Seriously, if I could be given the opportunity to dump my unwanted rare TF2 gear for an amount of points the site deems fair, I'd take it. And I'd love to bid on hats. Offer up a key raffle for a couple points.

1 decade ago*

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How many points do you spend per day? O_o

1 decade ago

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Hey, I just got here.

1 decade ago

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Give it some time and you'll quickly find that it's almost impossible to get down to low 200's in points.

1 decade ago

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I'm at 10 points right now, should I be worried?

1 decade ago

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No, you just have a compulsive desire to enter every giveaway you see.

1 decade ago

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It largely depends on whether or not the current giveaways represent any games you're interested in acquiring. For example, someone like me who is entering Half Life 2 giveaways - cheap game, frequently offered in giveaways - and repeatedly losing is going to be constantly point starved compared to someone who already owns Half Life 2 and is only looking for expensive or specific, rarely occurring giveaways to enter.

1 decade ago

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Collecting the entries will be a huge pain in the ass.

1 decade ago

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But it would be well worth it once a sweet plasma effect hat dropped onto the site.

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Interesting idea!

1 decade ago

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It's a good idea, but how would the site decide the point for said hat that gets put up?

1 decade ago

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1 decade ago

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Interesting idea. It'll be interesting to see how this site adapts as Steam changes. With Steam offering interesting new services like trading, there are bound to be sites cropping up to coordinate and manage that type of thing; a previously established, well run place like this could potentially do that job well. On the other hand, these guys may not want to dilute their brand or stray from their core intent.

1 decade ago

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very good question

1 decade ago

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Closed 1 decade ago by DoctorRape.