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Oooo, thanks! Free trial promos are great.

6 years ago

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Woah thx so much.

6 years ago

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Promo trials dont need.
Avast Free - that's enough for 95% users, i think.

6 years ago

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I was about to say this

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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If I didn't have Avast Free which worked well for me all these years, I might consider this, but I am happy with what I have.

6 years ago

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I dissagre, Avast Free, keeps finding treats that don't exist, and when I try to solve them, they ask me to upgrade it :D

6 years ago

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Avast is the most retarded piece of software ever written.

6 years ago

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Arigato gozaimasu!

6 years ago

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It says 1 year on the sos-page, but you are redirected to a 3 months bitdefender giveaway.

6 years ago

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emmm i used it last time and they gave me 1 year and now im using avg and i can confirm its a 1year key

6 years ago

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All I get in the email is a link to for 3 months trial.
Maybe it's a country-thing but I get the same email saying I'm in Denmark or USA... shrugs

6 years ago

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Bitdefender is an EXTREMELY easy choice vs AVG.

6 years ago

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Security measures. It is necessary ....
However, problems tend to occur during installation / uninstallation.
Let's back up your computer.
Do not forget.

6 years ago

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2018 and still using Antivirus? :o?

6 years ago

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Windows is still vulnerable to viruses. Also there is a mess called ransomware.

6 years ago

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"Better safe than sorry"

6 years ago

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What are you talking about? Antivirus are here to stay, unless you use Linux of course.
Now even Win10 comes with its own antivirus(windows defender, which is basically mse but with a different name).

6 years ago

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Lol, What are you talking about? Antivirus are here to stay, unless you DIDN'T USE any OS of course. FTFY

6 years ago

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There are not many antivirus software for linux, specially for personal use/not enterprises. We know they exist, but viruses are more targeted at the masses and not specific targets.

So is not a must as in Windows is.

Also shouldn't it be *DON'T USE instead of DIDN'T USE? I'll be waiting for an answer thank you.

6 years ago

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Since when have antiviruses become obsolete?
I regularly use MalwareBytes and I still have Windows Defender make regular scans.

Even ads carry viruses these days, so I personally am not so certain of my skills of avoiding literally every single virus in existence.

6 years ago

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If only there was some way to block ads.

6 years ago

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If only. Right now all we have are extensions that are unreliable at best. It works for most of the time, sure, but recently I've had more than a few sites that have had ads running, even though I didn't whitelist them (UBlock Origins)

6 years ago

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They use blocklists usually so new ones might slip through, until you block them yourself. Can't remember when I have last seen one from one of the big companies that criminals use to spread their malware, more like the site's own small innocent ads. You can add safety with Ghostery and such extensions on top if you want more hassle, but that's much safer than some antivirus that all the malware makes test their product against to ensure it's not detected until it's too late.

6 years ago

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Thanks for the tips. While I know that adblockers are a massive help, they still aren't perfect. We should still be careful :D

6 years ago

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what da hell are you talking?? viruses/trojans have exctinct in 2018?

6 years ago

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Yes, in this day and age Antivirus software are more relevant than ever. I have no idea why lately comments like yours pop up all the time whenever "antivirus" comes up in a discussion.

In case you're under the misconception and thinks "if I don't do stupid stuff, I shouldn't worry", then I recommend this article.

And/or if you think that "Windows Defender is good enough", here's another article. Edit: Replaced with better and more up-to-date article, albeit I couldn't find one that is solely about Defender, the opening section of that one should do.

Also, if you think that you're protected because you're on *nix, I have bad news for you.

TL;DR of articles: Malicious software nowadays has never been so sophisticated, and there are ways to get infected simply from being connected to the internet. There is no way to be 100% protected, but Antivirus software (the ones developed by good security software companies, at least) have means of figuring if a software is malicious in the short time window between it is found and patched. Not having them is a security liability, and IMO computer security is no laughing matter.

6 years ago*

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Well... cough...I was just trolling...
erhmm.. just to clear some things...
My main job is in the IT industry but my company and me personally are using Linux so we dont have the need of an Antiviuys but yes of course our windows clients are using Webroot Business (cloud based antivirus)
if you think that you are safe using any antivirus software then you are totally wrong!
We had incidents with Ransomwere on windows servers using remote desktop and infecting the machine with ransomvirus.
There are many ransomware out there that antivirus cant detect so be careful...
I think the best antivirus is a good backup solution. Just create one backup everyday and that will keep you safe just in case you are infected. There are many free backup solutions out there for the desktop users so just grab one and do your backups daily.
cheers :)

6 years ago

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Except many IT professionals don't use any kind of antivirus on their Windows because they only cause problems. Best antivirus has always been and will be Common Sense Suite, just don't download malware and you're fine.I have never seen anything except tons of false positives bugging me when I have tried them and haven't caught anything in 30yr+ of computer use.

6 years ago

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2018 and still concerning about Game compatibility?

6 years ago

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nah I have a PS4 to cover this limitation :P
(unfortunately not much time for games)

6 years ago

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not much time for games

ouch, Can we buy "time" somewhere?
I really need it too

6 years ago

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Nice my 3 month subscription was getting low on 10+ days.
Being using BD for 2 years now on phone and PC.

Proud as a fellow software dev, to have BD from my own country :D.

6 years ago

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Nice, thanks for letting us know!

6 years ago

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I'd still stick to Malwarebytes, idk y

6 years ago

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Easily one of the best AVs on the market today.

6 years ago

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No thanks, I'll stick with my brain. Thanks for the info tho.

6 years ago

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That's the worst piece of software I ever had the displeasure of installing on my PC. They couldn't pay me enough money to install this back.

6 years ago

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I agree it has lots of annoyances and I have to manually set stuff all the time but supposedly it catches whatever viruses things the best so I stuck to using the trials. I also do run superantispyware but it's sort of for a different purpose? What do you use instead?

6 years ago*

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ESET Internet Security 11

6 years ago

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  • It kept giving me false positives
  • Everytime it detected an imaginary threat, it screwed up my browser settings to "protect me" and didn't allow me to set it back until I rebooted
  • It randomly crashed when I received email messages, usually destroying an important email in the process.
  • Most of the issues I had with it were well documented in their forums (form as far as two years before) with a recurring promise that the fix was done and would appear in "the next version".

And I was coming off using McAffee for about 15 years (pretty much kept using using due to force of habit while it slowly went from the best to one of the worst ) so my expectations were pretty low to begin with.

6 years ago*

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Anyone tried this ? I need something to replace iCloud free 5 gb

6 years ago

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Google Drive has good storage size. Mega also gives you 50 GB if I remember correctly.

6 years ago

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I checked this offer , its not what I expected , it seems made to auto back up files . gonna check mega

6 years ago

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Total security stuff are always annoying you with pop-ups and a bunch of tools that limits what you can or can't do with your pc.
I like the free version though. It doesn't annoy you to buy whatever non-free they are having on sale and it's super quiet.

Thanks though ^^

6 years ago

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love it

6 years ago

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Non-gaming offers go into Off-Topic, I thought? =O
Then again, I've been seeing those Ashampoo threads every so often in Deals, so who knows.

Also, free trials are pretty easy to get for Antiviruses. According to Google, Bitdefender Total Security trials range from a persistent 30 day offer to a seemingly fairly frequently offered 90 day offer, so not sure this is really much of a special offer. That is to say, if you make a thread about Bitdefender trials, it'll end up being a semi-permanent thread.. which again, is a bit odd for the Deals forum, which has thus far exclusively related to more access-exclusive gaming deals. Not criticizing, just not really seeing the point of this thread [here on SG, versus on a more general Deals site]. :S

On the other hand, ghanembobsorrow's post above, if accurate and safe, may be more deserving of the title of 'Deal'.

More topically, did Bitdefender's support ever improve? I seem to recall that having bad support was basically all the service was really known for, for a bit. As Zomby indicated above, I recall it having a lot of other complaints as well, especially related to effects on system and internet performance.

6 years ago*

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thanks man

6 years ago

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6 years ago

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lol, this antivirus is a scam

6 years ago

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Thanks but no thanks.

6 years ago

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Best stick to no AVS, they are all Snake Oil :|

6 years ago

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Looted, thanks :)

6 years ago

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Closed 4 years ago by bluegifts.