Hello all. Its few days from start new SteamTrades "web". It seems good but its not really complete site.

Would be nice if cg can consider all these things, by me its:


  • Why if i click on someones profile i cant see his SteamTrades nick near avatar / profile link?

It will added in short time i quess.

  • Why notify about messages is so inconspicuous? Its inconspicuous on PC and on phone... i have big display but still must zoom to messages if i have some... it cannot be like red letter or smth visiable?

Not good readability esp on phone and also on PC. Add same red alert as on SG please.

  • Why here isnt button from SG or from ST to second site? For example i want to know if some user is blacklisted or any other reason? I always must go to his profile and click on SG link, its so annoying. And i u are on phone its not chance to check it without asking stranger to send to me his profile. I really want to know some info about users.

Just add button "show SG / ST profile" please. Why? Bcs why not? I want know info about users, if they are on my BL etc... want to know that.

  • I wont talk about "vote on rev." system its not good by me.

I also have 1 suggestion to trades at all.

  • Add Steam trades blacklist thing or smth like that. 1 example for all. I really hate guys who posting everywhere same thing and totally ignore creator if he want games or keys or specific games etc. U open ST and can see on right side same avatar in each thread and always same thing. Its too bothersome, thats why i want something like BL. U blaclist user XY on ST and he cant anymore access ur trade threads. If he click on it it show him message with reason. "dont mass post please" or any other your reason... Just tool how to avoid traders that u dont like / dont want offers from him bcs u know its always lowball etc. U can say 500 times "i dont want offers" but someone still giving u offers... o.O
    I dont want any offers from user "Example_User_Name_Here" so i want make him not able to visit my thread bcs i wont deal anything with him. Yes i can ignore him but this would be better to avoid it complety.

I really missing these things in new SteamTrades and i also think they are basic "features".

Do you like new Steam Trades? Whats your point of view? Good or bad? Do u miss somethig? If yes, what is it? I would like to collect some suggestions and send it to cg to consider.

Your questions or suggestions?
I know here is old thread ST but its overspamed with all things mixed.

Sorry for my english iam not native so i hope i said all well as i wanted.

8 years ago

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Do u like new Steam Trades?

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Yes i like it as it is
Yes i like it but it need some edits
No i dont like it
Sorry i cant vote, i dont own SteamGifts account

Why if i click on someones profile i cant see his SteamTrades nick near avatar / profile link?

this one has been asked and answered several times inside the announcement thread. it was purposely done that way so that it will 'hopefully' force users to actually do some investigating into who they are trading with rather then just rely on profile links.

Why notify about messages is so inconspicuous?

inactive trader here, so haven't personally noticed. but, it has been mentioned and i hope that one does get corrected and easier to read for everyone. +1 here

Why here isnt button from SG or from ST to second site?

the sites are purposely kept separate now, i too am not a big fan, but it's done purposefully not on accident.

Just add button "show SG / ST profile" please. Why? Bcs why not?

same as answer one. "purposely done that way so that it will 'hopefully' force users to actually do some investigating into who they are trading with rather then just rely on profile links"

Do you like new Steam Trades? Whats your point of view? Good or bad?

yes, i do agree with some of the visibility issues you mentioned though, but overall i like the changes. just not a fan of the total separation like you and many others.

8 years ago

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Closed 8 years ago by SketCZ.