The Trade pool is full of piranhas. If you want to avoid that, find a private pool of traders. (I trade with the people in GroupBuys.) Once you have a pool of traders you know personally, trading is easy and much, much safer..
Oh, and just avoid Reddit, altogether.
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Oh, and just avoid Reddit, altogether.
Oddly enough that is where I first started trading :P. Never had a bad experience there though I was mostly buying at the time :P.
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I wasn't just referring to trading. Still, to each his own.
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Due to the Amazon price glitch, yes. It was >5$ US if I remember right. (Got mine via trade so I can't remember the exact price).
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Well it happened twice I believe and they were closed pretty quickly. Didn't help that one of them happened in the middle of the night for Amazon UK :P.
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Just read through your thread and you seem to be experiencing what all new traders go through. I'll try to give a few quick pointer that will hopefully help you :D.
1) Know the true value of what you are selling.
This can be easily done by looking at other trade threads and seeing what the going price is. If your game was affected by a price glitch or offered as a Nvidia voucher, expect the going rate to be a tad lower than usual (which is the case for JC3). The sale price for most games is typically: historic low (RoW) + 5-10%. Stardew is going for about 5.5 - 6 keys where each key is ~2$ US. While this may be a great deal for someone in EU or US (since there has not been a discount on the game), this is a tad over the Steam store price of New Zealand/Norway which is where the game is most likely coming from. The Culling seems to be going for a similar price for the same reason.
Just Cause 3 seems to be around 10 - 13 keys which is fair price in my opinion due to the game's history. So asking The Culling + Stardew for Just Cause 3 would be a 'fair' deal (not the best and I would probably ask for a bit more from you to even it out imo), however ....
2) Rep matters .... A LOT
Not sure what your rep, but considering the following statement:
(i only have 6 now, see i rarely use reddit)
I doubt it is very high. You probably have white flair on reddit which I'm pretty sure limits you to steam gifts and cs:go/tf2 keys only (basically any trade that can be carried out via trade window), so you were most likely breaking the rules of that sub by trading there :P. The reason why I bring this up is because peeps are not able to distinguish you (random bloke who happens to have a JC3 that he doesn't want) from every other scammer out there. You could be a saint irl, but there is no way for someone on the other side of the world to figure that out behind a monitor (well there is, but that would require breaking a few laws :P). Thus, traders rely on rep to distinguish the good and the bad and trust is the most valuable commodity for traders. There is a reason why peeps get extremely upset when someone leaves them a negative rep due to imposters :P.
Before anyone is willing to trade with you for such a high value game, you must be willing to show to the trading community that you can be trusted. You can build up rep by two main methods: trading bundle games (this is for rep on SG only since Reddit doesn't allow this kind of trading to occur on their main sub) or buying games from traders (which the easiest route to take both here and reddit imo). You could buy games from Steam as gifts and hold them in your inventory for 30 days for them to be trade-able and build your rep that way on reddit, but that is a hassle imo. This may seem more trouble than it is worth but this system is in place for a reason.
You recent troubles with trading is mostly due your low rep more than anything else. Most will not trust you, those who do will either scam you or expect you to go first (which is something you will have to do till you build up enough rep). The only ones who would trade with you would be those who do not own the game already since there is a lack of trust and they will have to activate the game immediately to see if it was valid or not. If it was a steam gift, you might have less issues since a trader would be more willing to buy it from you for future resell (so you would be offered less), but this is not possible for steam keys from low rep users.
In short, you had lil' chance of trading/selling your game since most traders would either have it or would not trust a new random to not scam them. I still urge you to keep on trying in the future since it is a great way to builds one's library when on a budget but try to keep your expectations on a more realistic level.
Hope this helps and sorry for the wall of text :P.
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yea i reckon I didn't look enough at other threads offering jc3 as well. but tbh once one guy sells it cheap, everyone just builds a preconception that it's the new market price and they deserve to be offered the same deal. looking back at some closed threads,i see it sold for as low as $13(about a month ago) and another at $18.
oh well, forget about that. i pray for the 50 or so threads still trying to trade/sell their copy.
well i read the flair guide and bothered getting the gray flair but yea rep seems pretty important but it's tough on newcomers.
currently im trying to sell copies of The Culling haha.
thanks for all your advice.
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The difficulty in building rep is instead to prevent scammer from taking advantage of peeps. It sucks when you first start out but it is easy enough to build up with some work :).
The low prices you are seeing for JC3 was for when the price glitch just happened and thus the price tanked for a bit. It has gone back up a bit and it is pretty juch as high it is going to be for the next lil while.
Good luck trading and glad to be of help :D
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so.....I'm just here to rant about random things. Just skip to the bottom for Giveaways
How I came to acquire Just Cause 3
One day I went to pick up some products to better cool my PC. Namely thermal compound and 2 case fans. It just so happened that the i7 Intel promotion ended that day so the guy who handed my order, gave me one of those vouchers for free and thus i acquired JC3. That's about when I came back to steamgifts and gave away the CS:GO that came with it.
much w0w keep goin
I spent countless weeks contemplating what to do since i discovered due to an Amazon price glitch it became bundled. Ok not really countless ,I just kind of left it alone. Since I'm not too into singleplayer FPS campaign games, i decided not to redeem it myself (plus i feel like i have too many games hoarded up at the moment that I've been meaning to play). Anyway since it's a bundled game, I would only get $9 real CV, so I decided to try and trade it.
what a baboon, why would you try to trade
So i made a trade thread, initially trying to sell for $30 or trade for games i wanted. After about 10 or so bumps and 0 comments, I bothered promoting my trade thread through about 11 giveaways (i even mentioned there was a giveaway link(lego batman3 ended only 13 entries) in the trade thread but to no avail, acquired no replies. Looking around I also tried browsing other people's trades who wanted JC3. At this point I was offering it for $23 or 11 tf2 keys and everywhere i commented i got declined. i ventured on to new avenues to offer my JC3 key i.e. reddit
reddit trading ribbit
Now I rarely use reddit but seeing as it seems pretty popular, i made some posts. I came across SteamGameSwap and tried my luck there. Turns out my supposedly cheap $23 just couldnt beat the redditors with an existing monopoly and offering low prices. I saw some guy's post gradually decrease his price over a few days to $23 and thought I had a glimpse of hope. Turning right around there corner I come across someone selling it for $20. -flips table-
etc rant about reddit
recently someone posted some free steam keys on a reddit post and i just so happened to see it. this guy didnt bother doing any fancy editing to prevent simple copy and pastes. I managed to snipe 3 out of 10 keys and so i left a thanks to the guy and regrettably mentioned i took 3. now that post has acquired -18points. well at least my comment karma only got deducted by 1 (i only have 6 now, see i rarely use reddit). anyways as with all key drop posts, there are bound to be people who just speculate bots took them all. Honestly i feel like this is like believing in aliens, they probably exist but you can't confirm it. all i did was copy and paste, alt tabbed to steam and redeem key. I had people calling me greedy etc and then people blaming bots. I'm just thinking to myself, you guys come in hours late and get mad, and ultimately wouldn't you prefer someone real got the keys(and i was the only one who bothered thanking the OP). well not gonna bother with reddit anymore. PS: i got 1 foil from the 3 games lol
How to describe the trade community
A place filled with lowballers and people looking to offer bundled/free games for triple a titles. You leave an offer on someone's trade and expect a reply when they're online? Dont be daft. You wait a day or two and see they were online within that time frame and still expect a reply? Go delete your comment man. Think your prices are fair? There's always someone cheaper.
wow you seem mad, take a chill pill
Ok. i go buy 2 copies of Lego Marvel Super Heroes, 1 for me to hoard(and hopefully find some time to play) and 1 for you. ok i give up on trying to sell/trade Just Cause 3(i just wanted StarDew Valley and The Culling, is that too much to ask. Fine, i'll go buy them)
Square Enix Easter Surprise Box
I like it. I haven't tried Final Fantasy before and look forward to play it. Though already you can see people trying to trade up the games for something like The Division and you can see people offering cheap games like there's no tomorrow. Wish my trade thread had replies like that.
hard to search in trade
I dunno but I'd really appreciate if the trade threads could also be sorted by thread start date and if there features when making a thread that explicitly allowed you to state what you have and what you want (checkboxes perhaps) e.g. TF2 key, bundled games, Paypal etc because honestly when you try to search for stuff, e.g. you want something, trades with people wanting the same thing appear as they may clarifying what haves they want to trade for it. It'd also be nice if you could exclude results with specific words. absolute cancer when searching for The Culling and every result seems to only be for The Culling of the Cows. Moooo. #terrible@explaining
If you're blacklisted either you've won one of my giveaways before and didn't leave a thanks, denied my trade offer or i just plainly don't like you for reasons.
Sorry if you read through the whole thing. I'm bored and procrastinating. I'm probably all over the place since I typed up half of this at 3am, then slept and only got about 3.5hrs of sleep cause i had uni,came back and finished it off #proofreadingfornoobs
Onwards to level 5, yay I'll have access to better giveaways.
Lvl 3+
Fml it's a bundled game but i got it for free anyway
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