If you love wasting your life on MMORPGs, then yes. Otherwise no.
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Updated the discuss i rushed,guess i was worried.
Well yea i like MMORPGs alot actually i played WoW alot.
But i got bored......
I would like you try it out,watched trailers and stuff.
Some people even tell me the GW2 got sold out?
Still waiting :D
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It brings certain new ideas to the genre like dynamic scaling and event based questing system. They are very good and I wouldn't play another MMORPG that does not have those elements in it after GW2. In its core, it is still same skill spamfest, boring grind and most of the aspects in the game are sub-par when compared to other titles from different genres.
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The servers became so overworked that ArenaNet suspended digital sales. This made some brick-and-mortars run out of stock as well.
So, kind of sold out.
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You waste your life on any game, and since you're here you're probably a gamer, and much of your life has already been wasted
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In other games, one usually completes clear objectives and is finished with the game quite fast. MMORPGs are a different breed. Lots of grind, poor quality in most sectors and in some cases you actually have to pay for the license to play.
I place them below other games.
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Haven't played it but most of my experiences from Bethesda RPG games are not that good.
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I don't think "Wasting" is the right word =/
I think that if you LIKE MMORPGs games than buy it :)
Its freaking one payment , no need to pay every month :)
And I'm hearing a lot of good feedback from it
I thought about it too,and I think that I will buy it
I recommend you to buy from GreenManGaming
You can get a 20% coupon there(On the site there is the coupon)
Hope I helped! :)
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Actually with the 20% coupon(GMG20-27J4Z-8NXHO) its cost only 55.96$
(Before discount 69.95$)
So I think its great deal for the deluxe edition
I can't find other truly trustable site that sell in this price
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Excellet game. My steam library is gathering dust since GW2 headstart xD
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WoW -> point and click + spamming rotations / Good lore and huge comunity
GW2 -> online action game where your skill matter a lot / Still little lore and not so huge comunity
Run away from the jackanapes who try to make wars bettween wow fans and gw2 fans.
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My experiences from GW2 would still classify it as skill spam. Perhaps even more so as there is in general no limited resource that those skills would use, only cooldowns.
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Are you arguing for more limits or limits that are more creative?
Thief already has a limited resource, initiative, and necro has a soil meter or something like that. I'd love to see more like those, but cooldowns are an acceptable limiter. In my experience, stuff like basic mana pools serves only to create downtime between fights, which is boring as well. I prefer balancing acts like combo points and rage meters, etc.
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I would personally prefer more varied basic combat moves and options and place special moves (skills) in more tactical position with long cooldowns. Merely hitting every skill button that is open is not very exciting.
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I'm not convinced that hitting skills as soon as they're available is a bad thing, considering all the customization available skill-wise. I use almost all of my skills once they come up, because if I had cooldowns I didn't really use, I'd switch to a different weapon or bundle or skill/spell. Now, the problem of one particular suite being overpowered would definitely lead to some boring button-mashing, but I'm happy to spam my skills once I've concocted an ideal build for an encounter.
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Just different tastes regarding this topic. I would choose beat 'em up or similar game mechanic if I wanted just to smash those buttons instead of RPGs' "look my avatar is standing and hitting your standing avatar".
Even with evading system, battles feel mostly quite stale. I would prefer combat mechanics that worked more like Die By The Sword or Mount & Blade.
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Everything you said is wrong. In GW2 you'll be spamming skills as they come up, all freaking 14 of them (including specials) just trying to get a tag in pvp. The "skill" in this game is nowhere to be found. Specs/Classes are broken (Warriors with almost 60% crit, lolol) The game just looks impressive and does a good job of making you feel important.
If you think WoW is point and click, you are horrible at the game and you definately dont partake in competitive pvp or raiding. Im not defensive because it's WoW. Trust me, I've bought every WoW killer since Aion and I'll tell you, none of them compare. All were good games in their own rite but none provide the overall experience WoW provides.
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Nope, you just aren't doing it right. Unlike WoW where you stand in one place and bash keys to spam skills, in GW2 you have to move around and dodge at the correct time considering you have limited vigor. No matter what level you are, you will be leveled down to around the monsters level in that area. That means even if you are level 80, and you go to a level 5 area, you can't easily kill the monsters by just standing in one place and spamming skills. Add in the fact that many skills give you boons and inflict different conditions on the target, you can play strategically, by working out which weapon skills you like, which combo works best, should you go with conditions that inflict damage over time etc. This may not be needed for normal monsters, but it will be needed in boss fights and PVP. And killing monsters is not even a good way to level up in the game. So I don't exactly understand how you can say it's an WoW clone or that you have to grind in this game.
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I disagree with that. It is true that if you fight champion level enemies or veterans that are higher level than you, one might require dodging and moving. In pretty much rest of the fights, meaning most of the battles in the game, you just stand still and spam the buttons. I see no reason to go tactical nor dodge anything if I can kill most of the enemies in few seconds just using single combo before even dropping below 80 % health.
Situation might be different for certain classes e.g. I have not played elementalist. I would still wager that it holds for most the classes.
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And yet my battle.net account gets cold while I play GW2.
ie. it's a matter of opinion.
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It's brilliant, I spent a lot of time on WoW and I'm glad to have an MMO I can enjoy again, it's also nice not having the monthly fees, totally worth the money.
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Well there is a video about WoW vs. GW2
check it if you like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mgz4wa9VN6k
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Guild Wars 2 is a lot of fun, I've found anyways. It's not like WoW, but if you like MMOs, it's a one-time payment and you've got it for life, so just go for it, I'm pretty sure you'll find yourself spending a lot of time on it. There's more skill in the combat compared to WoW, because if you're not on the ball you might find yourself dying a lot.
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I am sorry... It is not better than WoW in any aspect other than being free to play and graphics.
There is less to do in the game and little end-game. The game's pvp is similar to WoW (Vanila). Meaning that there isnt a lot of CC but what CC you do have is very overpowered and there are no DR. PvE end-game is near non-existant atm...
All that said, its a fun rpg if you don't try to compare it to WoW. It's fun that you can cast while moving and the deleveling and up-scale leveling is also neat, but the game isn't as competitive or hardcore as WoW is in PvE or PvP... which is humorous seeing how casual WoW has become... but it does retain the experience of having a full and active world due to events similar to rifts like in "RIFT"
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"but it does retain the experience of having a full and active world due to events similar to rifts like in "RIFT""
Figured I should explain that point. WoW's world seems dead due to flying mounts and no world events. Which pretty much has you sticking to major cities unless farming mats for crafting.
In GW2 there is no flying and they have events. Events.... well, they'll die eventually. Basically when you complete a chain quest, usually you activate a quest that pings the map for all nearby players to see. Then they can all run to aide you on the quest (Like escort or world boss) and gain experience on participation. The problem will be that they are activated by quests and when the game matures, people will all be level capped and the world will seem lifeless and empty again.
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Not sure about that - I often go to low level areas and do things, because it's fun. With level adjustment, you are never overpowered and bored, so every area is pretty much - endgame area. And if you do get bored with PvE, you can jump to WvW or PvP for some time...
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Let's see WoW out in 2004 and it was pretty sparse at the start - GW2 out officially about a month now... Yeeeaah, that is a fair comparison and if anyone were to say, well they had GW first, then I'd say that WoW should have exponentially improved every time they released a new expansion if you want to go that route - and based on sales figures, loss of paying accounts, etc., I think anyone that knows what they're talking about will agree that that did NOT happen with WoW.
In the end however, it all boils down to one thing - you as the player - do you enjoy it or not. Beyond that, no one but that person can say which is better to them - nothing else and no one else's opinion matters and cannot be the final say in the matter, as it can't be quantified...
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I can't believe that people still think WoW was ever good. Maybe because they've spent too much money playing it. Anyways, I hate MMO's. Haven't played one for ages, and yet I did enjoy GW2, at least for a while, which is more than I can say about WoW, tera, etc.
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No ;) After reaching Lvl 80 I didn't know what to do now. I didn't know WHY I should go into the dungeons, I didn't like the pvp and I'm not really into farming exotic weapons or armor, because they all have similar stats and the only diffrence are the skins. There is no improvement through weapons or armor.
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Same here...Got to Lvl 80 as a Warrior and then I got bored...There's very little end game content apart from the dungeons and I'm not into PvP or WvW. I'm surprised to see how the game caters so much for the solo player that it completely ignores the solo player at the end. Orr (the level 80 area) is too unbalanced for solo play with enemies respawning fast and tons of mobs everywhere which makes kiting a real challenge.
Still,the main issue for me is the lack of awesome looking gear...I don't mind enemies or grinding dungeons but when an Exotic class sword looks EXACTLY like a normal sword, that's where I draw the damn line. I kinda like visual customization so the lack of unique weapons and armor at high levels is a one of the major reasons I haven't logged back in (or rerolled another character) ever since I hit 80 two weeks ago.
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It's not even a month since it came out. Give it some time... They are still working on existing bugs. They will of course give new content in the form of expansion packs. And there are other races/classes to play with once you are done with one class.
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It still frustrates me with this genre that people who can invest more time (not skill but time) into it, are always in way better position. GW2 gets slightly off with this by scaling everyone to maximum level but even with it there are still differences between original levels.
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This genre evolves in a very, very slow pace. Because the devolopment costs are high, developers/publishers take very little risks in innovation and merely copy mechanics from previous titles and change the theme. LOTR theme, Star Wars theme, Elder Scrolls theme, Warcraft theme, Star Trek theme and so on. Asian market seems to offer even less with its free to play games and their horrid grind feast.
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Thats not my point at all..
Its also become very normal to play mmoRPG's even newcomers to the pc play it like mad!!! when I played Neverwinter Nights (the mmoRPG) I was considered one of the biggest nerds in the world :D with good reason I guess! back then the community and social aspect was very very important in mmo's that part is dead today! due to the large % of people playing and the get all for nothing policy, not to mention that the game = time=items=skill in most aspect...
In GW2 the very aspect that is supposed to bring it on top is faulty (the pvp) I don't like it and well..
Lets hope TES Online will be nice (I doubt it) but you never know
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What do you think is it better then WoW,i really think it's a cool.
Cuz im really confused all the people tell me the game is awesome.
Comparing it to WoW im not that kind of a guy but i would like to see your opinion!
Edit:I Bought the game thank you all so much, 40 euro was price in Bulgaria BG,have a great day.
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