I had six and I thought that was bad, but 54? Wow...
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I thought I was the only one who had the original Need For Speed Most Wanted still installed...
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Wow, I thought it was just a random number bug...
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Yeah, I had that same issue. I was wondering what the heck happened. I'd had it installed, and played it pretty regular, then suddenly yesterday it kept installing over and over. Didn't note the exact number, but it was over 30. Took about a half hour to patch/install.
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.. USERNAME. The username you use to log in to Steam with. It's on the top right of your Steam window, and as it's half of your login credentials, it should be handled with just as much care as your password. People forget that all too often. Also, using your account name, some dick can do this.
Wouldn't want that happening now would you? Your account being locked for 9 weeks..
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Can't do that exploit (anymore?), it's been explained by some Valve person
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Good, it was updated. Still, what I said counts - your username, for anything, is half of your login credentials and as such, should always be just as guarded as your password. Depending on what service we're talking about, you can do a lot of evil stuff with just a username, even without a password. Why do you think basic UNIX hacking tutorials first teach you how to do w / who, users or finger commands to see what users are on a server and find out info about them?
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Your username is never viewable by anyone other than you, and anyone who can see your main steam window. If your custom profile URL (for me that's http://steamcommunity.com/id/oni_shinobi/ ) is the same as the username (mine begins with the_... and then some other stuff) you log in to Steam with, that is a security risk, right there. Might as well hand out your password while you're at it, too. The actual username you use to log in to things with is half of what's needed to log in to stuff with. Always protect it and handle it with just as much care as your password for stuff. Not just on Steam, either.
You can change your custom URL if you edit your profile on Steam. I'd advise you to do so as soon as you read this, if it's the same as your Steam username.
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You know people can just go to your Steam through your Sg profile...
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It would be great to have an option to turn it off but it could prove useful sometimes so I don't really against it.
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That's the one thing that really grinds my gears about steam. Every single game I install goes and installs directx or microsoft vc or .net framework... I must have installed each of them like 75+ times through the course of installing & playing games. Can't they just make it so it checks if you already have it and skips it if you do? It can't be that hard. I feel like I have like 150 installs of some microsoft redistributables hidden away in some dusty corner of my hard drive.
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thats not how it works. every "version" of framework a game uses is different, even though they may have similar labeling. So to you it looks like you're reinstalling the same version over and over, but its actually different.
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i remember reading about this, they change the versions of DX very often
and games really depend on specific toolsets in each version
Its bad design and as a result games require a specific version of DX to work.
I think it goes something like this,
Let say there is BUG X in the graphics engine
Company A accomodates for BUG X and changes their codebase to reflect this bug.
Company B complaints to Microsoft who fixes the bug. This change will screw up Company A's game so they need to package it differently.
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It's the same when you install the games from DVD. So what?
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There's a piece of software that deletes all the install packages or whatever, can't find what's it called though :(
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I had 19, I let it run and came back a little later and saw it was at 23/19. I manually stopped it and restarted Steam and tried running it again and it worked.
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Well, i tried to run Borderlands2 and thought it wasn't a first time install i still got this error.
Solution from Ansatsunin :
To fix:
Go to your "<Steam>/steamapps/common/Borderlands 2" folder, and rename the file installscript.vdf to something like installscript.vdf.orig. This will prevent the game doing anything when trying to run through the installscript.
To see what it does, open the file in Wordpad. Works for all games with this issue. Be sure to let any newly installed game run through it once, though.
Though this is off-topic - it's still a good info on how to secure further your Steam Account ( Again by Ansatsunin ). Posted it here just because the reply is kind of deep down and not everyone sees it. It's based on a mistake i did, when i first posted the photo, leaving my steam login username uncovered.
Your username is never viewable by anyone other than you, and anyone who can see your main steam window. If your custom profile URL (for me that's http://steamcommunity.com/id/oni_shinobi/ ) is the same as the username (mine begins with the_... and then some other stuff) you log in to Steam with, that is a security risk, right there. Might as well hand out your password while you're at it, too. The actual username you use to log in to things with is half of what's needed to log in to stuff with. Always protect it and handle it with just as much care as your password for stuff. Not just on Steam, either.
You can change your custom URL if you edit your profile on Steam. I'd advise you to do so as soon as you read this, if it's the same as your Steam username.
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