, and I like them. But everyone else in my family who all started with the 2009+ doctor, don't like them very much.

I do like that Tennant and Smith have had great roles in other things since being the Doctor.

7 years ago

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Sad but true :/

7 years ago

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Constant bitching at my house about the glasses and the guitar.
I found him fine though.

7 years ago

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I take the Doctor was "always" (considering the last three at least) a caricature in some sense: David Tenant with his wide-opened eyes, raised eyebrows and face expressions, and lots of verbal expressions (like allons-y), Matt Smith with his bow tie (that he often touched for no reason), and his really weird faces, and lots of arm-stretching and twitching, and Peter Capaldi with his weird guitar/sunglasses behavior. I thought it made sense as an attempt to feel younger than he looked, like a teenager or something. Even doing that he often sounded more depressive than others, so I really took as he was overcompensating it.

7 years ago

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Maybe that was the point?
From Tennant to Capaldi, the Doctor ends up doubling in age from 900 to 2000, so maybe he is really feeling it, and those are in-character attempts to recapture some sort of youthful spirit.

7 years ago

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Oh yeah, this timespan is mainly due to that episode of punching that diamond wall or something daily for a really long time, right? Just remembered it, it was amazing, a really beatiful example of eternal recurrence.

7 years ago

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Not at all, the "diamond" thing is longer than those around 1100 years. 4.5 billion years, but since he died/got cloned every week or so, he didn't age.
It's mostly the years on Trenzalore, i.e. the last episode of Matt Smith.

7 years ago*

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Crap, I remembered just it was a long time, but didn't really remember how absurd the number was. Still, he may not have aged his body (that is, if Timelords do really age and die of age), but he surely would have been afected psychologically by the experience. That is, I don't remember if he recalled the previous days, or just used some way to store information between them. I guess I'll have to rewatch it!

7 years ago

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That was one of the best episodes :3
Here is the end of this episode and here the revelation of how many years.
Yes, Time Lords do really age and die of age, that's actually what killed Matt Smith after a 900-years siege on Trenzalore. From a young body to a confused old man weak as a kitten.
And no, in the episode with the wall, he didn't age (well, around a week), and didn't remember his countless deaths. He took around a week to figure out how to lure the monster, to understand his pattern, to find the "diamond" wall and give a few punchs on it...then the monster attacked the Doctor. And in his agony, he understood what to do : get back to the room he appeared the first day, to launch the machine and create a new copy of himself, using his dying body as energy. And a new Doctor, unaware of the events, appeared. Then repeat this schema hundred millions of times.
Of course the last Doctor, the one who finally destroyed the wall for good, knows that it took 4.5 billion years to do that (by looking at the stars), and that the countless skulls in the sea were his own. Therefore he's very, very pissed-off against Rassilon and the High Council ;)

7 years ago*

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Rowan Atkinson, naturally. I'll explain later why.

7 years ago

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From Classic - Patrick Troughton, real fun personality!
It's harder to choose in the reboot, they are all good, but i think Matt Smith, mostly because of better stories.

7 years ago

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You're missing John Hurt, the War Doctor, aka. "The War Doctor", aka the one who refused to be called Doctor / "Doctor no more".
And time will tell where Jodie Whittaker will end up, gotta see a number of her episodes first obviously.

Still a hard choice, although I'm tempted to go with Tom Baker because he's the first incarnation I actually saw. (And Colin Baker, well, his take on the character was interesting but the stories he was put in were pretty crappy for the most part.)

7 years ago

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Happy 🎂day!

7 years ago

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Also missing Peter Cushing and Paul McGann

7 years ago

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+1 with The War Doctor. I don't think he'll be popular enough to be many people's favorites, but he deserves to be on the list. John Hurt did a great job.

7 years ago

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I just a couple weeks ago discovered/watched the War Doctor short with Paul McGann.

7 years ago

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David Tennant was awesome as the Doctor!

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7 years ago

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I've only seen the revival series but I'll have to go with the predictable choice of David Tennant

I thought for sure this thread was going to ask about the favorite companion. That would add much more mixed results :P

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7 years ago

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As if anyone can beat Oswin! The way she appeared on the show before, and how it made sense later, was a masterpiece, imo. Among She was also very cute, and never sounded whiny like the rest.

Bill had lots of personality and was made more relevant to the doctor's balance and consciousness, but she was pretty boring. And her Feminazi aspect made her even less tolerable... haha.

7 years ago*

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Bill got weirdly smarter and prettier more attractive(?) as the season went on.

Something about how they dressed her and makeup and hair or whatever. In the first episode, I was like "she's kind of homely compared to the rest", but by the end she totally wasn't. I don't know that I can pinpoint anything specific though.

7 years ago

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Oh, by aspect I didn't mean just aesthetically, but the way she was presented. I guess I didn't make myself clear, sorry. Like the show had to constantly remind us that she was a lesbian, and that women are empowered nowadays, and so on. It was to recurrent and forced, and scratched over the character's discourse and posture.

She indeed got smarter overtime, perhaps way too much by the end, compared to previous companions.

7 years ago*

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I was saying that change in appearance(presentation?) was what I kept noticing about her.

I know what you mean. She had the most blatant love life of any companion. First of the new series companions who wasn't at least a little in love/lust/something with the Doctor. But maybe that's gonna change? :o

7 years ago

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Oh well, unless the new companion is a man, or even a lesbian again (haha), it probably won't happen. But indeed, there's some logic in that, perhaps that's why she got smarter, she was paying more atention to what surrounded the doctor, and trully cared about him in non-romantic way, so perhaps it made things clearer for her to develop and get smarter. Sometimes it even felt like she was just babysitting him.

7 years ago

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I was vaguely annoyed that nothing ever followed up on the picture of her mother.

7 years ago

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Tennant & Oswin would be interesting. Though Oswin would probably kill him at some point. :D

7 years ago

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Now do one for Gundam ;D

7 years ago

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Too many and most weren't worth watching.

7 years ago

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Most of my favourite episodes are from Tennant's era, so I'll go with him even though he doesn't want to.

Also lol @ all the Atkinson votes :D

7 years ago

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You gonna spam all tv shows now?

7 years ago

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No. I just wanted to be fair between the big three. Star Wars, Star Trek and Dr Who.

7 years ago

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bbbut hat about Stargate ? :( Star Wars? :P

new ones too BTW - The Expanse ,
Dark Matter (made by Stargate's creators)
and Killjoys :)

The Orville - is parody/funny lol

atm im watching star trek discovery,it epic

7 years ago

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Tom Baker was who I started with and didn't watch after he departed till Eckelson. I only watched a few episodes with Echelson and didn't really care for him as The Doctor. I gave it another chance with David Tennant and thought he did an awesome job and watched his run. So Tom Baker brought me to Dr. Who and David Tennant brought me back.

7 years ago

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Tennant, all the way!

7 years ago

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Tennant for me. Had the chirpy doctor role down but could also see a much darker side as well. Didn't see the earlier series with the other 6-7 doctors so couldn't comment on them.

7 years ago

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Not even a contest

7 years ago

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What about best companion?

7 years ago

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Honestly, I not a Dr Who fan, but my RL friend has been for as long as I have known him. So I don;t know them,/

But feel free to make your own poll on that.

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Come along, Ponds.

7 years ago

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No love for Peter Cushing, He did 2 movies as the doctor in the 60s......

7 years ago

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I didn't know about him and he wasn't listed where I looked, sorry.

7 years ago

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Don't feel too bad. Those films are pretty obscure. I watched them on VHS about 20 years ago. Geez I'm getting old.......

7 years ago

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My intro into the series is sorta timey-wimey ... started with 4th at a friend's recommendation ... watched straight through to 8th, then went back to 3rd, back to 2nd and last was 1st. (The BBC idiot policy that destroyed so many episodes kept me away from the 1st/2nd for a while because the reconstructions at the time were soooo bad - wish they'd finish animating the rest of them!). By the time I finished watching all those, they announced the revival series with the 9th and watched those as they aired.

It's hard to name one BEST, I like each of them for what they independently brought into the character. (I do tend to favor #2, #7 and #11.) And I know it'll take time to adjust again but I'm definitely looking forward to what #13 can do!

7 years ago

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Tom Baker for sure! :3

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7 years ago

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You got that right!!

7 years ago

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7 years ago

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Math Smith, best EPs, love him with River Song

7 years ago

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tennant and eccleston were pretty awesome.

missing jodie whittaker.

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7 years ago

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They all come to do a magnificent point as they grow more into the name of "The Doctor". It's a long process for viewers with each doctor to start taking a liking, with Eccleston and Tennant it only took a few episodes, with Smith and Capaldi they only both hit me a season on.

Matt Smith does however take the crown for me (no pun intended), his speeches are absolutely fantastic, especially during the Akhaten episode. The whole Amy/Rory era was absolutely fantastic and it was great to be gripped to what turned into an incredible 4 person team. His regeneration into Capaldi was pure genius also, and then obviously following that we were on to a full season of understanding. However, I enjoyed the fact that it was not only Clara who had to learn to understand and accept the change that Capaldi's Doctor was undergoing, but the viewers themselves.

Hopeful for Jodie Whittaker, with the new logo and set photos it looks promising. I see her as a female version of Tennant which is enough to make pretty much any Whovian happy.

7 years ago

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Came here to say Peter Cushing, but see that others have mentioned him. Richard E. Grant also did a turn during an animated web series that's worth checking out. There are others:

7 years ago*

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Tennant ftw!

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7 years ago

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Don't blink. Blink and you're dead. They are fast. Faster than you can believe. Don't turn your back. Don't look away. And don't blink. Good Luck.
Sir david all day long

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7 years ago*

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David Tennant

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7 years ago

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I'm not sure of my favorite Doctor but I am sure of my favorite Companion.

I just watched it on fast forward again.

Doctors come and go but what would Dr. Who be Dr. Who without The Intro, music and sound effects?

7 years ago*

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