3 because I really like the drawing style. It looks really smooth, almost like it might've been by the original artist
11 I just really like the artsyle. The way it's drawn is very nice :)
6 very detailed and cool looking pencil-drawing. I'm impressed!
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12 - I'm really loving it *_* Because of colors and style (well, and topic too :D)
11 - not very fitting the character, but very nice. I guess it's digital art? I wish I could do that :|
25 - bad lightning (whyyyyy?), but it's still seen that the drawing is very detailed and nicely done
I was hesitating also between some others, it was hard to pick. Thank you for all participants, most works are very nice :)
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Ok, I did my research, i think...
5 - 11 - 18
5 . Last time I'm searching for that, such a flood of boobs and bums, lol. Great drawing, simple, modest, effective.
11 . Very cute, great movement in there.
18 . Spacecats! Awesome idea, love the style too.
3 . Too much a 1:1 copy of the original, creativity made the others stand out more.
20 . Spoodermenn! Very detailed, I usually give up after my 187th line.
25 . Again very detailed, inspired by, not traced, that' s awesome.
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No, I like quite a bunch of 'm, but I think these 2 are for me personally the real number 1 and 2, and the 3-4-5 are more close to eachother, and I think therefor I should only vote for the ones I think should win (in my opinion)
Or something like that, hope I make a bit sence :p
And I'm not the only 1 with less than 3 votes :D
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It's okay, I do this every vote.
I have a drawing in the contest, and any lost vote is a lost chance for me to feel better about myself. I will learn to one day not have my happiness be determined by a vote for my drawing. Until then I'll just have to accept all the slaps in the face that say I'm not good enough :P
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I'm srry, I won't change my votes, but hopefully/maybe this can make you feel a bit better about yourself. (I know you can't tell me if any of them are yours)
But my 3rd/4th/5th were (in numerical order):
2, because I love Portal, I have over 200 hours in Portal 2 :p
11, because I am a League of Legends player since season 1 (yes I am aware of the salty community :p)
21, because I thought it was funny and original
But for all 3 goes the same, I didn't think they were as good as the other 2, that's why I only voted for the other 2.
Unless of course non of these are yours. And I might have kicked you down even more :p
But I understand that you would like votes :p Good Luck with it! :D
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The key to happiness as an artist is learning when to be satisfied with your work, stop working on details and be fine with it, no matter what people think, including yourself. Sounds like an oxymoron, but once you start accepting your own work for what it is instead of what it could be, you become much more at ease with it, which will help you develope your talents faster.
You'll rarely learn anything new once you've struggled with the same detail for hours upon hours. Just tell your drawing to go screw itself and that it's done because you say it's done. :)
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I know what you mean, man. I invested a lot of effort into my previous entries and didn't get the results I was hoping for. I was annoyed, fristrated and salty af :D
This time I said "fuck it" and only invested the bare minimum to be satisfied with my work but not too invested to be disappointed if it will perform poorly in the contest. So far I'm happy with that mindset. :)
Also i recently begun to overall reduce expectations. I always have those grandiose images in mind but always fail to realize them the way I imagined. Now i just do whatever, expect nothing and damn i've never been more satisfied with my artwork. Like ridiculously satisfied. Probably isn't as easy to adapt, but after almost losing interest in painting I had no other choice than to throw all expectations away.
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My skills won't improve because I don't invest time in between contests, cos I stopped caring in school when my hippy teacher only liked psychedelic crap. :P
I just wish people would use their voting power, there' s a few dozen lost votes now, all because...? More hippies, ugh! :P
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Yeeeeaaaah that bothers me as well. Kinda flaws the results if everyone chooses to vote for 1 - 3 entries instead of having a consistent amount of votes
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I'll vote for two great pieces:
3 - 20
But lots of nice efforts and creativity, good job everyone.
Honorable mention to entry number 19 for choosing such a handsome and charismatic looking guy, whoever he might be..
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I will admit I am slightly biased due to maybe co-starring in them...
1 - cause memes
11 - Such an awesome digital drawing! Makes me want to buy a new wacom pen and try to learn again ;-;
21 - cause more memes
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<_< Right? ;)
Konrads was a funny addition to it... ;)
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i imagine this exclusive club has eyes wide shut orgies with sodomy and other weird stuff? I mean you got a chicken, a priest and you... you're the perviest. a vest? you filthy, filthy animal! :D
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3 - 11 - 20
3, is lovely (just, lovely :3)
11, is cute (i don't know who she is, i don't know nothing about LoL, but i like her expression.)
20, your friendly neighborhood. (Really nice job, it must be a lot of work, i know:))
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All the decisions to make.. that's tough...
20 - 21 - 23
to comment this:
20: I don't really like superheroes, but this picture looks nice, although the much details comes maybe originally itself from the character itself really
21: I like the idea and the funny picture. some hidden stuff aswell... ;)
23: I like Anime so thats a originally plus I think, but I don't really know why I voted for this instead of the other nice entrys.... maybe the nice look?!?( ͝° ͜ʖ͡°)
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16 - Simple, like the reference.
21 - Great humor, cute style.
25 - Despite the photo quality and complete lack of color correction, this was probably the best drawn of the "badass" characters in the competition.
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5 - 11 - 12
5: good setting, shading, color choices, characterization, and proportions
11: great lighting, detail, color blends (especially in the hair), and character expression
12: although the coloring is probably not what was intended, it works great here, adding to the feeling of dread when you can't even see Isaac's face
nice job all around, everyone! :)
[edit] Changed a vote after reading other comments; I'm afraid originality and innovation are things I value highly. The work itself definitely still has a lot of merit though, so here's my earlier comments on it before I realized it was too much of a copy for my personal taste (outside of this commentary, and anyone's memories of my post pre-edit, it shall remain anonymous): very simple, but controlled use of shading; easy to go overboard with that stuff, but all the lines are clean and the proportions look correct [/edit]
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3 - 11
Congratulations to everyone who entered the contest!
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STUPID 3 VOTE LIMIT! Anyway, my votes:
17 - 18 - 19 wow, it's actually in order!
17 - 'cause it's simple (but not too simple) and really nice without lacking anything. I just dig this style of this drawing and I can't wait to play this game.
18 - I never fully watched Gremlins (I only remember having a Gremlin-trauma when I was very little), but I appreciate the resemblence to the poster. And the cat is so freaking cute.
19 - I loved the first Monkey Island and I'm about play the second game soon, so how could I not vote for this. I'm not sure what, but there is something lovely in this image.
1 - for SG humor and Renowned Explorers reference (great game).
5 - here we see D.Va in her natural habitat. I don't like how she is portrayed in the game, but here I feel the opposite.
12 - surprise, it's not mine! But it's BoI so I had to mention it. And the way Isaac stands reminds me of my drawing for 2nd drawing contest.
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1, 18, 21
What can I say...I'm a Steamgifts homer.
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Too hard to choose a top 3, but my favourite is definitely 18 so I'll give that a vote, it's awesome.
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Well, you can't blame me, it really was hard. :D
And, as a free bump, my reasoning:
5 - I really like the idea, and D.Va's face is somehow calm and mischievous at the same time. :D
15 - this user managed to tick all the boxes on our subjects list (game character, space cat and Christmas) and make something original and interesting. :3
21 - you see that handsome cat face? It is me. No, no, the black one. Not the orange one.
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11 League of Legends: Illaoi - So cute!
1 Steamgifts Community - I SEE KEO... and Sadistic Chicken! Definitely worth a vote for the laugh XD
3 Ace Attorney: Skye Sisters - I originally thought this was simply a traced copy of the scene, but if this was done freehand, I'm super-impressed.
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I'm sad I missed out this time but you guys have out done yourself! Fantastic pieces! <3
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If that was the subtitle it definitely would have gotten my vote :D
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I was trying to be clever with a play on the whole "reply girls" thing but I think I failed
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I would't say so, just a very niche joke I didn't get. :D
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Not here. Reply to first comment if you want your vote to be valid.
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1 Comments - Last post 28 seconds ago by reigifts
35 Comments - Last post 25 minutes ago by RevCat
11 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by Chris76de
51 Comments - Last post 1 hour ago by ha14
22 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by Formidolosus
13 Comments - Last post 2 hours ago by moronic
355 Comments - Last post 10 hours ago by aumeilo
62 Comments - Last post 5 minutes ago by talon2claw
20 Comments - Last post 8 minutes ago by akfas
32 Comments - Last post 15 minutes ago by Hassat
514 Comments - Last post 16 minutes ago by mufrancis
1,917 Comments - Last post 37 minutes ago by TricksterImp
9,951 Comments - Last post 51 minutes ago by CurryKingWurst
296 Comments - Last post 52 minutes ago by raydotn
2 weeks long drawing marathon is over.
There are total of 25 entries
I am little bit disappointed that there are less entries than first 3 events although the given time was the longest one among all. But there are amazing entries so I am still happy!
You can see all the entries HERE
By default it shows only 10 images, click to expand at the bottom of the page
Voting will be open for 3 days
All the entrants will be invited to private group for giveaways
First 5 and first 10 will be invited to bonus unbundled giveaway
If 5th and 6th entry get same amount of vote both will be invited to first 5 same for first 10
(Giveaways will be choosen after we got winners so that I will be sure none of the winners have the game)
GIVEAWAY - Crypt of the NecroDancer
Special thanks to Mefistofeliks for contributing to the thread with a giveaway and helping in need
I didn't join the event so instead I will give you bonus drawing that I made today with marker. Pandaaaaaa
So here is the MBcoder from the eyes of an SG user - Special thanks to artist :D
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