Have you ever made a fake GA?
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Yes, I have made a fake GA. I once made a giveaway for Middle-Earth: Shadow Of Mordor for a puzzle I created on April Fools' to fool (duh) people. I made sure to set it to end before the puzzle started, so people weren't able to enter though. :P
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And the best part was I had an actual giveaway running (not for that game, of course), so it was hilarious to see people's reactions. xD
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if by fake ga you mean deleting it before it's finished, you can do it as many times as slots you have.
you will only get blacklisted if someone notices it :3
and if you mean not delivering and getting a not-received mark, that's up to support. don't know how much they let people abuse SG's ToS.
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Deleting a GA before it ends happens to the best of us. When I first joined the site, I created a GA but for some reason the site created a duplicate, so I ended up with 2 GA's for the same game even though I created only 1. So of course, since I only had 1 copy to give, I asked for the duplicate to be deleted.
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and if you mean not delivering and getting a not-received mark, that's up to support. don't know how much they let people abuse SG's ToS.
You also lose slot for not-received mark, so having giveaway deleted or having giveaway marked not-received leads to the same thing IIRC.
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oh no! totally no...
I do that myslef. All the time. I just mean, if you wish to participate in a thread then say something, If you prefer to stalk anonymously from the shadows thath's all right, but if you don't want to talk why spam the poll?
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Responding in threads means blacklist drama and stalkers sharpening their knives nowadays
Polls are nice and anonymous
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hmm... Actually, you're right!
Thinking about it, for the long time I spent under my cyber-rock stalking forums, entering GAs and ocassionally making one myself with little to no interaction with other users I wasn't on many blacklists. Now that I've started more active participation in the community my BL count sky-rocketed! At this rate the ammount of ppl who hate me and outright ban me from their GAs may breach 100 by the end of the year! which would be like effectively quadrupleing itself over the course of 4 months
But you know what?
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Well I kinda posted this as a joke, as I was initially going to vote and run, but then I saw your comment. :) Also, about the voting and commenting--I don't see how one necessitates the other tbh…
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I didn't have much to add that hadn't already been said. Myself I could make about 230 fake giveaways before I ran out of slots, although I'd hope support would ban me before then. Usually if people are causing enough trouble they eventually get kicked up the support chain for a more severe punishment.
That said though, I do wish more people would give new users the benefit of the doubt. Yeah, a lot of them are doing it wrong - but I know I told my cousin about this place and they came and made a nice giveaway and got so much abuse they never came back. And there are other examples of new users actually making nice giveaways...
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Personally? I can make 70 fake giveaways if I want to. I'd lose all of my giveaway slots and get banned, but I still could. :P
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You just lose a GA slot for every GA marked as "not received" or those that you delete.
I actually created an invite-only GA once that was fake as an event preparation, but since nobody was able to enter and it didn't show up on the feed there was no harm done ;)
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Someone registers on this site; doesn't know how it works; thinks they get a free game and then move on after they see that's not how it works. How can that be prevented? What useful additional punishment should there be? That person has only one or two GA spots left. If they return they can either read the guidelines and start using this site properly or make another mistake and then be gone forever.
Unfortunately, seeing a bad intent (e.g. fake GA) in all of those AAA-GA's, made by new users, already cost this site some generous people, who just left, after their first giveaway had ended, because of the rude comments they had to face from this community.
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Since it's nothing very common and site breaking I don't see a reason why we should care so much. I've won fake giveaway once, it turned out some kid has used his older brother account to register on SG. Btw, do you care about all fake giveaways or only AAA titles?
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I care about none. It's just easier to spot the big ones.
I mean, you never know for sure, but if you have "registered 1 hour ago" and they make a cheap bundle GA with description like "hi it's my first gib I hope I won't mess it up" it seems way more legit then if they'd make triple A GA with no desc at all...
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How many fake GAs can you make?
I can make 119.
What are the penalties for making fake GAs?
Depends. Usually you just lose a slot. But if I make a 100 copy Dishonored 2 fake giveaway, I'd at least get blacklisted a lot. If support thinks I'm overdoing it, i might also get suspended for it.
Can you redeem yourself?
Ofc. Eventually.
Will we ever get rid of fake GAs?
When we get rid of all the giveaways.
What will I eat for breakfast?
Millet. Very healthy. Try it.
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mmm, OK, I could theoretically ask anyone else with potentially reasonable knowledge who already posted here, or I could just throw my question into the void and hope someone will answer it, but for no apparent reason I'm gonna bother you a little more if you don't mind :)
So, we know so far that you supposedly lose one GA slot for every fake GA you make, but you can redeem yourself by making more legit GAs to compensate for the fake ones. Now: can you drop to 0 slots? If so, how can you redeem yourself then?
btw, I prefer oats ;)
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Make puppy eyes to support and ask for more slots :)
People who accidently waste their first 3 are, as far as I know, always granted more upon request. Now, if I wasted my 119, I don't know if it will still be approved.
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It's exactly the same thing with scammers. They keep scamming people and they get no punishment. Same goes for fake giveaways too. They keep doing fake giveaways and they get no punishment. But c'est la vie. xD
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To be honest, I don't see how the two can be compared. Scammers are literally stealing from you, and all you lose in a fake giveaway is ... well ... free points?
Not saying they shouldn't be punished, but I'm also not sure how far I'd go considering the nature of the offense. Losing slots and gaining blacklists seems pretty fair to me. :X
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Well, I didn't want to compare what you end up losing. I wanted to show that none of them gets punished. About the things you lose, scamming is much more serious.
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none of them gets punished
wrong but whatever, I already know that trying to convince you otherwise would be a waste of time.
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Sorry, Tempete, I like support, I hope you know that. ;_; I just don't like what is happening on some parts of steamgifts and especially on trading. I see many scammers that keep posting trades, but I can't do anything to them. If I report them, it will take too much time till they get suspended, so they will have scammed a lot of people till then (so it would be too late by then). If I start warning people on their trade posts or -rep them (which would be shitty if I haven't even traded with them), I will get suspended or get revenge -rep. The trading system here isn't fair. :(
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So because you believe support doesn't do anything about the trading section, you think nothing is done about fake giveaways?
I don't trade, so I have no idea how things are handled over there (and don't really care, to be honest), but I don't think it's fair of you to assume nothing is done about fake giveaways based on your experiences in a completely different part of the site ...
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Ffs, I didn't mean to say that. xD I'm exaggerating, I know. People eventually get a punishment, that's probably too "light", but it takes a loooooooot of time to get it. So, that's my problem. :P Until they get punished, they will have created a lot more fake giveaways or they will have scammed many more people (depending on the situation).
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fake ga = lose slots, since they are usually new, they get stuck with 0 slots. bye forever.
scam = permaban
since it's way harder to prove someone scammed, the process is slower. support can't take proof lightly because it can be forged.
people always forget how easy is to fake a screenshot or even a video. remember scammers can also cover themselves by accusing traders.
and sg support isn't steamrep. they aren't focused on dealing with scams, they are here to keep giveaways running. that's the priority.
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You are forgetting there's the steamtrades section too. And since it's much more serious to get scammed, more support members should have the right to check out the tickets about scammers. And the more time support needs in order to check a ticket, the more people are getting scammed by the accused scammers. And to understand how much I hate scammers and how important I think it is to get them punished, I shall inform you that I consider that steam scammers are the same as real life thieves - it's still stealing, not matter if it's a digital or physical good.
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What? :O No trades? But it's a really famous trading site and a large number of users are trading through it. Plus, steamgifts reputation has become really important over the years. So, nooooo, never, we need the trades section. Tf2outpost and csgolounge aren't as good as the steamtrades section. ;_;
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I don't want to call out and I don't know if these giveaways are fake or if these people are just really generous, but I guess we will find out soon. I recently notice 3 giveaways for GTA 5 promoting a steam group and it was this user's first 3 giveaways. Then I just noticed another user posted 3 giveaways for Fallout 4 promoting the same group and it is his first 3 giveaways as well.
It is very unlikely that they will be sent, but I have the points to burn because I can't find enough games I am interested in to enter for so why not :)
If they are fake, I hope they get banned. I will be watching the giveaways after they end to see if they are sent.
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I always also check peoples' steam profiles. If someone is like steam lvl 200 with over 5k games in library they might be geniunely promoting their group I'm no stranger to promoting groups with GAs myself but if they are like lvl 5 with some freebies and counter strike, well...
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That's not enough, they would still be able to win. They should be banned for abusing the system to gain members in their groups. Thousands of people will probably join so they can enter for GTA 5 and Fallout 4, but they will never realize that the giveaways were fake and they will never think of leaving the group, they will just stay because they think they may get good giveaways again in the future.
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Yes, I realize anyone can win without giving, but I feel like they are abusing the site and it's user by lying and taking peoples points for fake giveaways in order to artificially inflate their steam group and I think they should be permanently banned for it. If they are not banned, they can have hundreds of members from their group come here and create 3 fake giveaways to try and increase the number of people in their group and it will work.
There are giveaways here all the time for good games where people ask that you join their group in order to enter and many people, including myself, join these groups to enter the giveaways. I am currently in 107 groups, I probably don't know what 80% of them are, but I don't really care. I joined for the chance at winning the "real" giveaways they created and some of the groups continue to post giveaways. I don't care that I joined just to get giveaways and not contribute in any way to the group because that is what these groups wanted. I won't join any of the "original" or "duck" groups though because I don't support what they do.
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Update: The 6 giveaways for GTA V and Fallout 4 have ended and both users have been permanently suspended.
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So I saw that GA I was going to link it but figured out since I have no proof that it's fake (yeah, GTA V, user registered just when it started and already have some GAs marked as non-recieved by winners) I should not "call out giveaway creator" and let it sit there hoping that by any chance it's real (I skipped spamming support with yet another ticket. It's GTA V, already has like 15k entries and has been there for 4 weeks. Somebody must have reported it already) that is most likely fake.
As it's usually the case, when I see GA too good to be true, I went on to visit creator's profile just to realise that despite having another GA marked as non recieved fake? they have another one running. That arisen the question I've put in the title. How many fake GAs can you make? What are the penalties for making fake GAs? Can you redeem yourself? Will we ever get rid of fake GAs? What will I eat for breakfast? And many other...
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