Riddick, play it. The original is best, but I'm sure the Steam game includes it.
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Ah, so that Riddick game that I have has multiple games in it ?
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Crysis 2, great game is you have a good PC, woooo I loved that game
Iron Brigade, you are pretty much a mecha-knight and you kill waves of enemies, the game is definetely fun, a very casual game though
Quantum Conundum, OH SHIT YA HIT IT, this gamme is ammazinnggg I loved it, it's a puzzle game is will suck you right in, Portal 2 sucks compared to Quantum Conundrum (just my opinion, lets not start a flame war people)
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Definitely going to try Quantum Conundrum because I loved Portal 2, also shouldn't I start with Crysis 1 ?
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You should definetely go ahead and try Quantum Conundrum. The beginning of the game is definitely easy, and you first impressions might be "dayum this game is easy", but trust me, just give it time and the game requires some serious brain power.
As for Crysis, you cant play the 2nd just fine. Crysis 1 just gives you a background (kind-of a pre-sequel, not needed to understand game). I heard Crysis 1 is better than the 2nd, if you can get afford it, get Crysis 1, and then play 2. Though playing 2 by-itself is perfectly fine.
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World of Goo, perhaps. Doom? I've heard good things about STALKER and Recettear. The older GTA games, probably. I haven't actually played any of these games.
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GTA IV was my favorite personally. The story was decent and the graphics were pretty and bright, but they also had a heavy, grim, dank feeling to them which went hand in hand with the story. Which was nice. The new GTA is sun-bleached as friggin' hell and I hate it. Anywho, irrelevant. GTA IV was a good fun game, lots of things to do, and a lot of dumb shit you could create for yourself to do. Also the modding community for that game is ridonkulous. It easily puts on 60+ hours of additional gameplay.
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Gunpoint - Haven't played it, only the demo, but it seems like a nice game.
And Yet It Moves - This game is highly overlooked and underrated. It's a terrific puzzle platformer game.
Blackwell Franchise - Seriously, play it! If you enjoy point and clicks, it's an amazing game!
Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box - It's a pretty decent racing game. Lots of cars crashing, multiplayer is fun.
Crysis/Crisis 2 - Worth a shot, great shooting game. Requires a slightly high end computer.
F.E.A.R. Franchise - Definitely a must-play. Especially the first one. It's a really, really good game.
Limbo - Atmospheric game, really good.
Mark of The Ninja - Decent stealth platformer. I recommend it.
Medal of Honor - Worth a shot, I enjoyed playing it.
Papo & Yo - An interesting third person puzzle platformer.
Robot Roller-Derby Disco Dodgeball - Robots. With mustaches. I'M NOT KIDDING. One of my favorite multiplayer games. The game is fun, challenging, and creative. The soundtrack is absolutely amazing.
These are only the games I have played. You have many other games that would definitely be good, but I'd rather not judge a game without playing it first.
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Accordingly to Deltabladex, he said gunpoint was quite good. I think he said he feels like he would've enjoy the experienced better if he didn't just brute force through the whole damn thing. But given that he hardly spends any time on most games. What else is he going to do.
Also "mark of the ninja - decent stealth platformer" the Utachi clan will have your head for that.
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Brute force? I love stealth games and would never play in such a way. I would switch off the lines and stick to the roof.
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I played Swords and Sworcery: EP. So i'll just put this review I made here if you're interested.
I still wonder why 10 people thumbed it down. It'd be nice to read why. Not saying everyone should agree with my views. I just want to know why they feel it wasn't a helpful review.
I saw happy wars in your account unplayed. It's a free to play game, but it's quite a fun arcadey game. You'll definitely sink at least 15 fun-filled hours into it without feeling bad about it. I suggest just playing it over a weekend. It's quite satisfying. Don't play it if you don't have a wired microsoft xbox 360 controller though. The keyboard operation for that game is quite... bad. Or beta-y even.
Also I've read in the past and people still agree that F.E.A.R one is a tremendously good First-person-action-shooter. I guess supposedly it set the standard of what fps's should be like at the time. Maybe you'll like it. I never played it, but if I get my hands on it i'll play it.
Cloudbuilt is a good parkour action speed-runny game. I don't know about suggesting it to play it if your plan isn't to speedrun it. But maybe you'll like it.
Also play more skullgirls you monster. Or i'll have your head for treason.
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I hated SaSEP because it promised an adventure and ended up being a flimsy experience full of hollow padding. The dishonesty behind the twitter-advertisement gimmick soured me a little more, the moon phase thing being broken for me (even though it was for a single token stonewall padding moment if I recall correctly), the deliberately pretentious overseer dude, and having the ending spoiled for me due to accidentally finding a certain easter-egg before completing the game? Yeah. Wasn't impressed at all.
I can see how it might have worked as a mobile game for a phone or a pad or something, but not really on the PC, and not when advertised as more of an active adventuring title instead of the sluggish, padded-out ambient casual pile it was. :P
It really had so little in the terms of gameplay. It was like the music was the central project and the creators decided to tack a 'game' on top of it to draw in awareness to the audio product. I loved the idea behind it, and it did have some brief good moments, but it was only ever good in a sort of "this scene came together better than the others" way. The game seems to intent on telling me how epic the journey is, and yet I as the player really can't feel any of it. I spent the entire game in a state of 'waiting for it to get better'. It wasn't just the wasted potential that grated on me so much, but that it was wasted in such a misleading manner. If you ever had the misfortune of seeing the live action Last Airbender movie, it's a lot like when that formation of rebelling earthbenders in the prison encampment started wardancing and stomping in a group, preparing for a powerful counterstrike... only to show their big fanfare accumulated in a piteously small rock floating slowly by. But seriously, try to look up that scene somewhere, it's a fun metaphor for advertisement vs product :P
It might be easier to understand if I mentioned I bought it as soon as it launched on steam at full price, and based only on the steam page, screenshots and trailer video there. The saddest part is I usually enjoy slower ambient titles provided they approach their subject matter nicely, and I just really didn't 'feel' this. This is coming from someone who really enjoyed the "Receiver" game for a short stint because of how it actually managed to weave a little rationale around what was meant to be a gun simulation. The audio there combined with the few snippets from the tapes left a haunting impression on me that made me a little melancholy that they never tried building a fuller experience out of it.
Sorry if my tone came off abrasive, none of it was directed towards you. I just gnash my teeth sometimes in remembering my buyers remorse, haha. Your review articulated the game's shortcomings better than I did at least~
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The moon phase thing was kind of confusing between altering it in the game and the natural moon phase in real life. Also I did feel that the experience in the end was rather hallow, shamefully. It didn't need to be.
I see. I didn't really find the overseer pretentious, at least at first. I guess he technically was pretentious since I personally myself consider this "test" they created an utter failure and the expression of thoughts and information was quite lacking and the "pool" dried up very quickly. They had virtually nothing to share at the end of the Scythian's journey. So i'd agreed that this game I find is rather pretentious, unfortunately. I'm not fond of the common slinging of the word "pretentious" since an awful lot of people toss that word around these days on steam regarding indie games. But I think this one is unfortunately. That doesn't mean it's bad, it just didn't fulfill it's role in the information or the expression of thoughts that it was leading up to as it didn't really have anything to share.
The audio project was a joke. I was quite dearly excited because I love playing games where the idea is centralized around music. But it was so poor and so confusingly out-of-place in spots that I couldn't understand it and the music had very little impact on my thoughts in the game and my feelings within myself. I'm not a fan of point and clickers and I didn't really enjoy this one. Also i'd agree with your feelings of "this scene came together better than the others." Nothing left an impression on me except I loved the scenery pixel art in-places and I liked some scenarios like the first time you spend time in the small grass-area where the sheep are. That music was so... englightening for me. It was a new take on peacefulness and had a small piece of childhood happiness in it and it was easily my favorite (and only really unfortunately) song in the game. I was as I said, very excited for the thoughts and expressions the game was going to share over the game, but it ended up not really doing that. It was more or less just a normal point-and-clicker with light combat elements as I collect each trigon.
Also I see (regarding your airbender movie analogy)
The music in Reciever was strangely anxiety-producing. It's like it was creeping up on you and I was always nervous of those stupid machines that hunt you down and one-hit-kill you. It was cool for a game that focused on the gun alone to also have trickling amounts of tension in it regarding the music, the machines, and your understand of the gun and tapping w like a mad person to run. it was cool.
It's fine, I feel rather crappy about how let down in SS:EP I was. I can't imagine how it'd be like to take a ten-dollar money hit as well. I mean I spent I think 1.49 on it, but that doesn't really bother me. Losing ten bucks however for such a shallow game would be a little bit annoying at least.
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Base on you haven't played it in your library and it support controller, I found below.
Full controller support: Braid
Partial Controller Support:
Dreaming Sarah- Adventure game
Dysfunctional Systems: Learning to Manage Chaos- Visual novel. Interesting story.
Eryi's Action- Very difficult to me. Died so many times.
Fly'N- A platform game, nice graphics and sounds and it's fun to play in the beginning. Some levels were tough and I stuck.
Ichi- puzzle game? seems like a challenge?
Rock of Ages- Great game, have a lot of fun! Use your rock to destroy your enemy!
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Get to playing those, all of them are amazing, SR2 being my favorite out of the list but warning it is a pretty shoddy port, playable though with the mods.
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Fable, Velvet Assassin, GTA Vice City and San Andreas, Overlord II, Chrome, Crysis, Dark Sector, Dead Space, Divinity II, Divinity Dragon Commander, F.E.A.R, Fallout 3, Half Life, Half Life 2 Episode 1 and 2, Hitman series, Mass Effect, Painkiller Overdose, Red Faction, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, Shank, The Chronicles of Riddick Assault on Dark Athena, The First Templar, The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing, The Witcher, Thief, Two Worlds 2, Unreal 2 The Awakening, Dawn of War, World of Goo.
You have a lot of good, even great games that you've never played. Get to it. Here are my perosnal estimations on the best games of this list:
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Looking for good games that I haven't played in my library, need recommendation. Preferably a game that has controller support and one that I can put good time in, thanks.
Small giveaway
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