nitro is £277.50 and 1060 is £289.07
this small gap does not matter for me
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How much is 1070? Prolly a substantial increase compared to these 2.
The freakin mining craze caused the prices to skyrocket, hopefully by the time I get a new one prices will drop a bit.
I remember a version of 1070 last year being around 500euros or something, now they are a bit more expensive but not as much as during the summer.
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Considering that the first Volta card got released, I'd say it's pretty close. Now what you consider close, may not be the same.
In any case, if I can spend the same money now or in 4-6 months and get a, let's say, 30% increase in performance, I'd wait.
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Yeah, I wont be buying any time soon, but I havent heard about Volta (Ampere) whatever that is. Id have to check the latest news...
Also, that new GPU is prolly gonna be extra expensive so I would prolly be getting something like a 1080, depending on how much the price would drop.
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Yeah, FYI Volta (latest rumours indicate that it's going to be called Ampere) is the codename for the next GPU gen. Current gen is named Pascal.
You're right about the prices, latest rumours indicate that Nvidia might increase the prices (what a surprise!) compared to current gen. It kinds of follow the trend with Smartphone or anything that is Tech related tbh. But still i would wait for the news and first tests before doing any move and see what they bring to the table. If the performance bump is good enough it might be worth the extra money.
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The GTX 580 only came with 1.5 or 3 GB, not 8 and is not comparable to the 1060. He must be talking about an RX 580.
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1060 is way better. One benchmarking utility has the GTX 580 at 5,022 and the 1060 at 8,808. That's 75% more graphics power on that benchmark...
Edit: But I think you are talking about the Radeon RX 580 and not GTX 580 which benches at 8,253 which is at lot more comparable...
I'd still go with the 1060 though, but it's a closer decision.
Games that utilize more than 6 GB of graphics memory might be better on the 580, but I think most games will be better on the 1060.
And then there is whether a game is optimized for AMD or NVIDIA...
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I don´t think there is a Sapphire GTX 580 8gb. Perhaps you mean Sapphire Nitro+ RX 580 8gb from AMD. Both the 1060 and the rx 580 are good cards, they perform about the same. Power wise and heat wise I think the 1060 is better, specially the gaming x from msi.
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the 580 hasn't even half the graphic processing power of the 1060..
don't buy the 580 unless you get in for about 10€ including shipment..
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He is clearly talking about an RX 580, but the GTX 580 isn't horrible, I have been running mine for the past 4 or 5 years and still using it. I think they currently sell for around $30-50 and will give you about the same performance as a GTX 1050 (non Ti) for less than half or even 1/4 of the price, but will draw 250 watts to do it. I wouldn't recommend buying one and I am currently looking to upgrade, but you could make a worse investment.
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As others have stated you probably mean the RX 580, the GTX 580 is sub par for gaming.
Choice is yours though. I am going to go with the GTX 1060 myself I think, as the extra cost in electricity for relatively the same performance of the RX 580 doesn't seem worth it.
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Here is a Techspot article comparing the two on a bunch of games...
It looks like a toss-up. Some games are slightly better on one than the other. Maybe see if they list games you are planning to play and take the one that performs best on those...
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Checking some reviews (example), the RX 580 performs around the neighbourhood of the 1060. It beats it in some cases, loses in others. Different reviews show somewhat different results, which I guess have to do with the particular cards tested and the driver versions, but I'd say they two cards are in the same ballpark.
The RX 580 will use more power (although it likely can be undervolted to reduce power use, which is easy to try with the AMD drivers).
The only major advantage I see for the AMD card is FreeSync, which is becoming quite common in monitors these days.
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i meant the rx 580 sapphire nitro + but yes this helps
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Option A: Go for the cheapest, since they are nearly the same. Most importantly, 8GB of VRAM is a total overkill for the RX 580, so conside buying the 4GB version (unless you really want to have a future-proof amount of VRAM on a not-so-future-proof card).
Option B: Get the RX 580 to support AMD, especially if you have a FreeSync monitor or if you will get one in the future; again, both cards are very similar.
Option C: Get the one of the new models for the 1060 6GB version, Nvidia got nice additional software like ShadowPlay and Ansel, and the 1060 is A LOT less power hungry.
If it wasn't so power hungry, personally I would go for the RX 580. I got the 1060 at launch, which was slightly better of the 480 (and around the same prince in my Country) on most aspects, but right know the 580 is overall slightly better. Less power = less heat = [usually] less noise, less need to invest in efficient cooling solutions, and of course a lesser impact on the electricity bill if you play many hours of intense games daily.
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Personally I'd go for the RX580.
Freesync, so cheaper monitor if that's interesting for you.
No Geforce Experience registration crap, dick move by Nvidia
The power consumption can be an issue, depending on how much you actually play.
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GTX1070 at LEAST
If you can't afford it then wait for the next gen to come out and prices will drop on current stuff.
Or get what you can afford of the new gen when it comes out..
IMHO the GTX1060 may struggle in a few months when newer games come out, where as the GTX1070 will be a more future proofed card for longer..
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Your comment makes 0 fucking sense. You didn't even bother to ask him what resolution he plays on, or what the refresh rate of his monitor is.
Nah, let's just recommend any shit that comes to mind 'cause that's what you would buy. Why bothering to listen to the person who's paying and may have specific needs. Nah, it's all about you. I hate people like you in these kind of topics.
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Well if he wanted those aspects taken into consideration HE WOULD HAVE TOLD US
So, because we can only work with the information given.. yes that is what i would recommend.. for AAA games he wants to play
And yes his res is 1080 or 1440.
So maybe stop over reacting and take a chill pill..
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Ive had another discussion on the parts im choosing for my PC
Even if he stated nothing, you could have asked instead of assuming (you didn't even do that, as there is no assumption stated by you). There was 0 reasoning on your behalf, just a random recommendation which should be followed simply 'cause you said so. So yeah as I already said, it's pointless and stupid.
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Just like you...
If you had actually LOOKED at his other thread, some information is in there regarding what he wants to do with it, and resolution etc
So how about YOU go do some research before coming back here and whinging about things that mean nothing to your uneducated feeble mind. And leave the serious discussions to people who DO actually take the effort to look into things first..
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I'm not over reacting. There is a person who asks for help which you may or may not give, it is up to you. Either take into account his needs and based on that try and help him, or just do nothing.
Of course, 1070 AT LEAST, in order to play on 1080p. Great recommendation.
Ever asked if he can afford that, or if he is willing to pay that much? Nah, 1070 AT LEAST!
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Yes.. hence my comment about IF HE CAN'T AFFORD IT THEN WAIT FOR NEXT GEN??
Are you BLIND or stupid?
In his other thread.. which you STILL must not have read through, he said resolution was 1080 OR 1440.. which the GTX1060 would struggle with in some modern AAA games, and more so in future games..
I don't expect him to write a novel regarding every game or resolution or graphics setting he may or may not use, but after looking at his requirements in this thread AND the other one, of course i am going to recommend to him what I would personally do, otherwise would not make sense..
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Or lower... yes
That's the point...
do you not understand???
have a look at a few reviews for the GTX1060.. at 1440 res it will struggle to get to 60fps (which is what he wants) depending on graphics settings, so why recommend him something that WON'T give him what he wants?
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Because he didn't ask you which one to buy out of all the cards that exist? Ever thought that there may be a reason to why he came into that conclusion? The price gap between a brand new 1060 and 1070 is close to 200$.
What do you want me to say, that the 1070 is a better buy? It was before the inflated prices and maybe still is, but that's not what the question is about. Suprise suprise, a more expensive card will perform better.
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It's not about what i want.. it's about what he needs to play games at a quality level he'd be happy with..
For ME that would be a GTX1070 when used at 1440 res. so that's what i recommended to him..
Try playing a modern AAA game at that res with either an RX580 or GTX1060 and you won't be happy with the outcome..
In the end it's up to him to decide what he wants, but if no one tells him that a GTX1060 won't cut it at 1440, then that would be bad for him..
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I forgot, only ultra settings can make you happy. He'll turn down the graphics and will be perfectly fine.
If he wanted to spend those 200$+ more, he would do so to begin with and we wouldn't be discussing whether he should get the 580 or the 1060.
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huh? you're not even making sense.. i don't understand what you're trying to say..
YOU are the one who attacked my suggestion to get GTX1070 minimum (after i had looked at what his requirements were)
So how about you stop telling people what they can or can't say, and just mind your own business..
You're welcome to give your opinion to the OP, but don't tell others that they can't give their own opinions about the question at hand..
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I never said you can't say what you want, as I have no power over what you can or cannot say. What I said was that your recommendation made no sense and that I found it stupid, simple as that.
mind your own business
Now who's the one here trying to impose his will.
We spammed the discussion to oblivion and I got bored. I see no reason to continue, so good night/day and Happy Holidays.
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it made no sense to YOU maybe, because you didn't do your research.. so you're coming from an ignorant uneducated position.
I did, and my recommendation makes perfect sense to myself and others too... (as others also say they would get a GTX1070 minimum)
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Yeah. In my opinion.
But it all comes back to you. What do you want from a gpu?
Power usage, temp, noise, durability, warranty
Knowing that and what kind of gaming (resolution, graphic setting, fps) you're after with the gpu would help others give detailed opinion.
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a long lasting , quiet , low power and anything over 80fps at atleast medium settings on most games- so yeh basically the 1060 gaming x?
thats the one im thinking about now
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I think it's a good choice.,4724.html,40.html
over 80fps
Good combo. No stutter and screen tear. Quality gaming.
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They are more or less the same. I'd personally go for the 1060, simply because more games are optimized for the Nvidia cards than for AMD's. The extra 2GB of VRAM is good, however it's irrelevant when playing on 1080p for which this card is meant. You'll run out of computing power way earlier than you'll run out of VRAM.
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Check some sites that use actual benchmarks and FPS etc to see who comes out on top?
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If you can get the 580 cheaper and already have a PSU good enough for it, id buy it... performance wise they will be pretty damn close (some games might run better on 580, some might run better on 1060 but overall by a small margin) and if your going to be gaming at 1080p they should give more than enough fps in max settings. Temp wise i'd say the 580 should get you the lower temps however it could be just by a few degrees.
As a bonus with AMD you can get a freesync monitor way cheaper than a g-sync, however g-sync from what i've heard is the better one.
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are you sure? ive read in reviews that the 580 has higher temps at around 70+ which is a more than the 1060.
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With the same cooling solution, the 580 would be hotter (for obvious reasons). Think of the 580 more like a GTX 970 from AMD with more vram. Or a less efficient 1060?
Either way, freesync is a good argument there. Personally 300€+ for either of them is really expensive, and i'd rather buy some used 970, or wait for decent sales.
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Ive had another discussion on the parts im choosing for my PC and i am really stuck for this GPU choice. i was sold on the rx 580 Sapphire nitro+ 8GB and im having second thoughts now.i need help... this or a GTX 1060 gaming x 6GB
ik that the sapphire uses around 100Watts more energy and is the underdog but with these things aside which is better?
(the 100watts is offputting)
For gaming which one would be better in the long run for gaming, power wise and heat wise?
please help (if you helped in the other discussion thank you, you don't have to restate your fact if you've done it already)
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