A setting where you can limit giveaways to people who play a certain amount of another game. For instance:

  • The base game for DLC: so DLC goes to people who played the game a certian amount to make sure it goes to someone who would use it.
  • A game from a series: so The game goes to someone who has played the previous game in the series to make sure people who get the game have
  • Just a different game: (Example: Magic 2018 based on play time of Magic Duels or Skyrim based on time played Starwars Battlefront II)

Also would anyone be interested in giveaways base on achievements. If someone has completed a certain achievement in another game (example: Dead by Daylight based on if someone has the Friday the 13th achievement One For Good Measure)

6 years ago

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Would you like the ability to make a giveaway for dlc to people based on how much they have played the base game?

View Results
DLC Yes having DLC a giveaway only given to people who played a lot of the base game to make sure the DLC will be given to someone who would be willing to use it
Series Yes Giveaways should be able to be given to someone who has played a lot of the previous game in the series.
Both Yes Giveaways to series and DLC should be able to be directed at people who play the series or actually play the base game.
No It would not be a good Idea to constrict giveaways to people based on what they already have or do.
Achievement based? If someone has a certian achievement then allow them to enter said giveaway. A good way for game companies to push for player engagement by giving away Exclusive DLC to players who have certain achievements.

This comment was deleted 3 years ago.

6 years ago

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There are already ways to do this via groups like PA, Backlog Assassins etc so no need for this.

6 years ago

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^^ This.

6 years ago

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I'm not sure you thought those ideas through, seeing as would win a lot less than now. looks at the playing time / stats of your wins

6 years ago

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View attached image.
6 years ago

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Naaaah, I'm gonna have to say no to that, dawg.
First time I've seen someone wanting to basically only win a fraction of what they did before.
If you want to do those giveaways then use groups for that.
Also, I guess you got suspended now too.

6 years ago

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I hope the suspension was for something other than this suggestion?

6 years ago

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I mean, no clue, I'm not support. As far as I'm aware, you can't be suspended for suggestion threads.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Had a look at the last game he won and since that was owned, I didn't look into it further :D

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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This comment was deleted 6 years ago.

6 years ago

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Because of this thread? o_O

6 years ago

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No, because of not placing his/her won games on his/her own Steama account probably.

6 years ago

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Seems pretry unnecessary, you can just make forum (invite only) giveaways like that.

6 years ago

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